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Senior Nationals 2002


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
As I'm sure does Peg and now, Club I :D

Those are 2 pretty depressing results for BC soccer. What I'd like to know is how could the women not know that they were using an illegal player? Who is the BC Soccer Rep this year? One would think that it would be their job to go over the rules with a fine-tooth comb and consult with the two teams on any foreseeable problems.

I guess the hooch was too good :rolleyes:



New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money

I agree wholeheartedly but what does that have to do with the Senior Nationals 2002? Stick to the topic or risk being barred, curly. Consider this your first and only warning. I'm a super moderator, you know. Don't fcuk with me.

Go Gorge Go.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

Let me repeat myself:

Those are 2 pretty depressing results for BC soccer. What I'd like to know is how could the women or even fastshow for that matter, not know that they were using an illegal player? Who is the BC Soccer Rep this year?



The Teacher

New Member
May 12, 2002
Dirty Money
Thanks for your support

I do not know how the whole line-up thing got messed up for the girls. One girl got left off it and she scored... It will be a hard pill to swallow for them if they are out of the championships because of that.

And I would like to thank all the players who continually leave messages telling us that its about time we got our due and that their "heart bleeds" for us in our loss. Funny how the people who want to see us lose most are those who live in B.C.
Very classy boys.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
You Have Our Support!

I think people are just taking the piss. We wouldn't be Canadians and westerners if we didn't talk like that. That doesn't mean we still don't hate you, we do. ;)

It is funny how something like that can happen when we play in our local games with the officials checking the line up card and the photo ids before every game. I can remember being in the Burnaby Men's League final when I had to go to the referee rooms at Swanguard to go over the list. Whoops, that is a bad example, as I just now realize the officials didn't see the players, they only checked the list. If they did it in the nationals, that way, I could see the error.

If it was something as simple as not adding a players name who is eligible, then losing the game later, that is crap.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
And I would like to thank all the players who continually leave messages telling us that its about time we got our due and that their "heart bleeds" for us in our loss. Funny how the people who want to see us lose most are those who live in B.C.
Very classy boys.
Relax pal, it's not called TTP for nothing :rolleyes:


The Teacher

New Member
May 12, 2002
Dirty Money
It was a name left off the list - referee did not even check players at all. The protest was not even made by the other team, rather a member of the CSA (who happens to be from the sasketchewan staff - who is the 3rd team in their group). I'm amazed that this has happened - however, I think the girls will be ok in the end, as they just have to hope for sask. to beat PEI, and then they can take it to sask. themselves.

Yes I guess I got my feathers ruffled. It's tense here. I'll grab a screech, kiss a cod, and hopefully Quebec wins tonight.:cool:


New Member
Jul 5, 2001
Dirty Money
They interviewed the Newfie who scored the winning goal against Gorge this morning on Canada AM. He sounded pretty excted about beating the Gorge team they lost 1-0 to at last years Nationals. The only problem is I couldn't understand anything he said.:confused:


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
I think there are a few unwritten rules about BC Teams competing at a national championship. Given the circumstances, I believe it is an appropriate time to write them.

Rule #1. Don't lose to a province that has the word "Territory" attached to the end of it.

Rule #2. Don't lose to Nunavut either.

Rule #3. Losing to Maritime provinces will screw you in the group phase and is downright demoralizing, unless they have a cool sponsor like King of Donair.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Should have taken HOS and FB, on this Trip

Originally posted by Regs
What I'd like to know is how could the women or even fastshow for that matter, not know that they were using an illegal player? Who is the BC Soccer Rep this year?



The Rep last year was Mrs. Burkinshaw, Lindsy's mother, but I don't know if she went this year. What can she do, if a player was left of the list.
I feel bad for the girls, Danny, and who ever made that BIG mistake on the players list.

I bet it was the girls who scored the last goal, she probably got on to give her a little time at the nationals.

FB and/or HOS would have found take mistake, even after a night out at the Hospitality Suite.

KISS the COD, is that what they call picking up pigs at the bar back there.


Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Shedding some light

I've spent the last 24 hours working on this from here in Vancouver. Let me shed some light on the issue so that you can understand how whacked this all is.

The pre-competition meeting was held at 7:30 Thursday morning. Burnaby's game was at 10:00am. When the meeting was over the coach rushed over to the game and gave the gamesheet to one of his assistants to fill out - quickly. She did that and gave the sheet to the 4th official. The coach didn't check it thoroughly.

In any case one of the players was left off. Simple as that, a clerical error.

However, the SASK rep had a problem with this and from all accounts decided that the three points should go to PEI. Keeping in mind that Sask is in our group.

Here's our problems with this...

1. The player in question was eligible because she was on our credentials list, which according to the rules is supposed to be the only document that matters. It is our contention that the gamesheet is nothing more than a stat sheet.

2. The Sask rep, who was supported by the committee, says that the gamesheet is an integral part of the competition. Never mind the fact that they haven't been available at all games - and that Sask didn't turn theirs in until halftime today vs. PEI. The referees don't check these, because the tournament rosters are submitted prior to the tournament.

3. PEI didn't protest. Saskatchewan's rep did. He's not allowed to do that according to the rules. Even if he is, he's only given 1 hour to do so, and it took several hours.

4. All of the reasons they gave us for the decision are based on unwritten rules. To this point, nobody involved with the original decisions or the rejection of our appeal can tell us what rule was broken.

We have contacted the president of the CSA and asked him to get involved. For the record, he appears to see our point. If he can do anything remains to be seen.

Adding to the lunacy is that the girls were venting and talking about running the score up against Saskatchewan tomorrow (and anyone else they are going to play from now on). Some coach overheard them venting and reported it. This Sask rep, who must head the committee or something, wrote a letter saying that if such conduct continued the team would be fined, as it's against the rules to run up the score. (?!) Again, no such rule. Must be another unwritten one. CSA must be short of money if they can't afford to print all the rules.

Obviously, this is upsetting. PEI knows they didn't deserve to win. In any case, if this stands they get to go to the semis by virtue of their win over SASK this morning. I can understand if a rule was broken but there wasn't; it was just a simple mistake on a scoresheet. This is a national competition and frankly the whole thing is bush.

Keep you informed of what's happening. Hopefully we can get this turned around before Sunday (date of the semis).



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Good Luck, Fat B.

For all the reasons you have clearly stated, this loss for the BC team is wrong. It sounds as if it is simply a stat sheet if you have already submitted an official list.

If it is any consolation for the coaches, it has happened also in professional sports, the Canucks as one example. You may recall that the Canuck assistants (Stan Smyl) left a player (I forget the player) off the team's line up card and moments before the puck dropped, the League notified the Canucks that the guy couldn't play that night as they missed the submission deadline for the team list. It was something like that but definitely, the coaches made an error.

Good luck to the team in having the CSA make a common sense ruling. Is that an oxymoron - common sense and the CSA?


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
As if Saskachewan had a chance too.

Prince Edward Island - 4 Saskatchewan - 2

How did they get to represent their province anyways?

Less combine accidents than other teams.

I know,....I'm going to hell

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