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So Uber. Have you yet?


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Vancouver is one of the last hold out markets. Uber is all over the place and finding its way, refining what it is and isn't. Like many things, when there is a new technology, the clock gets set back to zero. This isn't going away. It may shift a little, but it is here to stay.

Did you know the inventor of the digital watch was actually a Swiss guy who worked in a Swiss watch making factory? The bosses told him (with a heavy Swiss accent), "that is not what people want in a watch." So, he went to Japan and made a fortune.

How many of you are still longing for the Blockbuster video stores that charged you late fees on the shitty "new release" video that had been sitting on the wall for 3 years?

Completely missing the point. I'm happy for Uber to operate. Agree that the taxi industry needs significant overhaul. Agree further that the public would be better served with more options.

What I don't and will never agree with is one set of rules for the old taxi companies, and another set of rules for the new taxi companies. That's not ok no matter how self-satisfied you are that you can get a quick lift to BC Place and stick it to Yellow Cab in the process...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
Completely missing the point. I'm happy for Uber to operate. Agree that the taxi industry needs significant overhaul. Agree further that the public would be better served with more options.

What I don't and will never agree with is one set of rules for the old taxi companies, and another set of rules for the new taxi companies. That's not ok no matter how self-satisfied you are that you can get a quick lift to BC Place and stick it to Yellow Cab in the process...

Uber is not a taxi company. They are a software company enabling ride share. 2 different things with 2 different rules.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
@mtkb Thank you for clearing that up. I don't even usually drink sugary drinks. I just did a 3 day juice cleanse and now know the truth. But, just how are we going to convince the rest of the world about this injustice?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
The rest of the world cares about:
1. Getting a taxi when they call for one, or try to hail one.
2. Having a price they can agree upon.
3. Not having a shitty experience.

That's it.

They don't give two flying fcuks about the commercial legalities, especially for an industry that has been having their way for too long.

The world of Ride Share is not exclusive to horrible ride experiences, far from it. The "bad taxi experience" stories out here are numerous. FFS, the last time I got in a cab out here, I sat down in a green cloud curry bomb as the South Asian dude had just cracked one off prior to me opening the door. For the next few block we argued about how it's poor for to drop a bomb. He offered to pull over and let me out, I accepted. he tried to charge me, I told him to eat a dick, and surprise surprise I could not find a cab, walked my way across DT Vancouver. Not a big deal, it's a small city, just not exactly what I needed in hurry when it was really cold. Made it work, and enjoyed the fresh, albeit, very cold air.

I can imagine Ride Share drivers also fart, in which case I can imagine the same conversation transpiring. At least I'll be able to give a rating and reason for low rating. "Driver has bad gas", for example. Something I could not do with the cabbie.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
@mtkb Thank you for clearing that up. I don't even usually drink sugary drinks. I just did a 3 day juice cleanse and now know the truth. But, just how are we going to convince the rest of the world about this injustice?

well, London has just punted them. that's a good start in my books...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
Aside from my 2 hard stories with Uber, I have also had some of the best experiences with really great people who did it part time. I also like that I can see the individual's customer ratings, the kind of car, and what they look like. Oh yeah, the cost of a taxi to my old boss' place in Scottsdale from the airport was always $85. On Uber, it was between $32-$40 in a nice sedan. Oh, and for the record, no taxi EVER has offered me a bottle of water. My overall customer experience is much more favorable with Uber. IMO, they are a very welcomed shake up to what has been a closed oligopoly that has done its mighty best to keep out all competition aside from metro buses.

I gotta go, my wife just made some fresh Tang.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Aside from my 2 hard stories with Uber, I have also had some of the best experiences with really great people who did it part time. I also like that I can see the individual's customer ratings, the kind of car, and what they look like. Oh yeah, the cost of a taxi to my old boss' place in Scottsdale from the airport was always $85. On Uber, it was between $32-$40 in a nice sedan. Oh, and for the record, no taxi EVER has offered me a bottle of water. My overall customer experience is much more favorable with Uber. IMO, they are a very welcomed shake up to what has been a closed oligopoly that has done its mighty best to keep out all competition aside from metro buses.

I gotta go, my wife just made some fresh Tang.

This is a great point. You are bang on, and I've conveniently forgotten about some of the extra things you may get from an Uber driver. A bottle of water after a flight is nice to have. Often times, on the way to the airport more critical because we've just lit it up the night before. Being able to pick your car is a great touch. Again, for me, I'm an easy button guy and I'll take a cab if it happens to be outside, empty, and able to take me where I want to go...but in Vancouver...come on. I'll try Uber this weekend, in town for an event where we have to go from DT, Port Moody, and back. Will advise.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Share economy has many upsides...we just don't tend to think about consumer protections until we need them. Fortunately the majority of users never experience situations where negligence, etc. leaves them out of pocket for expenses or injuries and need to seek compensation. With a taxi or hotel company, there is a corporation to go after it indemnify losses. With Uber, etc. the argument is that each operator is a sole proprietor. So if the guy cannot compensate you for your losses, there is no one else (ie the company that "employs" him) to turn to.

It does not even need to be a stalking or sexual assault or other extreme example that are cropping up with Uber drivers. Consider a scenario where you want a ride to the airport and the driver gets lost along the way or maybe even you get into an argument along the way about music or political views or farts or whatever and for one or more of these reasons you miss your flight. The airfare was non refundable so now not only are you out that money, but you need to book another flight and maybe the next one costs three times the price. Plus the next flight isn't for two days so you have to pay for a hotel, plus you are out the days you have already paid for at your resort, etc. All of a sudden you are out thousands of dollars.

If you took a taxi you would likely have recourse. There are various taxi "bills of rights" that mandate they cannot throw you out, etc. The cab company that employs him is vicariously liable so you don't need to know who the driver was personally and how to find him, you can sue the cab company (or they may have policies governing these types of situations to allow you to recover your expenses). If its an Uber driver, Uber says you cannot go after them and, further, you would likely have issues compelling them to reveal the details about the driver that you need to bring an action against (like his full name, where he lives, etc.). Plus what if the guy has no assets and cannot compensate you? Then you are SOL anyway...

It even applies to simple things like getting in an accident. If you are in a cab, you deal with the cab company and their insurance, etc. If it is an Uber you have to take on the driver and his personal insurance. What if he is under insured? What if the insurance company breaches his insurance for any number of reason and he has to remunerate you himself? Then we are back to this no assets scenario.

If you have 25 minutes CBC Fifth Estate did a decent piece a year and a half ago on some of the challenges ride sharing poses:

Also, just today AirBnB announced new restrictions because local users were basically renting houses for parties etc. or, in this extreme case, criminal activity:

Again, for the most part I think increased competition and supply in a market where there is clearly demand is a good thing. However, when things go bad, sometimes being able to give "no stars" is not quite the compensation you are looking for...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Sure. Whatever. If a cap fcuks up on the way to the airport I can guaran-fcukin-tee you aren't getting recourse. Good luck with that. You will be trying to pull teeth from one mouth as opposed to a different mouth.

Again, be available, be clean, don't fart, get me where I want to go at a price I'm OK with. I bet 99% of folks fall into following those pillars when figuring out cab or Uber.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Sure. Whatever. If a cap fcuks up on the way to the airport I can guaran-fcukin-tee you aren't getting recourse. Good luck with that. You will be trying to pull teeth from one mouth as opposed to a different mouth.

Again, be available, be clean, don't fart, get me where I want to go at a price I'm OK with. I bet 99% of folks fall into falling those pillars when figuring out cab or Uber.
Fully agree. As I said, I have taken Uber/Lyft with no problems all over the world.

But with a cab company at least there is someone to haul into court if something goes wrong. Share economy is essentially unregulated, which is a potential minefield of issues. I know we all exist in a world of TL;DR, but if you have half an hour to kill that Fifth Estate piece offers some good perspective.

Also, just a heads up for your weekend plans, I am genuinely not sure if you can take an Uber to PoMo. Pretty sure the drivers are very geographically restricted at the minute and have to stay in Vancouver/authorized municipalities...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Good to know on weekend plans. Cab will likely refuse to drive to Pomo, so I'm fcuked.

Anyways, life is way to short for overthink things like who I'm going to sue if shite goes sideways. If it's an issue that in my mind I need legal council, there is more than enough insurance coverage for me to go after, no matter who is driving. If it's an airline ticket, I'm just not going to spend my time chasing my tail on something small and ultimately inconsequential. If you have ever had to try and sue someone, you know what I mean. it has to be big for me to even bother going down that road.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
If it's an issue that in my mind I need legal council, there is more than enough insurance coverage for me to go after, no matter who is driving.

This is the point I am trying to get at (and @mtkb too I think...)

What happens if the guy is under insured? Or just flat out uninsured? Or if it turns out he was drunk and this breaches his insurance? Or if some other technicality gets the insurance company out of paying and leaves the driver to bear the responsibility himself?

If he has no assets (home, etc.) then you are getting nothing at all.

This is one of the reasons why ICBC made Uber drivers all get Class 4 licenses. Technically, if you operate an Uber with a Class 5, your insurance is void. So if you get in an accident and people are injured you are liable, not the insurance company meaning there may be nothing for the victims to recover (if you have no assets).

In any of the above situations, if there is a taxi company (employer) you can go after them. Per Uber, they are a software company, do not try to look to them to compensate you for your losses.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
Fair enough. About #8652 on the list of things I concern myself with. Right after #8651, how to reduce my hat size.

Basically when your head is over inflated you need a larger hat, so when you come to terms that Langley is better without you, you will fit in a smaller hat.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
Well he does think highly of himself in a lot of different areas creating that swollen heed of his.

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