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Team 1040


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
It is becoming apparent that the Team is struggling to find decent on-air personalities to fill their slots.

Thankfully, they're running a lot of syndicates from Sporting News Radio, and the three-hour Romey bit which runs nationally in the US.

Anybody actually listen to the station? I allude to Jinky's comments on the stale wafer that is the morning show.....just an awful collection of on-air 'talent' starting with John "The Least" Connors. Thankfully they put C-Ball out of his misery and gave him the proverbial fish-hook. Now he can concentrate on working in the remaining 534 unworn turtleneck sweaters to his nightly Score telecasts. He was so bloody awful - I recall one particular segment where Connors and Cybulski were deeply entrenched in an argument over which snack - nachos or fried chicken - was the superior sports food. "You gotta go with the dirty bird, bay-bee!" Give me a fcuking break. I think they were culling Martha Stewart and The View in search of hot debate topics for their morning show.

Pratt and Mojo aren't bad. Somehow Mojo has compiled a pretty decent blackbook of sports personalities, and he can land some interesting guests from time to time. Crap, he had Phil Sims on a week before the SuperBowl last January. That's not bad. Their three-hour show is probably the best thing the station has going for it. Pratt comes into our hotel bar half-cut all the time and lands some pretty sweet cougars, so I respect him for that, if nothing else.

"McKeech" is a bumbling fool but he pulls in better guests (hockeywise) than anybody else on the station. He's got a nasty stuttering problem and tells way too many stories that go nowhere, but if you're into weekly BCHL updates and lots of funny Howie Meeker tales, he's got something to offer.

But, as far as quality goes, the imported syndicates seem to be the best thing going for 1040. Kevin Wheeler is excellent, although a little too keen on college football and the University of Miami.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Sensei you are a cracker.

Now get us(me and you) the morning show.

In case the programmers haven't noticed, Sensei has a clue and I know how to crystalyze it. Funnily, if that is a word.

And if it isn't, who in Saskatchewan cares?


New Member
Aug 23, 2001
Dirty Money

The Team is lacking something, Peter Schaad is getting better on the morning show but I want to know how Brooke Ward hasnt gotten his own show?
He would be a great morning guy or a guy to go head to head with that idiot Russell...

Why dont the team have a call in show in the evening and run Dan right out of town...

I do agree also about McKeech, he has the best guests and talks only hockey, but it is sometimes painful listening to him and all his equipment problems... lol ... John its not that difficult...

I think the best interview as far as hockey goes is John Davidson, love listening to that guy...

Get alittle tired of all the American programs and HATE Gallagher as a writer and a radio guy.. couldnt they find anyone better????

what the hell am I doing up at 4:15???


Active Member
Dec 1, 2001
Dirty Money

I dont know for sure Sandman, but it was something to do with the picture in the Province of Julie Bertuzzi.

I heard what Todd said, he said he was going down to Team 1040 him self.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Yeah, I read the same thing in the paper... he said something about Bert's wife who's pic was in the paper.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
I don't know what Connor's said either but that picture of Julie Bertuzzi does reflect what many of us have encountered in our married lives. The look she was directing toward Bertuzzi is the same look that Mrs. Shamrock gives the Captain when he is deciding if he should order another Guinness from the waitress with the thong display. Yikes, I'm shaking thinking about it.


Nov 11, 2002
Dirty Money

too right, too much American content.... anybody else think Jim Rome (sp?) is a self-absorbed wanker...Gallagher has the perfect face for radio and a voice for a mime act...and Conners...lets just keep pissing off the only legit professional team in town! Yup, they just have way too many quality guests to have to worry about Canuck interviews. Burke shoulda let Bertuzzi go down there, THAT would have been an interview!



New Member
Aug 23, 2001
Dirty Money
The Beast

I believe he said he wanted to "do" her, and given the history of the Canucks and The Team, not the best thing to do...

Conners is done on the team!


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: 1040.....

Originally posted by Lupoman
...and Conners...lets just keep pissing off the only legit professional team in town! Yup, they just have way too many quality guests to have to worry about Canuck interviews.

I agree with this, to a point. What Connors said probably wasn't the brightest comment of all time, but to put things in perspective, it probably wasn't far off what the majority of 1040's rapidly-growing listenership was thinking as well. I don't understand why a guy nicknamed "The Beast" who works on a morning sports radio jock/talk show is suddenly being held to different standards than the callers who all probably discussed nailing Bert's wife over Tim Horton's coffee that same AM. Like you get a radio gig and suddenly you're responsible for maintaining the moral upkeep of the city. If you talk about banging the Province's GlamGirl, you're alright, but run some smack about the pic of Bert's wife on the adjoining page and suddenly you're an asshole.

He's not the fcuking Pope.

It never fails to amaze me how so overly protective we are of the lone sports franchise in this city. Connors is probably the only guy with few enough brain cells to actually blast this stuff off, but at least he's not lining up to teabag Brian Burke like every other syncophant reporter in Vancouver. Of course, in a one-trick pony town that gets you the ol' blackball pretty quick, and he did kinda fcuk over his station in the process. Plus, Connors is a pretty big moron. If he had said what he said in a more subtle tone, or didn't already have a pretty rocky relationship with the team for slagging Linden earlier in the year (oops, there he went, having an opinion again), he may have gotten off the hook. But its not like anybody is going to miss the guy.

But I'll tell you what. That radio station isn't going anywhere, regardless of how many idiotic bans Burkie and his cronies put on it. This city is hockey-crazy, and 1040 is the only place where regular joes can pop off about the Canucks all day long. Burke is a cranky old fcuk but he knows that any publicity, positive or negative, is good for the franchise. Gotta keep the fans interested.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
This city is hockey-crazy, and 1040 is the only place where regular joes can pop off about the Canucks all day long.
I'm pretty sure you could do it here as well if you can get past the moron Hab fans :eek:




New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
So what if they can't get interviews with Canucks players.

What good is access to those players if the most difficult questions you may ask them is "so how is the sore ankle coming along?"

Your station may as well be owned by Orca Bay if you conform to a list of questions pre-approved by Brian Burke.

1040's biggest problem is their on-air talent or lack thereof. Nevermind the fact that they will never be able to wrestle live games away from NW. Jim Rome is the best thing on the station because he is funny. Anyone can read a bunch of different newspaper's sports sections and regurgitate opinions but if you want people to listen to someone do that on a radio station, you've got to hire people who are funny. Not a single person on the 1040 payroll is the slightest bit amusing. Except of course, the clown who hires bums like Cybulski, Conners et al.


Nov 11, 2002
Dirty Money

As always Sensei, you see the truth where other do not. Too true, ya gotta keep the fans entertained, but given 1040's history with the 'Nucks , the reaction that came from 'Nuckland is not too surprising. I still think Burke shoulda let Bertuzzi go down to the station....woulda kept me entertained!


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
The biggest moron on the fcuking station is Fcukhead Pratt. He contradicts himself all the time. The second someone calls him on it he responds with

"That's not what I'm saying. What I'm trying to say is..."

He is always trying to fcuking say something but he never does. Mojo is a fcuking moron who is more interested in the Sammy J. Peppers' girls. "Perky." I really don't know why I listen to the station, but I do. They do have some decent guest on once in awhile(take Lenarduzzi for example :rolleyes: ), and I don't mind listening to Gallagher(despite his annoying voice) because he usually is straight-up. As for Connors, I knew who he was before going on air, so I didn't mind what he was doing. He didn't know a lot about the sports but at least he said what he believed. Ultimately, it was because of 'shoot from the hip' approach that he was fired, but at least he can say he didn't lick any of the big brasses asses, like all the other baffoons on the station(Cybalski was the worst for that btw). Lee Powell is a zombie and I don't know much about the new guy.

Adios muchachos :rolleyes:

BTW, Pratt is a fat fcuking pig who has never played a sport in his life. He always claims to understand what the athletes are going through, yet couldn't compete in my grade 10 gym class. That is saying a lot.

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