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The Bald Macedonian Referee (Rubin?)


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I feel its high time we, united as one, email and confront the league about this referee.

He began officiating in the lower mainland in late 2009 in the FVSL. After the 2009/2010 season, he was kicked out of the FVSL for his refereeing conduct.

The VMSL picked him up this year for the 2010/2011 season.

I feel he is good at judging a foul and the rules of the game, but he is absolutely atrocious in his handling of cards. From conversations I have had with other team officials, everything I have read on TTP, and my own first-hand experience this season, he issues around 9 cards a game (1 of which is usually red). Hence, he is putting a team at a disadvantage every game.

I have talked to one of the refereeing officials at BCSA regarding this, but the response I got was that the teams must adapt to the referee. Even though it is clear that the number of cards he issues is way out of proportion compared to other referees (more than double!).

Is this a players problem or a referee problem?

We all have no issues with Walks, Rene, Uppal, and many others who can keep the cards in their pocket and at the same time keep control of the game. Why can't the Macedonian referee do the same?

It has become so bad that I heard teams actually contemplating forfeiture of meaningless games if he is refereeing; just to protect players from suspensions from Imperial & Provincial cup games.

This is not about a referee's judgment of calls. I will not go there. It is about the number of ticky-tack cards he issues that is costing teams games, players playing time, and all of us money.

I want all of the officials from all the clubs to stand up and tell the VMSL that we do not want this referee to officiate us any longer.

Please if someone still has club emails, we can get this going.

fat monkey

Active Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Had The Macedonian Maniac twice last year and while both games had their "unusual" aspects - such as him running 30 yards across the field while a throw in was about to take place on the far side and telling warming up players on the near sidelines that they weren't allowed to pass a ball back and forth :confused: - we received zero cards as a team in either game. Both teams we played against however, were less fortunate. In fact, one team had two reds in the game. Both appeared to be deserved, but were a bit harsh.

Sorry, but I agree that you have to adapt to the referee. We did.

Do I like his refereeing style? No. Do I want him lynched, drawn and quartered (before being burned at the stake for being a Wiccan)?

Actually, that might be kind of fun.;)

The Apprentice

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
We have two of our better players suspended for 4 games each in the Provincial Cup thanks to this idiot. He lost total control of the provincial cup game we had vs Peace Arch. Me and him were close to getting into a fist fight. I would never hit a referee but considering he is a Wiccan It might have been acceptable. I also agree he should be burned at the stake.



Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
Funny thing, I've had him a couple of times when he reffed in the FVSL and I thought he was great. A little overzealous at times, like when he would make you go to center to enter the field on a sub, but we never had card problems in our games with him because we'd just do what he said. If he said shut up, you shut up, and if you didn't he would card you. We found it easy to have him since we knew not to argue with him.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
He needs to change.

We had him last year in our cup semi final... our best defender got red for verbal jousting with another player from the Fraser Valley Red Devils who lost one of their strikers for the Cup Final... All over a few f bombs exchanged by players who then both get reds, in the last 5 minutes of a game that was over for all intents and purposes. They just shrugged their shoulders and shook hands and walked off the field. No pushing, no shoving, no foul, just normal everyday banter with a few colorful words mixed in.

overzealous and egotistical are the best two words to describe him.

he does an excellent job of officiating the game, but he needs to understand that this is amateur recreational soccer and not the World Cup or Champions League.

His over the top carding and ticky tacking of substitution rules, throw ins, having pinnies or contrasting colours on the subs at the bench etc is horrendous.

Also funny and worth noting: His telling me he was a pro referee back in Europe and that that was something that should mean something to me when i went to talk with him pregame to do our ID Checks and pay him his $30...nutcase & egomaniac for sure.

Why do we all get along fine with the other officials and it's always a mess with him?

Glad the Valley gave him the boot, sorry VMSL that you have him now. I do wish the other officials that know what we're all about had his ability to officiate and see the game(he might be the best), but he just doesn't get "it"


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Funny thing, I've had him a couple of times when he reffed in the FVSL and I thought he was great. A little overzealous at times, like when he would make you go to center to enter the field on a sub, but we never had card problems in our games with him because we'd just do what he said. If he said shut up, you shut up, and if you didn't he would card you. We found it easy to have him since we knew not to argue with him.

It's weird that we all have such a problem that this guy actually applies the rules of the game. I agree to a fault with the stuff he picks at such as coming on at center only once the player is off the pitch and no passing the ball on the sideline etc. It is amatuer local soccer and really we don't need to hand out cards for stuff like that. however what a lot of local teams/players don't realize is how many tackles are actually straight red cards by the letter of the law. Now it often goes without even a card in FVSL anyways. This guy plain and simple calls the game to the extreme perhaps, guys need to be given some room to play the game. I still rather see the players protected against the idiots then the idiots allowed to foul 8 or 9 times before they are MAYBE tossed. That is what is happening now unfortunatly.

The Poco v PAU game you speak of, Poco came out like a bunch of hacks out to send a message about the cup final embarrassment. This ref decided to send a message because he lined the cup final, which quite frankly should have had 2 red cards in itself. one for Jimmy I believe throwing a punch and one for the tackle at the end of the game which led to the PK. Cloughie also should have been tossed for screaming profanities, some old lady next to me asked who is that man, I responded "only our league president."
Would Andy or Uppal have handled it the same way, no of course not but that doesn't mean red card tackles should be ignored so the game can remain competitive. I don't think the guy should be handing out all the other yellow cards for the minor technical infractions but play a skill game and you will come off okay. What I am saying is I like to give lengthy posts that don't really come to any conclusion.


Active Member
May 31, 2010
Dirty Money
That guy has moved to Canada a couple of years ago. He is still not used to certain
"vocabulary" that is often used among Canadians. He will simply show a red card if he hears somebody using a word "Fcuk!" It looks to me as one of those cultural differences (although I cannot believe that Macedonians are not swearing).

It is interesting that I have not heard complaints about his calls on the field but a lot of people are complaining about the number of yellow and red cards. The fact is that most of these cards relate to verbal issues (foul language among the players).

If he otherwise makes good calls on the field (and I watched one game in which he was really good with the exception that he was showing cards too often) than he should be accepted as he is. The players should keep quiet and see how it goes.


Aug 8, 2007
Dirty Money
Cloughie also should have been tossed for screaming profanities, some old lady next to me asked who is that man, I responded "only our league president."
Another cheap shot at poor Cloughie:mad:, I'm sure other people may have said some BAD words during that game, just wondering? By the way the OLD lady was the Refs MOM! If I'd have known she was moanin she would have got a mouthful as well....I must have missed the memo that the MENS game has no swearing in the vicinity of matches anymore? Fcuk that, there's nothing like calling someone a CNUT at random during a game....:p

No need to debate this REF for much longer hez on his way out, FVSL - GONE! College/University - GONE! VMSL - tick tick tick Come on RUBEN do the right thing! Like I predicted in October when he ruined a game for Sapperton (2 REDS and 7 Yellows vs. Columbus) the VMSL will only do something about him when the big boys get pissed off, has he upset MF and SU yet?:cool:


New Member
Sep 11, 2007
Dirty Money
Another cheap shot at poor Cloughie:mad:, I'm sure other people may have said some BAD words during that game, just wondering? By the way the OLD lady was the Refs MOM! If I'd have known she was moanin she would have got a mouthful as well....I must have missed the memo that the MENS game has no swearing in the vicinity of matches anymore? Fcuk that, there's nothing like calling someone a CNUT at random during a game....:p

No need to debate this REF for much longer hez on his way out, FVSL - GONE! College/University - GONE! VMSL - tick tick tick Come on RUBEN do the right thing! Like I predicted in October when he ruined a game for Sapperton (2 REDS and 7 Yellows vs. Columbus) the VMSL will only do something about him when the big boys get pissed off, has he upset MF and SU yet?:cool:

Lol.....Too funny. I don't mind swearing Cloughie :)........As for the MF and SU getting this guy......not a friggan chance! If that happened, there would be a chance of cards and suspensions for them.....Ruben and Willi wouldn't want that........


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
If he otherwise makes good calls on the field (and I watched one game in which he was really good with the exception that he was showing cards too often) than he should be accepted as he is. The players should keep quiet and see how it goes.

He does make the right call, but he usually follows it up with a yellow or red.
As for goonery because no cards are issued: Go watch Walks & Rene - no goons, complete control of the game, few if not zero cards, and loads of respect for referee & player.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Interesting enough, I have received 6 emails from Premier clubs on this guy today. I would love to package them together and send the collage to the league. But I'll just draft up a letter and go from there.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
No need to debate this REF for much longer hez on his way out, FVSL - GONE! College/University - GONE! VMSL - tick tick tick Come on RUBEN do the right thing!

Well I know he reads this. And Ruben is the PRESIDENT. Lets see if he takes the reins and does the right thing here. Don't listen to Azzi, Ruben - lets just get it done.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Apparently his name is Ruben Smilev and he reads TTP. So I hope he takes to heart what most are saying here:
You know your stuff and you call a great game. BUT LEAVE THE CARDS IN YOUR POCKET!!!!
Talk to the players and get them to respect you by respecting them. Give a warning sometimes and stop throwing the cards around in the last 20 minutes like a cop behind on his weekly ticket quota.

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