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The New DCS Dart Night.

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Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Double In and One Dart,

Get your asses down to the Landing now, as I am leaving at this exact moment. See you there.



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
The records now. Reports and piss takes tomorrow. (and there is plenty. :D)

Double In 5-2
Whirlwind 5-2 (shoc-king)
One Dart 5-3
Tilly 3-1
Dart Vader 2-2
Naturhull 2-2
Pom 2-4
Power 2-5
Brave Dart 1-6 (thank for coming :D )


New Member
Aug 15, 2002
Dirty Money
Well Well

O what a night early Aug 2003 what a very special time for me ooo what a lady what a night:wa: I tell yu the bird in blue GET YOUR TITS OUT FOR THE LADS LUV..What a performance from the one and only Whirlwind.5-2 Lost an unlucky one to the power.And DI for some reason thinks he thrashed me ye sure:D Just shows yu what a little focus can do,or ten pints of beer:p I would like to say well done DI for all your hard work on the ts and the site.Just goes to show you do fcuck all at work mate.:knvb:

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
The Captain wasn't able to post last night. :D :wa: :wa: ....

To the festivities.....I started by beating One Dart and The Power in two poorly played games and then played the plonker known as Whirlwind. His etiquette was nothing less than diabolical. He beat me with the infamous S1 D7 finish. His math skills are getting worse. He was aiming for D15 and of course hit the S15. So this would leave him with 15 which my 5 year-old daughter could figure out. He had one dart and was going to throw it but he decided to make a trip to the calculator to figure this last algebraic expression:rolleyes: out. He didn't use the calculator, got frustrated, and threw his last fcuking dart into the wall on purpose, leaving himself with 15 fcuking points.

Of course, I was struggling to finish thanks to the fcuking finishing chart. T15, D6 my ass. I hit the T15 with the first dart and then hit a single 6 on my 3rd dart, leaving me with double 3. That is the worst double to hit, unless you're Sidwinder because it is a natural drop for him. Anyway, he eventually hit the S1 and D7 and I'm pretty sure he pinched a loaf when he screamed....YYEEESSSSSS. He was staring me down worse than Mike Tyson. I feared for my life for a brief moment. I think Whirlwind is on steroids and there should be a new drug policy implemented in the near future. The man is a danger to society with calculating skills that poor. Congrats on your win, Plonker, I guarantee you I will stuff you next time.

I finished with a better game against Bravedart and won. There were no skunkings while I was there last night. BTW, I thought our new members name was Dart Vader . 'Fats' just doesn't cut it. Sorry. You've done a great job organizing things, Double In, and all the lads appreciate it. Well done.



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Thanks Whirlwind. It's quality people, much like yourself, working in the back that make my job so easy. :rolleyes: 5-2 and I did kick Whirlytits ass. 126 points last night was a fair sized thrashing. I also gave him a giant "YYYYEEESSSS" shout like the one he gave Tilly. Two wrongs do make a right. :D Strategy was key last night with Tilly and OD having set themselves up nicely for next week, myself for the week after. Whirlwind, you're fcuked! A career night that I'm betting will come back and haunt you in the weeks to come. I hope you keep can keep it up. It's lonely on top. :D

Is it possible the DCS has out grown it's surroundings? 9 members showed last night and a usually very reliable Sidewinder wasn't present. Rigamortis(sp) was setting in while I waited for my next game. It's really no surprise that everyone's quality was way down. (hence Whirlwinds score) I'm thinking of putting up 4 boards in my garage and picking up a keg of beer and having dart night there. Something needs to be done.

Solid Cricket match last night too, with my regular partner leaving early in hopes of a shag. Pom and I were edged out by BD and Power in a very toight match with several lead changes and Bulls to make up the points. Scarry, but it was allot of fun.

The girl in blue was fan-fcuking-tastic.
I can't help but notice who had the best winning percentage last night
But in the new league it's all about points. As in my 5 vs. your 3 :knvb:


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money
One of the many ........

Crac-king start :D. Gives new meaning to the motto 'These Guys Are Shoc-king'


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Uneven cheese distribution .........

Fcuk sakes man ......... sort out the cheese

the power

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Congratulations to Whirldwind on successfully completing his anger management program. The dividends you will reap from that far outweigh any short term successes on the ochre. Kudos, my friend. Kudos.

As for your unlucky loss to me, what exactly was unlucky? Your abhorrent ability to add? The fact I was up by over 100 until your fluke 101 on your last throw? Or the fact that you didn't even have a chance to finish? I'll be on my computer most of the afternoon eagerly awaiting the response. Take your time though, I wouldn't want to break you away from fulfilling the toner needs of your customers. "Hi, this is WW, have I got a deal for you...".

As for the rest of the night, ab-so-fcuk-ing horrendous. The three positives I can take away from it are:
1. Bonus points aplenty next week on all the bottom feeders who somehow managed to throw a kink in my march to glory. Much akin to Lance Armstrong's performance in the Tour de France. Many will try, many will fail.
2. The fact that Bravedart and myself have resolved our differences and become a high octane darting machine.
3. The chica in the blue top. Sadly, her flash will only exist in my head.:(

A hearty DCS welcome to Dart Vader, thanks for the nachos and the win.

Thanks also to Double In (and Regs) for all the hard work in setting up the website and getting the shirts. Mine will be officially monogrammed sometime this afternoon. Thanks also to One Dart for paying for it.:D


New Member
Aug 15, 2002
Dirty Money
You See

Well power as far as our match i have no excuse??Only i believe i was already 4-0 at that point and feeling well a little sleepy with the lack of quality competitors..And as far as my many in your face shouting and screaming.Well it is to bad the rest rest of you can not enjoy it as much as i. Most of yu bloody lot are to busy bitching and moaning about the bloody cheese distribution of the nachos than concentrating on the task at hand..:wa: :wa: I tell yu like playing with a buch of bloody old washer woman.. :D :


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Most of yu bloody lot are to busy bitching and moaning about the bloody cheese distribution of the nachos than concentrating on the task at hand
Amazing. That's the second time in one day Whirlwind has made me laugh and this time it's not for his shoc-king spelling. :D

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
There was no cheese on the second batch, so distribution was moot . I only complain about the fcuking onions. Could someone please have the courtesy to order a cnuting plate of nachos WITHOUT the fcukers. Thanks.


You keep doing your job with the point system and I will keep track of who has the BEST winning percentage. Isn't that how baseball is determined and that sport has as much movement as darts?

Tilly 75%
KNVB 71%
WW 71%


One Dart

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Weren't there some other pictures taken last night Walks? Surely my single start and the plate of nachos weren't the only ones worth posting. I was sure I took a "cracker" pic at the end of the night.

As for the darts, I struggled in the beginning losing a poorly played match to Tilly before rebounding against DI. I thought that things were on the up and up at that point when I lost to WW in a similar fashion to his defeat of Tilly. 302 - 100 = 202. Surely you don't need a fukcing calculator for that. Concentrate on the task at hand WW. Sub-****ing-traction is not something that requires a calculator every time you throw. Surely that is one of the reasons for such slow play last night. Shoc-king arrows and constant trips to the idiot machine. I then lost a shocker to Dart Vader, giving him his first DCS win. Congratulations DV, it won't happen again. After that I picked up the slack and reeled off wins against the Naturhull, The Power, BD, and Walks to end the night at 5-3. Not a bad showing since I will be reaping the benefits of the bonus points two weeks from now.

Blue top, blue top, blue top....


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
OD, in Whirlwinds defense, the subtraction of 100 from 302 was to simply keep his calculator updated for the next set of arrows and his 26 he was sure to throw. Lightning never strikes in the same place twice. I do think the calculator use was slowing things down, but can you imagine how long WW would be at the board if he didn't have the cnutng thing?

I'm starting to wonder if any of my Seaquam friends can subtract. I believe I even caught the fcuking accountant using it once or twice. I wonder if he got his degree the same place Walks got his Refing certificate from? The motto rings true again...

"These guys ARE shoc-king"


New Member
Aug 15, 2002
Dirty Money
In Fact

The calculator does not really slow the game down at all?Let one explain As i have thrown my last arrow i walk to my spastic do da subtract.Then when my unworthy pansy ass opponent has thrown his last arrow i chalk the board and hand it to my unworthy pansy ass opponent. The reality of the problem is people who throw 7,26,3, O yes and would that be a BIG FAT 1 that a certain member threw last night..... shock--ing And as for my outburst playing tilly well.. BIG GIRLS BLOUSE:wa: :wa: :wa: O ya fcuck the spelling..... :D


New Member
Aug 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Don't yo worry ladies, my fan-fukcing-tastic 1-6 start for the new season will soon be remedied. I think I will be having a few 3 point wins next week!

And, at least I never shy away from a challenge when it comes my way, eh WW!

Two plates of NA-CHOS debts paid for last night (thanks VD er... DV and WW) and still 2/3 more to come (and WW offered to buy me a pint next week). I won't need to bring any money at all to these events soon.

Double In,

Cheers on the shirts (even though it does say SoccerCity on the arm) I will try to get mine monogramed for next week. I think that fines should be levied if the shirts are not worn next week (just so we can add to our geekyness value with the Landing staff after the circuit pics last night).


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money
302 - a Ton ........

I wonder if he got his degree the same place Walks got his Refing certificate from?

That's like winning the lottery sunshine. Apparently Cracker Jack only puts 1 degree and 1 reffing 'certificate' :confused: in 1 box per year. The rest of the time, you can enjoy the little cars and sticks of bubble gum.

I was sure I took a "cracker" pic at the end of the night.

Oh yes you did :D. Well done OD ........ you should honestly look at pursuing a photography career. Funny how near the end of the night, no one could give a fcuk anymore ........ there's a few close-ups that would've had to been taken less than 3 feet away :D. The D.C.S. - setting a new standard for the perverted .......... Quality .......

Last night's darts were average at best for the Prince. No finish at all last night with a few marathon games with Whirlwind and Bravedart producing approximately 382 arrows to try and double out. Fcuking Shoc-king ...........

In case no one believed it ......... here it is :D

the power

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Bravedart, I'm waiting for the thank you for adding a blemish to your otherwise lofty night.

I almost forgot about the refusal for a #1 title match. I think rule 9 should come into effect here and mandate that after any future tie at the end of the night, those tied should be forced to have a playoff for #1 status. Gentlemen, do I have a second? After all, we are a gentlemen's club. If you will.

What Whirlwind? You're a big girl wearing a blouse? Please refer to the clothing and apparel section of your Rule book for sorting.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Game on.

We're up and live boys. :knvb:

Go to www.dartschampionshipseries.com for stats, pictures, profiles and more. The standings are up too. Go see who you have to beat next week to earn those extra points. Have a look around and please reply to the suggestions thread. It's your site too so help me make it better.

A few notes: I haven't had time to add all the quality pictures from last night yet. There is multiple speeling errors ( :rolleyes: ) and not all the articles and "happenings" have been written yet. Hopefully I'll have the majority of it done before I go away on Sunday night. Fastshow's feature is in the works as well. :D

A big thank you to Regs for hooking us up for a little as he did. It is very much appreciated.
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