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The Weekly Report

the bitch

New Member
May 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Yes the italian league has begun, and boy I must say its been a very slow start. Many people not happy with the games being at seperate parks, which is very true. It sucks the big one. But then again come June, the league will be hitting its peak, with all the games at good old Adanac Park.
Also with playoffs around the corner and Friuli being out again watching from the upper corner on the hill, it will be just like old times.

Looks like the mighty Calabs will have a strong team this year, but I think they might be missing one key player, muw hahaha...

Friuli once again gets a good start to there season. But then again I think they will get a win off Treviso, for the lack of Luca D refusing Friuli's contract... Apparently not enough pasta after the game, was the key detail for him not signing.

Puglia once again puts out a strong team. Im very impressed with there attack. They come out strong and with little Valente, I think they can cause problems...

Campania this year looks like they could be very strong up front, and if Kindel and Miller get it sorted, there D might just be as strong.

Catanzaro, Abruzzo, and Veneto once again have a decent squad of players, but I don't see them standing out as favorites, however I also don't see them doing any worse then Friuli did last season.

Once again games are this sunday, come cheer on your teams, and hopefully we can get this sausage stand out there this year.
Rumours have it, that if Friuli lose there first 3 games, they will most likely fold, and will be forced to start up the propane.

Your Weekly Report
the bitch

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Great Report, How about a few Scores

Were you going to include any game reports with scores OR is the Bitch Report just that, a Big Bitch about the League.

Friulli will make the Play-offs, they will put the bench on it, any takers, how about you teddy ta?



New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Stupid Bet

With 7 out of the 8 teams making the playoffs, it is almost impossible for a team not to make it.
especially a team with HOS and some other Premier:rolleyes: players.....Cannot remember who didnt make it last year, but they must have been reeeeeeeaaally bad.

the bitch

New Member
May 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Well Well Well, its been a big week in the italian league.
Some upsets, broken legs, and some rough stuff at the bars downtown.

First will start of with the results and games.
Treviso apparently played a solid game with Zenga in the nets and with the shutout, as they beat Abruzzo 1-0.
So well done, there up in the mid tables at 4 points.

Veneto losing yet again, but this time to the Friuli Club. First of all, what is Friuli doing, how can you lose 7-0 one week and totaly bounce back the next game and win 3-2. They sound like a very well known Canucks side, but once again the Canucks did'nt go to far, and Im sure the Friuli club won't either.
Now Veneto with 0 points to there first 2 games of the season, doesnt really help them much. Im sure if they lose two more, there season might come to an end early.

But that makes it much easier for teams like Catanzaro who has won again 3-2 over Puglia. Now with the 6 points and at the top of the table, Im sure with 2 more wins they have clinched a playoff spot.

Campania vs Calabria left off where Inter FC finished on Saturday, with Corratz-ass missing many chances, along with Kevin Croch, and hit the corner flag Joe M jr.
Yes Corratz did get the tieing go, but I must say, a week effort on D.Kindel's play in net, should have stopped the shot.
But apparently Kindel was very sick before playing the game, and doesnt know if he will be cleared by doctors for the next game. He might be out for a couple of games, or maybe the rest of the italian league. Will keep you posted.

Now the it was another typical weekend in the italian league, nothing really exciting has happended yet, but theres still more to come.
Also we must give Inter FC a congrats on a good year, they came up a bit short losing 3-2 in the finals. However the lads kept there heads up, and took it with such class.
So off to the bars they went.
First of all, we have Tony Molbs wearing yet another white dress shirt. I don't know why it is, but everytime he goes out, he wears this white dress shirt. Its either he collects them, or he only has the one shirt. Cause how many white shirts does this guy have? I would like to know!!!
Then you have coach Joe M sr. causing slight trouble, but nothing as bad as the ripping of a HS white shirt. Now I have never seen a guy go in and out of a club so many times in one night cause of dress code. First of all, who does this guy think he is? Trys to come into a club downtown, with shorts and sandles. HELLO! Did I just say sandles? Yes I think I did. Like come on guy, this is not a beach nor the bath house. Who are you trying to be? Who do you think you are?
Jesus ****en Christ
Like lets think about this for a second people. If you were a bouncer at the club, and you see this guy with long black hair, a slight tan, and sandles. You gotta be thinking its Big JC in the Sky.
I may be wrong or it migth just only be me; but if I see HS, I think JC. Don't you see the similarities?

Your Weekly Report
the Bitch


New Member
Dec 12, 2001
Dirty Money
hey bitch

how can you even say that crap about kindel. he stood on his head throughout the game, he played unbeleivable. and for you to say he let a shite goal in is totally insane. give the guy a little more credit.

regards a pissed off campan player

Jimmy Holiday

Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Kindel was lucky

First of all, we have Tony Molbs wearing yet another white dress shirt. I don't know why it is, but everytime he goes out, he wears this white dress shirt. Its either he collects them, or he only has the one shirt. Cause how many white shirts does this guy have? I would like to know!!!


I like to refer to them as my white CAMICHE'S.....My count is up to about 15 CAMICHE'S with the same amount of CANOTIERAS to enhance the look...I even have a few left from my confirmation days which are in negotiation with a certain Inter player...Vintage Vintage...I may let you borrow one someday if your lucky...I still have your rights;)

Best regards

Jimmy"player agent"Holiday

the bitch

New Member
May 14, 2002
Dirty Money
An "Update" from The Weekly Report

AN "Update" from The Weekly Report

Quote from The Weekly Report
"But apparently Kindel was very sick before playing the game, and doesnt know if he will be cleared by doctors for the next game. He might be out for a couple of games, or maybe the rest of the italian league. Will keep you posted."

Well we just received the breaking news on Campania's goalkeeper D.Kindel. Apparently doctors have stated that Kindel has mononucleosis or otherwise known as mono. He will be missing the game on Wednesday May 21st vs Abruzzo.
But then is going back in to see the doctors on Thursday to see if he can be cleared to play the following Sunday vs Veneto.

Apparently the doctors say that Kindel cannot play until the spleen is ready. If he were to have a knock on his spleen, he could end up with major problems leading to death.

Kindels comments after hearing the tests results
"Well I felt sick before and throughout the game, but I thought I could play threw it, which I did."
"I guess Im just very lucky that Calabria missed most of there chances, and therefore I was lucky not to be hit in the spleen."
"I feel fine, but im waiting to be cleared by doctors. But I feel it will be about end of Mayish."

After thursday the 22nd Kindel will be waiting on a day to day basis to be cleared by the doctors if he can play. The doctors have said it can be as easy as 12 days or as long as 3 months.

The "Update" from The Weekly Report
the bitch


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Mono my ass. You've got SARS. Stay the hell away from me when we're forced to do our little pre-game "handshake for peace". You're going to infect the whole Italian league. Maybe then we'll win a game.


the bitch

New Member
May 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Well another shiity old week in the italain league.
Abruzzo doing well remaining at the top with 10 points, looking for that bye past the playoffs first round.
Looking at Treviso being only in 2nd by a goal difference of 1, will keep Abruzzo on there toes these last 3 games of the regular season.

Fruili and Veneto down towards the bottom, however both there schedules if you have a look, are not to easy. So look for a big upset the this weekend.

Now Sunday June 1st, has been the weekend everyone has been looking forward too. Mainly because all the games will now be at Adanac Park. Its supposed to be a great weekend, with great weather, so there should be know excuses unless of course
Zenga miss times a cross, due to bright sunlight.
Its ok Luke, I understand very well.
Also the 18 yard box does not look very good, especially in the middle of the 6. There will be creative bounces from mother earth, so keepers be aware.

As for Kindel in the pipes for Campania, you must wait till Sunday June 8th, for the doctors have cleared him, but for the date of June 4th. So he will be missing out this weekends match against Catanzaro.

We caught up with Dennis and this is what he has to say. "Well, i'll be missing this weekend, however i will be back for the game against my former club Treviso. It will be such a great honor to play against Luca (Zenga), who I have looked up to most of my youth days when my brother Steve played with him during there youth. So it will be like a Patrick Roy/Martin Brodure kinda thing.
So im quite excited for that upcoming weekend."

Now rumours have it, that Calabria are still looking for players, and are not satisfied with the depth that they have on the bench.
I do believe they have one import spot left, according to my sources, and have found someone to fill that spot.
Apparently a very skill full person, with not much height or weight. Also heared rumours of the person being of asian blood.
So be aware of the new signing this week. Might be wearing a inter hat, and I do believe he has picked up the nickname Charlie.
So keep aware of Joe M sr putting on SUPER SUB CHARLIE in this weekend.

Your Weekly Report
the bitch


New Member
Dec 12, 2001
Dirty Money
hey zaurrini,

how about an update on the scores?
does anyone know the scores?
i know 2 scores Calabria 8-0 over Puglia
Campania 3-1 over Catanzaro


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Treviso beat Veneto 2-buzz today despite fielding about 1/3 of their regular squad. Things are really looking up for our playoff chances. We couldn't score in a monkey whorehouse with an armload of bananas, and I don't care if that's copywright of Fastshow, it's the goddamn truth.

Other than this, Trucaderos pizza was on fire and we came to the assumption that we need a bloody miracle to make the prestigious I-Tie postseason. 180 minutes without a goal, now I know how the Whitecaps feel.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Things have never been the same since Veneto lost their prime import. One season. One Championship. Don't fix what ain't broke.

Capiche?:eek: :)

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