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Time for new blood

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Ah, it's nice to see that some teams had 5 straight home games in the cup.........especially when they're in the middle of the league.

So this week(Tuesday/Wednesday) we should be playing Kerrisdale for first place or I supposed they could do it next Sunday since neither of us are in the cup.

Both the Selects and Division One leagues are not settled yet (at least in our sections) although one should be settled already. I supposed we'll just have to go past the cup weekend to get everything in.

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Referee does have discretion over substitutions, but generally only stops them if a team is trying to delay the game. For a referee to do this in a Cup game is shameful, particularly after the game was tied up, since it certainly wouldn't be in your best interests to delay the game at that point.

More authoritarian behaviour from referees. There is far too much of this... guys drunk on the power of a black shirt, a whistle and a couple of cards in their pocket. When are refs like this going to understand their role is to facilitate the game, not impact it.


New Member
Oct 21, 2004
Dirty Money
Fat Bastard said:
Referee does have discretion over substitutions, but generally only stops them if a team is trying to delay the game. For a referee to do this in a Cup game is shameful, particularly after the game was tied up, since it certainly wouldn't be in your best interests to delay the game at that point.

More authoritarian behaviour from referees. There is far too much of this... guys drunk on the power of a black shirt, a whistle and a couple of cards in their pocket. When are refs like this going to understand their role is to facilitate the game, not impact it.

I don't know if the ref was confused about what league he was reffing, but perhaps he thought it was a VMSL game where teams are allowed 3 subs max par game?

Kerrisdale had a wonderful run in with just such an authoritarian ref for our last cup game. He decided to give one of our players a STRAIGHT RED CARD (no warning, no yellow) for commenting "thanks for losing the game for us ref" after he had awarded a questionable penalty kick for the other team. We were flabergasted to say the least. The ref then RED CARDS another player for saying "that's fukcing crap". Now that I can understand getting a warning or yellow card even, but no one was swearing at another player or at the ref, so what the hell :confused: . He never did say in his pre-game speech that any swearing would redult in a card. I can understand that they don't want swearing when there may be youngsters watching, but seriously, has he been to a men's game lately??? The amount of swearing that goes on is unreal, and I've never seen a card pulled out for it yet. They usually get a verbal warning to cut it out, and that takes care ot it. Talk about yet another double standard. It is so frustrating.


New Member
Oct 3, 2006
Dirty Money
Hey just to let you know the Aldergrove Sliders are playing their Cup final game April 1st in white rock at S.Surrey Athl park field #5 11:30 am it will be a game.Anyone out that way come check us out.

As for the Cup consolation round thing I AGREE that is the most ridiculous thing ....we need to get league games in thats what we care about.
Save the field time for that.Who wants it rubbed in their faces they came last and get to play for the nothing.We would rather play for something that counts.

Ok I'm done enough biatching its sunny out dont want to have a cloud over my head.

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Foul and abusive language directed towards a referee is an automatic red card. That's the edict from the BCSA. (Has your player been suspended yet. If not, don't be surprised if she gets 5 games.)

Most referees remind players before the game to keep the language civil.

The part that bothers me the most about this rule is that you'd never see them red card a VMSL player for swearing like that. Sure, if you call the ref an f-ing wanker, then yeah. But not something like that.

This isn't a problem only in the MWSL. It's womens/girls soccer throughout BC. Referees treat the game differently. Generally, you see less cards for things that deserve it (late tackles, etc.) and more cards for the drivel - like this.

What we need is more female referees. Ex-players who understand that the women know full well what they are doing on the pitch, and that female players are just as intense and competitive as the men.

Enough with the freaking double-standards. Can't tell you how often we're on the sidelines watching our U18 girls team, and as coaches asking each other if the referee would have made this call or that call in a boys game.

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Sadly, with regards to officials, it has been brought to my attention that there is a player who has been a referee for the past two years, and has been assigned to less than half-dozen games - winter or summer.

The MWSL likes to brag about it's mentorship program, but what good is a mentorship program if the ladies can't get assignments - even on the line, let alone in the middle?

There are some really, good high-profile female officials: Jill Proctor, Michelle Pye and Romy Kozak. (They're all excellent officials - young, fit and professional - albeit I have had my fair share of differences with Romy in the past, but I have the upmost respect for how she carries herself.)

But while FIFA & National referees are a nice feather in the cap, we need more female officials at the League level. I understand the difficulties involved, namely players still play. Makes it difficult to ref. But with the increasing number of games being played at non-traditional times, this becomes less of an issue.

I am not sure how the Referee Mentorship program works, or if it even still exists. But you would think with a world-class referee like Gord Rogers on the board, this would become a priority.

I hope they'll get that going on, and make it a priority. I think they have an obligation to do so. In the interests of womens soccer.

While I am on my soapbox, I will add that referee development (male and female) has not kept up with player and coach development in this province. This might have to do with the level of abuse young kids face from parents and coaches, but we as a soccer community need to direct more and more young people into officiating. We need to keep new blood flowing into the system.

Now I am getting off my soapbox. This whole rant probably didn't belong here anyhow. My apologies.

FB. Out.


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
There is one female official I've seen (doing both women's and men's games for that matter). She's a slim-build, brunette, (wears yellow often) and extremely professional. I don't know her name, but she is without arguement, the best ref in the MWSL. Wish I'd see more of her reffing.

Don't think I have a photo of her, so I can't show who I'm talking about.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Keeper said:
There is one female official I've seen (doing both women's and men's games for that matter). She's a slim-build, brunette, (wears yellow often) and extremely professional. I don't know her name, but she is without arguement, the best ref in the MWSL. Wish I'd see more of her reffing.

Don't think I have a photo of her, so I can't show who I'm talking about.

Would you gie her one, Keeper?


New Member
Oct 21, 2004
Dirty Money
Fat Bastard said:
Foul and abusive language directed towards a referee is an automatic red card.

I have no problem with the rule itself, but neither player directed her comments at the ref or any other player for that matter. The first player did not even swear. The second player did swear, that's a given, but she did not call the ref "f'ing crap", but he obviously chose to interpret it that way. If our player gets 5 games for "foul and abusive language" I am going to hit the roof. I have had a serious pickle with the discipline has been handed out recently, and I want something to change. I have alrady offered to attend the AGM with a few of my teammates to see if we can get our voices heard to ask for change. 5 games would be utterly ridiculous for what actually happened because we all know that if it had been a men's game, no card would have even been pulled for a comment like that.

Regardless of what the rule is, it's the DOUBLE STANDARD between the MWSL and the VMSL in this regard that really bunches my knickers in a twist. And everyone seems to know it but the refs that work womens' games. I agree that we need more women reffing, but I also understand that it is difficult to get people to step up. For all my moaning about the quality of refs, I wouldn't ref (especially not while i am still playing), so I don't know how to fix that conundrum. I suppose that is a little hipocritical of me, but there you go.

Sorry - my turn to get off the soapbox :D .


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
munchkin said:
Regardless of what the rule is, it's the DOUBLE STANDARD between the MWSL and the VMSL in this regard that really bunches my knickers in a twist.
Absolutely agreed.


New Member
Dec 1, 2006
Dirty Money
The problem is not the lack of "new blood" into the system, Fat Bastard. The problem is that the "old blood" block the new referees. I am not making things up. This is for real. You can get verification of this on the minutes of VASRA. The provicial referee coordinator has talked about the problem with schedulers that do not give games to the new and upcoming referees.

You have to act if you want changes. Ranting every weekend about the refs here will not solve anything. You should demand and pressure the league to enforce minimun requirements such as:
-mandatory annual refresher course (organized by the BCSA)
-pass of fitnes test (organized by the BCSA)
-a minimun of one or two official assesments from the BCSA.

You could demand other things but you could start with those.
Do not take as an answer "we do not have enouch referees" because this is not true. If they insist, contact the BCSA office and request to talk to the referee coordinator. He has access to the lists of new referees.
I know for a fact that new referees have contacted the league but do not get a reply or get only a game once in a while like the example that fat bastard mentions.


New Member
Nov 14, 2006
Dirty Money
This season in Richmond, I think we've had only 3 different Refs - Gordo, Stacy (blonde in raingear of yellow top w/ black pants which I've been told is a police officer) & another older fellow.

They all do a great job & are lucky we have AR's at our games to help them which is part of our clubs Ref mentoring program. Each Ref has a different style but I prefer those that keep the dirty contact stuff out so the play is safe.

It would be better to see other Refs but like stated in this thread it's looks like it's hard to break in to the MWSL Ref'ing pool where old blood runs deep.

I would say that Gordo has ref'ed the majority of our home games. Sadly, IMO he is too passive on the attacks to the numbers, off the ball bodychecking & ankle biting. I've asked not to have him Ref our games as in 1 game we had 3 players carried off due to tackles from behind (1 player gone for the season) but we still get him vs anyone else.

Maybe I'm *nal but I feel safety is one of the most important aspects in the game to keep the fun there, keep player retention, having parents stay cool & etc. I've seen my fair share of ice hockey games on the pitch & it amazes me what certain Ref's aren't doing & what coaches are not teaching players about the game. Sadly, the majority of Allsport insurance claims is after U18 in the Senior Leagues. Looking at our side thread here, I think I understand why now........

One Dart

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Walks wears a yellow top too sometimes. Wouldn't classify him as hot though.

The yellow topped ref that we have had who fits the description provided by soccer fan (hot), if it is the same that we had for selects and div 1 may be professional but seemed in over her head on occasion as the players are sometimes quite a bit older than she is. Not the worst that we have had, but certainly not the best.


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Can someone give me a possible explaination for the following series of events?

On January 21, 2007, the Westside Shooters were scheduled to play PCOV in the Selects West Division. It was cancelled (presumabley to a rainout). Since then (it must have been during the past few days since I updated the Westside site last week), it was mysteriously re-reported as a 5-0 win for the Shooters. No explanation, no notification, nothing.

So far as I can tell, no make up game had ever been scheduled.

Why would a cancelled game suddenly be overturned as a 5-0 win for one team? Is that what happens when another team can do a replay?

It's ridiculously confusing to anyone trying to follow along.

One Dart

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Bob probably decided that the Shooters were the better team and were deserving of the 5-0 win. The whole issue about replays has been discussed here with regards to the stupidity of the consolation cup. The "B" cup is not a bad idea when every game gets played and there is time left at the end of the schedule. When there are LEAGUE GAMES to play they should be played in opposition to the shite cup.

Keeper, I don't think anyone can follow along since they are simply making it up as we go along as we have seen on WAY TOO MANY occasions.

Six of One

New Member
Jan 23, 2003
Dirty Money
Keeper, the Westside, pardon me, WFC Shooters and PCOV apparently played their make-up game Monday night at Point Grey. The 5-0 scoreline does make you wonder though.

Oh, and I'd be remiss if I let this one go by:

a world-class referee like Gord Rogers

Good one, Fat Bastard.


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Gotcha. I would've never have discovered that. Why they put the scoreline back with the January date is beyond me.

It's funny. In many ways The Exellent Site is, sadly, far superior.

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