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Time for new blood

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Waiting for that myself, Coachrich..........should be an interesting meeting.

In fact, there might be a presentation for the Selects 'B' winners.......the team who deserved to win the group. I'm sure the board won't mind because they know who should have won the league.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
The Annual General Meeting of the Metro Women's Soccer League will be held on April 25, 2007 at the Canlan Sports Complex (Burnaby 8 Rinks) 6501 Sprott Street, Burnaby BC on Wednesday April 25, 2007. Sign in of teams will commence at 6:30 PM and the meeting will commence at 7:05 PM.

That's 7:05.........not 7:00 or 7:30.......7:05

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Ask the MWSL to provide you with a copy of the constitution. I'd be interested to see how they deal with such a request.


New Member
Nov 14, 2006
Dirty Money
Naw, you wouldn't like me as I'd ask everyone to amalgamate into clubs & to districts to make things more manageable. Especially when it comes to speaking w/ 1 voice in getting AT fields in Vancouver & anywhere else.

Then I would have the districts meet to draft the leagues constitution as a society, annual financials & most important of all rules in book form that everyone can read.

Create a Referee mentoring program & pool that would be based upon being selected to a game based on performance & skill level for the game. More women friendly too.

Get proper scheduling software to schedule the league games on the fly.

Review w/ the Districts the best format for doing Cup play.

Talk to BCSA on having a playing up rule for provincial cup similar to youth.

No caps on the number of teams in the league & properly tiering based on performance & player retention. Especially the U21's

oophs, I better stop now as there could be the never ending story...:rolleyes:

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Naw, you wouldn't like me as I'd ask everyone to amalgamate into clubs & to districts to make things more manageable. Especially when it comes to speaking w/ 1 voice in getting AT fields in Vancouver & anywhere else.

Then I would have the districts meet to draft the leagues constitution as a society, annual financials & most important of all rules in book form that everyone can read.
Coachrich. You lost my support there. Districts are what are destroying youth soccer. Districts might have a purpose in principle, but the current structure gives them too much power. Power should rest in the hands of the Clubs. The senior hierarchy is more workable - CLUBS > LEAGUES > BCSA. Albeit, not without its own flaws. As for society (MWSL is one), annual financials (MWSL is supposed to produce these, per BCSA rules), and rule book (MWSL should be able to do this), you have no arguments from anyone. In fact, PCSL, FVSL and VMSL all seem to get these things done with no problem.

Create a Referee mentoring program & pool that would be based upon being selected to a game based on performance & skill level for the game. More women friendly too.
Yup. A must.

Get proper scheduling software to schedule the league games on the fly.
Ditto above.

Review w/ the Districts the best format for doing Cup play.
Review Cup play yes. Districts ... NO.

Talk to BCSA on having a playing up rule for provincial cup similar to youth.
You lost me here. Do you mean for players to play up? If so, youth can't do that either. If you mean for teams to play up? Then you have to play Premier. If a team wants to compete in Provincial A Cup then they need to be registered on A forms. In the MWSL, this means play Premier. The BCSA constitution clearly states that NO team may be denied the opportunity to compete for Provincial Cup. What this means is that any team has the right to play Premier, unless the MWSL simply gives any and all teams the choice of registering as A or B teams, regardless of divisions.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money

The Annual General Meeting of the Metro Women's Soccer League will be held on April 25, 2007 at the Canlan Sports Complex (Burnaby 8 Rinks) 6501 Sprott Street, Burnaby BC on Wednesday April 25, 2007. Sign in of teams will commence at 6:30 PM and the meeting will commence at 7:05 PM.

To those wanting "new blood"...here's your chance to speak up!


Nov 4, 2002
Dirty Money
You lost me here. Do you mean for players to play up? If so, youth can't do that either. If you mean for teams to play up? Then you have to play Premier. If a team wants to compete in Provincial A Cup then they need to be registered on A forms. In the MWSL, this means play Premier. The BCSA constitution clearly states that NO team may be denied the opportunity to compete for Provincial Cup. What this means is that any team has the right to play Premier, unless the MWSL simply gives any and all teams the choice of registering as A or B teams, regardless of divisions.

Speaking of provincial cup, I think the MWSL has changed their minds about 4 or 5 times on how to do the draw and who gets the 4 byes in the first round. Everytime they make a decision, some team complains about it and they change their minds. Now I have heard that the only team that is assured of a bye is the League Cup winners - Coquitlam - with another bye going to the 1st place Island team. The remaining two byes would be draw randomly!!:eek:

How choked would you be if you were Surrey FC Alumni who will probably end up winning the league with only one loss but Richmond (who hasn't won a game) or some pathetic Island team could possibly get a first round bye. :rolleyes: As much as the guys complain about the VMSL, at least the powers that be in their league make a decision and stick with it no matter how many complaints they receive.

My opinion is instead of having 12 teams in provincials (7 from MWSL and 5 from the island) with 4 teams getting 1st round byes, just cut it down to 8 teams 5 MWSL, 3 Island) and start at quarters with a random draw that way. Then at least teams have to do well in league to qualify for provincials.

That's my rant for today.


New Member
Nov 14, 2006
Dirty Money
Coachrich. You lost my support there. Districts are what are destroying youth soccer. Districts might have a purpose in principle, but the current structure gives them too much power. Power should rest in the hands of the Clubs. The senior hierarchy is more workable - CLUBS > LEAGUES > BCSA. Albeit, not without its own flaws.

IMO Districts work in youth provided they are organized to persue district & club wide player development vs individual big club politics. Like our current problem w/ MWSL, there are not enough volunteers that are willing to work from the same book for ALL the players in a district or club.

Correct me if I'm wrong but the majority of teams in the MWSL don't belong to Clubs. Vancouver as an example has only 1 club & that is Westside. Hence the admin problem in trying to deal w/ x number of MWSL teams. If Seniors are ogranized into clubs or districts or both it would make it easier. Presently we are trying to organize Vancouve soccer to go after more 12-16 AT's in Vancouver. Youth (7300+) is ready as all the clubs exist in 2 districts are on the same page. Seniors are not as they exist as x individual teams which is not effective in communication needed to orgranize this or anything else. This has been stated by the Seniors who we approached to organize the Seniors to participate in the AT proposal. The AT proposal will be finished by youth in 2 weeks & I doubt that Seniors will be organized to have 1 voice on the matter.

As for society (MWSL is one)

I was told by the Pres the other day that the MWSL is not society.

You lost me here. Do you mean for players to play up? If so, youth can't do that either. If you mean for teams to play up? Then you have to play Premier. If a team wants to compete in Provincial A Cup then they need to be registered on A forms. In the MWSL, this means play Premier. The BCSA constitution clearly states that NO team may be denied the opportunity to compete for Provincial Cup. What this means is that any team has the right to play Premier, unless the MWSL simply gives any and all teams the choice of registering as A or B teams, regardless of divisions.

Sorry, I meant Pick-up. Please look at Provincials for Youth Handbook Rule 21 on page 17. This would be good for Seniors as by the time April comes around there are a lot of injuries, it's been a long season & etc which causes teams to not go to provincials due to their roster size shrinking. I'm going to inquire at BCSA as it works for youth so why not Seniors.

New subject - league caps the number of teams. IMO the object should be to keep as many players playing but I understand the MWSL caps the number new teams. Doesn't make sense to me other than it meaning the league is not organized to handle more teams scheduling wise.

Nutmegs you make a good point that takes me back to organizing the league by using Districts as the Districts who may rep the Clubs if the MWSL had clubs would organize the league all it's events by getting input up the ladder. Presently we have a league that has NO connection to the members it serves because there is not representation that in channel or organized. Because of that we cry in our beers, make TTP home & generally get frustrated w/ no changes.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

The Annual General Meeting of the Metro Women's Soccer League will be held on April 25, 2007 at the Canlan Sports Complex (Burnaby 8 Rinks) 6501 Sprott Street, Burnaby BC on Wednesday April 25, 2007. Sign in of teams will commence at 6:30 PM and the meeting will commence at 7:05 PM.

To those wanting "new blood"...here's your chance to speak up!

20 hours ago............

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Speaking of provincial cup, I think the MWSL has changed their minds about 4 or 5 times on how to do the draw and who gets the 4 byes in the first round. Everytime they make a decision, some team complains about it and they change their minds. Now I have heard that the only team that is assured of a bye is the League Cup winners - Coquitlam - with another bye going to the 1st place Island team. The remaining two byes would be draw randomly!!:eek:

How choked would you be if you were Surrey FC Alumni who will probably end up winning the league with only one loss but Richmond (who hasn't won a game) or some pathetic Island team could possibly get a first round bye. :rolleyes: As much as the guys complain about the VMSL, at least the powers that be in their league make a decision and stick with it no matter how many complaints they receive.

My opinion is instead of having 12 teams in provincials (7 from MWSL and 5 from the island) with 4 teams getting 1st round byes, just cut it down to 8 teams 5 MWSL, 3 Island) and start at quarters with a random draw that way. Then at least teams have to do well in league to qualify for provincials.

That's my rant for today.

A Provincial Cup should consist of more than 8 teams.........but then again less chance of upsets with that amount of teams.........:rolleyes: If the VMSL used the same logic as the MWSL when it comes to Provinicial play, Westside wouldn't have qualified for the Provincials.........Imagine that....a team from a lower division qualify.....I'm sure that would never happen in the MWSL

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Coachrich, did you get this?

1. That the Metro Women’s Soccer League take the necessary steps to effect its incorporation as a society under the Society Act.

2. That the Metro Women’s Soccer League effect its incorporation under the Society Act by transferring its affairs and its assets to a society (the “New Society”) established and organized for that purpose and whose organizational structure and bylaws in the opinion of the Directors reflect, to the extent that it is practicable to do so, the existing organizational structure and bylaws of the Metro Women’s Soccer League.

3. That the directors of the Metro Women’s Soccer League are authorized to transfer the assets and affairs of the Metro Women’s Soccer League to the New Society when:
(a) the Directors of New Society have been changed so that they are the same as the then current Directors of the Metro Women’s Soccer League;
(b) the Constitution of the New Society has been amended so that, in the opinion of the Directors, the purpose of the New Society reflects, to the extent that it is practicable to do so, the spirit and the existing purpose of the Metro Women’s Soccer League;
(c) the Bylaws of the New Society have been amended so that, in the opinion of the Directors, those Bylaws reflect, to the extent that it practicable to do so, the then current bylaws of the Metro Women’s Soccer League and so that current members in good standing of the Metro Women’s Soccer League will be constituted as members in good standing of the New Society;
(d) the current members in good standing of the Metro Women’s Soccer League have in fact been constituted as members in good standing of the New Society; and
(e) the New Society agrees to accept the assets of the Metro Women’s Soccer League and to assume the obligations and affairs of the Metro Women’s Soccer League”. Dated at Burnaby, B.C. this 4th day of April, 2007.

What's your take, big man?

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
First of all I am absolutely stunned that the MWSL is not a society. If I am not mistaken, the BCSA requires them to be. However, to be perfectly honest, it operates as a non-profit. Sure, it's mismanaged. You should all be aware that being incorporated as a society offers no security to members, as the Liberal government streamlined the Society Act a few years ago, and at the same time washed their hands of the role of policing societies.

The MWSL - society or not - is answerable only to its members, and the BCSA. Not the Provincial government. I have researched this matter exhaustively for another purpose.

As for Provincial Cup... here's how it works. Provincial Cup is open to "A" teams. In the MWSL and the LIWSA, the only Leagues that qualify, this is limited to Premier teams. A few years ago, when I was there, we had "Select" teams on "A" forms as well. This opened things up for more teams, and also gave the MWSL far more A teams than the Island, and such we got more berths. It used to be 4 and 4.

However, Select teams complained because "A" forms cost $3 per player more or something. They said they couldn't compete with the top premier teams - forgetting that the David v. Goliath matchup is a jewel of the soccer world - and that it also prevented them from competing for the Provincial B Cup, which is open to "B" teams.

Personally, I think each team - regardless of division - should be able to classsify themselves as "A" or "B". "A" teams would compete in an "OPEN" cup. "B" teams would compete in their Divisional Cups. Also, as a traditionalist, OPEN Cup draw should be random - although if there's lots of teams, Premier teams should be added into the draw at a later stage, as per the FA Cup in England.

It's not rocket science, folks. It's the oldest organized game on the planet. And Cup play has been part of it from pretty much Day 1.


New Member
Nov 14, 2006
Dirty Money
Societies or Incorporation - is not a requirement per the BCSA Constitution but it's preferred. All of it's covered in Article 12 of the BCSA Constitution

MWSL AGM & EGM - One thing that concerns me w/ the AGM & EGM is there is no publishing of the bylaws & constitution of the MWSL so how are people elected & etc? If it's not revealed I would imagine they would have to follow Article 12 of the BCSA Constitution, Item 3 below -

3. Senior League Boards
a) The business of a League shall be conducted by a board of not less than three
(3) members, one of whom shall be the Chair and one of whom shall act as
Secretary, who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the League
on or before the first of May in each year.
b) Each League shall furnish this Association with a list showing the names,
addresses and telephone numbers of its elected members prior to the
commencement of the playing season in each and every year.
c) Leagues shall submit a copy of their constitution and bylaws annually, duly
amended, to this Association for approval.
d) Leagues shall have the power to deal with violations of the Laws of the Game,
the Rules and Regulations of this Association, or misconduct by any of their
clubs, players, officials or members.
e) No league shall have the power to insert in its constitution that teams must play
BCSA Constitution and Bylaws 2006-2007
in any given competition.
f) All teams within the jurisdiction of a League must be members of that League
and must be affiliated with this Association before being accepted by that
g) Should there be any difference of opinion among the Leagues having the right
of sanction and jurisdiction of teams, any one of such Leagues may appeal to
this Association.
h) Leagues sanctioning teams and competitions shall observe the Rules and
Regulations of this Association and the Canadian Soccer Association.
i) Each League shall submit a copy of its financial statements for the current
fiscal period to the Association within 30 days of its Annual General Meeting.
j) Seven (7) days prior to the Annual General Meeting of a League, a financial
statement for the current fiscal period, shall be issued to members of the
League Board and voting members attending the annual general meeting.
k) The books and records of all Senior Leagues and Senior teams shall be open to
inspection by the Provincial Board on demand.


New Member
Oct 3, 2006
Dirty Money
All anyone has to do is ask any of the directors for a copy of the constitution and they will send it out or email you at least the part you need in email. I was told the Constitution is a few years old and perhaps some of it needs to be updated?
I know there is a copy of it at the main office but I dont think there are copies to be handed out.I do feel each team in the league should have a full copy of it not just an email of a cut n paste part of a section you may be inquiring about. I really dont understand why there is not a way each team could have their own? Even if they have to pay $10.00 bucks for the paper to print it out on.
Anyways my 2 bit's worth.


New Member
Nov 14, 2006
Dirty Money
Ok, I got it & it's a good read although very out of date. I will post it in a new MWSL thread so discussion can go there.


  • mwsl_constitution_1995.pdf
    57.1 KB · Views: 61

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Nice to see the Burnaby Canadians Selects, the team who couldn't field against us because of every excuse in the world......and the team who we were FORCED to forfeit against.......enter the Provincial 'B' Cup. This after their coach(Nice one, Gary) said they were finished for the season and would be VERY lucky to even field a team for the CONSOLATION Cup final, which they lost in penalties. Amazing that all the players have made full recoveries and they're ready to give it a run in the provincials. Of course, it will be a short run but amazing nonetheless. I guess the 'forfeit' makes a lot more sense now, Mr. Cormack.

Champions Selects 'B'

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
I see that the AGM has been held and there are some new faces on the board, although to be quite honest I am not sure they bring any new ideas or philosophies.

For all the moaning that goes on around here, you'd think there'd be a little more activism when the AGM comes around.

Was there any action at the AGM? Did anyone go?

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