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Troubles in Langley


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Ummmm.... ahhhhhh.... ummmmm... Big Bag... ummmm... ahhhhh.. ummmmm...

Club cleaned house this Summer I believe.

I've heard there is an issue with logo stealing too on the bcpl side of things?




Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
@Regs, you obviously have more info than the Langley Advance Times.

Obviously the district didn't have any issue with the FV Premier BCSPL franchise using that logo for several years, why do they suddenly care now? Is it related to rival Langley United getting their own BCSPL franchise starting with this year's in-take age group?


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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
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Big bag is currently suspended from what I hear. Awaiting some form of hearing from BCSA.
Really? What did he do this time? Followed through and smashed @Dude 's teeth in?

teeth GIF


New Member
Oct 27, 2020
Dirty Money
Massive rumorgoing around,
FV HPL is done, no more, kaput.

rumor one - there has been zero communication from FV hpl to their members since it was announced they were suspended.

rumor two - all their teams fold, the transfer deadline date may be extend just for those FV players to find a new team.

Rumor three - LUSA will take over all the remaining FV teams. Which makes you wonder what would they do that technically they would now have two intake teams.

you have to wonder if they were unable to produce the financial documents? Won’t say more incase I get sued, but everyone can figure it out.

Interesting times and you would figure time is of the essence.


New Member
Dec 14, 2020
Dirty Money
Massive rumorgoing around,
FV HPL is done, no more, kaput.

rumor one - there has been zero communication from FV hpl to their members since it was announced they were suspended.

rumor two - all their teams fold, the transfer deadline date may be extend just for those FV players to find a new team.

Rumor three - LUSA will take over all the remaining FV teams. Which makes you wonder what would they do that technically they would now have two intake teams.

you have to wonder if they were unable to produce the financial documents? Won’t say more incase I get sued, but everyone can figure it out.

Interesting times and you would figure time is of the essence.
On rumour one, from talking to a couple of parents in the FV Premier program they got the news of the suspension from the local paper. They're now trialing at LUSA for U13. I suspect Surrey, and Coastal are getting requests, too.

On rumour two, I have heard from one parent that their team is not folding, from another that they are folding. Different gender and age groups so it may not be a wholesale fold but it does sound like some teams don't have enough players on the roster to be viable. FVP's U13 intake girls have been short all season and advertising for players. My bet is FVP will field some teams but not a full slate.

Rumour three - I have no actual information but I'm not sure LUSA would want to take on the problem. It seems all risk no reward, and would they take existing coaching contracts and such? I don't think this one is reliable.

What I want to know is whether this is just FV Premier, or the Selects (Metro) too, or the whole Preston club that is in trouble. That's a lot of teams at a lot of levels that are at risk with this problem.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
@RatBastard I could be wrong, but I believe FV Selects is run by the FVYSA district, not Langley FC, and therefore should be immune to these issues.

I guess Langley FC running "FV Premier" and using the almost identical logo could lead to such confusion. Explains the cease and desist on that front :)

peg leg

Active Member
Mar 22, 2011
Dirty Money
Okay, haven't been on in a while but always trolling. Right RF;).

I was part of club for almost 10 years. I started coaching my daughter when she was 6..now she is 16. Whew, good math. I reached out to @Dude a few years ago about the problems of this club so he and others are aware of this tire fire.

About 7 years ago a new TD walks in, lets call him God. God starts with a club of about 1000 kids, not bad, and mostly girls teams. At one point there were 7 girls teams in my daughters U-12 age group. Nice. Somehow, God gets a HPL franchise tag while the club across the street with twice as many people, heck maybe three times as much gets zilch. Impressive pull.

He hires great coaches, things seem fine. Club is thriving.

Then God starts reading his press clipings, written by him, of course. He doesn't promote any of underage coaches to coach HPL or his excellent academy coaches. He decides to coach three teams himself and give other teams to family and close friends. Don't worry, he can handle it. He hires a president who has NO soccer background. Hmmm, don't worry, he has got it covered. Nobody can do the job that he can. Academy Coaches are let go. However, I see some coaching University teams now, one is an Assistant TD and a bunch, BUNCH are at WhiteCaps. Not good enough for Fraser Valley though.

Numbers are dwindling year after year. The board consists of mom, dad, brother and a best buddy. Pretty soon there is no board. Funniest line was take it to the board. Parents complained to BC Soccer. Their answer 'Take it to the Board'. BC Soccer should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. They heard not tens but hundreds of complaints. God coached my daughter intake team and in a matter of 3 years caused the whole team to disband. He never coached a girls team before this. Ever. He was loud, obnoxious and an absolute bully. A complaint went into BC Soccer. 75 pages. It consisted of parents and players serious concerns of this maniac. Gutsy. There could of been 275 pages. Many refused to testify, even though most were playing for other teams such as Surrey or Coastal. God would find them and punish them. God gets suspended. Disbelief but jubilation. However after several appeals, God gets off the hook with a Kangaroo BC Discipline Committee. I guess he turned in 200 pages of rebuttal of how great he was. BC Soccer promised to give back God's rebuttal to the parents explaining reasons for their decision but this would take a while because of the time consuming task of blacking out names. Still waiting....2 years...

This year, God shows up and his club has 45 kids at grassroots. Yep 45. How are they making money? Don't worry, God has got it under control. After God fires the field coordinator last year and assigns the job to the President, the President quits. God needs somebody, somebody who will be pretty window dressing. Someone who seems like a 'friend'. He hires his 'friend' but little does he know that his friend packs an ego as well. Let's call him the devil.

God and the devil fight. The devil wins. The devil looks at the books and sees that God pulled 130,000 tax free a year for almost 6 years. Hmmmm, that's almost million. Even the devil thinks that is greedy.

The devil inherits a tire fire of biblical proportions, even too hot for BeelzeBub. God took the the house the car and the keys. He even took every last ball, cone and whistle (write offs of course).

When God was fired, I must of received 50 calls, absolute joy. I wished the new board luck, but they had no chance going in.

Today Fraser Valley is gone. All HPL teams. Done.

Today, I received about 10 calls, sad parents looking for a place to go. Luckily, I pulled my kids out last year. I already tithed enough to God and wasn't going to give him another 5000.

It's a sad day.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Okay, haven't been on in a while but always trolling. Right RF;).

I was part of club for almost 10 years. I started coaching my daughter when she was 6..now she is 16. Whew, good math. I reached out to @Dude a few years ago about the problems of this club so he and others are aware of this tire fire.

About 7 years ago a new TD walks in, lets call him God. God starts with a club of about 1000 kids, not bad, and mostly girls teams. At one point there were 7 girls teams in my daughters U-12 age group. Nice. Somehow, God gets a HPL franchise tag while the club across the street with twice as many people, heck maybe three times as much gets zilch. Impressive pull.

He hires great coaches, things seem fine. Club is thriving.

Then God starts reading his press clipings, written by him, of course. He doesn't promote any of underage coaches to coach HPL or his excellent academy coaches. He decides to coach three teams himself and give other teams to family and close friends. Don't worry, he can handle it. He hires a president who has NO soccer background. Hmmm, don't worry, he has got it covered. Nobody can do the job that he can. Academy Coaches are let go. However, I see some coaching University teams now, one is an Assistant TD and a bunch, BUNCH are at WhiteCaps. Not good enough for Fraser Valley though.

Numbers are dwindling year after year. The board consists of mom, dad, brother and a best buddy. Pretty soon there is no board. Funniest line was take it to the board. Parents complained to BC Soccer. Their answer 'Take it to the Board'. BC Soccer should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. They heard not tens but hundreds of complaints. God coached my daughter intake team and in a matter of 3 years caused the whole team to disband. He never coached a girls team before this. Ever. He was loud, obnoxious and an absolute bully. A complaint went into BC Soccer. 75 pages. It consisted of parents and players serious concerns of this maniac. Gutsy. There could of been 275 pages. Many refused to testify, even though most were playing for other teams such as Surrey or Coastal. God would find them and punish them. God gets suspended. Disbelief but jubilation. However after several appeals, God gets off the hook with a Kangaroo BC Discipline Committee. I guess he turned in 200 pages of rebuttal of how great he was. BC Soccer promised to give back God's rebuttal to the parents explaining reasons for their decision but this would take a while because of the time consuming task of blacking out names. Still waiting....2 years...

This year, God shows up and his club has 45 kids at grassroots. Yep 45. How are they making money? Don't worry, God has got it under control. After God fires the field coordinator last year and assigns the job to the President, the President quits. God needs somebody, somebody who will be pretty window dressing. Someone who seems like a 'friend'. He hires his 'friend' but little does he know that his friend packs an ego as well. Let's call him the devil.

God and the devil fight. The devil wins. The devil looks at the books and sees that God pulled 130,000 tax free a year for almost 6 years. Hmmmm, that's almost million. Even the devil thinks that is greedy.

The devil inherits a tire fire of biblical proportions, even too hot for BeelzeBub. God took the the house the car and the keys. He even took every last ball, cone and whistle (write offs of course).

When God was fired, I must of received 50 calls, absolute joy. I wished the new board luck, but they had no chance going in.

Today Fraser Valley is gone. All HPL teams. Done.

Today, I received about 10 calls, sad parents looking for a place to go. Luckily, I pulled my kids out last year. I already tithed enough to God and wasn't going to give him another 5000.

It's a sad day.
Reading between the lines, sounds like you don't believe in God.

Oh My God Wow GIF by ElevenSportsBE


New Member
Dec 14, 2020
Dirty Money
It's official - BC Soccer Suspends Fraser Valley Premier BCSPL Licence

BC Soccer has suspended the FV Premier (PGMLFC) BCSPL License until July 1, 2021.
BC Soccer provided the following direction to the FVP (PGMLFC);
  • Your club to notify all BCSPL impacted players/families, of this suspension, by no later than noon on December 14, 2020,
  • Your club to provide appropriate refunds to all BCSPL impacted players/families for fees collected associated with programming by no later than December 20, 2020, and
  • That any BCSPL teams that were under your club’s operation be reassigned to Langley United Soccer Association (LUSA) and for coaches and team officials to be confirmed by LUSA.
Specifically to the BCSPL, noting that the BCSPL teams that were under the club’s operation have been reassigned to Langley United Soccer Association (LUSA), they will be supporting you through this process and specifically Mark Parker, Technical Director. Mark is also copied on this email.
As a next step players have the following options;


Active Member
Apr 18, 2019
Dirty Money
Okay, haven't been on in a while but always trolling. Right RF;).

I was part of club for almost 10 years. I started coaching my daughter when she was 6..now she is 16. Whew, good math. I reached out to @Dude a few years ago about the problems of this club so he and others are aware of this tire fire.

About 7 years ago a new TD walks in, lets call him God. God starts with a club of about 1000 kids, not bad, and mostly girls teams. At one point there were 7 girls teams in my daughters U-12 age group. Nice. Somehow, God gets a HPL franchise tag while the club across the street with twice as many people, heck maybe three times as much gets zilch. Impressive pull.

He hires great coaches, things seem fine. Club is thriving.

Then God starts reading his press clipings, written by him, of course. He doesn't promote any of underage coaches to coach HPL or his excellent academy coaches. He decides to coach three teams himself and give other teams to family and close friends. Don't worry, he can handle it. He hires a president who has NO soccer background. Hmmm, don't worry, he has got it covered. Nobody can do the job that he can. Academy Coaches are let go. However, I see some coaching University teams now, one is an Assistant TD and a bunch, BUNCH are at WhiteCaps. Not good enough for Fraser Valley though.

Numbers are dwindling year after year. The board consists of mom, dad, brother and a best buddy. Pretty soon there is no board. Funniest line was take it to the board. Parents complained to BC Soccer. Their answer 'Take it to the Board'. BC Soccer should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. They heard not tens but hundreds of complaints. God coached my daughter intake team and in a matter of 3 years caused the whole team to disband. He never coached a girls team before this. Ever. He was loud, obnoxious and an absolute bully. A complaint went into BC Soccer. 75 pages. It consisted of parents and players serious concerns of this maniac. Gutsy. There could of been 275 pages. Many refused to testify, even though most were playing for other teams such as Surrey or Coastal. God would find them and punish them. God gets suspended. Disbelief but jubilation. However after several appeals, God gets off the hook with a Kangaroo BC Discipline Committee. I guess he turned in 200 pages of rebuttal of how great he was. BC Soccer promised to give back God's rebuttal to the parents explaining reasons for their decision but this would take a while because of the time consuming task of blacking out names. Still waiting....2 years...

This year, God shows up and his club has 45 kids at grassroots. Yep 45. How are they making money? Don't worry, God has got it under control. After God fires the field coordinator last year and assigns the job to the President, the President quits. God needs somebody, somebody who will be pretty window dressing. Someone who seems like a 'friend'. He hires his 'friend' but little does he know that his friend packs an ego as well. Let's call him the devil.

God and the devil fight. The devil wins. The devil looks at the books and sees that God pulled 130,000 tax free a year for almost 6 years. Hmmmm, that's almost million. Even the devil thinks that is greedy.

The devil inherits a tire fire of biblical proportions, even too hot for BeelzeBub. God took the the house the car and the keys. He even took every last ball, cone and whistle (write offs of course).

When God was fired, I must of received 50 calls, absolute joy. I wished the new board luck, but they had no chance going in.

Today Fraser Valley is gone. All HPL teams. Done.

Today, I received about 10 calls, sad parents looking for a place to go. Luckily, I pulled my kids out last year. I already tithed enough to God and wasn't going to give him another 5000.

It's a sad day.
Who said God isn’t a profit? That’s a whole lotta bread he broke

....but he inherited said bakery from two dipshits who created LFC into the unethical/embezzlement festival it has become....LUSA has sat back and laughed at the dysfunction...& continued to receive more funding and field time because LFC diverts money to pockets rather than development.

long before God came there was shady af shite going down at that club.... directors hiring themselves and friends as academy coaches at $60 per hour.... voting on giving themselves raises....

Bc soccer are asshats.... not a a scooby effin doo about what happens in clubs under their feigned leadership.


Active Member
Apr 18, 2019
Dirty Money
Aaaaand FTR ...the FV gave LFC the BCSPL rights as a sad attempt to boost their reg numbers and say fcuk you to LUSA.....who were taking exception to the FV expense reports at the time..... lots of mileage driven to hell and back I guess.

LFC has been a honey hole for at least 10 years....sticky fingers abound

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