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TUF 10: Heavyweights now with added Kimbo


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Did anyone else catch the premiere last night on Spike? They did huge ratings damage with lots on the tube last night in both Canada and the US.

It was good just because of the monster leaker gash opened up on that poor Abe fellows noodle. That was harsh. :eek:

Kimbo was selected 2nd or 3rd overall by Rampage, whose mouth is writing cheques I don't think his ass can cash against Sugar Rashad in December...

Kimbo was reserved and quite quiet, he did appear very humble and the guys on Rashad's team will be picking fights with him asap to establish their dominance...

That all being said Most of these guys look like total dogs. The giant Marcus Jones looks flat out of shape, Kimbo's ground game looks horrid, I think it will have a VERY tough time living up the hype...

Hopefully Kimbo can hang tough for a while, or their ratings are going to be shite.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Good read if you missed the first show and are interested in watching it.
Ten Reasons to Watch ?TUF 10?
When MTV’s “The Real World” premiered in 1992, and throughout its twenty-one subsequent seasons, viewers were exposed to a wide array of personal politics, belief systems, and cultural dynamics. Cast members were locked in a living space and forced to confront their prejudices while offering exaggerated versions of themselves for cameras.

The dominant audience reaction: will someone please punch some of these people in the face?

The genius of “The Ultimate Fighter” is that someone can.

“TUF,” which debuted in the spring of 2005, might have been the single most influential paradigm shift in the sport’s history. (Basic cable television is a powerful drug.) The UFC found a venue for creating and promoting new talent, pushing existing stars as coaches, and allowing curious viewers a free sample of the violence. Season ten’s premiere (tonight, Spike, 10 p.m. ET, or later following UFC Fight Night overspill) will attempt to defy the series’ advancing age by pushing the participation of Kimbo Slice, noted Miami street brawler and former CBS-network attraction. And if you could never predict that sentence, you now understand the bizarre randomness of television programming.

Free fights should be reason enough to watch for the next twelve weeks, but in case you need them, here are ten more:

10. Breakable Contracting
There’s no context for this scene, but Quinton Jackson is probably using the door as a metaphor for his feelings toward opposing coach Rashad Evans. It is obviously a flimsy, hollow-core piece of garbage hung in the hopes a fighter would assault it…but it doesn’t matter. Property destruction never fails to entertain.

9. Matt Mitrione
A six-year NFL veteran, Mitrione is this season’s Amir Sadollah: a perfect 0-0 record in professional competition. Steamrolled or an unlikely survivor, the man clearly has a pair.

8. Kimbo Slice
Just getting it out of the way.

7. A Singular Cast
Most seasons of “TUF” have fractured production -- and viewer attention -- on two weight classes at a time. It’s not that complicated, but it does dilute some of the appeal and straightforward narrative of focusing on a single division.

6. Mike Rowe
“Next time…on the ‘Ultimate Fighter.’” Narrator Mike Rowe can make anything sound important. He’s the Orson Welles of bloodletting.

5. Roy Nelson
The most accomplished in the series’ mix of rookies and veterans, most figure that the season is Nelson’s to lose: his grappling was enough to stifle Frank Mir during a submission tournament in 2002, and his striking earned him a split decision loss against Ben Rothwell in 2007. He’s also fat and genial, and it’s nice to see the sport having less of an inferiority complex to allow for inferior physique admission. (Babe Ruth: great ball player, but a bit of a slob. No one much cared.)

4. Fueling the Heavyweight Division
Once a laughable mess, the UFC’s group of tailored suits is already looking better than it has in years: with 16 potential bodies, it’s a safe bet that a handful will stick around to create more depth.

3. The Vacuum
The very smart, slightly alarming-looking journalist Josh Gross often advises that fights are best reviewed with the sound off: commentary tends to creep into your opinion uninvited. There is only ambient noise during “Fighter” fights: teammates shouting advice and the dull thud of bodies. It works.

2. The Jackson/Evans Dynamic
Most “rivalries” in the sport are borne out of exaggerated emotions with the knowledge that bad blood flows right into piles of money. But so what? If Quinton Jackson and Rashad Evans are faking it, they both deserve Oscars.

1. Wes Sims
Sims, a 6’10” unpolished wrestler weaned on Mark Coleman’s Hammer House philosophy of smash first and think later, reminds some fans of Ric Flair -- if Flair suffered a head injury, was afflicted with ADD, and could brag of an appearance on “Blind Date.” Locking him in a house with fifteen other athletes should happen every season.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Rampage actually took kimbo first but he was second overall. I think this will be a good season. Rampage always has something good to say, especially when it comes to throwing it rashad. Wes sims is just and has his own category might be this years Junie Browning but not a sniviling little prikc. I think Kimbo only has a chance if its on a stand up, but he seems to be the only one who knows he has to train and isn't comming in full ego. Roy " I thought I was the big surprise" Nelson, could be the most seasoned but I hope he gets dropped the first time out. But who doesn't wanna see Marcus Jones get out there, if this guy has some game, it would be great to see a giant get in the ufc to be up there with Carwin and Lesnar. Next week maybe the week for us to see what the show has to offer, seeing as how we get some in the house action. Lets just hope the fight is a little more up beat this week. Oh and as for the Rampage/Rashad fight in Decemeber, I heard it has been PPD, as Rampage has taken a roll in the soon to be new A-Team movie as BA Baracas, and won't be able to fight due to filming.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Yeah, I saw that too about Rampage. Dana is not happy.

Marcus Jones is too old and out of shape, by the time he has the skills to match his gargantuan frame to pit himself against Carwin or Lesnar he will be 50.

Loved seeing Sims claim he 'beat Mir twice' when in fact he lost both those fights, today he answered an email question from a sherdog forum poster by saying he 'polled the bars and truck stops between Ohio and Vegas and everyone said I won the fight, last man standing wins" :rolleyes: and then he goes on to claim that Big John got fired by the UFC over his second loss to Mir, and that that split decision was a joke, and he should have won...

Sims is a joke, but may well end up winning this thing sadly, as we have seen what he has to offer to the octagon already.

Schaub has to be my darkhorse at this point.

Mr. IFL Nelson is in no shape for the Octagon, tuff'nough and king of the cage maybe, UFC... no.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Yeah, I saw that too about Rampage. Dana is not happy.

Marcus Jones is too old and out of shape, by the time he has the skills to match his gargantuan frame to pit himself against Carwin or Lesnar he will be 50.

Loved seeing Sims claim he 'beat Mir twice' when in fact he lost both those fights, today he answered an email question from a sherdog forum poster by saying he 'polled the bars and truck stops between Ohio and Vegas and everyone said I won the fight, last man standing wins" :rolleyes: and then he goes on to claim that Big John got fired by the UFC over his second loss to Mir, and that that split decision was a joke, and he should have won...

Sims is a joke, but may well end up winning this thing sadly, as we have seen what he has to offer to the octagon already.

Schaub has to be my darkhorse at this point.

Mr. IFL Nelson is in no shape for the Octagon, tuff'nough and king of the cage maybe, UFC... no.

Yeah, Wes Sims is the Terrell Owens of TUF, annoying but good TV. UFC just apparently signed Seth Petruzelli. The last guy to KO kimbo. Before the guy beat Kimbo he was running a Juice stand. Does that mean I shouldn't have beaked teh guy at orange julius?:rolleyes: Overall I think TUF 10, will be watched mostly for Kimbo. And everyone wants to see a heavyweight that can take on Lesnar. I was at Lesnar vs Couture and that guy may be the biggest human ive seen in person. May aswell be a coke machine with legs. But like Fedor ( who's a joke IMO, don't need to start that topic over again) I just wanna see him or Lesnar lose. Who wouldn't wanna tune in for Kimbo vs Lesnar, even though I think lesnar would beat the beard right off Kimbo. TUF 10 will be ok, but I doubt we will ever get that Griffin vs Bonar fight again.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Well, just caught up on my PVR and took in episode 2, with Wes Shivers getting beat in a decision by McSweeney.

Both fighters in poor shape, cardio anyways... It looked like Shivers was going to have a stroke :eek:

the show ended off though with Sugar Rashad picking former IFL Champ Roy "Big Country" Nelson from his team to take on Kimbo.

So what could end up being one of the big fights in this season of TUF happens tonight! :D

Should be good.

Dana needs Kimbo to win, or the ratings will tank bad...

Also worth noting that Rashad and his A.C. were chastising Jones for having bad work ethinc in training and wasn't coachable... foreshadowing?.... I guess we'll see tonight.

Can't wait. :D


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
So Kimbo didn't get beat up, and as Rampage says, was just overcome by Nelson's belly :D

too bad Nelson didn't stand and trade with Kimbo.

This has been cool seeing the total opposite of what I perceived...

Kimbo is a down to earth humble(ish) guy, whist Nelson is a full blown egotistical maniac.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
I wasted an hour of my life waiting for the fight....then I watched a tub of goo dominate Kimbo Slice....Wow did he train to lay on his back and take punches in the head.


He should of run out of the ring after looking for Forrest


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Kimbo didn't get beat up, he got sat on... what fight were you watching Franchise?

Dana looked far from impressed with Nelson.

He took Kimbo to the ground and hit the crown of his forehead... geez...

Once, if and ever, Kimbo gets a bit of wrestling or BJJ technique he could be scary... he is tough as nails and has excellent power...

But there is no way he is winning this thing.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
I hate roy nelson, and everything about him. I really hope he makes it to the UFC gets a shot at lesnar so brock can rip his head off. Where or what is the IFL anyways:rolleyes: Kimbo had no chance once "the moon" was on his head. Smart game plan for Big Cnutry, but a terrible fight. At the end of the episode it showed someone collapse (marcus jones I believe) could kimbo get another shot?????

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
This is such a scam....each week they are going to show someone getting hurt and hinting Kimbo "no chance" Slice could take their spot so everyone tunes in.

How does everyone expect Kimbo to win or be successful if he can't even beat the giant goo???

He is a heavyweight.....guys are fat..deal with it or lose weight to change your weight class.

Kimbo should go back to fighting in the street

Tim Berners-Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2006
Dirty Money
maybe the easiest guard pass ive ever seen on that show....kimbo is a standup novelty act...i think its too late for that guy...he will never have a ground game thus never be a threatening mma fighter


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Caught fight 4 episode last night, a day late (thank god for PVR's)

Demico Rogers gets Submitted by Brenden Schaub after dominating the fight and Schaub for most of the first round. too bad.

Rampage looks totally disinterested in the show now, and it's only week 5 next show. :eek:

What the hell happened to Jones? Is he just a big vagina or what? he keeps hurting himself, and now he is going into sweats and fever attacks!?


The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Caught fight 4 episode last night, a day late (thank god for PVR's)

Demico Rogers gets Submitted by Brenden Schaub after dominating the fight and Schaub for most of the first round. too bad.

Rampage looks totally disinterested in the show now, and it's only week 5 next show. :eek:

What the hell happened to Jones? Is he just a big vagina or what? he keeps hurting himself, and now he is going into sweats and fever attacks!?


So boring....! The fights are terriable, no house drama and Rampage Jackson seems to be always on the phone texting:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I am growing weary of this series...

I think the heavyweight class all across MMA is bad, not in the technical sense of the word, but in the entertainment sense...

the division's top fighters are scattered between different promotions (Strikeforce and UFC) and there are no real clear "next-ones"

Last night I just ffwd to the fight... :(


Sep 4, 2001
Dirty Money
So boring....! The fights are terriable, no house drama and Rampage Jackson seems to be always on the phone texting:rolleyes:

Rampage never wanted to do the show in the first place. He was pretty much forced to do it by Dana White.

Best part of the show so far are Rampage's one liners:eek:


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Dirty Money
wow what was dana talking about? that was a boring fight "meathead" is a tool, now his ego is gonna be even bigger. this season is yet to have a good fight.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
Looks like Kimbo may be fighting again...

Funny seeing Big baby....6 feet 6 tall and over 265 pounds scared of a spider...

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