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Vic Bianchin


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Caps striker Niall Thompson was not available for selection as he was married on Friday. Trust me, the club didn’t miss him.
I've bitten my tongue for what seems like a couple of months now... the above "quote" is enough in my opinion to warrant the silence to be broken :rolleyes:

Has anyone here ever read this knob's drivel? Is he for real? Someone please tell this clown to go back to journalism school... bad puns, terrible titles, and a genuine lack of insight in the game - I guess this is what happens when you give a WOP a pen instead of a trowel :eek:

As long as I can stomach getting through them, I'll continue to use this thread in the coming weeks to pick apart Mr. Bianchin's woeful writing style.

Wish me luck :rolleyes:


One Dart

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Can we include Gary Mason in this thread.

He should. Learn to write. Because his sentences. Are so short. It looks like. They were written by. One of the Captain's students.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Bianchin is a bad writer

Although I don't agree with One Dart's views on Gary Mason's writing abilities (I doubt if anyone other than the self-centred One Dart thinks that way), I agree with Regs that Vic Bianchin is a bit over the top in what he writes and his insights are rarely thoughtful or incisive. Kind of like when Guinness is on the illicit lerb.

One Dart

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Mason is awful. He thinks that everything he writes is so profound, when it's actually not. I will admit that there are times when he writes good articles but on the whole I find his style unattractive. I am not one of the Captain's students, had I been, I would have known that the question I posed needed a question mark. :rolleyes: I don't think that I am self centered for disliking Mason, and I know for fact that I am not the only one who thinks so. So there.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
One Dimensional Dart

Well then who are all these people who dislike Gary Mason's writing? He is one writer who knows his subject and portrays the people he writes about fairly and with some depth. Now, if you had said you didn't like Tony Gallagher for his whining and sour attitude, you might have more support.

Vic Bianchin is a guy with limited soccer skill when he played in net and really limited understanding of the game from a player's perspective. We had him on an old Clan Alumni team in the winter Burnaby Men's League in the 1988 or '89. His half time insights into the game were crap and we used to let him talk so he could say his piece and then have everyone else correct him. Every ball from goal was a scud. It might have gone 40-45 yards but you never knew in which direction or if on the field of play.

About the only thing distinctive I remember about him was how he turned up for a Saturday night game in the Burnaby Men's League from a wedding, played the game, changed and returned to his wife and the wedding (who I believe he snuck out on).

Vic broadcasts games about as well as he writes and got into broadcasting soccer games on local cable at a time when anyone could simply volunteer and make it onto the local cable screen. Regs, I think he is even worse as a broadcaster than a writer!

One Dart

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Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Mason writes a good hockey article, no complaints about him there. It's almost the opposite of Gallagher though, has Mason ever said something bad or controversial about the person or sport he is writing? I think not. His articles pump smoke up the ass of anyone whom he thinks is worthy of some ass kissing. If portraying his subjects fairly means agreeing with everything they say or stand for, then I guess he does.


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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
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Looks like this Vic Bianchin "writer" is putting his foot into it again :rolleyes:

Basically he ran an article that said PEI "squealled" on BC during the recent Women's Nationals fiasco (as we all know, it was Sask)... PEI caught wind of this and rightly said basically that the author is a moron for not getting facts right :D

Now the author in question has written a rebuttal that to me is a slap in the face to anyone following the saga... no apology, except to say
"That’s all well and good and it’s nice to know that PEI didn’t force the issue but it doesn’t hide the fact that the BC side was screwed by the CSA’s silly technicality"
Nice one.

The CSA can hide in shame behind the Jubilee shield along with the team that has the hollow title
Why should the winning team "hide" in shame? It's not exactly their fault is it?

He then goes on to say the CSA is a joke and then says,
Dream on, another Pipe dream… When is the Kevin Pipe Bobble head doll coming out?
What does Pipe have to do with it? I thought someone else ran the show now?

Not a clue if you ask me and as far as I'm concerned, this "writer" devalues the bcsoccerweb as well as the world football pages 'newspaper'.


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Get this Guy on TTP

That would be a classic, he has no idea what he is taking about, and at the same time he doesn't even check the facts before he puts out this crap.

Did he or does he still write on the Italian League for the local Italian newspaper or was it that Coach that could never find a winning team.

I remeber him calling Friuli "The Cancer" of the Italian League, that is a classic.
Call us the Pilsner of the League but not cancer.:(



New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Get this Guy on TTP

That would be a classic, he has no idea what he is taking about, and at the same time he doesn't even check the facts before he puts out this crap.

Isn't that job description already being filled by Dude?

Jimmy Holiday

Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
L'eco D'Italia

Did he or does he still write on the Italian League for the local Italian newspaper or was it that Coach that could never find a winning team.

Yes he's the guy that rambles on and on about nonsenese in the back pages of the WOP paper........He also does commentary for the Ital Tourney Final on Shaw...:confused:

Glad to see that they get the most qualified soccer people to do their shows :rolleyes:


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Get this Guy on TTP

Originally posted by Hands of Stone
I remeber him calling Friuli "The Cancer" of the Italian League, that is a classic.
Call us the Pilsner of the League but not cancer.

Cancer is pretty serious. You guys are more like a boil, or a really crappy birth mark or something. Kinda nasty to look at, pretty annoying, doesn't really serve a purpose....

No, wait, Veneto is the crappy birth mark of the Italian League.

You guys can be cirrhosis of the liver.

Can't spell cirrhosis without HOS,


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
New Bianchin Blabber...

Show us, the money. By Vic Bianchin, l'eco d' Italia, The Afro News and The World Football Pages Columnist.

The Canadian woman’s soccer team says it may not bother to play in the Gold Cup unless the CSA boosts their wage packets. The team has taken on Vancouver Lawyer Dan Sudeyko, a former 86’ers player, to represent them and have mouth piece Charmaine Hooper stirring up the rhetoric as well. CSA head man Kevin Pipe says the cupboard is bare and he’s doing the best that he can. The ladies are far more successful than their male counterparts but are paid less and also do not get paid for friendly matches, unlike the men. The CSA is paying them $3,500.00 for playing in the upcoming Gold Cup tourney and 2 grand more if they make the final, but they want $7,500.00 instead. Pipe says the more profitable men’s program subsidizes the ladies team. The CSA and hardly anyone else will take this threat seriously. It’s like the WNBA threatening a strike. If the woman’s team was smart, they would bring in hard-ass labor leader Buzz Hargrove to kick CSA butt.

Silence is golden…not. Time is running out on the deadline imposed by the United Soccer League for a new Whitecap/Breakers owner. The USL is holding its pow wow, re the '03 schedule on November 7th and is prepared to suspend Vancouver operations for a year if need be. USL chief David Askinas, quietly stopped into Vancouver to check on the so called 3 groups that are poking vulture like at the Whitecap quivering carcass. Askinas also made a pit stop in Edmonton and Calgary. Askinas proclaimed that Calgary’s Foothills stadium was inadequate because it has no concessions, no lighting and bathrooms. It makes you wonder why the league granted the Storm a franchise to start with. The fact that he went to Edmonton is interesting, in the light of Rick Titus getting cozy with Denver businessman Steve Jensen.

Seattle, MLS Bound. The Sounders will abandon 12,000 seat Memorial Stadium and it’s rock hard Astro-turf and open up shop in 67,000 seat Seahawk Stadium next May. They averaged only 2500 at the old dump but drew 25,000 when they opened Hawk stadium, a 4-1 win over the Caps on July 28th.

Thanks for nothing, mate. Karl Heinz Rumminege of Bayern Munich, is not too impressed with defensive midfielder Owen Hargreaves remarks. Hargreaves says it doesn’t make sense for a English National team member to be playing in Germany. Well, Duh…. Heinz says if not for Bayern, the skinny Calgarian would be no where today and he’s right.

Canada drops to a balmy 72. If Canada’s FIFA rating was based on a thermometer, 72 would be very comfortable indeed with winter coming on . Unfortunately in the FIFA rankings the higher you go, the lower you are. Going up means you’re dropping? Anyway, the Americans are number 10, which doesn’t mean much to a public obsessed with the exploits of Barry Bonds and other contemptible zillionaires. Soccer in the states, is a fly on the windshield of American sports. If Canada’s team was number 10 it still wouldn’t mean a hill of beans to Canadians who care more about Ron McLean’s contract than Holger’s zero’s.

The MLS championship final, won 1-0 by LA over Boston, drew 61,000 in Foxboro Mass. The league made the blunder of putting the title match up against NFL football Sunday and got no media coverage.

I just want to be one of the guys. Hayley Wickenheizer, Can she play soccer? She’s pretty good at baseball and really good at ice hockey. In fact she is so good, she made the men’s team for Merano in Italy. Problem is she was in Italy, one of the last great bastions of male chauvinism in Europe. She is going to try some other men’s leagues in Europe. It’s nothing a sex change operation wouldn’t solve, she’s already part way there.

No respect for Man U. Rodney Dangerfield could adopt this club as his favourite. The one time darlings of the Premiership, are now like yesterdays newspaper, which my dog makes god use of. Roy Keane is a barbarian. A ruthless, selfish, calculating Neanderthal, just read his new book and talk to the manager of Northern Ireland. Then there’s the revelation from a Munich air disaster survivor, who says, the storied club threw matches in the early 60’s. Thanks very much. There is also the debate on George Best being the best ever from the club, but since he’s Irish, they say he doesn’t merit the status. If anything, his old liver should be used for the next Olympic flame. Oh yes, the temperamental, spoiled David Beckham. Who says his leggy wife couldn’t hold a note in a Harrod’s shopping bag? Just image if Bruce Grobbelar ever played for them?

Who needs them. The Premier division wants to pull away from the English FA. It’s all about money and power. The FA needs the premier to prop up numerous clubs, which lost TV money and are about to go under.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Roy Keane is a barbarian. A ruthless, selfish, calculating Neanderthal, just read his new book and talk to the manager of Northern Ireland

Good thing his facts are straight. I'm sure Sammy McIlroy would have a lot to say about Roy Keane's antics this past summer. This guy is quite a fcuking arse hole for the most part, but some of his comments are true and somewhat amusing.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
The guy must be pretty drunk when he writes that load of nonsense.

Silence is golden…not.

He actually uses that old not thing that was funny for a nanosecond in the early 90's and hasn't been used even by Fraser Valleyites for years now.


Not everything makes it everywhere

Flipping through these rants I see Vic Bianchin is the subject of much debate, with reference made to radio, the Italian rag and World Football Pages. Now I don't listen to much radio, I have read the Italian rag and I do enjoy WFP, and note that not everything he writes makes it to WFP. They are far more selective. They didn't run his piece on Burnaby Canadians - the editor wrote one - and he didn't mess up the PEI thing, and does note that it would not be right to take the victory away from the eventual champions. A distinction worth noting. As true as Bianchin's comments on Georgie Best may have been, apparently that didn't make it either - just a little too caustic.
So though he may be spewing uncontained elsewhere, WFP takes him with a grain of salt, sifting through his rants, and openly admits that he's no Shakespear, but does get people talking.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Is that the hydraulic 10-foot pole you are using england? :D

Getting people to talk. Recent events here on TTP have gotten people to talk. Believe me, it's not exactly a good thing.

I can easily think of 10 TTPers that write better and are more knowledgeable about the game both locally and internationally than the writer in question.



PS. someone should mention to the plonker that he'd have better luck finding the ex-VMSL prez on an Austrailian beach rather than a mexican one :rolleyes:

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