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Div 1 [VMSL D1] Results & Banter February 2010

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Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Wao hate like hell to see both Rino first team out of cup play and also a U21 out o cup play . Only hope they have is a div two cat side. Must be the hard work from the central defender that is keaping them still in play. Dezza must be shyting bricks. just keap Smart Coach away and you will have fun. If Azzi comes you will lose. Go figure. Bad luck come out and it spreads. Best of luck. At least you will be able to go and play in a BC B cup.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2004
Dirty Money
wao hate like hell to see both rino first team out of cup play and also a u21 out o cup play . Only hope they have is a div two cat side. Must be the hard work from the central defender that is keaping them still in play. Dezza must be shyting bricks. Just keap smart coach away and you will have fun. If azzi comes you will lose. Go figure. Bad luck come out and it spreads. Best of luck. At least you will be able to go and play in a bc b cup.

u21 rino is in provincial cup !


Mar 31, 2009
Dirty Money
Is there a timeline on how long it will take to resolve this all? I see where Bombastic plays their cup final on Saturday so maybe VMSL is thinking the relegation playoff is the weekend after? I'm wondering if this match will be played before April!

Rumor has it from a VERY reliable source, Chile and Bombastic to play the relegation match next Wednesday.


New Member
Feb 25, 2008
Dirty Money
Rumor has it from a VERY reliable source, Chile and Bombastic to play the relegation match next Wednesday.

I heard it was going to be Wednesday, March 31st at a field TBD and they were determining who exactly was playing in it on Thursday, March 25th... just this is the first I heard of which team they chose. Painful Deceit, did you hear anything?
Jul 11, 2007
Dirty Money
I heard it was going to be Wednesday, March 31st at a field TBD and they were determining who exactly was playing in it on Thursday, March 25th... just this is the first I heard of which team they chose. Painful Deceit, did you hear anything?

We have been advised that E. de Chile will be playing in the relegation match more than likely to take place next Wednesday field TBD and that the player in question obviously cannot participate.

As a side note I think his personal battle is just beginning and it won't be with just the VMSL as a strong message is going to be sent to the player body as this little episode has opened up a huge can of worms and the powers that be are going for their pound of flesh.

More to come I am sure as this is going to set a precedent and probably a clarification to the constitution at both the vmsl and bc soccer level.



Dec 16, 2006
Dirty Money
So basically the league is setting a precedent here that you may use an illegal player so as long as you plead ignorance????

The league could have set an example here of how they do not allow teams to break rules no matter the circumstance. I think they dropped the ball big time here. I am fan of how Chile plays the game, but it's pretty cut and dry to me that the use of an illegal player should result in some sort of penalty.
Jul 11, 2007
Dirty Money
So basically the league is setting a precedent here that you may use an illegal player so as long as you plead ignorance????

The league could have set an example here of how they do not allow teams to break rules no matter the circumstance. I think they dropped the ball big time here. I am fan of how Chile plays the game, but it's pretty cut and dry to me that the use of an illegal player should result in some sort of penalty.

I pleaded ignorance because I WAS ignorant, not to get out of a punishment...have you read what the BC Soccer and the VMSL rules say about this? I invite you to, I read every page of both documents, multiple times and educated myself, good reading material. Decisions are not arbitrarily taken by the VMSL, they really do look at the rules contrary to popular belief (and make informed educated decisions after formal discussions within the executive).

The league with this precedent will now put the onus where it belongs with BC Soccer, they are the only ones that can implement a system that would allow the league to verify a player registering in more than one league.

I think that if you are going to say the league "dropped the ball" you should consider all the facts and resources available to EVERY team manager, their simply isn't a system and managers can be dooped, big time and in my biased opinion, I am glad the league did not take an absolute approach, they checked the rules, obtained as much information as possible and determined that the only individual at fault is the player...who by the way is now suspended INDEFINATELY from the VMSL. I think that's a pretty strong precedent to set, don't you?


Active Member
Sep 12, 2001
Dirty Money
league website says the playoff game is wednesday at livingstone, 8:30pm. should be a doozie!

If Chile had the team that beat Inter, they would win this game easily, but they will be missing their 3 top players: Ravji, De Sousa, and Steddy. Stedman and Ducivan were outstanding against Inter.

I think it will be a close game, Bombastic is a very hard working team that is relentless. I predict a 1 goal game, perhaps overtime or peno's. Don't really know who will win, but good luck to both teams.



Sep 21, 2009
Dirty Money
Agree with PD, and the league, the player is the only person that was aware of the rules being broken, and chose knowingly to break them. He gets an indefinite ban and so other players may think twice before doing the same thing.

If there is no system in place to help coaches on this matter I think ignorance is a valid reason. It is not practical to get volunteer coaches to do background checks on 30+ players. Once BC Soccer implements a scheme for checking this efficiently ignorance will no longer be an excuse and then teams will be held responsible

Best of luck to Chile on Wednesday, but i don't think you'll need it, sorry bombastic...


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
Dirty Money
I pleaded ignorance because I WAS ignorant, not to get out of a punishment...have you read what the BC Soccer and the VMSL rules say about this? I invite you to, I read every page of both documents, multiple times and educated myself, good reading material. Decisions are not arbitrarily taken by the VMSL, they really do look at the rules contrary to popular belief (and make informed educated decisions after formal discussions within the executive).

The league with this precedent will now put the onus where it belongs with BC Soccer, they are the only ones that can implement a system that would allow the league to verify a player registering in more than one league.

I think that if you are going to say the league "dropped the ball" you should consider all the facts and resources available to EVERY team manager, their simply isn't a system and managers can be dooped, big time and in my biased opinion, I am glad the league did not take an absolute approach, they checked the rules, obtained as much information as possible and determined that the only individual at fault is the player...who by the way is now suspended INDEFINATELY [sic] from the VMSL. I think that's a pretty strong precedent to set, don't you?

Very well said PD, bien hecho.
Jul 11, 2007
Dirty Money
If Chile had the team that beat Inter, they would win this game easily, but they will be missing their 3 top players: Ravji, De Sousa, and Steddy. Stedman and Ducivan were outstanding against Inter.

I think it will be a close game, Bombastic is a very hard working team that is relentless. I predict a 1 goal game, perhaps overtime or peno's. Don't really know who will win, but good luck to both teams.


We will be missing big part of our core, but we have some big games coming back for this game, plus the team is extremely confident with the man between the pipes, our goal scorers are available for this one and we have enough depth through the lineup to compete in this one. It's a winner take all and even if we had all our guys available I wouldn't expect anything less than a tight game against the Bombastic boys, we are not taking anyone for granted especially in a "winner take all" match. It will be fun.


New Member
Oct 19, 2007
Dirty Money
yes it is accurate, chile deservedly should stay up as the difference in quality was unquestionable. Hats off to them, and back to div 2.
Jul 11, 2007
Dirty Money
yes it is accurate, chile deservedly should stay up as the difference in quality was unquestionable. Hats off to them, and back to div 2.

very classy, bombastic battled hard all game and never gave up, hats off to them for making us earn it and keeping us honest for 90 mins, good luck next year guys.


Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
This individual Rajiv knew he was not allowed to be playing in both leagues. His last team gave him the boot when they found out what he was doing. I think it's unfair to come down like that on the team because if this player was doing it without the team knowing then what could they have done to prevent it? Especially if the player himself re-assures the team that he would never do anything like this.

Instead the league should give this individual a severe punishment instead because he has repeatedly been doing this for YEARS knowing he's not suppose to be.
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