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Div 1 [VMSL Div 1] Results & Banter October 2009

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Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
Polska loves Mcdirty but he wants him to have a smaller apple. Funny.
Polska now tell me why would you share any apples with McDirty. He is a proud guy.
East Burnasby guy. Takes no crap and loves to get in to it.
He will bring trouble your way and then you have to run. Mcdirty all the jokes a side what is the score betwen Nk an Cliff this weekend to be? I might put some money on this game. Polska what do you think the out come is going to be?

Polska you just might be right. Second half Cliff does not play well. I have wached few games on Burnaby Lake field. For some reason Cliff drops off in drive and smart play in the second half of the game.
It is not due to their shape Gio does good job on fitness. To me it looks like the team has tomany good players and they all like to lead. Just the same it should be heck of a game. Who ever wins will fight for one of the five spots to move up. There is also lots of teams going down at the end of the year. Every point will count huge at the end of the season. Italian centre field is a tough place to play on. Big guys tend to rule on a smaller park. I think NK will pull it off if Kenji is back.

mr base . how much u win:D

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Lots my lad. First year team and we win and we tie. It is Ok for bunch of young guys. I wached first half of NK and Cliff. Nk was a better side and they scored early and could have added. Second half I hear Cliff was a better side. Both teams were missing few guys.
Over all. Conrad and Procter are players with higher caliber and young Lucca. Rest is all even. The pitch Nk plays on is for kids, it is way to small for growen men.


New Member
Nov 1, 2004
Dirty Money
Akal 2 RFC 0.
We couldn't hit a shot on net to save our lives. Akal with two red cards and we had all the play but failed in their 18. Should have been a win.
To be honest, we came out flat and they took advantage early. Sure miss those young kids we had. On to next week.


New Member
Nov 1, 2004
Dirty Money
They weren't dirty they just moaned to the ref a lot. So much so that the side lines got cleared by the ref. Some dumb tackles but they were an alright squad.


Nov 3, 2002
Dirty Money
Cliff 1 NK 1

I'd say the first half was pretty even in terms of possession and goal scoring opportunities but Nk certainly did a better job with those opportunities and looked more dangerous on attack. Although it was nice to finally play on grass again, Beacons field was small, wet, and bumpy, which made for some sloppy play and many errant passes all game long. Anyhow, Nk had 7 or 8 corners in the first half and were finally rewarded with a goal when a cliff defenders' clearance found the back of the net.

Second half cliff came out with a little more umph and started to look dangerous in the final third by finally putting some shots close to the target. With 25 minutes left Cliff gets a break and ties things up with a good finish by proctor after a great through ball by McFly. After the tying goal, the game turned into a bit of a track meet with the teams taking turns countering up and down the field. Both teams had a number of chances toward the end but it was Cliff who were unlucky not to take the lead, missing the net on a breakaway and a couple sitters inside the box. Nk had a chance to steal the game with 5 to go when the ref makes up his own rule and calls a free kick for decent (my bad) just outside the 6 yard box, even though the play was dead and the ball had gone out for a goal kick already. The free kick was well taken but was cleared off the line by a game saving header. I thought our defenders played great all game long dealing with much of what Nk threw at us.

After pumping their own tires all week long on here, I didnt know what to expect out of Nk but they were a decent team with some skilled players. I look forward to the rematch on a bigger field where both teams can knock the ball around and actually play a little.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2007
Dirty Money
lobbans 5 poloina 0 Not a great game for us,lobbans was killing us with their 30 yard balls to the front runners every single time the back line got the ball.It might of been a different game if we scored on some early chances but thats the way it goes sometimes.The three injured player's we lost may hurt us more in the long run I hope they will be ready for the next game Friday night as we can not afford to lose points.I think after this game we will come out hard and hungry for the 3pts.It will also be nice to play against our old center back BEVAN.See you FRIDAY.


Oct 25, 2001
Dirty Money
A totally fair assessment of the game by Az2ky?. I would like to add that NK was quite unhappy to lose the 2 points after being up 1-0 at the half on a nifty goal by Nico that was aided into the net by a Cliff defender. I have never been in a game where my team had that many corner kicks before. It had to have been around twenty. When Cliff tied the game NK's sweeper decided a tie was like a loss so he pushed up non stop with no one covering only to have Cliff's most dangerous striker on the day break in clear, dead center with time. I had no doubt he was going to score only to have him miss even the corner flag. Never seen that before either. Shocking. NK actually scored the winner as the Cliff defender headed the ball out from inside the net on our free kick from the six. It was a great chip that clearly crossed the line but as the ref stated after the game "they would have gone beserk if I called that a goal". In all fairness, it was a strangely harsh undeserved predicament to put them in, late in a tie game. That aside the reffing was spot on especially the in first half. I am sure Cliff will not share my sentiment though as they yelled at him alot. I guess it really is a thankless job sometimes. In all it was an undoubtably entertaining top quality game despite the conditions.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Watcher I did wach the first half and can tell you. There is no way to play on that small field. I was very disapointed with Procter and Raketics play. I used to watch those two guys before. They were both fit and full of drive. To see Procter play like a div three guy was un heard. And also Raketic. Gioanni is a nice guy. I would send both away for three games to get fit. I am sure that Sandhu will pull the pin if the guys do not step it up. Also to get that many yellow cards tells you one thing. Unfit body does unfit mental gasps. To let you know there was a fan on a goal line. When that free kick was taken. His words were ball was in atleast a foot in the net. But with one ref in div one what can you do. There is no way he can see it all. Some one should film the game and show the guys later over a beer. I am sure few guys would get the point.


New Member
Sep 28, 2008
Dirty Money
After pumping their own tires all week long on here, I didnt know what to expect out of Nk but they were a decent team with some skilled players.
Yeah but NK's got an inverse relationship between posting frequency/loudness and amount of time playing on the field. I'm an outlier - here maybe once a week and playing about 10 min!

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
I heard Watcher is comming in a pink tracks next game. He hates ties. But than again it is better than a los as a main club is displaying latley.


Oct 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Concentrate on your own wardrobe. Or I'll poison your dog and steal your tools.:D:D:D:D

PS..... I like it better when we don't say stupid shite to each other so lets stop here and now:wa:

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Watcher who will you send. Old lady and a curly hair lad. I know who they are.
Funny thing you could not beat Cliff. You better watch C-rad west side is trying hard.
You do't need tools you need few players, and things might turn out way better. Where the heck is Nelson? Nico was rocking first half. Shape coud be the factor in second half.
Cliff needs more than few players. Stay tough in your next game. How do we down load a transfer sheet from BCsoccer Page. Come and watch Croatia friday night. Reedy is coaching Pegs and playing a bit.


Oct 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Nico was at a stag with Nelson and neither slept. Nelson says he drank more than Nico but maybe Nico just has more self control. Thats why he was at the game and scoring while Nelson was kneeling over the toilet barfing.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Watcher give us your game out comes for this comming weekend. Will you win? It is going to be hard to catch Punjabi boys and Binger's bangers. Third spot is not going to be easy spot to get. On the other side Lobbans are starting to make up groud. Look out for them in the second half. Westside Rino or Lobbans will be fighting for a second or third spot. Balkan Arkan will get the top spot.
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