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Div 2 [VMSL Div 2] Predictions, Results & Banter Nov. 2009

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Nov 8, 2006
Dirty Money
TSA Royals FC 1 Yaletown FC 0

TSA controlled most of the game, with Yaletown's best chance coming off a PK in the first half shortly after TSA had taken the lead. Our keeper made a great save. TSA should have had at least a couple more but couldn't finish any of the numerous chances we had but managed to hold off Yaletown when they put on good pressure in the final 15 minutes. Yaletown's only real threatening player was their number 10, who was probably the best player on the pitch, but he had absolutely no one to work with in the midfield.

Johnny reffed the game, and anyone who has had him knows what that means. A couple tackles by each team deserved cautions (but that would mean some paperwork) and the offside calls were atrocious, but I guess that is to be expected when the ref is standing more than half the field length behind the play as any pace faster than a slow, what appears to be crippled, walk is too much effort.

Hopefully we can keep up the form with a win over Bosna this upcoming weekend.
Sep 1, 2007
Dirty Money
Their mid-fielder (Yoshi?) should get about 5 or more games for threatening the ref... Not sure how those refs face the weekend knowing that someone will berate them each game.


Nov 8, 2006
Dirty Money
Their mid-fielder (Yoshi?) should get about 5 or more games for threatening the ref... Not sure how those refs face the weekend knowing that someone will berate them each game.

I have reffed all my life, and to be honest, you just become numb to it. You come to realize that many players do not know the laws of the game that you just have to sigh and continue to wish that more players had reffered in their youth. Another factor is that a number of the refs completely lose control of the game, mainly due to their lack of fitness (and thus inability to see the play properly to make the correct calls) but also as some do not put in the effort to make sure they properly and fully understand all the laws of the game themselves. I feel it should be mandatory that every ref be assessed at least once each season - this would eliminate a lot of the incompetent refs from the league.

Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get any games with the VMSL during the regular season yet, likely due to the high caliber of refs that they already send to every game :rolleyes: but I am trying. I did get to ref one exhibition game between Bombastica and Binger's Army, and did a good job for the first game of the season. Hopefully, I can get some more sooner rather than later :)
Sep 1, 2007
Dirty Money
I find it shocking that there is no assessment of refs on an annual basis-- how is anyone to know if they are doing a good job or not? Also, I don't know why we cannot fork over $20 each per team per game for two teenagers to run the line. When I was a ref for men's league in Victoria we always had linesmen for the games and it took tonnes of pressure off the refs to make the offside calls. This would allow them to keep up with the play (where the action is) and make more accurate and timely calls.

Surely the VMSL is aware of all the dissent and dissatisfaction with the refs and with how poorly players treat the refs. Can this not be looked into, or has this been discussed ad naseum in the past and there is something I am not seeing?


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2001
Dirty Money
I am new to the officiating ranks, and without sounding too big headed:rolleyes: I have received only positive feedback from the games that I have officiated this year. I truly believe you have to have played the game at a decent level to be able to officiate it. As far as which refs get what games, it is like anything else in life. You need to put in your time at the bottom before you get bumped up. Is it right? Maybe not. Will it change? Probably not.

Mar 29, 2009
Dirty Money
It is a bit of a shock to see some of the calls that the refs make. But then again the players don't seem to understand a lot of the rules. I see it all the time. One guy touches another when challenging for the ball and doesn't get the foul. So he runs off whacking the next guys. Then complains that he didn't get the free in the first place!! It is a contact sport, he didn't hurt that much, so no need to compain so hard.

I was thinking of doing a bit of reffing for a bit of cash but what is it? $60 for an afternoon of abuse? No thanks.

The guy at GFC was awful. Saying everything possible in Spanish to our mexican striker. Then he started on the Ref. Unfortunately the ref understood him and sent him off.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Bronco let's the boys play. Doesn't let the whiners and pussies get away with anything...and doesn't interrupt the flow with too many whistles. He's got a massive head though; just look at it.

GFC has a history of losing it and getting a bunch of reds. Not surprised it happened yet again.


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
Bronco let's the boys play. Doesn't let the whiners and pussies get away with anything...and doesn't interrupt the flow with too many whistles. He's got a massive head though; just look at it.

GFC has a history of losing it and getting a bunch of reds. Not surprised it happened yet again.

shite that goes back to the days of the C-men , now in masters div.....


Nov 8, 2006
Dirty Money
I find it shocking that there is no assessment of refs on an annual basis-- how is anyone to know if they are doing a good job or not? Also, I don't know why we cannot fork over $20 each per team per game for two teenagers to run the line. When I was a ref for men's league in Victoria we always had linesmen for the games and it took tonnes of pressure off the refs to make the offside calls. This would allow them to keep up with the play (where the action is) and make more accurate and timely calls.

Surely the VMSL is aware of all the dissent and dissatisfaction with the refs and with how poorly players treat the refs. Can this not be looked into, or has this been discussed ad naseum in the past and there is something I am not seeing?

I agree about there not being mandatory yearly assessment being shocking, but I can see why they don't have assistant referees running the lines. The yearly assessment is $50 (last time I checked), which costs less than the fee a ref receives per game, which I think is reasonable. It would definitely cause referees to take their position more seriously and likely create a better league for everyone, including the refs as they would take much less abuse the better their reffing.

Regarding the AR's, the VMSL is trying to keep costs down for teams, and thus players, which I can definitely appreciate. Maybe it is something that should be brought up at the AGM and if enough teams go for it, who knows? I know that I personally would be willing to pay a little more to have AR's both as a player and as a ref.

"Rza" Ruddock

New Member
Sep 27, 2004
Dirty Money
Yaletown FC 3 - HNK Vatreni 2

For the first time in several weeks we managed to field an almost full strength squad and the timing couldn't have been better. Up against a strong undefeated HNK we played some our best football of the season and limited HNK to a only handful of chances.

Goals were exchanged in the first half before their captain was sent off for striking one of our players in the face. Despite this they never gave up and equalised in the second half with some strong forward play. Sadly the same couldn't be said for their defence who looked shaky at the best of times and YFC banged in a third from a well worked move mid-way through the second half.

HNK are a very solid team but would be even better if they kept their mouths shut and concentrated on playing football. They have too many volatile players who seem to compliment their haggle of dickhead supporters (who somehow had the energy to hurl abuse and insults for the entire 90 minutes).

Hopefully now that we are almost back to a full strength squad we can take this momentum in to the second half of the season.


Nov 8, 2006
Dirty Money
Conrats RZA, a huge result in our division. We had the same occurance with one of their players striking one of ours as well - unfortunately we couldn't get the result. I couldn't agree more on their lack of class as well as their lack of class from the fans. A very pleasing result for the rest of the division, as I can think of no one I want to lose promotion more than them (and with their current lack of form over the past two weeks, hopefully it will happen - honestly, a draw with the FIREFIGHTERS :wa:).


Oct 17, 2003
Dirty Money
royal14, vatreni are not looking to go up a division. we are looking to get a promotion and sell the spot to a team like yours. by the way, good luck against the firemen next time you play them.


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
royal14, vatreni are not looking to go up a division. we are looking to get a promotion and sell the spot to a team like yours. by the way, good luck against the firemen next time you play them.

but but but...... who will replace NK?:D


Nov 8, 2006
Dirty Money
royal14, vatreni are not looking to go up a division. we are looking to get a promotion and sell the spot to a team like yours. by the way, good luck against the firemen next time you play them.

Not sure why we would want to buy a div. 2 spot when we are already there, there ain't no way you are getting promotion with your current form :cool:. Thank you for your best wishes regarding the firemen - we will need it considering we only smashed them 5-0 away last time :rolleyes:.

Kevin Hector

Active Member
Apr 9, 2005
Dirty Money
I was wondering how The Royals where doing, good to see you guys are still playing. hope you guys have a good second half to the season.
Mar 29, 2009
Dirty Money
Why is it that so many teams lack class with their players and supporters? I'm guessing that I need to learn the local culture with all of the hockey style back-chat but it's really bad. Don't get me started on the cheap shots a la Saravevo off the ball elbow style...

Tell you what though, I played tonight at the indoor soccer at Sportstown. In our game their player tried to put the keeper into the boards and our keeper reacted only to take a couple of (rather soft but anyway) punches. But worse was to come. A mass brawl kicked out in the game after. Two players went to town on one guy smacking and then kicking him in the head when he was down. He team mates were getting stuck in in his defence but really, do two big guys need to beat down a small guy and kicked him when he is down. Real tough guys.
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