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[VMSL Masters Div 1] Predictions, Results and Banter 2013/2014

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Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
SFU United 5
NVFC-Norvan 2

Norvan continues surprising its opponents with gifts in their efforts to make a nice comfy bed at the bottom of the table. Despite a good start to the game where we had good possession and movement, we are down 2-0 early. We get punished again on a free kick from a foul "earned" by the SFU forward(Note to #11, you are a good player but you are playing football in Canada, the occasional dive we can bear but your girlish screams need to go). The well hit kick hit our cross bar and bounced to the feet of another player who slammed it home. We get 1 back before half and have some good opportunities to close the gap but fail to close the deal in front of goal.

2nd half starts with another gift that didn't need to happen with a calamity of turnovers and poor decisions 4-1. Gift number 3 on the night was a long shot that dribbled through the wickets of the Norvan goalie to make it 5-1. We get one back late and have most of the pressure for the final 20min and should have had at least a couple of markers but...when you are down sometimes....you are down. SFU are a decent team but the scoreline does not reflect the balance of play.

After 7 games and only 4 points earned we definitely know what doesn't work. Good news is that there is still a lot of season left.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
#11 dives and screams and then you have to listen to the center back and the coach, both the farthest from the 'infraction', scream at the ref for a straight red. He's fast though so you have to watch him or he'll be on a breakaway.

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Dropped by the Alemania vs Horses game this aft. My, things have changed.

No Eagles there either...


Active Member
Jan 18, 2002
Dirty Money
Convincing win today by the mules. Another spirited game with KLM. I was in Toronto for last three days for work arrived at game with 30 to go.

Good be a start of things. Now just have to deal with some BS from another team in the league....


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Convincing win today by the mules. Another spirited game with KLM. I was in Toronto for last three days for work arrived at game with 30 to go.

Good be a start of things. Now just have to deal with some BS from another team in the league....
OK Eagles enough suspense, what BS is going on, please don't tell me it's Norvan?? Bonefish we miss your comments in the NSCL message board and hope Norvan can start picking up points. Sounds like Eagles thinks it's BS also that you guys only have 4 points!:)

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
It appears that the signing of a bona fide keeper, Eagles coming back from Toronto, and better numbers for the Horses, that all of a sudden, they will be a force to be reckoned with this year. It was one way traffic from what I saw yesterday. Or they could end up being mules I guess.

But I don't think so.

Sir M

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Staff are reporting that the Flying Horses knocked off the first place Westside Vancouver United guys 2-0 this afternoon.


Sir M


Active Member
Jan 18, 2002
Dirty Money
Yes the mules won today 2 to 0 over Rangers. Good physical match played by both teams. Can see how Rangers are at top of table. Great double header at Ambleside today both WVFC masters played back to back. Both with wins

Yes , Conducter the team in question is Norvan. They have filed a protest for the game against us. For reasons beyond anyone's control the mules did not have ID cards at that game. The league has been made aware of the reasons why. The ref and reps from Norvan were aware of this so the ref checked driver's license. No unsigned player was on the field for mules Communication was good between the reps from the Mules and Norvan.

I have coached a few guys on Norvan and also played with a few guys back in the day. I was in complete shock when I received a message from the league that Norvan was protesting the match I cannot see the guys that I know on that team doing this. No mention of a protest at all was mentioned the night of the match. What was the point of playing it?????????

The league executive meets on November 5th with a response.

Loss of words right now.

Can someone from Norvan explain the red card situation for one of your players that works for the school system????

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Preliminary results indicate that there could potentially be a move up in the rankings this week for the Flying Horses.

Sir M.


Active Member
Jan 18, 2002
Dirty Money
Sorry Therapist - I just did not see his name on the discipline list even though I know he got the red card. Must be a simple mistake or just a switch of cards. Not a big deal I guess.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
Westside 4
Norvan 1

Great day and a good battle on a dodgy pitch. Norvan dug in hard and put Westside off their game with good hustle that resulted in some pressure in their half but no great scoring chances. The early morning sun sitting low in the sky made things interesting for both teams as in some directions you could barely discern red jersey's from black. Half-time came with the game still knotted but after the next whistle, Westside seemed to gain a better balance of play and this led to some opportunities off some set pieces and eventually an opening goal that the defense and keeper would have loved to taken back. A crossed ball that was poorly cleared and pinballed to a player near the top the 18. The shot on goal went between and beside a couple of pairs of legs and under the screened keeper. The game was starting to open up at this point as the legs on both sides began to tire. It was at about the 65min mark when Westside notched a 2nd goal on a poorly executed trap that led to a partial break and cross to an open player opposite goal for a routine tap that was well done on the crappy surface.
Norvan kept playing and were unlucky not to get 1 back soon after on a Westside turnover that was taken in for a partial break. The 2-1 goal did come however on a tough handball call in the box that was no intent but was done with opposition on either side. The ensuing pk was finished and breathed some life back in for Norvan but not enough as, despite a few breaks, we were unable to break through for a tying goal. In the last 10mins after pushing people forward the 3-1 goal for Westside was slotted and at the last kick, a breakaway was conceded for the 4-1 final score.

Westside were quality for the win. Norvan missing a couple of bodies, played well for 80min but the missing depth was/is a factor that needs to be solved.


Oct 29, 2012
Dirty Money
SFU - KLM 0-0

Pretty even game for both sides with similar style of play. KLM hit the post once, SFU missed a breakaway on the 93rd minute when all 10 KLM players were pushing for a goal. Very good referring this game.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Think only 2 of the 5 games got played this weekend due to weather.

VUFC Rangers 3
Muckerlomas 1

Thought the first 15 minutes the Lomas created some chances and then we settled in on the back line and took over the game. At 3-0 we took our foot off the gas a bit and the Lomas pushed right to the end. Good to get the 3 points after a poor performance against the Flying Horses.

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money

I went to grab a coffee (just of Lonsdale :)) this morning and I bumped in to an old Scottish International who I will not name :p. I will call him Person X. Person X described the following set of circumstances to me:

The Flying Horses had a game a while back in Division 1 Masters VMSL where the coach got hung up (or hung over I don't know ;)) and could not be there, and he had the player cards. In an effort to have the game go forward, the ref checked everyone's ID (driver's licenses etc) which all checked out. The ref pointed this out to the opponents and advised them that if they were intending to protest, they should declare so before the game. Person X advised that the opponents stated no, they were ok, and that in fact they knew all or most of the Horses players from playing with or against them in the past, and were good with playing the game under the described circumstances.

Person X advised that the opponents went up 1-0 in the first half, and at the break, the referee approached the opponents and re-iterated that now was the time to declare a protest if they wanted. The erudite official received a similar response: no notice of protest, and lets play the game.

The Horses scored two goals in the second half, and won the game 2-1.

The opponents then filed a protest and it was upheld by the VMSL, and the opponents got the three points and were awarded a 3-0 victory, and of course the Horses would get the loss..

Can anyone provide more detail on this, or is Person X, (most likely due to a few too many Glasgow Bonnets back in the day) delusional?

He appeared to be describing it as fact.

Staff are now inquiring...

Sir M
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