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VMSL Masters Div 3 - Predictions and Results

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Sep 11, 2001
Dirty Money
After a couple years of playing in the NSCL, Norvan Lions M (formerly Norvan JB's of VMSL div 2) are back in the metro league. Lots of work ahead of us having to start in the basement. Nice to see Maplewood still around all these years.

No clue about this weekends opponent Siaron FC.

I'll go out on a limb

Norvan 2 Siaron 0


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
It was good to get the first game of the season in and see how ready the squad was(not very ready). Siaron looks to be a mix of some Caribbean Allstars and others. They closed down spaces in the middle and back third well and with all the rust on the field, seemed to be a bit more composed. After escaping some early Norvan opportunities, Siaron notched the first goal on a strong indiviual effort and a dipping shot from the top of the 18 that nicked the underside of the crossbar on the way in. Down a goal, Norvan played harder but not necessarily better.

Halftime comes and goes and the tide turn after an equalizing Norvan goal off a corner. As the legs of Siaron boyz begin to fade and space opens up the field tilts in favor of norvan who notch two more to take a 3-1 lead. Siaron catch the Norvan defense a bit flatfooted on a poorly timed offside trap and the ensuing breakawy is slotted away to bring Siaron within 1. Their comeback attempt ends there and Norvan scores 2 more goals to close out the night 5-2.

If games were won by the team with the least Calf Cramps it would probably have been a closer scoreline as the last 15minutes of the game was punctuated by players from both sides dropping, faces painted in pain;Moreso for Siaron who had a shorter bench.

And I will take you up on the bzzr offer Trece, my hangover from last night should be gone by then.

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Nice one.

Spurz 3 Maplewood 2. Definitely a masters' game, as we looked great for the first 30 milnutes going up 2-0... and then got gassed and gave away a header in the box with about 5 left before the half. 2nd half looked a bit better, but we gave up another one on a botched square pass across the back that turned into a breakaway. A number of chances went begging for us after that until our former Maplewood striker got his legs chopped out from under him in their box, and we converted the resulting penalty. 3-2 final to us.

Scary moment with about 10 left as Coach Howie subbed in and about 30 seconds later was absolutely tuned in a head-to-head collision from behind; resulting in a bad concussion and a perforated eardrum. His girlfriend assures me this morning that he's okay, but it took a trip to Lion's Gate and a couple of CT scans to be sure...

On to Croatia B next for a Wednesday late-nighter.


Aug 15, 2001
Dirty Money
hey bandcamp, you guys still playing with that sorry excuse for a player dapatayto?!? think i read he was still with you guys. great to be back in the vmsl.


Aug 15, 2001
Dirty Money
Trece, any game updates? Hope Howie is doing ok! Croatia the team to beat in the division??

Teelay still playing open....good for the old fart!!

Falconetti's should be a good challenge tonight. I'm sure Bonefish or Rapist will give updates when the hangover wears off tomorrow!!

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Mickster, Croatia have a great keeper and a couple of very pacey guys through their middle, but that's about the sum total. Game score was 2-0 to them, chances probably about 15-8 to us, including a spell of 5 corners in a row, and 3 breakaways that their keeper had no business stopping. Good game with Rene in the middle so no shenanigans, and basically we can't wait to play them again.

Howie's still looking for somebody to answer the phone; he can't remember getting hit. He's on light duty right now. Thanks for asking, by the way. Good luck to you guys tonight.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm sure Bonefish or Rapist will give updates when the hangover wears off tomorrow!!
Well, the hangover is officially over just as we get ready to begin what looks to be another great weekend. I am dearly missing the large patch of skin left on the turf @ Andy Livingstone. Antispectic scrub was followed by Iodine rub to make sure I didn't bring any treats home...leg still hurts like hell.

As for the game, the 2-2 tie was a tough one for Norvan who, after a slow start and conceding the opening goal for the 2nd week in a row, managed to claw their way ahead in the 2nd. With 5min to go and with a man advantage, we give up the tying goal on a keeping error that saw the ball roll/spin out of his hands and then rebound of the post where it was collected and deposited into the net by a Falconetti forward. The reffing was a bit interesting with lots of soft calls but it was consistent throughout. Falconetti have a pretty solid squad with a good defence and an active midfield.

Looking ahead to this weekend:
Killarney vs Siaron: This game should be very even with both teams looking to make up for last weekend results. I will take Killarney by 1.

Dragons vs Croatia: Croatia probably the team with a bit more skill and that should propel them to a 2 goal victory.

Astro Legends vs Norvan: Norvan's Jekkel and Hyde routine is getting old and is going to bite them if they can't put 90minutes of soccer together. A roster shakeup may be in the works if this old jalopy don't get up to freeway speed soon.

Maplewood vs Falconetti: Falconetti's pace will be impacted by the confines of the postage stamp known as Cleveland North. If Maplewood play their cards right they can get some points. My predicition....Maplewood 1, Para Gliders 3, Falconetti 2.

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I would have taken us by more than one pregame, but when you play down to your opponent's level, it often doesn't happen.

1-1 Spurz vs. Siaron in a chippy game that had an absolute oddball in the middle. Even the merest suggestion that someone might come out of a bad challenge with the ball (but missing half their leg in the process) was given as an advantage but without followup, so there was a lot of crap that ended up happening without the ball. That said, they are not a bad bunch but have 3 absolute fanny hangers; one being the softest hard man I've ever played against (and one of the loudest whiners), one just running around cluelessly banging into people (including our keeper on a ball he had no chance getting to), and the 3rd who was just a dick, constantly hitting players from behind or leaving the leg in with knee up.

We squandered far too many free kicks in close to the box, our passing was shite compared to the previous 2 games, and in general there was a lack of appropriate effort that will need to be back against Norvan on Friday. Boneyfish, your bzzr is already on ice...


Aug 15, 2001
Dirty Money
Well I guess "Boneyfish" is better than "Bonerfish"...... See you tonight Trece!

Predictions for the weekend.......

Falconetti's over Astro Legends 4 - 0, just too much for Astro boy to handle.
Norvan over Killarney Spurs 3 - 1, come on, I'm a homer. Cold bevvies after are always good!
Croatia over Maplewood 2 - 0, wasn't this game suppose to happen two night ago??
Siaron tie Dragons 1 - 1, first win on the line for both teams but a late non-called offside goal ties the game.......


Aug 15, 2001
Dirty Money
Ok, missed the Croatia result of 1 - 0 over Maplewood. Still haven't allowed a goal all season....pretty impressive after 4 games.

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
You are a homer. We'll try to make a liar out of you if we can get enough of our guys passports to get over to the North Shore tonight.


Sep 11, 2001
Dirty Money
Norvan 4 Killarney Spurs 0

Spurs looked like they ran out of gas after 20 minutes.....or we just got our shite together.

Clean game vs a good group of guys.

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Clean game with two coolers cleaned out after as well. It's not too often that you get both teams together for a session after a game in this league. Nice to finally meet the Mickster and catch up with Bonefish again. Didn't get to talk to Therapist as he apparently had other things going on after the game.

Good first half, not-so-good second half. 0-0 at the break, so I'd say it took us a bit longer to run out of gas than 20 minutes. I do wish the knobs we signed would get it together and stop taking vacations while we're still playing games. 12 healthy bodies available out of a roster of 18 is not quite enough for us old farts, especially when your opponents are able to take advantage of a deeper bench. On to Astro next week...


Aug 15, 2001
Dirty Money
Nice to meet you last week too Trece. Always fun polishing off a couple of coolers after the game. Good bunch of guys you have.

Big game tonight between #1 and #2. Can Croatia keep their clean sheet against a good Falconetti squad??

Croatia tie Falconetti 1 - 1 (ok, so this is more hopeful on my part than anything else but it could happen!)
Norvan over Dragons 6 - 0 (based on past games this could be a mismatch but stranger things have happened)
Spurs over Legends 2 - 1 (Spurs get back to winning ways with a full squad out for this one)
Siaron tie Maplewood 2 - 2 (buoyed by their goal output from last week, Siaron makes it 3 weeks without a loss)

Good luck to all.
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