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Premier [VMSL Premier] Predictions, Results & Banter 2018/2019

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Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
Congrats on the result and that does seem to be the book on Rino's Tigers. If you open up and try to trade chances, they have the weapons to burn you, as Peg discovered, but if you sit back and counter that can be managed. You will still give up chances because their personnel are just that good, but if you can get the bounces you can often come away with something. That being said, they are still a young team and Blaise is a good coach so I am sure they will work on how to breakdown that type of an approach from the opposition, especially if more teams start to play like that against them.

I am never one to shy away from having a pop at Rino's, but the hand shaking thing is just so North American in my opinion. Is it good sportsmanship? Of course. Is this just an amateur league? Yes (although some would question that I suppose...) The point being though, this is why we have finally gone to shaking hands pre-game. If you want to take your ball and go home and have a little tantrum or whatever after the game, then go for it. It always seems so disingenuous to me to force the teams to shake hands after the game (don't even get me started on the "three cheers" piece). If you have lost the game, particularly if it is a big game or if it has been really close and really heated, it can be tough to immediately switch off and pseudo-congratulate the other team post game. Some guys can do it right away, some guys might shake the hands of one or two guys close to them, some guys might just want to be left the f*ck alone. I think all of the above are fine. Some guys who were fired up might get undressed, maybe have a beer and then bump into guys from the other team in the parking lot and now they don't mind saying good game. I've seen Blaise post game a few times and he's never particularly interested in shaking hands even when his team has won, though he appears more receptive. On the other hand, after a loss, from what I've witnessed, while he is certainly not about to go out and shake everyone's hand, if you seek him out he will acquiesce.

Point being, you guys likely put a hell of a shock into them and he was probably pretty rattled. Well in to you guys, but I just hate the idea that it is somehow incumbent upon the losing team to instantly shake it off and "play nice." I don't know maybe I am in the minority on this one.
I am sorry to correct you, but handshaking before and after the game have deep philosophical and historical tradition.

One hundred years ago on Christmas Day, soldiers in the First World War laid down their weapons to play football in no man’s land.
It was a remarkable gesture of humanity amid the squalid nightmare of trench warfare.
Today, FIFA remembers and pays tribute to those young men who shook hands and kicked a ball across the frozen earth.....
.....The global football community will continue to embrace this campaign to encourage respect and solidarity within the game."

I keep telling you that football has more deep symbolisms and meanings and that there are important social/economic/philosophical undercurrents in the game, but you guys keep treating as any other sport....


Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
If Blaise and Rinos refuse to shake hands when losing is because they do no really understand the meaning of the game. Nothing that it is really surprising here. They have tainted the beauty of the amateur game. It is like the robot who moves perfectly, but does not understand why he moves.
Practicing or achieving technical perfection does not mean understanding the reasons to pursue technical perfection.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
jajajaja....i must say that sometimes I miss you guys and the "Wild West" of the VMSL....An amusing park with no sense of ethics and everyone for himself...where many people pay to indulge themselves on the fantasy that they are playing competitive football even though they should not be on Premier or Division 1 ... and others get paid to indulge on the fantasy that they are or could be professional players.....Always fun to be here...and to be your most hated villain...



Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Some upsets in Week 2 have coloured the table differently than it was after Week 1. Can any of those teams keep building on that momentum?

Completely Baseless Predictions - Week 3

Club Inter EDC v Campo Atletico
Habib was the difference last week in the battle of the strikers last weekend as he had the only goal in Inter's win over Metro Ford. "Chinter" are one of three teams to have maximum points through two weeks and odds are looking good for them to make it three wins from three as they take on 0-2 Campo this week. Campo were off the pace for the second match running in their 3-1 loss to West Van and an in form Inter with a read hot Habib atop the scoring charts is hardly a prescription for respite. Worse news for Campo is the other teams that figure to be around them in relegation battle are finding ways to pick up points. No relief on the horizon either for the Burnaby side with Croatia and CCB on the docket over the next two weeks. They will need to focus on good performances and keeping spirits high; plus a point or two would really help. Unlikely this week though, should be straight forward for Inter.

Rovers Tigers v Pegasus
It has been woeful from Peg through the first two weeks of the season. A pair of losses that include a beat down by Rino's and being shutout by newly promoted NorVan, though a sending off for Peg's Arrio Thomas could not have helped matters in that NorVan loss. Still it is one goal for and eight against and no points to show for a team that is used to being at the top end of the table. This is shades of Coquitlam last season and, while you would expect Peg to pull themselves out of the relegation fight and back towards the Provincial Cup places, you do wonder how long it is going to take before they click into gear. By the time Metro Ford got their act together last year they were playing major catch up and could not reel in that last spot in the tournament, so Peg would do well to take a lesson from their compatriots from across the Port Mann and try to sort this out sooner rather than later. Could a local derby help spark the horses to life? Certainly last season these game against Rovers were extra fierce with their last two meetings ending in Rover lifting the VMSL Title and Peg being eliminated from Provincials. Rovers are clearly focused on a National title run and their squad selection through two games has shown that. Overall they will likely be happy with three points from these early matches, though getting something from their 2-1 loss to Croatia would have been ideal. This is their last tune up before the plane leaves for Saskatchewan so I think they are likely to treat it a little more seriously, wanting to hit the ground running at the National tournament. They certainly are not going to want to be doing Pegasus and favours and heaping some extra misery on their local neighbours will be an added incentive in this one.

CCB LFC v Coquitlam Metro Ford
Team all-stars are coming as advertised through the opening weeks of the season. CCB sit atop the table with six point as well as 10 goals for and only three against. To be fair, any defensive frailties they have are easily wallpapered over by their irresistible attacking prowess. Milad Mehrabi continues to be his usual self as he had a pair of goals in their 4-2 win over Guildford and Victory Shumbusho marked his CCB debut with a goal, adding yet another attacking weapon for the Surrey side. Coquitlam were unable to solve Inter/EDC last week, losing 1-0 and it would seem like the sum of their offense rests upon the shoulders of talisman Carlo Basso. He should have his chances against a less than stout CCB back line on Friday night, but getting into an arms race with the Surrey boys seems like a recipe for disaster. If Metro Ford can shut down the vaunted CCB attack, then you would fancy Basso to be able to fire them to a win, however, that is most definitely easier said than done, especially if we are going off the evidence of the first two weeks. CCB are hot and hungry, I expect them to keep it going.

West Van v Croatia
This one is certainly the MOTW as two of the VMSL's best go at it. West Van were very hard done by in their Opening Day loss to Rovers Tigers and took out their frustration on Campo last weekend. Croatia had no such trouble with last season's champions, hanging on to beat Rovers 2-1 last time out, making it two wins from two to begin their campaign. Both Malamura's have be among the goals with David bagging both against Rovers to go with Mark's brace from the previous week. A win over last season's title winners will have filed this young Croatia side (still featuring Johnny Sulentic to bring up their average age) the belief that they can be a challenger for first place this year. West Van also believe that they belong at the top of the league after their impressive second half last year and will not want to let a title rival pull farther away from them. There are no "must win" games in September, but a six point gap to the top of the league is not something the North Shore side would be keen on, even this early in the season. The last meeting between these two was the Imperial Cup semi final that was nip and tuck until Croatia found the decisive tally late in the game. Expect another full blooded affair in this one and I think it has the potential to be a cracker. Both side have been banging in the goals so I would be shocked if it finished scoreless. That being said, I am going to hedge and call it a draw.

Rino's Tigers v Guildford
Rino's showed exactly why they just cannot be taken seriously as a title favourite with their shock loss to Richmond last week. Despite all their offensive weapons and dominance of the match, they could not break down an inexperienced Hibs side and ultimately succumbed to the few chances they gave up. Rino's are a top quality group of players, but results like that will come back to haunt you, even this early in the season. Now they may well go on to beat all the top teams in the league, but they will still have some convincing to do if they want to be feared when teams see their name on the schedule. No doubt frustrated by their inability to get a result in a game they would have been expecting to win, they have a chance for an immediate bounce back against struggling Guildford. The Surrey side are finding it very difficult to get their feet under themselves at this level and it is not about to get any easier with a visit to Rino's on the agenda. First and foremost, Guidlford need to stop bleeding goals as they have allowed a league worst nine through two weeks. The Tigers offense is no shrinking violet either; if Guildford leave gaps at the back, Rino's will exploit them. Richmond found success against the Vancouver side by establishing solid defensive shape and then hitting Tigers on the occasional counter. Can the Surrey side replicate that template? Given their defensive record to date it seems unlikely, but, then again, Richmond had been scorched for six the week before they played Rino's, so perhaps there is hope. Still though, Rino's remain massive favourites here.

NorVan v Richmond
A pair of teams coming off massive bounce back victories last weekend. Richmond stunned Rino's, beating them 2-1, after the boys from below sea level had conceded six goals to CCB on Opening Day while Rino's were busy pumping five past Pegasus. It was a very impressive turn around from a side that is trying desperately to breathe some youth into their aging core of veterans. It has be a baptism by fire for these kids, but a big result like that should do wonders for their confidence. NorVan too were able to put all the pieces together for their first win after promotion. They had hung around against a good Croatia side for most of the game until running out of steam with 20 minutes to go. They took advantage of a Pegasus side that are in disarray at the moment and pocketed what could prove to be an invaluable three points come February. Even with some other teams around them struggling, this match up still presents itself as a key relegation six-pointer, as well as a fantastic chance for both the sides to put together a pair of wins on the spin. Surely both teams are fancying their chances in this one and I think the sides are very well matched. Overall though, I am going to tip the home side in this one given I am sure they should have a good little atmosphere on the North Shore for their first Prem game at home and this is a team that feeds off heart and soul. I think Richmond have every chance of a result here, but I am going to pick NorVan to take all three points.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
Rovers are clearly focused on a National title run and their squad selection through two games has shown that. Overall they will likely be happy with three points from these early matches, though getting something from their 2-1 loss to Croatia would have been ideal. This is their last tune up before the plane leaves for Saskatchewan so I think they are likely to treat it a little more seriously, wanting to hit the ground running at the National tournament.

I know these are baseless predictions, but this appears to be factually incorrect. After this match, Rovers are scheduled to play Richmond on Sept 28 before heading to Nationals. Unless you know something the rest of us don't?


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
I know these are baseless predictions, but this appears to be factually incorrect. After this match, Rovers are scheduled to play Richmond on Sept 28 before heading to Nationals. Unless you know something the rest of us don't?

Nope...I just can't read a schedule :mad:

I hate rushing. Knew I shouldn't have done those damn Div. 2 predictions...


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Heard it all kicked off at Newton tonight between Peg and Rovers?? Any details?

Also Inter waxed Campo and CMF with a big result over the VMSL All-Stars.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
Heard from a little birdie that CJ got a red card. He refused to leave the field. Ref called it
This is sad, but not surprising given the circus that the VMSL has become. At a Premier level, this things should not happen (i.e. the coaches, players, and referee himself are responsible).

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
soccer coach are you coaching in the VMSL this year ?
Thank you for asking. No, I am not coaching in the VMSL, and I do not plan to do so for a while.

These days, I mainly concentrate on the youth game. After all, they are the future, and they are more receptive of learning and improving the game.
There are many kids who are falling through the cracks due to financial issues or other issues. I prefer to provide guidance and facilitation of the game there.

People also do not realize the number of hours and energy that is needed to have a winning team or a team that plays well. I can not provide it at this time as I am concentrating on other projects including a serious health issue of a close family member. They need more of my attention.

The Campo experience also thought me a very important lesson. I used to have this debate with a member of the team. I sincerely believed that people could be guided and taught at any age. He disagreed and we frequently discussed the issue.

Towards the end, he was proven to right, and I was proven to be wrong. Some players improved, but a significant number could not be moved beyond certain level. I am not talking physical or technical aspect.

I mean the individual decision making and understanding of the global tactical and strategical components of the game. For example in the attacking , It can be a bit discouraging when after three years of training a player can not grasp basic issue of optimal positioning and body stance when making a wall pass or be completely clueless about 3rd man concept and still trying to dribble through a sea of opponents EVERY TIME. With respect to the defense, not understanding the concept of numerical superiority and discipline in keeping the defensive shape.

Most players were not ready to be and compete in Premier. Perhaps one day they will get convinced by the lopsided game results that they keep receiving. Once in a while they will get a positive game result due to the talent and imagination of players like Castro, Davis, Matias, or because teams like Rinos Tigers would throw away the game un purpose (by putting the substitutes and lower division players).

Sooner or later the inevitable will happen, and the team will collapse back to division 2 or 3.
Then the Real Campo Atletico project will appear again. I am just waiting for Cusano and his friends to be older.
You should notice that the logo and the name do not have anything to do with Italy, since the orIginal ideal was coopted. This is fine. They only have a few years, the project can be started at any time and there is no rush..

The real project can wait. Having said this, most likely I will try to move it to the FVSL or another league. @Dude, is correct. The future of amateur soccer is in the Valley. I had to move there temporarily, and I am witnessing the incredible expansion that is taking place in Surrey and Langley. Forest and green areas quickly been urbanized. Housing prices will keep skyrocketing in Vancouver, so the population shift will just accelerate.

It is really about preserving the humane, creative, aspects of the amateur competitive game, which in itself is more important than the professional game. At the end, the game of soccer is just the means to improve and reconnect players with aspects of their humanity that have been hampered in modern industrial societies. I know that most of you do not see it this way and glorify the "professional" game and the payment of players, but for me the other aspect is more relevant.



New Member
Aug 20, 2018
Dirty Money
Thank you for asking. No, I am not coaching in the VMSL, and I do not plan to do so for a while.

These days, I mainly concentrate on the youth game. After all, they are the future, and they are more receptive of learning and improving the game.
There are many kids who are falling through the cracks due to financial issues or other issues. I prefer to provide guidance and facilitation of the game there.

People also do not realize the number of hours and energy that is needed to have a winning team or a team that plays well. I can not provide it at this time as I am concentrating on other projects including a serious health issue of a close family member. They need more of my attention.

The Campo experience also thought me a very important lesson. I used to have this debate with a member of the team. I sincerely believed that people could be guided and taught at any age. He disagreed and we frequently discussed the issue.

Towards the end, he was proven to right, and I was proven to be wrong. Some players improved, but a significant number could not be moved beyond certain level. I am not talking physical or technical aspect.

I mean the individual decision making and understanding of the global tactical and strategical components of the game. For example in the attacking , It can be a bit discouraging when after three years of training a player can not grasp basic issue of optimal positioning and body stance when making a wall pass or be completely clueless about 3rd man concept and still trying to dribble through a sea of opponents EVERY TIME. With respect to the defense, not understanding the concept of numerical superiority and discipline in keeping the defensive shape.

Most players were not ready to be and compete in Premier. Perhaps one day they will get convinced by the lopsided game results that they keep receiving. Once in a while they will get a positive game result due to the talent and imagination of players like Castro, Davis, Matias, or because teams like Rinos Tigers would throw away the game un purpose (by putting the substitutes and lower division players).

Sooner or later the inevitable will happen, and the team will collapse back to division 2 or 3.
Then the Real Campo Atletico project will appear again. I am just waiting for Cusano and his friends to be older.
You should notice that the logo and the name do not have anything to do with Italy, since the orIginal ideal was coopted. This is fine. They only have a few years, the project can be started at any time and there is no rush..

The real project can wait. Having said this, most likely I will try to move it to the FVSL or another league. @Dude, is correct. The future of amateur soccer is in the Valley. I had to move there temporarily, and I am witnessing the incredible expansion that is taking place in Surrey and Langley. Forest and green areas quickly been urbanized. Housing prices will keep skyrocketing in Vancouver, so the population shift will just accelerate.

It is really about preserving the humane, creative, aspects of the amateur competitive game, which in itself is more important than the professional game. At the end, the game of soccer is just the means to improve and reconnect players with aspects of their humanity that have been hampered in modern industrial societies. I know that most of you do not see it this way and glorify the "professional" game and the payment of players, but for me the other aspect is more relevant.

Those are some very interesting points about youth soccer and the FVSL
As for Campo Atletico it is not a team I m very familiar and the Premier division is absolutely very competitive and many teams have some big name players it seems

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
I would tend to agree with you partially. A few premier teams are really well coached and have very skilled and talented players. However, it used to be way better. This is at least my recollection. I used to watch their games as an spectator, and I also referee a few. The games were better in the past, and I enjoyed quite a few. Now not so much. Quite a few players and teams are not playing a "Premier" amateur level. You can see by the score differential.
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