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Premier [VMSL Premier] Rumours 2014/2015

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Nov 7, 2007
Dirty Money
Ready. Set. Go!

Inter to win the league next season with a few signings.....SU on the losing end of a couple important players transfering


New Member
Jul 23, 2014
Dirty Money
Rumor has it SU will be stronger next season even with these players leaving. One mostly featured from the bench, and according to SU players the other one had a poor season in CM. GK may be missed, but apparently a replacement has already been found.


Nov 7, 2007
Dirty Money
Rumor has it SU will be stronger next season even with these players leaving. One mostly featured from the bench, and according to SU players the other one had a poor season in CM. GK may be missed, but apparently a replacement has already been found.

Sounds like they will be A - OK! Except for that one winger with the pink boots. They will need better quality than him to be stronger :D lol

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
We know no Fraser Valley team will be close but that's not really surprising given their record in the cup. Their coefficient is worse than Scotland's in European competitions which is why Celtic, the LEAGUE CHAMPIONS three years in a row have to go through THREE qualifying rounds despite being in the group stages the last three years AND being in the final 16. That's essentially the Fraser Valley's fault.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Okay so here are a couple of tidbits for everyone...

Two players were going to sign for FC Tigers......MR and RG for $5000 each. But another team.....let's just say the initials CCB to remain anonymous, offered $8000 for each of them so the boys are going to make a bit more money than what they did during the summer. Remember this is just a rumors thread and I have it from a reliable source who I will not name because I have too much respect for him. It's not Smilev.

It's amazing how much money is thrown around in the summer too. Any other $$$$ signings out there that anyone wants to shared. Remember it's only rumors. I could have been wrong with the numbers....could be more or less. But I'm just the middle man in this situation.

I believe Rizal is back playing again, which is great, as I saw him around the indoor soccer last week. Great to see him back on the field after such a horrible injury. Good luck to him and his Chile teammates. Looking forward to the season already and don't be shy about posting rumors/gossip. It's all fun and games until someone lies.
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May 31, 2010
Dirty Money
I hope somebody from Canada Revenue Agency reads this and reacts.

It is really getting ridiculous. I heard last year division 1 team was paying between $1,500 and $2,000 a "signing bonus" + $100 to $200 for each goal scored. Those are also just rumours but heard the same ones from at least 10 people.

At the same time I know a few guys who play for one team in the Premier league (for free, of course). The club even does not pay a registration for them (they have to do some fundraising to get money for their registrations, water, etc.). Are those guys crazy or what? They are definitely better players than those who were getting last year "signing bonuses".


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
At the end of the day, the goal of all these teams is to win the BCs/Nationals ... over the years, how many of these teams shelling out cash have completed the goal? How many of these players receiving coin have a championship to their name?

To stay on topic, rumour has it: none.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
I hope somebody from Canada Revenue Agency reads this and reacts.

Reacts to what? No names, no proof, no witnesses coming forward. Just people whispering behind a BB. Toss out the names, the clubs, and show financial transactions - and then invite the CRA into TTP. But, Regs would have to approve them first.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
So.......part of the rumors were true but RG is NOT going to CCB(anonymous initials for a particular team). M is going there...There might be a surprise for a player who will be leaving the FC Tigers....for a premier team. More about that when it happens or when it is okay to announce...Karma and all that. This is a lot of fun and at the end of the day, that's why we play, ref, and coach this game. It's all about angles.......and $$$$$ in some cases. :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I understand paying MR (if youre going to pay people for amateur success) as he's a mercenary, an individual who performs game breaking moments of magic and is also mentally unstable and a little nuts, which is a bonus. However RG is just a very good player nothing more, plenty of guys of that quality not being paid a thing.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Remember, Bulljive, I'm just reporting stuff...the middle man. :) If people have the money to pay players....good on them. If any of them want to pay me while we are on strike, I would have no problem with that. PRoblem is I"ve had 10 operations and should have been shot a long time ago....


Active Member
May 31, 2010
Dirty Money
Okay so here are a couple of tidbits for everyone... Two players were going to sign for FC Tigers......MR and RG for $5000 each. But another team.....let's just say the initials CCB to remain anonymous, offered $8000 for each of them so the boys are going to make a bit more money than what they did during the summer. Remember this is just a rumors thread and I have it from a reliable source who I will not name because I have too much respect for him. It's not Smilev.

The latest rumour that I heard is that MR is definitely going to play for Tigers in Division 1. Tigers are apparently poaching everywhere (Premier, Division 1) and paying a lot of guys to play amateur soccer here in BC. Now, not sure if somebody remembers but some time ago I said that VMSL must limit the number of registered players per team and post the list of registered players online. Only 22 players should be registered per each team and the rule should be: "If the team wants to register a new player, beside 22 already registered, then one of those registered players must be released in order to register a new player. The active roster should never exceed 22 players".

Once money comes into amateur soccer league it can only ruin it, not improve it. A few teams "manage" to sign well over 30 players per season (if no one believes, please, ask around) while a lot of teams struggle to field even 11 for the games.
I can understand some young guys who need money and leave for money a team (where they play all the time) for a team in which they may not play at all but even $500 if $500 (let alone if it is more than that).
At the end, the question is: "Why?" Why is somebody paying amateur players to play amateur soccer? What will be accomplished by that?
Also, do not forget that those "contracts" are not legal contracts so that is another reason why this "money spending" should be stopped; it is illegal! Maybe MTKB (who is a lawyer) should make a comment how he sees those activities.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Well, if people have the money to spend and think it's important for them to spend...then that's their prerogative. If someone gives the kids a job then that's okay, right? Nothing is legally 'binding'......though there might be a few visits to the players if they jumped ship after getting paid then leaving. :) Either way, things will never be same as they were in the 80s and 90s in the VMSL. PLayers then were loyal for the most part and the level of competition was fantastic. Now the league is close in points but the teams, for the most part....just aren't teams. :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
My practice area is limited to criminal and motor vehicle act offences, but my initial reaction is to ask why there is a problem legally with paying players? Oral contracts are still legally binding contracts; the only issue is proof of the existence of said contract when one person is saying yes there was one and the other is saying no there wasn't... Can't really call the league an amateur circuit anymore if a bunch of players are getting paid, and those players would have to be considered semi-pro at the least... And yes, the CRA would be all over these guys if they a) knew it was going on and b) gave a shite about the amounts...

Thinking about this a bit more, you need "certainty of terms" for a valid contract... not exactly sure how the likely indefinite nature of these deals (e.g. we'll pay you $500 a game with no length of contract specified or discussed) would affect things, or the practice of moving from one team to another. I'm guessing the mercs sometimes accept offers and then quickly renege when a better offer comes around... in theory the first team could sue for breach of contract but what's plausible in theory could be a lot more difficult in practice...

does the VMSL not have any guidelines or rules on any of this? is it truly the wild west in terms of player compensation?


Sep 30, 2006
Dirty Money
We all know where this eventually leads. #declenhill. You know what would be really nice is pooling this for all players and saving it for those who get seriously injured and their families and/or terminally ill. I mean getting paid to play amateur, give your head a shake, if you ain't signed before the end of youth it ain't coming.... Just saying.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
You know what would be really nice is pooling this for all players and saving it for those who get seriously injured and their families and/or terminally ill.

What about those poor people in Africa and let's not forget about the giant panda -they are at great risk. And of course there are the teachers.

FC Tigers Vancouver

New Member
Apr 10, 2014
Dirty Money
Hello my friends. I am one of the new admins of the Tigers and i think I could answer some of these rumours for those who are interested to know some truth rather than rumours and gossip,

I got surprised to see huge numbers thrown in the air like if the tigers is Manchester city or Barcelona. I guess for some players its a game of bargaining with other teams to say the Tigers offered us so and so to get their attention

part of the problem is that the Tigers management started a policy few years ago to cover the costs of the jerseys, physio and transportation for their players as the team was mostly formed by ESL, international students who could not afford these costs. the managers were passionate and generous enough to cover these things for the players who cannot afford them, and that was not a violation of any of the amateur soccer rules ( BC soccer rules allows compensation for these things, I guess everyone received the email form VMSL explaining this issue this week ). when other teams in the same group who ask players to pay more than 300 dollars to join heard about this, they started all of this gossip and rumours business. Also players who leave the team when they cannot compete for their positions and feel mad when other teams ask them to pay, they start to bargain with those teams and tell them ( we were getting paid somewhere else) when the truth is ( we were not asked to pay to sign or pay for our sports, treatment or travel expenses). of course with time and with second hand stories people add and modify and the rumours becomes facts

we do not deny that having these advantages make our players happy, but the real attraction to join or stay in the team is that the team has quality players from all around the world and the policy is ( the best plays), good players like to play with good players. the team does not favour any group or ethnicity or background, soccer comes first, this is the real attraction.

the second part of the problem is that the tigers policy about practice, commitment and respect ( towards teammates and other teams) is very strict and regardless of how good the player is, if his attitude is bad, he has no place in the team, probably that added few more enemies as we asked few players to leave the team due to these factors and you all know what will happen when you ask someone who thinks he is a superstar to leave, he will talk bad about you for years

we are lucky that our managers are so passionate about the game and we intend no harm to any team, the whole thing about poaching is also a funny thing. one team who said we poached their players had 5 of our players transferred to them while only 2 came to us, yet they are mad and keeps talking about this. this year the VMSL sent clear messages about the rules and regulations and we are the ones who are going to start talking to the VMSL about poaching. when a player is free and not playing for any team and you ask him to join you or when a player ask if he can join you, this is not poaching. poaching is when you ask a player to leave his team who is competing to win or to avoid relegation to transfer to your team to get better without caring about other teams, there is a big difference

I hope that answers some of your questions, I am surprised that some other teams whose names are thrown in these posts do not even care to reply, we actually do care
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