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Whitecaps Roster and Roster Moves

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Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Captain well said about Mattacks. New kid on the right is fast, his game reed is poor. We need someone with brain up front. They said they might bring Miller here. The game Caps play will not work for his style of play. He is a full out attacker.Mattacks does not know how to switch from side to side. Not a good combo he amd Miller.They need to fin a Danish or Dutch stryker to play here or Alsalvador mid that knows how to finish free kicks. Six seven free kicks a game none hit the target and none with any spin to the ball.
I am very diapointed to see what is going on. Soon no one will want to play in Vancouver if Baba keaps on getting rid of guys like that.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Awesome another Striker, when we have basically no center mids who can move the ball. Chumiento was the only one who could put quality balls through. Camilo refuses to cross a ball or switch it. Robson has put one through since he's been here. Unless this guy is gonna put one or two in every few games I don't see this as a great signing.This isn't FIFA 12 where you can sign all forwards and expect victory. I hope I am proven wrong with Miller, as we have had a decent start and are sitting in 4th, it would be a shame to trade away our season.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Awesome another Striker, when we have basically no center mids who can move the ball. Chumiento was the only one who could put quality balls through. Camilo refuses to cross a ball or switch it. Robson has put one through since he's been here. Unless this guy is gonna put one or two in every few games I don't see this as a great signing.This isn't FIFA 12 where you can sign all forwards and expect victory. I hope I am proven wrong with Miller, as we have had a decent start and are sitting in 4th, it would be a shame to trade away our season.

FFS, Robson has been here for 3 games now I think, and he actually looked decent on Saturday. Let the guy find his form- I think it is coming quickly.

That said, he needs to be in the middle, in front of Koffie. Let Koffie be the animal winning the balls, allow Robson to push forward. What is wrong w/ a basic 4-4-2? Not sexy enough for the sexy young, forward thinking coach? FFS.

That said, too many Scots, now. Enough. Cut it off here.

BTW: Is Hargraves an option right now? Last I heard he was released from ManCity.

Finally, I think everyone but Maddox has figured out Maddox. He needs to study the game, and learn how best to use his gifts. His fast guy in college routine is not going to work forever.


Active Member
Feb 18, 2008
Dirty Money
Why is a team that is in 4th place, easily bound for a playoff berth, making such drastic changes. Is there something in the dressing room we are not seeing, or are the caps overreacting to a bad string of games, like some other vancouver teams. if it ain't broke don't fix it. this team was looking good, i'd say more consistent than last year, still with worts, but looking better. now they have lost some shocking games, playing even more shocking football. they are either about to win 4-0 or lose 5-0. as a fan this is hard to watch. on a side note, is robson trying to fly, he flaps his arms enough.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
I wish Miller well here. I hope is not as feet as Robson. Coaach needs to chek his wax in his ears. Guys comming over are no better then the guys left. In fact they have less skill.
Here we go again kick the dam ball and run. Oh what fun.
I say Miller helps a bit. Right mid is no better than the Canadian youngster that gets no playing time. Blast the Canadian. They are not saying much. We want to see three Canadfian lads getting a chance. Same old same old Baba.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
This got me thinking what happened to Russell Tiebert?

Whitecaps: Reality bites for Russell Teibert

Martin Rennie said:
“He needs to develop that explosive power to get by people, get more clear on his passing options. Right now, [his passing] is conservative a lot of times, it’s not moving the play forward.“He’s very fit, very active and his overall attitude has been good. Things can change quickly and he’s just got to be ready when his chance comes.”

Conservative? At least he can hold possession!


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
I dont actually think they're screaming towards a playoff spot... LA is going to blow past everyone not named San Jose, which means someone in the top four is going to fall out... Chumiento almost had to be a cancer on the room; God knows he was on the pitch... Robson I'll refrain from judgement on because he's gone from eating popcorn in the press-box to three 90 minute efforts in very little time... As for Le Toux, he had become le turnover machine, and getting Dane Richards for him was, imo, a brilliant stroke of work.

I think the planning for the future (the trade with Philly being exhibit A) and realizing this isnt their year to shine. If they make the playoffs great, if not they're still trending in the right direction... As a fan, Im happy with what I see out of management... for now...

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
We needed a Rusin tonight to beat the La.Robson trys so hard that he falls down by him self, he scored a nice goal tonight. He has to stop taking free kicks it is all wast, one out of six was on net. Maybe when gets fit things will change, watch Miller he can run.
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