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MLS Bookie Whitecaps @ Sporting KC 20150815


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2008
Dirty Money

Breaking news, whitecaps goalie arrested after murdering his whole defense Saturday night in Kansas City.

WTF is right, I was having a great evening drinking all my son in laws beer and enjoying the Caps on fire and FAK.....night ruined!


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Replacing manneh was a massive mistake, kid was el fuego and they put on mattocks took the wind out of our sails. Mattocks worked hard but he wasn't Manneh this brings the west so much tighter.


New Member
Jul 1, 2015
Dirty Money
An unbelievable naive game by the Whitecaps and their coach........if the coach would put half of his energy into the team that he spends complaining and bitching at the refs his team would at least win a game like this, he should really get a world champion cup for bitching. He's young he still has time to learn some stuff especially about this game, at least so long his sports director is telling him that he's doing a great job. At least we can hope they learned a valuable lesson, that the game is done when the ref whistles the last whistle, not at the 75th minute.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Yep. This ruined my Sunday.

Can't agree enough on the subs. But, I hear Manneh pulled a hammy or quad on his great run that set-up Octavio, with nothing to show.

As much as I think there should have been more emphasis on defending in the final 10 (maybe Tiebert for Manneh there?), I'm putting a lot on Octavio. I love the guy, but crap, two open looks, and nothing to show for them. Manneh should have shot, in hindsight, but really, Rivero had to do more w/ that pass. Then there was the sublime set-up late in the match where he had three chances to shoot, and didn't, then was tackled in the box after making a meal of the opportunity. Sure, probably a penno, but the ref decided to let open play decide the outcome.

Coach Robo was having quite the moan after, but have a moan at your striker and your centre- backs (fcuk me, Kah, win a header FFS). I'm sure Robo was in the room after putting this on the officials instead of his players. His players need to take responsibility...at both ends of the park.

If you were a bystander, super exciting match. Goals galore, and very entertaining.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
Apparently Kah finished the game with a broken Jaw after the collision with Dywer (sp). I guess that explains why he wasn't attacking the ball on crosses the way he should have been.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
OK, maybe it does. But adjust. We've all done it in matches. Broken nose, whack in the jaw, whatever...you adjust with your teammates to take on the load. Parker is very capable. Besides, there was more than one header where Kah was too slow, too soft. Parker would not have lost those.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Had we used all our subs when Kah broke his jaw?
I forget.
Tough to adjust if the case Dude.
And, give KC credit, those last three goals were fairly decent and you can't fault Ousted at all.

That all said, I'm questioning Mendes' leadership.
And, no one seems to be mentioning that.
Yes, great goal to make it 3-1.
But, I expect better out of my captain than that fcuking cnuting collapse.
More than anyone I blame him for not assessing what needed to be done on the pitch to ensure we got the points after we went up 3-1.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Had we used all our subs when Kah broke his jaw?
I forget.
Tough to adjust if the case Dude.
And, give KC credit, those last three goals were fairly decent and you can't fault Ousted at all.

That all said, I'm questioning Mendes' leadership.
And, no one seems to be mentioning that.
Yes, great goal to make it 3-1.
But, I expect better out of my captain than that fcuking cnuting collapse.
More than anyone I blame him for not assessing what needed to be done on the pitch to ensure we got the points after we went up 3-1.

Ummmm....Morales? He's the Captain, maybe you've heard of him? Signed a new multi-year deal this week.

And Kah? News came out today it was a "fractured bone" in his face, and that he's expected back in full training Thursday. So, no, couldn't have been that bad. I played in a game w/ Studsup once in college when he broke his nose. Had to go to go off for repairs and everything. Blood everywhere. Came back on, I took his assignments on corners, we sent him high, and yours truly scored the tieing goal in stoppage on a diving header to earn a very valuable point off Trinity Western. It was a glorious night at the Elephant and Castle.

Point being, I thought you were Scottish, and harden the fcuk up.


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2003
Dirty Money
Dude you just said yourself that you picked up his assignments on corners aka a set piece. Kind of hard for Kah and company to do during open play, no? Plus there were a few caps that had just as bad if not worse games but that's besides the point. This loss falls on Robinson. Period.

You're up 2-1 in a game where KC has had their chances and you have a golden chance to take at least 1 point out of there so what do you do? I know. My offensive players need to get match fit so I will use all 3 subs allowed. Hey after I make my last sub we score to make it 3-1 so look at me I'm a genius. shite they pulled a goal back and Kah has a broken bone...I wish I had a sub. Oh look Laba looks like he's got a cramp and they're really pressing. Why did I use all my subs on offensive guys? Oh look they scored it's 3-3 and there's still time. Oh fcuk how did we blow this? I know I won't say it's my fault instead I'll go on a tirade about the refs.

Now back to the present. I don't care that he wanted to play one of Rosales or Morales as Techera didn't have a good game and yes they need mins. The second sub should've been Tiebert (eeek) for Riviero, who was poo, and push Manneh up front since Manneh can't defend worth a lick but did score on his chances unlike Riviero. So that would've left you with 1 sub which could've been used on Kah or Laba, assuming the game still played out the same and the injuries happen. Dean could've come on and shore up the d some more and Manneh would've had a field day up front considering his pace was killing KC all game.

But what do we know? Had we been chasing the game I agree with his subs but I sure was left scratching my head last game.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
I agree I didn't like the subs either apparently Manneh and Mezquida were cramping and he was forced to make those subs. Robinson has made mistakes but he has been the best manager we have had in the mls so far.
Still pissed with the result but that's a good thing because it means our standards are higher than they were a few years ago. Let's see how they see the rest of the season out.

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