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Premier Why Poco is a short term embarrassment to the FVSL

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Oct 31, 2003
Dirty Money
I don't really get it either. It's not like Poco is sandbagging a div 2 team. (hello guru :) These guys are playing
premier. Lots of players are paid in the VMSL, so are those teams somehow an embarrassment too? The post
does seem like a little like sour grapes. If these guys make you feel that bad maybe it's time to play 0-35's.
I hope a kh gets another shot at MLS, why wouldn't I? People are strange sometimes, I had the honour of getting CC to play on a few of my teams and guys would trash talk him. It's kinda like the crabs in a bucket, some people
don't want to see others do well and try and drag them back. But when the salmon are spawning Reeves Park
does kinda stink..... :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2008
Dirty Money


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2001
Dirty Money
I don't really get it either. It's not like Poco is sandbagging a div 2 team. (hello guru :) These guys are playing
premier. Lots of players are paid in the VMSL, so are those teams somehow an embarrassment too? The post
does seem like a little like sour grapes. If these guys make you feel that bad maybe it's time to play 0-35's.
I hope a kh gets another shot at MLS, why wouldn't I? People are strange sometimes, I had the honour of getting CC to play on a few of my teams and guys would trash talk him. It's kinda like the crabs in a bucket, some people
don't want to see others do well and try and drag them back. But when the salmon are spawning Reeves Park
does kinda stink..... :)
Where is reeves park?u mean gates :)
It has now been renamed "monopoly place "
TA give me 500 cash for a personal trainer & I'll will come outta retirement & be the highest paid water boy in the Fvsl



New Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money
I’ve played in the FVSL for 5 years now. I wasn’t good enough for the mighty VMSL and somehow worked my way into the Peace Arch team. I wear number 15 and I have a bad touch and offer little going forward. Sometimes I do ok, sometimes I **** up. I train twice a week, mostly. I hang out and have a pint or two. Sometimes I have three.

I love soccer. I don’t even call it soccer. To me it’s football. Regardless, it’s November. It’s 8.30pm and 3 degrees outside and raining sideways. There’s 3:25 to go in the second period. Henrik has a pair of assists. My wife is looking hot on the couch. I’m a lock if I sack it off and stay home. However, I drag myself off the couch and drive to soccer. I’m not the top scorer in the FVSL and I’m miserable, it’s a fcuking Tuesday. And then I walk into the changeroom. And there it is. Twenty five other guys missing their couches, wives, X-Boxes, cocks or blow up sheep. Twenty five tired, miserable cold dudes bound by nothing other than their love of some misshaped piece of sponsored plastic peddled by their adoring coach. Nobody is getting paid. Not even the fluffer. Our top scorer doesn’t have the initials KT and doesn’t get paid seven thousand dollars a year. Our top scorer doesn’t owe anyone anything. Ethically we’re in the clear. Sort of.

For me this is amateur soccer. It’s hours of commitment for nothing in return other than the joy of winning and losing as a team. I’m not paid. If my team mate was paid it would ruin it for me. He’s paid to be cold. Paid to be away from his X-Box on a Tuesday. Paid to be uncomfortably fat. Paid to take a shot on the inside of the thigh from thee yards and listen to the laughs from his team mates. Paid to listen to the top scorer talk him through his last goal over and over. Paid to not show up. Paid to laugh at my jokes. What’s the point?

There’s guys on my team who I’d tackle a guy with my teeth for. I’d do that because they’d do that for me, I think. There’s no question about motive. They were there on that cold Tuesday for no other reason than they chose to be there. And they wanted to see me take a ball in the nuts.

And then there is Poco.

That brings a tear to the eye, Sob Sob.

Every team at the top gets grief. When Poco and PAU were the 2 top teams 10 years ago everyone gave them shite. ACBC, boy did they get a lot of flack when they were the team to beat (OK, that was justified).

That little rant may be well written but it is clearly sour grapes. Guys that don't start, complain about the starters, teams that don't win complain about the teams that do. Complaining is the easist thing to do. You know what is embarrassing - you.

You wanna shove up Poco's ass, do like Langley did, thats the best tonic. Nobody cares that your fat, not funny, have a hot wife and call it football. I presonally look forward to practice no matter what the weather, and I am ignorant enough to call it sawkor.

I have an idea, you me and Dude should get together. Dude and I will kick you in the nuts - I expect that will be funny in less than 5 years, AND we'll be laughing with your teammates.


Feb 11, 2012
Dirty Money
That brings a tear to the eye, Sob Sob.

Every team at the top gets grief. When Poco and PAU were the 2 top teams 10 years ago everyone gave them shite. ACBC, boy did they get a lot of flack when they were the team to beat (OK, that was justified).

That little rant may be well written but it is clearly sour grapes. Guys that don't start, complain about the starters, teams that don't win complain about the teams that do. Complaining is the easist thing to do. You know what is embarrassing - you.

You wanna shove up Poco's ass, do like Langley did, thats the best tonic. Nobody cares that your fat, not funny, have a hot wife and call it football. I presonally look forward to practice no matter what the weather, and I am ignorant enough to call it sawkor.

I have an idea, you me and Dude should get together. Dude and I will kick you in the nuts - I expect that will be funny in less than 5 years, AND we'll be laughing with your teammates.

If POCO wins the BC's let see how many haters they have then. I think it is great that the FVSL finally has a decent chance to win the BC's in the open and the over 35's. And who cares how much money it costs, it is not my money


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
If POCO wins the BC's let see how many haters they have then. I think it is great that the FVSL finally has a decent chance to win the BC's in the open and the over 35's. And who cares how much money it costs, it is not my money
Insert VMSL comments here


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2001
Dirty Money
If POCO wins the BC's let see how many haters they have then. I think it is great that the FVSL finally has a decent chance to win the BC's in the open and the over 35's. And who cares how much money it costs, it is not my money
Rumour has it biatch13 is joining the butter chickens & going to take over the president spot of sfc



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
This is still Takethepiss.com right?

I remember when banter was written it was replied to, in kind, and not simply labeled sour grapes and the poster called a cry baby, over sentimental and emotional dollop. ( I may of made that last bit up) There is a bunch of good material to run with there boys. Gezus, sid even gave it a go and he's a chromosome from the fish he likes to catch. And I don't mean the ones he trys to pull in at last call either.

Its not sour grapes, that's not LBS at all. It’s just not the way LBS would like to see it done, so he's not. A difference of philosophy maybe? I think it's the title more than the post? There is two teams that jump to mind that could be conceived as way more of a “embarrassment” the the FVSL this year than Poco should be. Maybe you're on his tits because he blew off a lock of a shag to shower with 20 guys and have only 3 pints to do it. We've all been there, we'll, I've not. I need at least a bakers dozen before I can handle seeing Guinness naked.

Poco is at the top this year and finally faltered, it was long over-due. Come on now, be honest, secretly, we all smiled, smirked or texted everyone in their contacts to tell them with a giant :) at the end when we heard. Mum is still confused. Every ugly, giant, hairy, snarling bear needs to be poked with a stick once in a while and I'm not just talking about Mills here, though it certainly applies.

If nothing else, Sunday's game will be that much more entertaining. I wonder who will come out with sour grapes?


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
This is still Takethepiss.com right?

I remember when banter was written it was replied to, in kind, and not simply labeled sour grapes and the poster called a cry baby, over sentimental and emotional dollop. ( I may of made that last bit up) There is a bunch of good material to run with there boys. Gezus, sid even gave it a go and he's a chromosome from the fish he likes to catch. And I don't mean the ones he trys to pull in at last call either.

Its not sour grapes, that's not LBS at all. It’s just not the way LBS would like to see it done, so he's not. A difference of philosophy maybe? I think it's the title more than the post? There is two teams that jump to mind that could be conceived as way more of a “embarrassment” the the FVSL this year than Poco should be. Maybe you're on his tits because he blew off a lock of a shag to shower with 20 guys and have only 3 pints to do it. We've all been there, we'll, I've not. I need at least a bakers dozen before I can handle seeing Guinness naked.

Poco is at the top this year and finally faltered, it was long over-due. Come on now, be honest, secretly, we all smiled, smirked or texted everyone in their contacts to tell them with a giant :) at the end when we heard. Mum is still confused. Every ugly, giant, hairy, snarling bear needs to be poked with a stick once in a while and I'm not just talking about Mills here, though it certainly applies.

If nothing else, Sunday's game will be that much more entertaining. I wonder who will come out with sour grapes?

Damage control 101.

Tough spot for u.

all is good.

Run LBS's bag off at training and all will be forgotten.


New Member
Oct 9, 2001
Dirty Money
This is still Takethepiss.com right?

This is that wasn't, it was great big poor me whinge

Come on now, be honest, secretly, we all smiled, smirked or texted everyone in their contacts to tell them with a giant :) at the end when we heard. Mum is still confused. Every ugly, giant, hairy, snarling bear needs to be poked with a stick once in a while and I'm not just talking about Mills here, though it certainly applies.

This however was and is rather entertaining combined with a bit of 'its funny cause its true'.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
The only way to stop from someone being harassed every year because they are at the top of their respective league is to split all the players up and even the teams out so that everyone finishes tied for first place.

Usually it's just people pissed because their team can't do it, or don't know the quality of soccer players to sign/pay, who can do it.

Do it like the U9-U10 kids and get BigBag out to evaluate every single player, then split them up evenly. Problem solved.
Wouldn't cost you more than a plate of fries and gravy per game.

PS: My apologies Regs for references youth soccer. I know it has no place on TTP. Or does it?


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
I myself am hoping for a poco try out. Im not quite the goal scorer TK is, Im not as tall as Gagnes but I do well in the air. I do have experience playing with Harmse. I have a solid tan (sid can vouch as he saw me on the weekend) bright yellow boots, and many years of prem experience. Im easy going and love to win and am fairly easy going on contract negotiations.



Sep 3, 2005
Dirty Money
Where is reeves park?u mean gates :)


you need to be old school poco city to remember the reeve park days.

and well said canuckboy, it's not like they're sanbagging in div 1 or 2 like they do east of the pitt river, or signing all their paid players down to go on a div2 cup run like the ugliest uniforms in history did a few years ago.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Poco is a very good team, filled with some
Solid soccer players/characters. Any team would die to have the gomes, tk, Tino, and others.
I hope Poco stays in the valley. Please stay, until you win a pak cup

If I had lots of money I'd make a nice grass pitch on my back yard and bring over some top players. Drink and yell at the apposing team would be fun too. Seriously. Why not.
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