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Women's provincial cup


New Member
Nov 14, 2009
Dirty Money
...I am assuming you are asking for someone to give YOUR head a shake gooner...

The reason people are concerned about whether or not the Caps will represent their national berth, were they to win, is because coaches want to know that the league they are competing in actually means something. If the Caps weren't intending on sending a team then it makes the most important part of YOUR team's season just a big training exercise to them, which arguably decreases the true nature of the competition. Also, your argument about having a few college kids on your team, that may not be able to attend, is a far cry from never intending on sending a team in the first place. That is the question people want answered. If the league sets out rules that allowed them to qualify for provincials, fair enough that is a problem within the league... but don't tell me you wouldn't be pissed if your team was knocked out of the cup after 8 months of preparation by a team who was only playing to get a few extra training games in...


New Member
Aug 29, 2009
Dirty Money
Why do you assume they would not want to attend? Do you have a reason to believe they wouldn't? Throwing out assumptions like that is crazy. They won the PCSL berth and wanted into both the MWSL and BC Cup....and were denied on both when THEY planned on participating. They are the only club running a full year round program for the same group of girls and would use nationals as part of their fall programming. They are doing a hell of a lot more than "only playing to get a few extra training games in"....Surf Cup, Vegas Showcase, Canada Games, PCSL, and many exhibitions with MWSL teams over the winter...all in the last year. Research the program before you speak on it.

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
This horse left the barn ages ago. There's going to be no agreement. And there's no pisstaking going on here anymore. Let's end it, and focus on the actual games.

Best of luck to all the MWSL teams this weekend.


New Member
Nov 14, 2009
Dirty Money
what are you going on about Gooner??? you are out to lunch my friend. I, like others who have posted on this thread, am only asking if they planned on attending nationals had they won BC's. Your rant's aren't answering this question so I am starting to get the feeling that perhaps you aren't the Whitecaps representative on this forum :rolleyes:

Maybe you should just leave this question for someone who knows what they are talking about..


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I think it is pretty obvious Gooner21 isn't willing to listen.

I see he keeps throwing around the word "entitlement" in relation to senior players/clubs/leagues, and yet, because he won't listen to what is being said and the tangents he runs off on, it comes across as it is the Caps themselves who feel they are entitled.

All I ever said is that there is a perception out there that doesn't shine brightly on the Caps. This perception doesn't change overnight. Is it up to me to change it? Is it up to the senior community to change it? Who can change it? Not admitting that it is there will not make it go away. Only until it is acknowledged can a sense of healing begin to take place.

In regards to assumptions, well, I can bring up what happened last year on the men's side of things where the Caps had a team in the VMSL Premier division. From what I understand, half the games they played were with the residency players and half the games were with prospect players. No one knew which "team" was showing up from week to week. So what happens? Half their games they got blown out while the other half were very competitive. To top it off, when it came to cup time, the Caps said no thanks and didn't participate. In the end, their inclusion in the league skewed the standings which in turn affected provincial cup berths/seeding. And in the senior community, the Provincial Cup means EVERYTHING.

Do you think there is balance in that past situation? To me, it certainly appears that the Caps got way more out of it than the senior league did. Granted, I don't know what, if any, agreement was done between the league and the Caps at the start of the season but to the average joe blow out there, well, there's that "perception" concept.

Give me something to really chew on as it relates to the senior soccer community and I will gladly give my head a shake. But until that happens, the onus is on YOU to come up with solutions.

To stay on topic, Go Surrey Go!!!


Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Not feeling the LOVE , FB? Nice to have outside support for the last few this year :)

Sorry mate. You guys have to learn to share.:D

Got my fingers crossed and prayers said... hoping for another classic Coquitlam-Surrey final. It won't be easy though, lots of teams in the mix this year.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Wasn't at the game but my sources tell me SU was victorious 3-0 and very deserving of the 'W"! Well done ladies.


New Member
Aug 29, 2009
Dirty Money
Looking forward to next year.

Already? Wow, there's got to be a huge mourning period on this one FB after saying all season how you had the best team you've had in a long time...after leading the league for 2/3 of the season and then crashing out of both cups...ouch, break out the booze.
Canadians 3, Castaways 2...a bit scared when our keeper couldn't make the trip over today, but we held on with a defender between the pipes.
I heard North Shore won 2-0.
Bby-SU, Gorge-NS...good semi matchups although we now miss 4 girls off to Mexico for "exam's done celebrations" next weekend. Good timing. :eek:

buffalo bill

New Member
Oct 21, 2009
Dirty Money
Already? Wow, there's got to be a huge mourning period on this one FB after saying all season how you had the best team you've had in a long time...after leading the league for 2/3 of the season and then crashing out of both cups...ouch, break out the booze.

Quite the classy response, although seeing where it is coming from it's not all that surprising:eek:.

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Gooner. If it matters, I appreciated the piss-take.

This was the best team we've had in years, but didn't say we were the best in the League. We're only going to get better. Rome wasn't built in a day.

By the way, good luck next week. You're going to need it. :)


New Member
Aug 29, 2009
Dirty Money
"I appreciated the piss-take."
I knew you would FB. You and I have traded many barbs, most in the name of good and hard TTP'ing....too bad a few sensitive types come on here and take everything too seriously. I mean think back to the pylon stuff....that produced 20 + spin off comments. Well worth it. :)
And yes, I'm fully aware that even though we played Surrey very well in 3 matches this year, they are the overwhelming favourites. With us missing many players we'll be hard pressed to match the previous high energy entertaining matches.
We're just happy to be here. :)

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Surrey United won't be touched in the last two games.....After we lost 5 - 0 to them in December, I said to our manager that is the B.C. Champions......they are a MUCH stronger team than last year and no one will come close to them......Good luck to all the semi-finalists....and unlucky to Metro-Ford. I am a little surprised and I am guessing Gorge was a much different team than the team we played last year in the semi-finals

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
I haven't got the report on the game. But I do know we had illnesses run through the team this week, especially at key positions. Not making excuses, but Gorge is a very good team, and if you're not 100% odds aren't good.

I am picking Surrey vs Gorge in the final. Surrey will win lucky number seven. (I think I'm going to throw up.)


New Member
Nov 2, 2004
Dirty Money
North Shore 2 - Prospect Lake 0

Possession 85% - 15%... finally got on the board in the 75th minute and Buchan scored to ice it with about 5 mins to go. Prospect Lake was a hard-working young team, with an absolute rock of centreback (Dani Corlazolli). Probably the biggest reason it remained scoreless for most of the game. Keeper did well on a few long range shots also. If we played the same way against the Caps, wouldn't have been pretty. We have a score to settle with Gorge from last year, so should be a decent set of semi finals this weekend. Good luck Gooner, not sure if we'll have a repeat of the League Cup, but sure you'd be okay with that...

Can anybody confirm that everything is at Town Centre? Schedule says April 25th for our semi, so I'm guessing it should be next Sunday???

"I am picking Surrey vs Gorge in the final. Surrey will win lucky number seven. (I think I'm going to throw up.)"

No love for North Shore at all... we'll take the underdog card and run with it :)

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