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Zizou & Friends BC Place July 4th?

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
I really hope the Vancouver team does not hang on this to the 12th. That smacks of desperation trying to hang on after being strung along by someone who is using them.

Unless the Vancouver side of things has a vested interest, and then I get from a business perspective trying to make this work.

Hopefully the local players will be treated with respect here, and not as pawns. There are a lot of class people on that side, and this really stinks.

Do the right thing.


Sep 12, 2007
Dirty Money
All players, coaches and managers have put in a lot of time and effort and all been treated like shite and used as pawns.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Wow.. this really sucks for the local lads.
Can they not still have the game with all the other "friends" and ZiZou hangs out, shakes hands, autographs throughout the match. At least it wouldn't be a total let down.
Probably still a good game.
I think there is something more to this then "picking up his child".
Like things promised and not delivered to Zizou. So he folded??

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
No, the promoter folded. Losing money, tour a flop, the CSA not supporting it (finally perhaps they made a right decision) and now he is losing the almighty dollar, which, lets face it, is the only reason this guy is doing this.

The promoter made a bad decision in trying to pull this off. He tried to use the spirit and loyalty of the local community to make some quick bucks (the dinner is a bona fide example, is Zizou's back too sore to go to a dinner, or did they not sell any tickets?). When that scheme did not work, the sore back story unfolded.

Give me a break.

In the meantime, guys like laylow et al have been spending and wasting a lot of their time getting ready for this.



Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2001
Dirty Money
What are you waiting for??? Either tell what you know, and provide evidence to support it, or stop sabre rattling.


New Member
Mar 16, 2002
Dirty Money
Such a predictable outcome. The CSA and local communities did the right thing in not supporting this event. Obviously the CSA was approached but the promoter did not want to follow the strict rules set on such events by FIFA and other governing bodies (my insider info). To have professional players involved there would be huge consequences if injuries etc happen. Insurance premiums alone would be massive. Even the original ref who was scheduled to do the game was to be changed because of this. This was maybe the smartest thing the CSA has done in a long time :)

My guess (like others on here) is that not enough tickets were sold so let's delay if possible. Look at the advertising alone. Signs strapped to fences all over the mainland screams low budget event. A total scam. Zizou should be emarrassed to have his name put on such an event. You would think an athlete with his stature would be more careful when attaching his name to something.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Dirty Money
that said, i still would give my left nut (it hangs lower and just generally gets in the way anyways) to be involved in that game, regardless if it is at BC Place, Swangard, or on the street in front of La Rocca on Commercial Dr (La Rocca - Authentic Italian Cuisine - 1565 Commercial Drive, Vancouver, BC) - great food, by the way.

say what you will about the promotor, Zizou, etc... but when the game is officially cancelled, all the people who bought tix will get their money back. the real people who lost out are people who donated their time to help make this happen (coaches, players, etc), the businesses that donated money to help out, and the charities that will have lost out on the revenue.

i feel bad for the volunteers who had the right intentions for this event.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
last fall a local soccer guy and proclaimed promoter came to me and asked if I would sponcer a team from Brasil to come to bc. I said no way cause you will lose way to much money. Never the less my phone rang last September as a team from Brasil was stranded at the Vancouver airport. No bus. No hotel. No food. No nothing. My local Brazilian friend called to tell me the local so called promoter had done nothing that he had promiced and there were 20 stranded Brazilian guys who needed help. Loveing this game and the idiot I am I stepped forward and took over where the so called promoter had dropped the ball. On a promice from this man that he would pay me back from something big he was doing this summer. (I new from the get go that the Zizou show was bullshit) I made the brazilian tour a success. Not $$ but the shows went on and everything planned happened. Infact the new keeper from Brasil on the caps is here because he stayed behind and was signed because of me and that tour nightmare. Your welcome Whitecaps. And you still owe me and that's another story. Tickets would have been nice you cheep bastards. Anyways. This so called local soccer promoter promiced to pay me back from this Zizou game. So I went to put a lean on the show. After not recieveing my complimentary dinner Tix ,I started to wonder what this lieing rip off guy was doing.
To rent bc place stadium $80k I know I have rented it for shows I have done. Remember I am a promoter and have been for 20 years. What happens is you put a small deposit and a letter from ticket master saying the venue gets paid before the promoter directly from tm. If ticket sales are bad. Bc place cancels show. As of this am not even 4000 tickets were sold and the show was canceled. Zizous back is fine (if he is even here at all) has anyone seen him. Anywhere.?
This same so called promoter took 2 of my players to Europe (I found this out after my encounter) and stranded them there. Guess who lent them the Tix to get home.
My lawyer tells me not to mention his name as I am looking into a suit. But it looks bleek as I did it all on a handshake. Yes I'm an idiot. But so is everyone else who was suckered in.
The shows in Montreal and Toronto were done by a different promoter no matter what you read. I know cause I was asked to put up the money to save this show and I said NO.
Oh and there was never anyone else coming on the poster you all saw. Just z.
The promoter here has no money. Had no money and will never have money. It was all done on speck. Praying presale Tix do well.
Ps all the local promoter will lose is the small deposits made to all involved.
But from what I'm told he used the $150 a plate dinner money Tix to pay those deposits. So good luck getting your money back on that. Ticket master will refund.
And I'm still screwed.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Such a predictable outcome. The CSA and local communities did the right thing in not supporting this event. Obviously the CSA was approached but the promoter did not want to follow the strict rules set on such events by FIFA and other governing bodies (my insider info). To have professional players involved there would be huge consequences if injuries etc happen. Insurance premiums alone would be massive. Even the original ref who was scheduled to do the game was to be changed because of this. This was maybe the smartest thing the CSA has done in a long time :)

My guess (like others on here) is that not enough tickets were sold so let's delay if possible. Look at the advertising alone. Signs strapped to fences all over the mainland screams low budget event. A total scam. Zizou should be emarrassed to have his name put on such an event. You would think an athlete with his stature would be more careful when attaching his name to something.
Just to let you know. The csa just wants money and money alone. I know cause to bring the team from Brasil here they hit me up for $25k.
I told them too to go fukc themselves and sent them $2500.
And for what???
Not to stick up for this asshoel but the csa has no bussiness getting involved. They do absolutely nothing. Nada. So they should get nothing.
Injuries to retired guys ???
The other players were never coming.
Because of the inflated CSA costs many many many cool events like this have not happened.
Insurance is cheep and I agree there has to be Insurance to protect the pro athelets but what the CSA asks for is a joke.
PS the ONLY reason the CSA did not support this event is because they were not paid...Period

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money

Sorry to hear about the shiteshow. Will be able to confirm in about 30 minutes if Zizou showed for the Britannia appearance, but I know that he (or someone who looked an awful lot like him with 3 boys) was seen downtown renting bikes on Canada Day for a ride around Stanley Park (My Anonymous Soccer-related Source is an honest individual).

If the dinner is off, I guess Daemonspawn #2 and his evil little friends will just have to go back to throwing SCK's Xmas lights at Hose's car. Again.:D



Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
I hope he is here and shows up for these other events sore back and all. You can still eat with a sore back. We shall see.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I fail to see how anyone can paint the CSA in a bad light over this?

Seriously, for all their faults, this is one area where they should be commended.

Because of the inflated CSA costs many many many cool events like this have not happened.
And that's a bad thing?

Maybe the CSA charges 'too much' because (1) it gets rid of the fly-by-night operations or at least puts up a barrier in terms of credibility and (2) the fricken various clubs and associations across the country that won't pony-up an extra couple of bucks per registration w/o fighting tooth and nail.


New Member
Mar 16, 2002
Dirty Money
Ghouse it is too bad you were screwed. No argument that you try to support soccer in this community and I think most people appreciate that.

In regards to slamming the CSA about money grabbing etc. I would say your a bit bitter about getting screwed over yourself. Yes money is involved and it should be, how else would they get it? I don't see any 25K donations going in to develope Canadian Soccer or local players.

Not to stick up for this asshoel but the csa has no bussiness getting involved. They do absolutely nothing. Nada. So they should get nothing.
They did not get involved in this event, which was a good thing. Obviously this promoters rep preceeded him as nobody with a clear head got involved. Your Brazilian event I have no info on so I can't comment.

Injuries to retired guys ???
Sorry I was not clear. If the Whitecaps for instance or any player under a professional contract was involved. That is one of many reason's there are rules from FIFA and other governing bodies.

I love your passion Ghouse and if more Canadians had that same passion for the game maybe it would be in a better state.

I was not trying to start a debate with you but only giving some info which I knew about.

Sixfyv, you are right about the fans, kids, charities and players being taken advantage of. No doubt this was a chance of a lifetime. Zizou was my favorite player over the past 10 years and I too would have loved to been on the same pitch as him. Hopefully they can get the event to go for the benefit of those who were involved.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
When the CSA actually gives a rats ass about soccer in Canada then I will agree with you but as for now its a money grab.
Everyone knows it.

Regs I do agree with your points for sure but they ask way way to much.
As a promoter you are takeing on enough expences to have to pay a fee to the CSA for doing nothing...They really dont do anything..I know from my experiance with them...they just want money.
Fly by nighters wont pay and still do what they want.
And soccer in Canada suffers.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
Anyways ZiZou never showed yesterday and the kids wait today....we shall see.
Anyone ?


Nov 4, 2002
Dirty Money
Anyways ZiZou never showed yesterday and the kids wait today....we shall see.
Anyone ?

Not sure if he's going to show today but he is in town. Kvale7 met him on Tuesday in downtown Vancouver while he was playing with his kids (obviously pre-back injury) :rolleyes:

They do make a pretty cute couple though. ;)


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