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Presidents Cup 2005 Presidents Cup Banter

What will the final score be in the President's Final?

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Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
Blahzay said:
Shut up walls, anyone who thinks National Bank is a good team name doesn't know shite about soccer. Why dont we change NDFC's name to ND One20 Whaler Neighbourhood Pub & Grill.

cuz they don't sell MOOSEHEAD :D , hahahahaha, high fives all around!!! :wa: :wa:


New Member
Nov 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Walls is right, we are not the most naturally talented team, nor the most commited either. Soccer for us is just something we do to have a good time with. I wish it was different but we are all at a point where a lot of other things are going on, such as school. Hopefully this summer when the majority of us have more time we can focus in on the skill side of our game and the team notion of it. While we arent the most talented team, there are a lot of guys with a fair amount of talent that isnt coming to fruition due to not practicing regularly individually and from a team aspect. This summer I am hopeful that this trend will change somewhat and that we all take responsibility and develop our skill to better suit where we want to be. Bulljive, I understand you are pissed off with the loss but take a hike, you slag us all the time for our line changes and then you put in 4 guys who were enjoying the view of the highway (a couple of which hadnt apparently played in a while) and expect to win? I know you guys are pissed at your coach and you should be, he cost you the game and gave us to opportunity to take it. This has been recognized by a few of you and from what I understand, steps have been taken to avoid this same mistake so it doesnt effect your game against the lions and for next season.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I do slag you for your line changes i think it's hilarious. don't tell me to take a hike bluenose i'll say what i want I wasn't bashing your team everything I said is how I feel and in my opinion is right. you guys make 20-30 subs a game. I could just never play like that it would totally ruin my flow. no ofefnse but i bet it loses you guys more games then it wins. expect to win? I didn't tell my coach to make the subs i was thinking what the fukc is he doing. i can't control that I just play. I have respect for your guys team, and you guys won the game congradulations. End of the day It's going to take a full consistent season to get to div 1. Do i think you guys are capable of doing it yes, but end of the day teams that have 8 guys too practice and have had number problems showing up too games struggle being consistent. If you guys feed off this win until next year you guys can do it.


New Member
Nov 17, 2004
Dirty Money
just like you, i dont control subs on our team either, many of us wish it didnt happen, as for numbers at practices, yeah we have a low turn out, mostly due to our coach not getting the information out about what days and when practices are for the season until too late, then switching them continuously throughout the season. I think we practiced on every week day by friday. its not that we dont want to practice, its just that there needs to be a better line of communication between the coach and us. the earlier we know, the better. hopefully this will be addressed and our coach, who is way too willing to change for other coaches, gets us a time where we can all make it by asking us when is the best day for practice.


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
Bluenose said:
just like you, i dont control subs on our team either, many of us wish it didnt happen, as for numbers at practices, yeah we have a low turn out, mostly due to our coach not getting the information out about what days and when practices are for the season until too late, then switching them continuously throughout the season. I think we practiced on every week day by friday. its not that we dont want to practice, its just that there needs to be a better line of communication between the coach and us. the earlier we know, the better. hopefully this will be addressed and our coach, who is way too willing to change for other coaches, gets us a time where we can all make it by asking us when is the best day for practice.

BLUENOSE- since your team and/or coach cannot grasp this, i'll make it easy for all of you. you guys practice at 9:00pm, tuesday night, at the mackie turf field, and have for the last two years. it doesn't get any easier than that. next year get me a team list and i'll call you guys too :D :D !!!!!!


New Member
Sep 30, 2002
Dirty Money
bluenose, congrats from the clones on your victory.nice to see the underdog come through with the victory.i hope we get another chance to meet up next year on the pitch again (as long as my old bones hold up) as it will be another cracker


New Member
Nov 17, 2004
Dirty Money
walls, forgive my ignorance as obviously you know so much more about my team than i do, i guess when we were having practices on mondays at 8 for part of the season, or the rare wednesday at 9 at north delta rec park, or the thursdays at all times of the night, i was imagining things. and playing on this team for the last.....year, i would know when they practiced the two previous to this. if i had this knowledge/consistency then there would be no excuse on my part.

curious, thank you, i also hope to play against you guys against as you are one of the teams that we respect a lot. im sure you will if you avoid playing out of position for other langley teams. see ya next season


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
cut the fcukin excuses nosey. i could really care less when you practice, and quite honestly i don't think it would matter if you guys had a propper schedule, i still don't think you'd get the guys out. i was trying to help you out in justifying a win that was well deserved but i guess you don't need the help. between the two of your teams, maybe you'd both be better off without coaches?? do you guys(you all know what teams are being discussed) realize that your coaches look at this site regularly? do you think you'd be better off without a coach? maybe you should try it and see what happens. what would you guys do without your current coaches? you guyd finished 1-2 and made the finals for the presidents cup! give me and your coaches a fcukin break. none of them have anything to do with the squads other than the fact they're trying there best to improve your teams on their own time. do you think these guys are replaceable?? if so,why not try it out? show some fcukin class and how 'bout thanking the coaches for a great year. **** you guys all sound like you came in last or something.


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
Bluenose said:
walls, forgive my ignorance as obviously you know so much more about my team than i do, i guess when we were having practices on mondays at 8 for part of the season, or the rare wednesday at 9 at north delta rec park, or the thursdays at all times of the night, i was imagining things.

i've lived in nd for a long time but have no idea where this "rec park" is. maybe you could elaborate a little, as maybe we'll try training there next year too. to avoid any conflict, what time do you guys go at?............or sorry, you don't know.........never mind, i'll ask your coach..........oh fcuk!! he doesn't know either...........does mayor louise jackson know?.........if not........then who do i ask?


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
walls said:
i've lived in nd for a long time but have no idea...does mayor louise jackson know?...

Hey wallsie, I doubt very much that Mayor Louise Jackson would know the answer to you query, as the Mayor of Delta is Lois Jackson.

Tell us again how long you've lived in Delta??? :rolleyes: ;) :rolleyes: ;)

C'mon, all of you ND boys...grow up a bit and quit squabbling like a bunch of schoolgirls, your posts are painful to read and my eyes hurt. Unfortunately, as the mod I am forced to read this whining and cannot simply ignore them. Oh lucky me... :rolleyes:




New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
shaven said:
Hey wallsie, I doubt very much that Mayor Louise Jackson would know the answer to you query, as the Mayor of Delta is Lois Jackson.

Tell us again how long you've lived in Delta??? :rolleyes: ;) :rolleyes: ;)

C'mon, all of you ND boys...grow up a bit and quit squabbling like a bunch of schoolgirls, your posts are painful to read and my eyes hurt. Unfortunately, as the mod I am forced to read this whining and cannot simply ignore them. Oh lucky me... :rolleyes:



MMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!! you know what i lave about these high school girsl man...............i keep gettin older and they stay the same age :cool: .

speaking of school shaven, i'm glad we're back to editing spelling mistakes...............i'l get my grade 2 teacher back one of these days for misleading me.

would it be that hard to incorperate spell check with this site? eye thynk it wood saav sum tyme.


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
walls said:
speaking of school shaven, i'm glad we're back to editing spelling mistakes...

Spelling mistakes are one thing, but misspelling the Mayor's first name? That's just plain funny.

Oddly enough, most of the worst spelling offenders on this site are ND grads
:eek: , which sadly must be a reflection of the state of education in that community in the past 10 years. Funny, I'm a grad of ND and I can spell just fine...seems perhaps this skill has gone up in 'smoke' in recent years. ;) Hmm...food for thought...mmm, food...(munchies, anyone?)


P.S. On a soccer note, does anyone know if the promotion/relegation schedule is posted anywhere on the web? FVSL site, or elsewhere?


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I by no means was telling the titans they need a new coach I think they do a fine job. For a team that doesn't get alot of guys practicing or alot of talent they win alot of games. clearly the coaches know what they are doing. Not saying they don't have good players wouldn't want to upset bluenose but they got all 20 guys playing the same system. Would I ever play with no coach, no, did I say i wanted to no, do i appreciate everything they do on their own time of course I do. i never mentioned anything about a coach until bluenose seemed to indicate I was in kahoots with the coach making 4 subs in the last 15 minutes. Do i think they played apart in the lose yes I think they played part. but if they at the end of the day we lost they won its easy to point fingers. Don't act like a you're saint walls because you are far from it.


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
whooooaaaaaa!!! easy tiger! i was simply talking about training and this now has obviousely been blown out of proportion. all that i was trying to say is that the titans have had a set practice time for 2 years. if their coach wants to change that its his choice. he did take them to victory in the cup so all i'm saying to nose is show the coach and his own team some respect............they aren't quite the underdogs that he likes to play them up to be. as for your team jive...... i am far from trying to be a saint, just offering an opinion on how i see things shaping up. two fcukin losses is all it takes to bring down the div 2 empire?????.........come on now jive.....what are captains for :confused: .
you guys are above this shite, so pull your teams together and work through it.
~saint christopher~(protector of teams travelling between divisions)


New Member
Nov 17, 2004
Dirty Money
i do have respect for my coach and team, and as i have stated in earlier posts, i play off the opinions of others towards our team. it does come off as me being negative but i do hold my team and all its members in a high regard. im saying is that i dont know what the past two years were like, i can only comment on this year. for me, and only me, i have to place my availability in to work early, so i have to base it on when i think practices will be held, up until then they had been on thurs for a while so i booked that night off. we do not need your help justifying our win, the score does it on its own. shaven is right this needs to end, so it is easier to disagree on this and move on, the last word is yours walls as i will not be posting on this anymore


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
It takes one loss to bring us down, well actually it usually only takes us being a goal down to fall apart. we are a fragile bunch walls we like playing on the edge :D . Our teams is fine we had practice last night, and all is good. all minds are on promotion everything else is just dissapointment after a big loss. Being promoted was #1 all year now we just have to do it. above what sh*t? I said the coaches played a role I am sure they realize that. I don't think saying it's a big deal but i want to move on its one loss like you said and we are thinking about promotion now. Topic finished.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
bulljive said:
It takes one loss to bring us down, well actually it usually only takes us being a goal down to fall apart. we are a fragile bunch walls we like playing on the edge :D . Our teams is fine we had practice last night, and all is good. all minds are on promotion everything else is just dissapointment after a big loss. Being promoted was #1 all year now we just have to do it. above what sh*t? I said the coaches played a role I am sure they realize that. I don't think saying it's a big deal but i want to move on its one loss like you said and we are thinking about promotion now. Topic finished.

When do you guys play Port Moody???

Thanks for ending the topic.....Bluenose's shoulder is getting pretty sore from patting himself on the back.


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
bulljive said:
I don't think saying it's a big deal but i want to move on its one loss like you said and we are thinking about promotion now. Topic finished.

glad to hear we're all over this. good luck in promo's let me know if we can help in any way.

Franchise, don't worry about bluenose's shoulder.......i believe he has learned to massage himself as well ;) .


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
The Franchise said:
When do you guys play Port Moody???

Thanks for ending the topic.....Bluenose's shoulder is getting pretty sore from patting himself on the back.

If I had any idea when we played I would tell you Franchise. we thought we were playing Port Moody on sunday at home. However they think they are playing the hurricanes in port moody on sunday. So who really knows what is going on. The league hasn't told us anything. We figure they will contact us sunday morning and ask us why we didn't show up for our game.
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