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2008 Nations Cup


Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money
QUOTE]About the Nations Cup
The Nations Cup Soccer Society proudly present The 29th Annual Nations Cup Soccer Tournament. The Nations Cup is recognized by players and spectators alike as one of the foremost amateur men's and women's soccer tournaments in Western Canada. This year's tournament is slated to take place July 18th to 20th in Richmond, BC.

This unique concept of grouping players based on their ethnic backgrounds and/or countries of origin, creates an exciting atmosphere that provides a platform for people throughout the community to express their ethnic pridehahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah ya right!. Teams representing countries such as Argentina, Caribbean, China, England, India, Italy, Germany, and Scotland, just to name a few,
are comprised of elite players - Guinness need i say more
from throughout the Province to compete for the coveted "Nations Cup".

Averaging more than 5,000 spectators over the course of the weekend, the tournament provides a showcase for some of our province's finest soccer talent, having included such Canadian National Team players as, Randy Samuel, David Norman (Thief for Canadian Soccer Team) and John Catliffe.

With separate sections for Open Age Men, Open Age Women, Over 30 Men, Over 38 Men, and Over 45 Men, the tournament allows players from various age groups to compete in this exciting and entertaining event. UN CUP should be a good name

I think they should have a section for Teams that actually play for there Countries and they get to compete for Nations Cup India,Fiji,Carribean the rest should really sort theselves out Miller your disgracing the Scotland Team I thouhgt i have left it in good hands i was WRONG ...No Englishcnut should ever put on a Scotalnd top Shameful

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Looks like this tournament has turned in to a joke! What happened to players playing for thier heritage or birthplace .... Nations Cup fcuk me might wanna change the name to PLAY FOR WHOEVER YOU WANT NATIONS CUP. Shameful!

You have to wait in a line to get into the Beer Garden hahahahahahah and your 26 and they deny you lololol hahahaha this is entertaining

Well Done Ireland or is it United Nations Team #4 beating Carribean or is it United Nations Team #6

Last but not least Guinness gets the winner and you guys are raving about the quality of play lol (sorry guinness but from my memory you were average player at best) And * argentinains show up ,sorry i mean United Nations Team #5, with only 8 players they should be kicked out next years tournament. Obviously this tournament has lost it uniqness and it is just turned into a piss-up for all the BC superstars and for the Nations Cup coimmittee to rack in money...

Lot of teams losing badly hmmm was just 4 years ago almost all the games were won by 1 or 2 goals ad sometimes draws.

The Tournament should be re-named UN CUP i am sure you could probably have rings madeup and t-shirts done

HHAAHAH all the hype for this tournament was justified up untill this year BC you guys are in your own WORLD time stay off WEED and COKE or just move to Alberta where money is made, Tournaments are done probably, Players play for there country or heritage (marrying your wife who is irsh does not count) GET SOME CREDIBILITY to the name The Nations Cup maybe should call it UNITED NATIONS CUP and chenge the ****ing venue so you can bigger beer garden so no line-ups i gues if you wwanna see how a nations cup is run come to calgary longweekend and find out what it is suppose to look like

Who did Regs play for China this year

Facebook Calgary Nations Cup

p.s were you guys reay lining up like sheep to get into the beer gardenhahahahahahahahahahaha

Okay, Larsson............I usually just let your posts go.........you used to be a decent lad so I let them go...........this post is for my good Croatian friends. Great bunch of lads and thanks very much for a couple of pints in the beer garden. Larsson, get the fcuk over yourself. Ireland won the ****ing tournament. End of story. Why are you so bent out of shape because Ireland won the tournament. Why? The only thing I didn't like was that the Bhoys didn't have the Hoops on. Having said that, strip looked decent. As for representing your country etc.....It has ALWAYS been a little 'loose'. Who can forget when ze Germans protested No Left Peg playing for Ireland. WTF? Where am I going with this? I have NO ****ing idea but I do know I'm drunk right now and that I had a quality boink earlier.

As for the beer garden, a ****ing JOKE. I had to wait 45 ****ing minutes to get into the ****ing place. It was a ****ing nightmare. I felt like I was in university waiting to get into the Roxy. Not on when you're 40 cuniting years old. Burnro, congatulations on leading the Bhoys to victory. A great final and that is the 3rd time Ireland has won it.............1991, 1999, 2008.

On another note, great to see so many people who I haven't seen in awhile............Joey Billy..top notch big man. You're quality.

Lavy, have another drink and God bless Greenpeace. Carlos, keep your ****ing trousers on because the beer garden doesn't want to see you shaved legs/ass/willy. Sort it out.

Our Ireland O38s team were robbed and would have stuffed India in the final. Goal difference was the problem but that's life. SOOOOOOOOOOO in passing, I ****ing hate the beer garden mental............There were some spectacular sets of knockers there.

Rene, you're a CLASS act. Thanks very much for the beautiful tie, coin, and other things.

Drunky McDrunk


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Congrats to Ireland, wishing I could have escaped the busiest weekend of my life to come down and have a few pints, from the sounds of the gardens coming through my texts and earpiece on the cell it sounded like a great weekend.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
You know, my dog can sit, stay, not jump on people and be respectful in the house by not barking and yet God saw fit to give larsson the opposable thumbs.

Lean, Willy et all... wonderful tournament you guys did a fabulous job. Thank you.

Well done Ireland and congrats on the winner, JC. It’s nice to see even the fat kid can win on the park once and a while. Just ask larrson. He'll tell you. Ahh check that, he’s never on the park when he win’s. I guess I really didn't have a good point there. My bad.

Ps. The secret to the beer garden is just don't leave.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Larson, seriously, it's getting old. But, whatever...I guess this is how you get your rocks off. Writing such disparaging remarks towards any player that clearly works his ass off and gets all that he can out of his abilities is just lame.

Ireland- congrats! Who else was in the line-up?

Guinness: congrats to you on what must be the best season you've ever had personally. Scoring the winner for Ireland in the Nation's is something to be proud of, and some nice icing on the cake. Well done!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Okay, Larsson............I usually just let your posts go.........you used to be a decent lad so I let them go...........this post is for my good Croatian friends. Great bunch of lads and thanks very much for a couple of pints in the beer garden. Larsson, get the fcuk over yourself. Ireland won the ****ing tournament. End of story. Why are you so bent out of shape because Ireland won the tournament. Why? The only thing I didn't like was that the Bhoys didn't have the Hoops on. Having said that, strip looked decent. As for representing your country etc.....It has ALWAYS been a little 'loose'. Who can forget when ze Germans protested No Left Peg playing for Ireland. WTF? Where am I going with this? I have NO ****ing idea but I do know I'm drunk right now and that I had a quality boink earlier.

As for the beer garden, a ****ing JOKE. I had to wait 45 ****ing minutes to get into the ****ing place. It was a ****ing nightmare. I felt like I was in university waiting to get into the Roxy. Not on when you're 40 cuniting years old. Burnro, congatulations on leading the Bhoys to victory. A great final and that is the 3rd time Ireland has won it.............1991, 1999, 2008.

On another note, great to see so many people who I haven't seen in awhile............Joey Billy..top notch big man. You're quality.

Lavy, have another drink and God bless Greenpeace. Carlos, keep your ****ing trousers on because the beer garden doesn't want to see you shaved legs/ass/willy. Sort it out.

Our Ireland O38s team were robbed and would have stuffed India in the final. Goal difference was the problem but that's life. SOOOOOOOOOOO in passing, I ****ing hate the beer garden mental............There were some spectacular sets of knockers there.

Rene, you're a CLASS act. Thanks very much for the beautiful tie, coin, and other things.

Drunky McDrunk

Is that not absolutely priceless? Stephen, I can't stop laughing.

Well done Ireland. Well done JC on a very good season for you as Dude mentioned. The best aspect of this tourney is meeting all the players.

I was talking to a dark complexioned Scotland player on Saturday. He was born and raised in Scotland......a remnant of the Roman invasion of that region during the Roman Empire. I saw Clive talking to Captain Shamrock. Naked they are identical, but they have different coloured skin. Either could play for Carribean or Ireland. Don't know where I am going with this and I too have had a quality boink but we all belong to one nation, the Human Nation... which makes larrson my brother.:confused:


Jul 10, 2002
Dirty Money

Congrats to everyone on my Irish squad for their fantastic performances this weekend! Every player performed superbly in each match and we played some lovely footy, getting better with each game! Congrats to Guiness for his GWG yesterday in the final against Carib...and congrats to TK for winning tournament MVP...good thing he moved his brothers stag to next weekend!!!:eek:

A huge congrats to young Mike who played in our games on Saturday and Sunday and rose to the challenge. This tournament is not easy to jump into, especially as a GK when you're 18-years old and not the tallest of kids...Mike made some spectacular saves for us this weekend when other players legs looked tired, keeping us alive in a couple of games where we may have lost if those opportunities had gone in...UVIC will be lucky to have you Mikey!

Here is our winning squad roster:

Mike Branion-Calles
Bevan Footman
Graeme Poole
Tim Sowerby
Wes Barrett
Jeff Potratz
Steve McCauley
Tiarnan King
Tommy Brook
Ryan Horvath
Angus Burke
Brad Caldwell
Craig McMillan
Justin Student
Matt Henniger

Well done lads!!!!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
You had a quality boink? This morning on a Monday? Fcuk me...Fire Men get all the perks. Suppose you're washing he dog and cooking up a nice risotto at work today, in between testing the fire hose on the local kids.

I laughed my ass off at Captain's post, but yours is upwardly disturbing. Especially about Captain being able to play for the Carribean based on his nakedness. If you say so, I suppose, and I guess that explains the quality boink, but nonetheless...

Must be a Greek thing.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
TheCalgaryMuppet said:
you guys are in your own WORLD time stay off WEED and COKE or just move to Alberta where money is made
This sums it all up for me. Larsson didn't want to give it up so he chose the second option he presented.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
You know, my dog can sit, stay, not jump on people and be respectful in the house by not barking and yet God saw fit to give larsson the opposable thumbs.

Lean, Willy et all... wonderful tournament you guys did a fabulous job. Thank you.

Well done Ireland and congrats on the winner, JC. It’s nice to see even the fat kid can win on the park once and a while. Just ask larrson. He'll tell you. Ahh check that, he’s never on the park when he win’s. I guess I really didn't have a good point there. My bad.

Ps. The secret to the beer garden is just don't leave.

I didn't leave.........after playing our game, the line-up was there......the only other way around it was to climb the fence. The chances of that happening were ZERO considering my state........

Congratulations to all the RCIU lads who ran the tournament. Another job well done.....Lean great job keeping me under control on the sideline. :D Ginger Tours thanks for the water....Kippax, thanks for helping select the starting line-up for the Premier team this year. I do understand that you're starved of quality service so we should have that sorted with One Dart playing in the middle of the park. I'll be the work horse......I'll do all the dirty work and let One Dart get the glory.

Animal, thanks again for inviting to Belfast with the Zoom tickets. Even though you think I have something against you on the park, you could still be a bigger man than that and still do the right thing and invite me to go visit my relatives. I will take you to the Rock Bar.

Premier Line-up for RCIU


John Peterson Walks

Captain Shamrock

One Dart

Matt Dickinson Steve Frank

We're decided that this team is so strong we'll play with the requred 7. We've been given the go ahead by FIFA to do this once they knew about the strength of the squad. Between the seven of us we would weigh the equivalent of a full team of 11 so it has been approved.

Training starts tomorrow, lads.......warm-up at O'Hare's.......Foggy Dew.....and the Flyer Beaver as our cool down.

Here's to putting on a few more pounds over the next couple of months


New Member
Sep 30, 2004
Dirty Money
Capt S.

"Our Ireland O38s team were robbed and would have stuffed India in the final. Goal difference was the problem but that's life. SOOOOOOOOOOO in passing"

U guys were Robbed.... +10 with zero againest and still not making it through
Even though we lost to India ... our game againest you guys was tougher ..

Class Act nod to the Poles and English ..
Congrats India


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money

Congrats to everyone on my Irish squad for their fantastic performances this weekend! Every player performed superbly in each match and we played some lovely footy, getting better with each game! Congrats to Guiness for his GWG yesterday in the final against Carib...and congrats to TK for winning tournament MVP...good thing he moved his brothers stag to next weekend!!!:eek:

A huge congrats to young Mike who played in our games on Saturday and Sunday and rose to the challenge. This tournament is not easy to jump into, especially as a GK when you're 18-years old and not the tallest of kids...Mike made some spectacular saves for us this weekend when other players legs looked tired, keeping us alive in a couple of games where we may have lost if those opportunities had gone in...UVIC will be lucky to have you Mikey!

Here is our winning squad roster:

Mike Branion-Calles
Bevan Footman
Graeme Poole
Tim Sowerby
Wes Barrett
Jeff Potratz
Steve McCauley
Tiarnan King
Tommy Brook
Ryan Horvath
Angus Burke
Brad Caldwell
Craig McMillan
Justin Student
Matt Henniger

Well done lads!!!!


SixFyv and Guinness also have names, and I believe they sound very Irish. Don't be afraid to use them.

Congrats again. There are many character players on that roster and that is likely why you won.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
What is Larsson on about :rolleyes:, so what if a few teams had a few 'imports'

the looks of that irish squad looks pretty Irish, at least name wise and they won the thing...

Did the "importers" or "imposters" win medals? ;)


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
Irish eyes are smiling

Thanks to everyone for the cangrats, this tournament is very special.

posted by: Fat Bastard
Last but not least Guinness gets the winner and you guys are raving about the quality of play lol (sorry guinness but from my memory you were average player at best)
I guess your memory isn't as good as you appitite!? :rolleyes:

BTW, Argentina played with 9 men for 3 minutes. They actually had 14 players, worked hard and even scored a goal. India's protest was a laugh, I can't remember how many tourney's Ireland missed out on the semi's because of goal difference. That's tournament football.

STAND UP FOR THE CHAMPIONS!!! :knvb::wa::bronco:

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Capt S.

"Our Ireland O38s team were robbed and would have stuffed India in the final. Goal difference was the problem but that's life. SOOOOOOOOOOO in passing"

U guys were Robbed.... +10 with zero againest and still not making it through
Even though we lost to India ... our game againest you guys was tougher ..

Class Act nod to the Poles and English ..
Congrats India

We weren't robbed. :) Although you do make a good point.......no goals against and 10 for........and not going to the final. But we didn't beat your team and that was the difference. Congrats on a good tournament, T-idiot. It was a fun weekend like it always is


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Congrats to Ireland and sorry I missed your day in sun Guinness.
I've known you for a long time my friend since playing together in the same club when you were a young 18 year old kid.
I couldn't be happier for the likes of you and 6'5".
Well done ma Keltic brothers.

Congrats to India in our group who beat us in the final.
I've known a few guys in that side who weathered some years getting their assess handed to them in this tournament but you stuck by it and now you got your due reward.
Well done.
My apologies to my teammates for the goat horns on the 1st goal. :eek:

Willy/Ginger Tours/Lean et al:
Again, my sincerest of thanks for everything that you do, it is very much appreciated lads.
Yes, I missed the beer garden too due to the line up and was too thirsty and tired after our match to wait so Coach Kenno and I headed home to make the long trek back to Langley.
Probably better off for it after seeing what it does to the likes of Shamrock...
GIRFUY mate - We went through and you didn't.
So piss off. :D
Back to the Garden.
I know these guys and there is obviously a reason for this people.
It obviously revolves around politics, legalities or safety.
If they could make it better, they would.
And I'm sure they will continue to try and make it better for all of us.

Three cheers for Geoff Penniston!


Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money
Oh by the way Congrats Ireland! well done

Captain come on man isn't this site about pisstaking ,slaggin and who knows what else man you muppets are easy to wind up......i come here for entertainment

But Captain you have to be honest the tournament has declined a lot since when you were playing and i was a mouthy little 17 year old

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Congrats to Ireland and sorry I missed your day in sun Guinness.
I've known you for a long time my friend since playing together in the same club when you were a young 18 year old kid.
I couldn't be happier for the likes of you and 6'5".
Well done ma Keltic brothers.

Congrats to India in our group who beat us in the final.
I've known a few guys in that side who weathered some years getting their assess handed to them in this tournament but you stuck by it and now you got your due reward.
Well done.
My apologies to my teammates for the goat horns on the 1st goal. :eek:

Willy/Ginger Tours/Lean et al:
Again, my sincerest of thanks for everything that you do, it is very much appreciated lads.
Yes, I missed the beer garden too due to the line up and was too thirsty and tired after our match to wait so Coach Kenno and I headed home to make the long trek back to Langley.
Probably better off for it after seeing what it does to the likes of Shamrock...
GIRFUY mate - We went through and you didn't.
So piss off. :D
Back to the Garden.
I know these guys and there is obviously a reason for this people.
It obviously revolves around politics, legalities or safety.
If they could make it better, they would.
And I'm sure they will continue to try and make it better for all of us.

Three cheers for Geoff Penniston!

Bastard. :D

BTW, I didn't even get a chance to kick you. Is that the reason you didn't play against us? Fear? ;) Now I think about it......and reading your last post, RF,........we WERE robbed. Better team on the day. :D GIRUY

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