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Div 2 [2009 Division 2/3 Cup] Predictions, Results & Banter

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Nov 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Temple is very good but also very dirtyQUOTE]

From what I saw NK had more than their fair share of bad tackles, and didn't you sub off in the 1st half as you were on the brink of a red with your late tackles.

As far as a potential spanking at nationals, I believe that had you guys been in the "A" side there is no chance you would have got promoted. From what I have heard both UBC and Unicorns are a better side. You obviously will argue otherwise and reaffirm with your "spanking of UBC" 1-0.


Oct 25, 2001
Dirty Money
2 "A" # Team GP W T L GF GA PTS
1 Sikh Temple 18 15 2 1 61 16 47
2 "B" # Team GP W T L GF GA PTS
1 NK Hrvat 18 17 0 1 62 10 51

First of all there is no category in which you topped NK. Our middle of the pack teams like Signmaster, Kosova and Sarajevo would just plain beat you guys up not to mention Vatreni or Douglas Park. Okay, well they would all beat up UBC anyway. So if that was your stiffest competition all season then hoorah.

Secondly. The Watcher tires of the constant reminders of our brief stay in division one. First of all, the Serbian ref stole a game winning goal against the bastards from Richmond that would have kept us out of the relegation game. The Serb also sabotaged our cup game and threw me out of the park. And he's one of the nicer ones. He just has a problem with Hrvat winning.

Thirdly. I counted on this game being difficult but I really didn't think ST would be that strong. Especially when I saw you guys warming up. Not a very big team and a little on the skinny side. I guess it's easier to catch the sheep you guys are shaggin when you're lighter. That being said it is not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog. You guys had lots of fight and were definately the most aggresive tacklers we've faced this year excluding the Vatreni elbows, Kosova drop kicks and the Douglas Park man rapes.

Last but not least you guys were out coached. You're guys coach was yelling from the sideline like it was his sheep you were chasing. While the NK hierarchy was cooling calculating your demise. You see my friends it is the way the game is played. The champagne will taste even sweeter knowing how thirsty you guys are talking so much about how god must likes us better. You guys should also really practise shooting (on a better goalie than the present one) especially penalties (dreadful 1 for 4).

PS....man of the match the NK sweeper. If we put him striker he would blow four or five by you guys then his head would swell and he's a big enough jerk already. If you don't believe me see post by Slyrad. You're right about only one thing and that is #4 sucked that game but he'll get you next time when his center mid partner is back from injury.

You know you're really dirty when Dirty calls you dirty.


Dec 16, 2006
Dirty Money
2 "A" # Team GP W T L GF GA PTS
1 Sikh Temple 18 15 2 1 61 16 47
2 "B" # Team GP W T L GF GA PTS
1 NK Hrvat 18 17 0 1 62 10 51

First of all there is no category in which you topped NK. Our middle of the pack teams like Signmaster, Kosova and Sarajevo would just plain beat you guys up not to mention Vatreni or Douglas Park. Okay, well they would all beat up UBC anyway. So if that was your stiffest competition all season then hoorah.

Secondly. The Watcher tires of the constant reminders of our brief stay in division one. First of all, the Serbian ref stole a game winning goal against the bastards from Richmond that would have kept us out of the relegation game. The Serb also sabotaged our cup game and threw me out of the park. And he's one of the nicer ones. He just has a problem with Hrvat winning.

Thirdly. I counted on this game being difficult but I really didn't think ST would be that strong. Especially when I saw you guys warming up. Not a very big team and a little on the skinny side. I guess it's easier to catch the sheep you guys are shaggin when you're lighter. That being said it is not the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog. You guys had lots of fight and were definately the most aggresive tacklers we've faced this year excluding the Vatreni elbows, Kosova drop kicks and the Douglas Park man rapes.

Last but not least you guys were out coached. You're guys coach was yelling from the sideline like it was his sheep you were chasing. While the NK hierarchy was cooling calculating your demise. You see my friends it is the way the game is played. The champagne will taste even sweeter knowing how thirsty you guys are talking so much about how god must likes us better. You guys should also really practise shooting (on a better goalie than the present one) especially penalties (dreadful 1 for 4).

PS....man of the match the NK sweeper. If we put him striker he would blow four or five by you guys then his head would swell and he's a big enough jerk already. If you don't believe me see post by Slyrad. You're right about only one thing and that is #4 sucked that game but he'll get you next time when his center mid partner is back from injury.

You know you're really dirty when Dirty calls you dirty.

Well if you did not beat us up, then how would these other teams beat us up??? These stats are irrelevant as the groups are completely different so no point in debating this any further.

As for size, I did not see us shy from any tackle or lose much in the air so again your point is lost. Your side is good at chasing though.

If you consider packing the box with 11 guys for 120 minutes and hoping for the coin flip that is PKs, then that was a masterful coaching display :rolleyes:. Someone call Alex Ferguson beacuse I think his job is in jeopardy.

First of all your keeper was your best player on this day. Secondly, if he could score that many goals, why the hell was he playing sweeper (and I have heard the rant of missing players) because everyone knows you could have used some sort of attack. Get serious, there was no hope in hell you were scoring that day.

You were outplayed and outclassed on this day. We were missing guys and had guys with injuries as well, but we won't use that as an excuse for not scoring. Bottomline is your keeper had a great game and you were lucky. Unless you think PKs are your strong point?


New Member
Sep 11, 2007
Dirty Money
Our game tactic was more defensive sided from the beggining, yes. We knew ST would be fast and skilled on the ball. With a few of our players out (NOT an excuse, but this is why we changed our strategy) we were forced to play this way.

The fact of the matter is ST don't have to worry about missing Provincials as they will beat DP without question. We look forward to a re-match. Too bad it couldn't be played here as I believe both teams could have bigger crowds with our fans here then up north.

Good luck the rest of the way and next year in Div 1 ST


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
Both teams were missing players...that is the way it goes sometimes.....

I thought we controlled the game and played well. Hitting the post, getting one cleared off the line, a couple of free kicks that just missed did not help....the NK keeper made some pretty crazy saves as well.....but when the game goes into PK's anything can happen.

It was a fun game to play in with a great atmosphere...

The NK guys were a good natured bunch as well...cheers to them for a fun game...really felt like the Div 2 cup final in a way...

Good luck to them the rest of the way and in Div 1 as well...

Onto Douglas Park next week


Dec 16, 2006
Dirty Money
Our game tactic was more defensive sided from the beggining, yes. We knew ST would be fast and skilled on the ball. With a few of our players out (NOT an excuse, but this is why we changed our strategy) we were forced to play this way.

The fact of the matter is ST don't have to worry about missing Provincials as they will beat DP without question. We look forward to a re-match. Too bad it couldn't be played here as I believe both teams could have bigger crowds with our fans here then up north.

Good luck the rest of the way and next year in Div 1 ST

If we do meet in the provincials it will not be a similar game. Like stated previously, most teams don't take it seriously and it will more than likely be just an excuse for a roadtrip/piss up.

Goodluck the rest of the way and in provincials to NK and congrats on a fine season.


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Mar 17, 2009
Dirty Money
You guys still have to play for promo to div one. Nothing is over yet. Some of you guys talk bit mutch. Watcher used to have twenty add guys. Now he is down to thirteen. All is not that well. Realy who cares about the cup if you guys think of moving forward.
You just watch the guys from Deap Cove. They are ready and do want to move up. Nick is reffing many games trying to get to know English guys to recrute to the club.
Sep 1, 2007
Dirty Money
DPR 3, Sikh Temple 2 (PKs)
Little bit warmer than anybody is used to today out at VanTech turf (which was a welcome change). DPR came out hard early and were rewarded with a brilliant volley from about 25 out in the first 15). Sikh Temple dug deep in the balance of the half and scored on a nice set play from a long throw into the box to get equal.
Sikh Temple dominated the first 15 mins of the 2nd half and scored about 3 mins in on a nice cross in tight to a streaking winger who potted it off the bar.

Then DPR decided that we actually wanted to drive 10+ hours to Pr George in the dead of summer and started to take it to Temple. A beautiful cross onto our center D's head equaled the game and we took it to them in the last 15 and throughout the entire OT where we missed to glorious chances to end it before PKs.

Our keeper played brilliant and saved 2 of the PKs as he dove to the bottom right corner and scored his own PK to help DPR return to the Provincials and give us a shot and finally taking down the cocky NKers.

Sikh Temple are a decent bunch of guys, quick, but small. Thanks for coming out and to the loud mouth on the sidelines who didn't get in the game, I want to know if you were wearing the uniform just so you could be part of the loss???
Mar 29, 2009
Dirty Money
I don't kow about being a nice bunch of guys. I honestly thought that they didn't show any respect to DPR and were too busy trying to play the 'hardman'. I did think that they are a good side and know how to play soccer. But to play with dignity is another ball game to these guys. Very later tackles, off the ball challenges and numerous foul mouthed uneducated idiots on the sidelines. The result was a fair result as DPR more than held their own and created some good chances.

Soccer wise, it was a good game. If Sikh Temple can concentrate on playing hard but fair then they can be a very good side. Until then, they will be a much unliked team.
Jun 19, 2007
Dirty Money
Caught some of the game before my hurricane buddies played....from what I saw Temple dominated and DPR parked 10 men behind the ball and played kick and run all game...guess that is why they have been stuck in Div 2 for the last twenty years...:D

DPR's back line was Shock-ing! Surprised Temple didn't score ten goals..

Great final as well, hurricane boys played their heart out, but just couldn't find the back of the net. Well done to our "B" team, as they had a great run!
Sep 1, 2007
Dirty Money
i will certainly agree with the 'foul-mouthed, uneducated idiots on the sidelines' comment as they had several guys bemoan every play and bicker a tonne. One guy never even took the field and cried like a baby half the game. I was being a bit too respectful with my earlier comments, as we found them 'trying' to be tough guys when none of them are over 5'10 and over 160 lbs... on second thought, i take back my 'nice guys' comment and say they are the best team we have played that won't be making the provincials this year and the biggest bunch of pansies to date...


Dec 16, 2006
Dirty Money
I won't reply to any of the nonesense that is being said (because that is all it is), but I will wish DPR luck in Div 2 next year.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Was G-Spot on the sidelines or something? Trouble always seems to follow that guy around. :D

Unlucky to the Sikh Temple boys. Congratulations on getting promoted, gentlemen, and enjoy Vegas in a couple of weeks. You are going to Vegas while other teams are going to Prince George. I'm pretty sure I know where I would want to be going. :D


Sep 24, 2001
Dirty Money
Too Young......

FTR.....5"10" 170.....made your "big" sweeper crumble like stale apple pie and yelp like a little bitch......

Congrats to all of the other DPR lads on the PG berth.


Nov 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Got a chance to see another Temple game while I'm in town and honestly neither Temple nor DPR really impressed. I thought Temple looked much better last week against NK. That being said I still thought Temple was the better side, and absolutely dominated when they moved the ball around, but they ran into trouble when they began playing DPR's game and played the long balls. I give DPR credit for a few quality chances late in the game and extra time but aside from then they were pump and dump. The English guy upfront played a great game and won everything in the air. As far as the sideline talk goes I recall one of DPR's players riling the old boys up. Good luck to DPR.

On a side note I watched the first half of NK/Hurricanes, NK once again failed to impress but I'm sure they were missing the usual 5+ starters. NK had possession but no real quality chances and NK had one cracker off the post.


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
Crappy way to end the season in pk's....again! Great season for us though! Our goal at the start was promotion, and a job well one to the boys who accomplished that. Our hearts never really seemed into the game from the get go yesterday..not anywhere near the level we usually play at.

As four our sidelines, the guy who was "yapping" and never saw the pitch is actually our starting centre mid and started on our Premier team two seasons ago. He got hurt in the first half against NK last week and was no where near 100% to play this week. He threw on his uni for the team pic that we had before the game and tried to run in the warmup, but our coach made the decision not to put him and risk further injury.
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