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2014 Roster Moves

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Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Dezza tere is more to that Lewis thing. We might see him in Caps camp yet. Again his agent is playing hard ball. Looks like kid want's more money and playing time.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I wouldn't be surprised if the MLS forego their 1/3 of the transfer fee and allow WFC to keep it all. MLS and the Caps did not press the FIFA/options issue as they don't want it tested…they likely know the result. For the league to actually keep some of the transfer when one of their teams lost their top player because of a contract FIFA wouldn't recognize. No way.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
When the season ends and one of your players has just won the golden boot and is paid a low salary, you start the renegotiation process IMMEDIATELY. Bobby does not address this and says they did everything they could. Are you kidding me? A couple weeks before training camp is when they say they reached out to have this conversation.

They deserve what they got and Booby should lose his job. His only role with the team should be in a PR/Marketing capacity as a figurehead ala T Linden, Liu Passaglia etc. Local boy makes good, plays for WFC and Canada and is the face of the team. That is all.


Active Member
Feb 18, 2008
Dirty Money
m. machmanon or something like has a great articule at goal.com about the whitecaps and camilo situation. loyalty is for losers. It's a nice view from the other side of the coin. figured it's worth a mention.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
I just can not understand Bob. He represents Caps but he goes a drafts the guy that shoud never be aloved to be part of Superdraft due to his contract with NASL Cosmos prier to combine. Now Bob thinks MLS made a mistake. Mistake was made by him and Rbbo. Sad when you see two grown men making mistakes like kids.In my opinion club should get to add a player before the third round starts. Club should tell young Lewis to and FHS. It realley does not matter how good he is. He is nothing more than a slimy kid that want's it both ways. Clubs in Europe are loughing how dumb the manager and the coach of Whitecaps are. Reports are that kid is making seventy grand with Cosmos. Caps must match that part. If they do then Caps are going against MLS rules. It is just one gong show after onother with Caps managment.
It will all take catre of it self if Caps ask for a player or two before the third round of draft. Or if Caps add a dam good player for the transfer money from Camilo's fiasco.
It will be fun to see what MLS does for Caps this time.Camuilo's fiasco MLS sent it up the ars of the Caps. O O what respect fifa has for MLS. ZERO ZERO.
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Active Member
Feb 5, 2007
Dirty Money
In other news Paul Barber won UK football CEO of the year (announced November 2012) for his work at Brighton. It's too bad we can't get an executive like that to take charge of the club.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Dutch you are right Bob should step a side and get guy that has the drive to bring youg Pros from Europe to lift the level of play here. Bob trys to buy cheep players but net result concluded team does not make the playoffs. He lucked out with Camilo but then did not do enough to keap the man here.
Two young men that Robbo selected in superdraft are fine. Big guy in the back and a striker I agree totaly. But the youngster fron Jamaica i do not. Any time kids lies before he goes to superdraft tells you that he is all over the place. Camilo was the same and club lost him. I would like the club to ask the MLS to void Lewis and then let the club add another young man that should have been here in first place. I just can not understand why would the club risk loosing the player. We all know he can play ball. But there is other elements which will hurt the club year from now or two. Kid will run to who ever gives more money. As far as a guy like Barber. We really do not need him. All Bob has to do is to add an assistant GM to help him out. Guy that played in Europe for years was Dasovic. Knows the game knows what it take to get a player. Local guy from BC. Bob is sixty one now. Golf clubs and good cigar would do him lots of good. One must give him credit. He still knows how to play the midia. It's never his fult. Coches come and go like mailman. Every year new guy. In my opinion players must go coach should stay for four years. I hope that all this does not kick Robbo in the but. Roumers are Miller is going back to Rangers. If he goes Coacker might do the same. I am sure he is looking hard to see who will the team add. It will be a very long season if we don't get two experianced players. As team has lots of youth. We lack in leadership in the midle of the Park and up front. Back players are not as hard to replace.
Regs I love UK's footbal. I wish Caps would play hard like UK guys. Instead boys back crab every second pass. Agressive forward soccer would add four thousamd fans a game. Lots of guys don't go due to slow ball movment.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2002
Dirty Money
When the season ends and one of your players has just won the golden boot and is paid a low salary, you start the renegotiation process IMMEDIATELY. Bobby does not address this and says they did everything they could. Are you kidding me? A couple weeks before training camp is when they say they reached out to have this conversation.

They deserve what they got and Booby should lose his job. His only role with the team should be in a PR/Marketing capacity as a figurehead ala T Linden, Liu Passaglia etc. Local boy makes good, plays for WFC and Canada and is the face of the team. That is all.
Playing "Devil's Advocate".
So Camilo has a good season, whilst still under contract and everyone says that the Whitecaps should reward him, by giving him more money.
What if he has a poor season?
Should they take money away from him?
A contract is a contract and if he has another season left on it, he should perform well, until his contract is up, then negotiate for more money.
I know that is the way the game is going now, but shouldn't it work both ways?


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I wouldn't be surprised if the MLS forego their 1/3 of the transfer fee and allow WFC to keep it all. MLS and the Caps did not press the FIFA/options issue as they don't want it tested…they likely know the result. For the league to actually keep some of the transfer when one of their teams lost their top player because of a contract FIFA wouldn't recognize. No way.

Why would the Caps press the Fifa option issue? Camilo will have already lost the fans and the respect of his employer. He is now forced to play somewhere he doesn't want to be for less money then he feels he deserves (probably rightfully so). Is he going to come and perform after all that, no. Now you have a disgruntled player who isn't worth a lick to transfer anymore either.

It was my understanding through all this that FIFA would uphold the rules based on the understanding of the working regulations in America. However it would probably be in the best interest to faze these club options out after this fiasco. My bet is this mexican club highly overpaid due to how this whole thing was handled.

The reality is this leaves us in a great spot to hand a nice salary to another shitty Scottish player . Or maybe we let Mr base pick the team I hear there is a big Lad named Fresco out of Kosovo big defender whatwe need great for N America game.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
If Base was picking the players sixty percent would be Canadian players. As far Defenders there is lot avelable it all depend if Bob is willing to pay them. I do agree with you as far as Camilo goes. In orther for Camilo to make a move like he did, it looks like there was more to it the midia shows. Maybe one day Camilo will speak about it. I personaly think he made a big mistake for the future of his family.
No one likes to deal with Bob but just the same Canada is way more safer than Mexico. His kids would have better future in Canada then Brasil or Mexico.
As far as player coming here from Scotland. There is lots of good players in Scotland and Irland. I am not sure if Bob is willing to pay the money they ask.
Club owners need to sit down and think it over where all this is moving towards.
Latley the steps managment took does not look good enough. Coastly mistakes. In my opinion it will be a set back for a year or two. Depends who they bring in to replace Camilo and left D. Right D we have here. Kid just needs a chance. Albania has lots og good defenders. I don't think Bob likes the guys from Eastern Europe. He is more of a Yaman Yaman. Somtimes I wonder why.


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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Someone I know was partying with the Cosmos guys over the weekend and he said that their plan is to embarrass the MLS at every opportunity... job well done so far!

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Dezza stop and think if you were the manager of the Caps and you knew player has a contract with NASL club would you take the guy? I f you did you must have few marbles missing. Club lost Camilo to stupidity. Now go again with Lewis. Shyt man it seems club is on a self destruction. I do agree with you about MSL as far as letting the kid to come to combine. Joke of jokes. New York has a good player. They will ask for 200 000.00 fee for the youngsters to part of Caps, Bob must be loosing it if he goes for it. Take the loss and move on. Add two three more guys to tryout to see if one has what it takes.
One must take care of his club or it's time to move on. I just don't understand the young coach buying in to that. He grew up in UK he should have know all the tricks by now.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Utah Lewis went with Cosmos to Europe for a tournament. No player will see the field with out contract. Player insurance would not let it go. He did play in the games. Cosmos gave Lewis contract six weeks prier to combine. MLS might not asked the kid, he did not come forward. He was trying it both ways. It tells me that the kid was not 100%. I would never risk the saftey for my club. Lewis is totaly capable player but not worth the risk.
I truly hope club learns from it from here on.
There is other kids out there just as capable we just need a scout to go and watch the games. I have kids here with better size and strength than Lewis has, it's sad than no Canadfian kid gets the chance with Caps. Even Resedancy kids get shafted. We will see who they take in third round and on. It should be out tomorrow.
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