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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
There is really no need to descend into insults. If anyone does not agree, then just move on. I do not make the research, nor the inferences. There is no need to get angry with me. In summary, the proposition is that higher population density leads to more innovation and creativity in almost all facets of human activity including soccer performance. This clearly applies to the VMSL vis a vi the FVSL. Both leagues have been in operation for decades, but one has clearly dominated the other, and will likely continue to do so in the future. Population density alone can explain most of the difference in performance.

Yes, you can find individual examples or overlaps, but this does not weaken the argument.

I feel like what weakens the arguement is that it is entirely based on one incomplete source...(as I outlined earlier...)

Your not wrong, your just not definitevly right. It is a decent theory and it might well be true, but what is clear is that there is no where near enough solid research on the subject to claim everything you are spewing is "fact."

There would appear to be some correlation, but it is a fluid situation. Many players commute from different "rural" areas to be part of "city" based teams. Additionally, in terms of the VMSL v FVSL arguement there are several "rural" teams in VMSL Prem by your definition (Richmond, Peg, West Van, Coquitlam, Pacific, Langley) so again your araguement colapses on itself a bit.

I know you want to change the subject (I'm all for discussing the CAT league and its shortcomings, though perhaps @Regs is right about needing a new thread) but you've been walking around with your dick out telling @Dude he's developmentally delayed when in fact there are some serious gaps in your own reasoning.

It does not mean your ultimate conclusion is wrong necessarily, but there is definitely not enough evidence for you to be taking such a condescending, omniscient point of view.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
@Soccer Coach, your original argument sighted increasing population densities in communities that are growing substantially slower than areas in the Fraser Valley. In fact, inside 20 years, the current growth rate will see equalization in population densities between "Vancouver" and "Surrey" (this is predicted).

You completely fail to agnkowledge that you pulled information out of your ass that was absolutely incorrect. You are also completely wrong in your assumption as to what defines 'Rural' vs 'Urban'.

You live in a funny, strange bubble where actual information gets convoluted and changed into what you deem as fact, but what is really fiction.

Finally, in my peaceful swim out in Urban Coquitlam this morning, I was thinking about the current VMSL leadership. It's really old and I fail to see how the dynamics will change. BUT, I also thought about the well earned respect that board has earned and it's obvious that still remains. The soccer community owes a debt of gratitude to Mr. Azzi in particular. Many a player got their first taste of high level football under his disserning glare, myself included. Many went on to play professionally in a time Canada had no right producing any pros. In many ways, he paved the pathway. Not to mention spearheading the VMSL out of the ruins of financial crisis in the late '90s. He's a good man and what I don't want is for what I'm writing to disparage his or the long time executive's work in the VMSL.

Thank you, Mr. Azzi, for your service to the soccer community.

That's it for now.
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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
@Soccer Coach, your original argument sighted increasing population densities in communities that are growing substantially slower than areas in the Fraser Valley. In fact, inside 20 years, the current growth rate will see equalization in population densities between "Vancouver" and "Surrey" (this is predicted).

You completely fail to agnkowledge that you pulled information out of your ass that was absolutely incorrect. You are also completely wrong in your assumption as to what defines 'Rural' vs 'Urban'.

You live in a funny, strange bubble where actual information gets convoluted and changed into what you deem as fact, but what is really fiction.

Finally, in my peaceful swim out in Urban Coquitlam this morning, I was thinking about the current VMSL leadership. It's really old and I fail to see how the dynamics will change. BUT, I also thought about the well earned respect that board has earned and it's obvious that still remains. The soccer community owes a debt of gratitude to Mr. Azzi in particular. Many a player got their first taste of high level football under his disserning glare, myself included. Many went on to play professionally in a time Canada had no right producing any pros. In many ways, he paved the pathway. Not to mention spearheading the VMSL out of the ruins of financial crisis in the late '90s. He's a good man and what I don't want is for what I'm writing to disparage his or he long time executive's work in the VMSL.

Thank you, Mr. Azzi, for your service to the soccer community.

That's it for now.

100% agreed and very well stated Dude. I know Tom Duncan was gutted when he told Mr. Azzi of SU's plans to move back to the FVSL. He has the utmost respect for Mr. Azzi, and Reuben. Our whole club does. Mr. Azzi has had an influence on me as a player. His opinion matters to me. I'm happy the AGM seems to have put matters on track.


Active Member
Jan 14, 2013
Dirty Money
I really hate to take this off topic from the AGM.... but while Soccer Coach has everyone's attention, I'm going to take this opportunity to ask if anyone has any decent kit suppliers over the border they can throw my way? Adidas Canada's reluctance to sell anything in green these days kind of puts us up shite creek for new gear and I don't fancy renaming to the Whitecaps for next season and stealing their thunder.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money

You selfish Son of a beach. Any chance you can lower the resolution thus decreasing the file size thus enabling folks like me out here in rural central whom are still on dial up to view the picture?


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
I really hate to take this off topic from the AGM.... but while Soccer Coach has everyone's attention, I'm going to take this opportunity to ask if anyone has any decent kit suppliers over the border they can throw my way? Adidas Canada's reluctance to sell anything in green these days kind of puts us up shite creek for new gear and I don't fancy renaming to the Whitecaps for next season and stealing their thunder.

@knvb can hook you up with adidas's slutty sister Admiral


Active Member
Jan 14, 2013
Dirty Money
@knvb can hook you up with adidas's slutty sister Admiral

So we can look like this....?



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

You selfish Son of a beach. Any chance you can lower the resolution thus decreasing the file size thus enabling folks like me out here in rural central whom are still on dial up to view the picture?

Nope, it's too nice a shot. But I'll give you a hint: it's kinda in your hood.
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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Haha...funny, as I was writing that I was in the midst of correcting myself, but figured I'd see if anyone noticed. I figured since Port Moody is between Burnaby and Coquitlam, I didn't need to correct. I should have, since I'm all over the Soccer Coach for his lack of attention to detail.

First mountain going right to left is Eagle Mountain, however, and falls mostly in Coquitlam's domain, with cheating over to Port Moody and into that nice little lake as you cross onto on Heritage traveling West, from Coquitlam (VMSL "Urban" territory) through Port Moody (FVSL "Rural") towards Burnaby (VMSL "Urban" / BMSL "Rural", we assume, since the BMSL is inferior to the VMSL), and finally into Vancouver (VMSL "Urban").

Oh, not to mention I drove from Langley (VMSL "Urban / FVSL "Rural) this morning, through Surrey (VMSL "Urban / FVSL "Rural"), then Coquitlam (see above), to get to Port Moody (see above).

It's very confusing, all this Urban / Rural stuff, for a hick like me. Trying to understand how the definition of Urban and Rural areas is actually dictated by the Men's amateur soccer league that plays in them, not by actual critical factors like population, development, and growth, is trying. Some have dual designation, based on league representation. Somebody should advise Metro Vancouver, and the municipalities therein. They have it wrong.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Nope, it's too nice a shot. But I'll give you a hint: it's kinda in your hood.

Wouldnt catch me in sasamat. The only thing you will catch in their is a disease from all the kid piss. Man up and take dip in buntzen if you dont care about your balls


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Funny enough, I do care about my balls. This time of year is relatively child-piss free, to Sasamat it is.

Too much goose shite in Buntzen, swimmers itch.

Regs, I think this requires a separate thread: Swimmer's Itch from Urban Child-Piss and Goose shite Filled Lakes.


Active Member
Feb 5, 2007
Dirty Money
Funny enough, I do care about my balls. This time of year is relatively child-piss free, to Sasamat it is.

Too much goose shite in Buntzen, swimmers itch.

Regs, I think this requires a separate thread: Swimmer's Itch from Urban Child-Piss and Goose shite Filled Lakes.

Neither of those lakes are in Port Moody. Sasamat is in the village of Belcarra, and Buntzen in the village of Anmore. Both villages refuse to amalgamate with the bustling urban metropolis of Port Moody. Also, my dog used to shite in Buntzen Lake. Don't swim near that dog park.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
@Soccer Coach, your original argument sighted increasing population densities in communities that are growing substantially slower than areas in the Fraser Valley. In fact, inside 20 years, the current growth rate will see equalization in population densities between "Vancouver" and "Surrey" (this is predicted).

You completely fail to agnkowledge that you pulled information out of your ass that was absolutely incorrect. You are also completely wrong in your assumption as to what defines 'Rural' vs 'Urban'.

You live in a funny, strange bubble where actual information gets convoluted and changed into what you deem as fact, but what is really fiction.

Finally, in my peaceful swim out in Urban Coquitlam this morning, I was thinking about the current VMSL leadership. It's really old and I fail to see how the dynamics will change. BUT, I also thought about the well earned respect that board has earned and it's obvious that still remains. The soccer community owes a debt of gratitude to Mr. Azzi in particular. Many a player got their first taste of high level football under his disserning glare, myself included. Many went on to play professionally in a time Canada had no right producing any pros. In many ways, he paved the pathway. Not to mention spearheading the VMSL out of the ruins of financial crisis in the late '90s. He's a good man and what I don't want is for what I'm writing to disparage his or the long time executive's work in the VMSL.

Thank you, Mr. Azzi, for your service to the soccer community.

That's it for now.
I am glad that you went for a swim and enjoyed yourself. I was happily listening to Caetano Veloso, and reading a poem by Borges. I will do my contact with nature with a night walk around English Bay. There is something special about the scent of the ocean and the sound of the water against the rocks in the darkness of the night.

People can try to muddle the issue all they want, but it is very simple. The VMSL (Vancouver = hint cosmopolitan city) serves mainly a urban population and the FVSL (Fraser Valley = hint Rural area) serves mainly pastoral and bucolic populations. VMSL is in a higher density area which according to this theory, should produce a stronger league than the FVSL. The results corroborate the predicted conclusion.

As for the future, the population density of the areas that the FVSL (remember this includes Maple Ridge, Abbotsford, Chilliwack) serves will not catch up to the density areas of the VMSL. Therefore, we will not see any catching up between the levels of the leagues. It is very simple.

As for matters of football, I do enjoy watching or coaching teams that try to play with a good treatment of the ball and show some finesse in the handling of the ball irrespective of the level (i.e. Burnaby Athletic from Division 3 comes to mind and also Impero Calcio and also Blaise team- a pleasure to watch). I have not seen teams in the FVSL trying this. Perhaps some do, but I have not seen it. Nothing wrong with this discrepancy. People have to play and express accordingly to whom they are. The ones from the rural areas in a more rustic manner and the ones from the city in a more polished manner. It is not a put down. It is just the way it is. Our taste for music, art, activities, and football will be and have to be different depending on where we choose to live and can coexist. You chose to move to the Valley and I chose to stay in Vancouver.
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