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Imperial Cup 2017 VMSL Imperial Cup

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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2001
Dirty Money
RFC 2 Norvan 0

Couldn't be asked to write a game report last night, it was bloody cold up at Sutherland HS.

Norvan started very well, and caught us flat footed right from the opening whistle. Created a couple good chances for themselves and we managed to weather the storm. They had a goal called back for offside inside the opening 15 minutes but it was a correct decision. Bit of back and forth from both teams but 0-0 at the half.

We made two changes at the interval, having seen Norvan make 3 of their allotted 5 BEFORE halftime. Our changes made an immediate impact and we took the lead shortly after the re start. Through ball down the channel to our left winger who took a touch after beating his man and slotted it in the far post. Norvan did push back, opening up a bit more and playing with more direct urgency I thought. Got rewarded with a phantom PK call from Reuben. Their player tried to stay on his feet after cutting across our defender, continue to play, and then he just blows he whistle pointing to the spot. No Norvan player, on the pitch or from the touchline asked for a call during the play, so to say we were upset is an understatement. I asked the lino if he thought it was a PK to which he replied "that was really soft" Fortunately we saved the PK and essentially went down the other way and buried another one. Fancy feet from Lucas Barrett at the top of the 18 to beat 2 men and finished off with a toe poke finish with 20 minutes to go. Not much of a push back after that, reckon the Norvan lads just packed it in and were going through the motions. No REAL sense of urgency from them IMO at that point.

On to CMF twice (maybe) in 4 days in 2 different competitions...


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
A gorgeous Sunday afternoon that just forced you to get out to the pitch and I duly obliged, heading out to PG for Westside v Bingers. I expected an intriguing one, given Bingers are always a tricky proposition, especially as underdogs, but I am not sure I anticipated the drama that would play out. Certainly the neutrals in attendance running laps around the track must have been thoroughly entertained.

The first twist was that Westside did not have a goalkeeper. They have 3 signed, but evidently all of them were unavailable. Not sure whether or not Bingers knew the Westside guys well enough to be able to identify that the player who was nominated to stand in the sticks was not a keeper, but it certainly seemed like they smelled a weakness. Westside had the ball for the opening minutes, but Bingers first attack resulted in a long throw that they launched into the six yard box and, without a keeper to take charge for the Westsiders, all hell broke loose. The ball bounced and ricocheted and at the end of it all Bingers put one off the underside of the crossbar and out. Westside certainly had the majority of the ball and Bingers were content to keep 10 guys in their own half and look to ping long ones for Tony their nine foot tall striker to knock down up front. Ten or fifteen minutes into the game Tony set one back for an on rushing midfielder who hit it on the half volley from probably 30 yards out. It looped high over the make-shift Westside keeper, who, to be fair, did get a hand to it, and into the net to open the scoring. Within ten minutes the Army doubled their lead on a similar goal. The Binger's winger came down the left and cut onto his favoured right foot from probably 25 yards out and curled one around the would be keeper into the top corner. Yes the goalie was out of position and rooted to the spot, watching as it sailed past him, but still a lovely strike.

Bingers were in dreamland, but Westside still had a ton of time left as well as the lion's share of the possession. They probed and prodded and got their first just past the half hour mark. The second phase of a corner came to the Westside player at the top corner of the 18, back post, and he whipped it back into the mixer where a centre back, still up from the corner, bundled it over the line to make it 2-1. Westside could have had the equalizer before the interval but @big gk was in fine form saving wonderfully, down low, off a flicked free kick before the rebound was scrambled away. The Army keeper was showing his pedigree, fielding cross after cross to nullify the opposition attacks. Unfortunately Bingers just could not keep ahold of the ball and found themselves chasing and tiring. Certainly the more veteran of the two sides, and with fewer numbers on the side lines, conceding the ball to Westside was really beginning to tilt the pitch in one direction. Not sure whether Westside could sense their opponents fatigue, if they were upset with their own play, if perhaps they had an eye on a busy fixture list on the horizon or if it was some combination of all those factors, but they made four changes at half time and the fresh legs ran Bingers pretty ragged.

The Army held out resolutely and even had a few half chances on the counter attack, but they never forced a real save from the lad in the Westside goal who had been relatively untroubled since picking the ball out of his net for a second time. He beat away a fairly tame effort at the near post and made a couple of Superman style punches on crosses to do just enough, but other than that he was predominantly a spectator. The Westside chances were mounting, but they continued to miss the net, mostly high, though there was one guilt edged opportunity from their winger who had the goal at his mercy, but missed short side. They switched to three at the back with 20 or so to go and were rewarded within a few minutes when a cross from one winger deflected off a Bingers defender and reached the far side winger who tapped in to level it at 2-2. Both teams found a spark for the last 10 minutes and took a few risks to try and win it then and there with Bingers earning a dangerous free kick and then Westside almost scoring off the counter. It all came to nothing however, and we we're in for another 30 minutes.

The Westsiders continued to push hard (no doubt not fancying the prospect of penalties without a proper goalkeeper...) and had a big penalty shout in the first period. There definitely appeared to be solid contact inside the box when the Westside striker turned the Binger's back line but the referee wasn't interested. It did seem like a valid shout, but the referee had let a number of questionable tackles go, in both directions, all game. @big gk then with another great save on the Westside winger, playing his angles very well at the near post before the opposite winger hit the post a few minutes later with a lovely curling, far post effort. Still no change in score as the teams swapped ends. Lots of cramping now from both sets of players, but the winger Westside brought on at half time, proved himself an inspired decision as, after having been on hand to level the match, he was afforded time and space to dribble across the top of the 18, on his right foot and curled a peach of a shot into the top corner, far post for the winner. A real blood and guts effort by both teams who definitely left it all out on the pitch. A draw would have been fair in this one as neither team deserved to lose, but cup has to have a winner and it's Westside who move on.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Did I just read @Soccer Coach blaming officiating for his loss? Shocker. Not his players, who lost their cool and dissented themselves out of the match, but the officials. Not giving credit to Metro Ford, who were obviously in control of this game and knew what they needed to do (including being respectful of the ref, knowing Campo wouldn't be), but blaming the officials.

At first I read it was only two linesmen, and "how can this be?", then I read later the 3rd actually showed up 30 minutes in, meaning he was on hand for roughly 90 plus stoppage.

But hey, it was that 30 minutes without an official that was the big problem.

I liked having WB as a ref, why? Because I knew if I kept my mouth shut and just played hard, I'd be OK. We game planned around that, as Bulljive said, you know what you have, and with WB, you know you will get a well officiated match, just don't disrespect him.

And, if you were so lucky to play against him in Masters, going to his left will freeze him. Or his right, or maybe even straight at him. Really, if you got to match up against him as a player, you knew Christmas came early. LOL emoji.

Great ref, though.

@Canucks4Ever , great write-up, as usual.


Feb 28, 2017
Dirty Money
@Canucks4Ever great report and I agree for the most part. Westside had most of the possession and Bingers tried to counter. Great game by both sides a tie would of been fair for both sides but since it is a cup and needed a winner, I think westside were a better team and deserved to win the game.


Feb 28, 2017
Dirty Money
@Soccer Coach I am going to have to disagree with you on few things in your game report.

1. The ref did do a coin toss you should ask your team captain about it.
2. Refs did a great job in my opinion. Your player swore at him and what do you expect a ref to do? give him a high five for swearing? Yes it was in Spanish but people know Spanish swear words.

Have you ever lost a game and acknowledged that the other team was better than you??From what I have read in other posts is every time you loose its someone's fault.

Your team is ways away from being able to compete with teams like Metro Ford, Pegasus, and West Van week in week out. One game don't mean shite.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Dirty Money
I enjoyed the ref in the Campo game. He was very vocal and entertaining throughout! This included telling a Campo player that was timewasting "I'm fine to be here till 11 o'clock" and as the dissent continued calmly told players, "look do you want to be saying that to me when you're already on a yellow card?".

It was a shitty call for the free kick on the second goal though. Never a foul. And the Campo player that was flattened later on was a bad challenge that could have been a red.

Also it was never a Campo penalty in the first half. I actually had the video of that but didn't stick it in the "highlights" as it was a blatant dive.

Ref also told the players before kick off that there was no linesman on the one side so the makeshift guy wouldn't be calling offsides. Yeah, he put his flag up, but players were told. I heard it yards away.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
I enjoyed the ref in the Campo game. He was very vocal and entertaining throughout! This included telling a Campo player that was timewasting "I'm fine to be here till 11 o'clock" and as the dissent continued calmly told players, "look do you want to be saying that to me when you're already on a yellow card?".

It was a shitty call for the free kick on the second goal though. Never a foul. And the Campo player that was flattened later on was a bad challenge that could have been a red.

Also it was never a Campo penalty in the first half. I actually had the video of that but didn't stick it in the "highlights" as it was a blatant dive.

Ref also told the players before kick off that there was no linesman on the one side so the makeshift guy wouldn't be calling offsides. Yeah, he put his flag up, but players were told. I heard it yards away.

I am quitting from posting because, as @machel hinted, people here are failing to see that the posts over the season are trying to create entertainment and drama. Many are hyperboles, parodies, satires, comic or with purpose absurd to highlight the situations that happen in the league or our region. People unfortunately just take it too serious. It is like taking literally the National Enquirer, Saturday Night Live, The Sun or other tabloids.

Having said this, I post this to make some requests:

1) We seem to agree that the free kick of the second goal was not a foul.
2) We seem to agree that the the bad challenge would have been a red or yellow for many referees.
3) We seem to agree that the the guy put the flag up and down and cause confusion.

4) We seem to disagree on the penalty. Once again from the angle of the bench it seemed a penalty. Would you mind uploading the scene of the first foul on the box where the player is fouled and subsequently carded for dissent?

5) Would you mind uploading the scene where the referee inform the players BEFORE kick off that there is no assistant and that he is making the offside calls?
We agree that the referee informed the bench and the players AFTER kick off. Every single player, except one who is away, has corroborated that they got informed AFTER KICK OFF when the ball was in play and when the confusion happened with the offside call.

6) In addition, if you happened to have recorded the allegedly coin toss it would be appreciated. Once again, our captain was suspended so he did not take part on the coin toss. All players have corroborated that there was no coin toss except the one who is away. Perhaps he did it.

If the referee indeed did the coin toss with the referee and the referee informed him that there was no assistant referee, then in this case the entire fault would lie on this player. He would be at fault, and not the referee, for not informing his teammates and the coaching staff that there was not linesman and that he had taken the coin toss and was properly informed.

If this is the case, then an apology would be issued to the referee and the matter will be clarified with the VMSL and BC Soccer.
There has no been no protest of the game or request to penalize the referee.
However, there has been requests to the VMSL and to BC soccer to give feedback to the referees to arrive on time and if one is missing to EXPLICITLY and CLEARLY inform coaches and players that one linesman is missing and how decisions will be made.

You know. It is not fair to penalize one team by not CLEARLY INFORMING them of the situation.

In my opinion, the referee should have clearly informed everyone of the situation. If he would have done it, then the guy would not have put the flag up and no one would have protested.
There is no doubt that the referee was not clear to the guy with flag and to our bench and team. Otherwise, there would not have been any confusion.

7) Would you mind uploading the scene of the long ball where the confusion happened?
The up and down of the flag and the absence of assistant referee created a lot of chaos.

I hope you realize that we are trying to make sure that this does not happen again in an Imperial Cup game in the VMSL.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Dirty Money
If we're talking about the same penalty incident, here you go.

If it's a different one, then I don't remember another one or have that on video.

As I said before, I wasn't recording the whole game. Just switching camera on and off on breaks, so wasn't filming before kick off or coin toss or the long ball for the "offside".

I didn't see a coin toss, as I wasn't watching, so can't corroborate either account. I'm pretty sure ref told players before kick off about lino. Maybe it was after. If was certainly before the flag went up that caused the booking.

Also the timestamp on my photo of the lino turning up is 8.23pm. The game kicked off late, sometime just after 8.05, so he wasn't missing for 30 minutes either! You'll see why I took a photo of the lino when my VMSL round up piece comes out.

The makeshift lino did head back to the stands afterwards and joked about how he'd got your guy a yellow card!

I agree that officials should arrive on time. Seen it a few times now when they haven't. Could you not have requested the proper linesman on your side? I dunno how that works.

Also, finally, I personally would hate you to stop posting on here as your wind ups get everyone going and have given me a good chuckle this past year! But one man's chuckle is another's pain in the ass!

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
If we're talking about the same penalty incident, here you go.

If it's a different one, then I don't remember another one or have that on video.

As I said before, I wasn't recording the whole game. Just switching camera on and off on breaks, so wasn't filming before kick off or coin toss or the long ball for the "offside".

I didn't see a coin toss, as I wasn't watching, so can't corroborate either account. I'm pretty sure ref told players before kick off about lino. Maybe it was after. If was certainly before the flag went up that caused the booking.

Also the timestamp on my photo of the lino turning up is 8.23pm. The game kicked off late, sometime just after 8.05, so he wasn't missing for 30 minutes either! You'll see why I took a photo of the lino when my VMSL round up piece comes out.

The makeshift lino did head back to the stands afterwards and joked about how he'd got your guy a yellow card!

I agree that officials should arrive on time. Seen it a few times now when they haven't. Could you not have requested the proper linesman on your side? I dunno how that works.

Also, finally, I personally would hate you to stop posting on here as your wind ups get everyone going and have given me a good chuckle this past year! But one man's chuckle is another's pain in the ass!

1) Thank you! This is great. It is really appreciated that you take the time to record games and write about them. We are really lucky as a community that you put energy into this. People do not realize but games and events go into oblivion, lost for ever, but your recordings, pieces of writing, and videos keep for posterity these games, players, and interactions.

2) As for the penalty, I can understand why from our angle it seemed a clear penalty. From this angle, I am not sure if it is penalty or not. Perhaps not, but I also see contact. It would be interesting to see the opinion of some referees. Joking aside, I would be curious to see what people really think? Perhaps someone can start a survey... penalty or not?

3) Thanks for publishing the time of arrival of the assistant. It seemed like an eternity, but from the evidence he was missing like 18 to 20 minutes.

4) After all this, I hope that the VMSL/ BC soccer develops a protocol when an assistant is missing. My understanding was that when an assistant is missing both parties are clearly informed and then no one has the flag on one side. I thought that was the protocol to avoid the issue of partisan people with the flag. You know, this is not bronze soccer where a parent puts of the flag and helps with the throw ins and even with the offsides!

Beleive me, if we would have known, I would have requested that the side without the assistant is determined by chance and that only a completely independent individual gets the flag for the outs.
Hey, I even make sure to check personally the cards of the opposing teams, so I for sure would have been on the referees case for making this completely fair, and I would not have agreed to have a supporter of Coquitlam doing the flag. I told this to the assistant and he even said. "I know... I understand...but I did not make the decision to give him the flag.. the assistant knew that they made an error"

5) I really need a break. Things are just getting too heated. I must say that the death threats were a bit too much.
{and to bee honest the conspiracy theories are not coming from nothing, there is a kernel of truth .... I just can not put the evidence here because pretty much I will be exiled from the soccer community forever...}
Will be back one day later.
You know. I really loved the antagonism with the Rinos people, North Van, Westside and pretty much everyone, including @Dude.

Even these controversies with the referees make the game a bit more interesting.

Please keep the good work. I look forward to your write ups.

I really do not think that we disrespect the referees but also I wish they would understand that is part of the game to put a bit of mental pressure on the opponents and the referees too during the game.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
No way that's a penno.

So far as officiating, linos, etc., maybe one of the refs can clarify, but ultimately it is their call (the head ref) as to proceed or not. Did Campo object? Who knows. Does it matter if they did?

Looking forward to your piece.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
Looks like a pk imo but we have the benefit of video replay and it happens really fast. Doesn't look like the defender gets any of the ball and the striker does well to get to it first. It's an aggressive play by the defender where I personally don't see the reward being greater than the risk especially with the striker going away from goal. Having said that, a good make-up call is made as I do believe there was a handball infraction against campo in the box later in the half. (in the first set of highlights).


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2001
Dirty Money
If we're talking about the same penalty incident, here you go.

If it's a different one, then I don't remember another one or have that on video.

As I said before, I wasn't recording the whole game. Just switching camera on and off on breaks, so wasn't filming before kick off or coin toss or the long ball for the "offside".

I didn't see a coin toss, as I wasn't watching, so can't corroborate either account. I'm pretty sure ref told players before kick off about lino. Maybe it was after. If was certainly before the flag went up that caused the booking.

Also the timestamp on my photo of the lino turning up is 8.23pm. The game kicked off late, sometime just after 8.05, so he wasn't missing for 30 minutes either! You'll see why I took a photo of the lino when my VMSL round up piece comes out.

The makeshift lino did head back to the stands afterwards and joked about how he'd got your guy a yellow card!

I agree that officials should arrive on time. Seen it a few times now when they haven't. Could you not have requested the proper linesman on your side? I dunno how that works.

Also, finally, I personally would hate you to stop posting on here as your wind ups get everyone going and have given me a good chuckle this past year! But one man's chuckle is another's pain in the ass!



Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Looks like a pk imo but we have the benefit of video replay and it happens really fast. Doesn't look like the defender gets any of the ball and the striker does well to get to it first. It's an aggressive play by the defender where I personally don't see the reward being greater than the risk especially with the striker going away from goal. Having said that, a good make-up call is made as I do believe there was a handball infraction against campo in the box later in the half. (in the first set of highlights).

We're clearly watching different clips...

Right off the bat a second defender knocks the ball loose, then the original defender (the one accused of the "foul") chases onto the ball.

Just before he gets there, the Campo player steps in front of him. The defender does not alter his run, or do anything to intentionally affect the Campo attacker, the contact is unavoidable. The Campo player is no longer in possession of the ball due to the second defender having knocked the ball away, so he is not "shielding" the ball and the Metro Ford player has not "come through the back of him." If anything, as a referee, I'm considering blowing up for a foul on the Campo attacker for blocking off the Metro Ford player as he is clearly in a position to win the ball ahead of the Campo player. If you watch the clip closely, you'll see that it is the Campo player who initiates the contact entirely, extending his arm and stepping across the defender, but at no time does he bring the ball back under his control.

Certainly, NEVER a pen.

Are we sure this is the incident in question? None of the Campo players seem to be appealing in the clip, with the exception of the attacker on the ground, but his appears to be only a half hearted shrug.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
Makes for a good discussion in any case. I'm bias in the fact that I used to be a forward I guess. As an attacking player, yes...I'm looking for that contact. As you said @Canucks4Ever , the defender is in a better position to win the ball but indeed has not won it yet. The striker has not won it either but at the last moment gets to the ball first.

But I think a similar hypothetical situation is a foul outside the box as well. There's so many times in hold up play as a forward where the defender rushes in to intercept the pass from behind. As the pass is coming towards them, neither player has possession and whoever gets to it first usually wins the referees decision.

So far:
No pk - 3
Pk - 1
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