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BCTF Strike 2012


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I know we're big boys and can have decent debates/conversations on these topics. I also know a great many school teachers that play soccer. I'd like to hear from them.

I have some friends that are teachers. I'd say out of the 10 or so I know like 7-8 of them seem to be well versed on the topic and aren't just gobbling up the propaganda from the BCTF. They are actually a lot choked at some of the demands being made by BCTF, rather than BCTF going out and getting things done on the real issues like class size/composition/support help for special needs/speech/psyche etc.

I don't support the strike, nor do I support the teachers getting a 15% increase or 2 weeks for bereavement. I do support them on other matters and wish the govt would be able to collectively bargain with the BCTF, but the BCTF isn't making it easy from where I sit and see what's happening. I feel like the strike is only hurting the kids and the BCTF's image in the court of public opinion. The Govt has said it's not going to blink on net-0 so why the strike?

I feel like teachers could do a lot better if they either gave the BCTF and their hyper-politicized leaders the boot or decertified and started to bargain locally and directly with Districts or the Govt based on CBA's for Districts.

All political parties of all Stripes have fought many MANY battles with the BCTF. the common thread in these wars is the BCTF. HEU, Cupe and many other unions have agreed (happy or otherwise) to Net-0. What makes the BCTF so special?

saw this as a bit much, but interesting nonetheless: Government needs to get tough, BCTF needs to stop bullying


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money

Do u know how many sick days a teacher is entitled to get per year? Its my understanding that what ever they dont use carries over through the years. For arguement sake lets say its 30 days per year multiply that over a 20 year period and u get 600 days. Now u have senior teachers retiring 3 years early with full pay and then u have to pay for the teacher whom they are replaced by. Paying 2 wages for one job ... smart!

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
All i say to my teachers friends are pick your battles....this one isnt one your going to win long term....


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
All i say to my teachers friends are pick your battles....this one isnt won your going to win long term....

Well from what i hear they are gonna drag this thing out until the next election. But i agree.. becareful the public sentiment wont last long... Not when the fine details about what teachers do and get starts coming out....



Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
All the teachers I talk to say they don't care as MUCH about the wages as other things, but of course everyone feels like they'd like more money. Most teachers I talk to say they picked the profession for reasons other than money- things like:
-like working with kids
-like being able to volunteer coaching sports etc
-like the time off in Summer
-like not having to put in immensly long days like you have to in other professions

to almost a man/woman my friends have said they'd like more cash but that today is the wrong time to have their hand out and it's frustrating because they want their good environment back or they want a good environment for once (since they're relatively new to the profession)

Sadly I think the union is using the money/benefits as a bargaining stick for the other items that is sorely needed.

Questions for TTP Teachers (i'm not baiting or proving a point, I truly don't know and want to gain insight):
approx how much a year do you pay in BCTF/Union Dues?
do you feel like you could potentially be better off if you could negotiate your wage/benefits directly with School District or School Admins without having a union?
Would more regionalized unions or locals be more beneficial to you or the system, thus the kids?


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
as for this being an election topic... the other political parties have struggled with the BCTF in years past. The NDP mandated them back to work twice...now the Liberals are looking to do so. I don't think it's an us vs. them topic to be honest. I think the BCTF is truly operating from what they think is a position of strength, and that's debatable.

Dix never had any salient points to make over this last year or so since this has been raging. He can't say where they'd find the money for raises etc either.

Last question for teachers: Do you feel like the BCTF is hyper-political? Do you feel pressure during election times from your union on how/who to vote for? Were you okay with the BCTF grandstanding on behalf of killing HST when it had sweet fcuk-all to do with Education?


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Teacher's salaries in BC are one of the lowest in Canada despite BC having the highest cost of living

only true to a certain degree... This is what they tell u and want they public to hear..

what they mean when they say they are some of the lowest paid refers to a new teacher in his first couple of years

Based on seniority levels BC is actually third highest behind Alberta and Ontario..

what this tells me is we have a lot of old teachers in BC

Teacher Pay Scale Across Canada - Update for 2011 | Nucleus Learning


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Teacher's salaries in BC are one of the lowest in Canada despite BC having the highest cost of living

While u bring this up even though its a little off topic... BC is the only province in canada that pays medical premiums.



Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I didn't start this thread to get hard liners from both sides throwing barbs at each other. I started it to get some of my questions answered that I'm truly curious about and to have some decent banter.

While I might agree with Bronco re: so move, that's not the aim of this chat. I'm no moderator here so it's not my job to say what is and isn't fair game.

I guess we wait patiently for the teachers to come off their picket/demonstration lines. (Are they Picketing per se?) I thought they weren't going to be allowed to Picket? They haven't said anything on the radio that I've heard about picketing but driving about today I've seen many many teachers (I'd assume they're teachers) walking circles around the schools with signs


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Teacher's salaries in BC are one of the lowest in Canada despite BC having the highest cost of living
As a tax payer, should having the highest paid teachers in Canada be a badge of honour?

Think about it before you answer.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
That's a difficult question Regs. It begs the question of fiscal mismanagement. What money actually gets to teachers, libraries, and kids via facilities, curriculum, etc etc etc is probably a fraction of what is doled out to "education" in BC. From what I understand, like our horrific healthcare system in BC- it's very heavy on bureaucracy and administrative fiscal black holes. if this stuff was more closely watched and managed the "money would be closer to the customer" Thus it would be irrelevant (all things being equal) how much the teachers made vs other provinces.

What astounds me is the stuff I hear on CKNW from Pros and Pundits on the reports from think tanks and research studies that shows we have students lagging behind places like AB- who has higher paid teachers. We also know that Ralph Klein blew that province up in the 90's and cut even to the bone to reset the gross bloat that happened there.

Like healthcare you need as a taxpayer to look at the spend vs the outcomes.

So no- no badge of honour, yet as an obvious answer you want more for less as a taxpayer, but you'd have to be completely ignorant to think that the necessary money isn't there. There's just simply too many hands in the cookie jar.

my laymans take.

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