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BCTF Strike 2012

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Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Well said, Tuna First casualty today for our senior girls soccer team. An exhibitiOn game has been cancelled due to our opponent pulling out of the game last night. It is mind boggling that programs are stopping at this point in time and that districts/individual coaches believe this is a great option. Three schools have already pulled out if the senior girls league(2 in Coquitlam and one in Surrey). I'm sure this is what is going to break the government. Let's punish the kids a bit more by taking something away from that we VOLUNTEER to do. The teachers are sending a message to the government by taking things away from the kids. It is all about better conditions for the kids after all. Somewhere the irony is lost in this mess.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
The latest rumour is that BCTF is requesting 5 years maternity leave!!! Can anyone confirm?
Sadly, it wouldn't surprise me. I have been pushing the powers that be to give me three bereavement days for the loss of our budgie. It was sadly eating by our cat who ran outside and was hit by a car. It was traumatic and I need three days, one for each pet, and one to try to refocus again.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Sadly, it wouldn't surprise me. I have been pushing the powers that be to give me three bereavement days for the loss of our budgie. It was sadly eating by our cat who ran outside and was hit by a car. It was traumatic and I need three days, one for each pet, and one to try to refocus again.


New Member
Mar 9, 2012
Dirty Money
Thought is was just me...
Around me all the media and public information refers to the political battle between the Government and the BCTF,
most of it refers to the "support" the public has for the teachers.

As was said here, and I am the same, I *support* and respect teachers...I have 3 kids in the "system" now.
However, what I don't support is the sense of "entitlement" that I am perceiving coming from some of the
teachers. I was taught at a young age that I had to look out for myself, because that is all I can count on in the
end. But what I hear coming from some of the teachers...and to be honest, it is a "union" thing...is how they
feel they are deserved of certain things. Well...if things are so horrible...so devastating...so unfair, I'm sorry, but
they have a CHOICE! Quit! Do something else! In fact, I strongly believe that if you're trying to send a message to your "employer" (the Government in this case), then the best thing that you can do is all quit. Any employer will get the message that they must be doing something wrong and will have to change if they wish to stay in business.
I'm tired of hearing teachers at protests talk about how "unfair" things are for them. I'm tired of feeling like,
because I don't support entitled behavior, I somehow "don't support" teachers. Quotes from teachers saying "this
fight is not just for us, but ALL workers in the Province", is bunk!! This fight will not help the guy working 16 hour
days at his own business to try and feed his family and earn enough money to pay himself to retire sometime
before he's 90! No one is protecting me or my family. The teachers or their union are certainly not "fighting" for
me or my family.

The fact is, I still know lots of people going in to the education system to become teachers...despite how "bad"
we are made to believe things are. In fact, there is NO shortage of teachers around! Why is that if things are so

I say it again...if someone doesn't like the environment that they are working in, then they have a CHOICE! Don't
come to me, though, and whine about how badly you are being treated as I could show you 1,000 other people
who don't have half the "entitlements" that you have.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Another great 1st post here! Just one thing, myprovince, clean up your paragraph breaks on the next one. Messy shop there...nobody likes a messy shop.

This quote hits home pretty good for me:

Quotes from teachers saying "this
fight is not just for us, but ALL workers in the Province", is bunk!! This fight will not help the guy working 16 hour
days at his own business to try and feed his family and earn enough money to pay himself to retire sometime
before he's 90! No one is protecting me or my family. The teachers or their union are certainly not "fighting" for
me or my family.

In this province, it seems the overwhelming opinion of union supporters is that if you are a union member- no matter what work you do- you are a "worker", but if you are not, you are corporate scum.

So, the guy that has taken risks, bought himself a backhoe, and goes from jobsite to jobsite moving dirt, would be one of those corporate scum. Guy works his ass off for 12 hours a day to not only pay down his investment, but to put food on the table, support his family, and hopefully a little extra at the end of every month, and in the eyes of the unions he falls into the category of "Private Big Business".

Same w/ the painter we have doing leasehold improvements here in our building...he falls into that category. Not a worker, but corporate scum. He's an independent small business guy, too, and let me tell you, this guy works his ass off. So does the flooring guy. So does the framing guy. All these guys bust a nut every day w/ no guarantees, just a willingness to quote out jobs, and if they get them, do the jobs as quickly, efficiently, and to the best of their quality so they can get full payment and move onto the next opportunity.

I get completely offended when union members- ESPECIALLY TEACHERS- imply I don't work hard. Sorry, but I do know that in the winter, and most of spring, I don't see the sun unless I leave the office during the day. I'll go through stretches of weeks without seeing the sun, because I leave the house at 5:00, and pull into the driveway after 6:00.

But hey, I'm Private Big Business to these people (with the odd breath of fresh air exception, i.e.: Captain). And BTW, nowadays they ask us to come to the school between 1-3:00 for parent teacher interviews. The kids go home early. WTF? Seriously? We not only have to find a way to pick kids up early, but one or both parents have to take time out of work if we want to be involved in these important discussions about our kids.

I am empathetic to a certain degree, but the whole overworked comment falls on very, very deaf ears with me. Follow me for a week, teacher, and you will be begging for your light hours, your nice pension, your accumulated sick days, and your reasonable, guaranteed salary.

Here I go again...wound up...


New Member
Jan 14, 2011
Dirty Money
Well said, Tuna First casualty today for our senior girls soccer team. An exhibitiOn game has been cancelled due to our opponent pulling out of the game last night. It is mind boggling that programs are stopping at this point in time and that districts/individual coaches believe this is a great option. Three schools have already pulled out if the senior girls league(2 in Coquitlam and one in Surrey). I'm sure this is what is going to break the government. Let's punish the kids a bit more by taking something away from that we VOLUNTEER to do. The teachers are sending a message to the government by taking things away from the kids. It is all about better conditions for the kids after all. Somewhere the irony is lost in this mess.

So we don't have to worry about HPL or WhiteCaps ruining HS Soccer. The TF will do it themselves.


New Member
Mar 9, 2012
Dirty Money
Sorry, "Dude", for the messed-up posting. Still getting used to the editor as I thought it had built-in word wrap...

I hear ya...I get incredibly worked up over this "dispute"...especially now that my kids are in "the system". The first week of school they watched movies only because the teachers still needed to figure out who was going in which class! I'm sorry...but if we worked that way in our job, we'd be *fired*! Why wasn't this figured out the week *before* the kids came to class!?

I grew up in Vancouver and I do NOT remember ever having so many PD days (and certainly not "District Closures"!). I feel like my kids are never getting any momentum in the learning process. It's no wonder that parents are looking at other alternatives, if they can afford it, such as home-schooling and private schooling. It's no wonder students organized a "protest" rally of their own last Friday downtown...look who their mentors are!!!! They are being taught that entitlement is worth more than hard-work, that they should look to blame someone else rather than themselves for being in a bad situation.

To make matters almost worse, I know teachers in the union that don't agree with the union, and so instead of doing what they were supposed to do this week during the strike, they went and played in the snow!


New Member
Sep 6, 2008
Dirty Money
BREAKING NEWS - Teachers are now on a two week paid leave - pitch-forks needed indeed... time to go teacher hunting while those lazy bastards sit around doing nothing! How dare they take a break when they do absolutley nothing for this society except go on strike and cause problems! Fire them all so we can take over and show them how it is really done!


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2001
Dirty Money
BREAKING NEWS - Teachers are now on a two week paid leave - pitch-forks needed indeed... time to go teacher hunting while those lazy bastards sit around doing nothing! How dare they take a break when they do absolutley nothing for this society except go on strike and cause problems! Fire them all so we can take over and show them how it is really done!
Finally someone is talking some sense!

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Sorry, "Dude", for the messed-up posting. Still getting used to the editor as I thought it had built-in word wrap...

I hear ya...I get incredibly worked up over this "dispute"...especially now that my kids are in "the system". The first week of school they watched movies only because the teachers still needed to figure out who was going in which class! I'm sorry...but if we worked that way in our job, we'd be *fired*! Why wasn't this figured out the week *before* the kids came to class!?

I grew up in Vancouver and I do NOT remember ever having so many PD days (and certainly not "District Closures"!). I feel like my kids are never getting any momentum in the learning process. It's no wonder that parents are looking at other alternatives, if they can afford it, such as home-schooling and private schooling. It's no wonder students organized a "protest" rally of their own last Friday downtown...look who their mentors are!!!! They are being taught that entitlement is worth more than hard-work, that they should look to blame someone else rather than themselves for being in a bad situation.

To make matters almost worse, I know teachers in the union that don't agree with the union, and so instead of doing what they were supposed to do this week during the strike, they went and played in the snow!

Great first post......2nd post decent until this. I voted NO to the strike so why should I go and stand on a 'pamphlet' line to collect $50 when I completely disagreed with the strike? You have to understand we are FORCED to be a part of this union. I WANT to work in the public school system as I do believe there are a lot of good things in it. What did you expect the teachers who voted NO to do? :confused: I took my daughter to basketball practices during the day as they got shifted from school to the Richmond Oval........so I was taxi driver for a few days. Should I have been standing in the line I didn't vote to do? No. As Kenny Powers would say......."Fcuk that noise"


Oct 31, 2003
Dirty Money
Dunno captain. You have a democratic voice within your union. Heck you could run for president of the bctf.
I get you don't agree with your leadership, how on earth tens of thousands would is not reasonable. Try to affect change from within. The Teamsters had a grass roots movement that changed the way union leaders were elected bouncing dozens of corrupt officials.

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