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Breaking the Silence


New Member
Dec 24, 2001
Dirty Money

Sorry I hit the wrong button, I wasn't finished
Why would you think you speak for all of Surrey United when You told Avery to FCUK OFF
Why don't you realize Allan Goad, and the PLAYERS give your club credibility
Why don't you admitt what you are a keen soccer fan, with an eye for talent, not a coach, never a player.
Why would you cut up all my mates and think when I had your ear that I wouldn't think you are doing the same to me we all spoke to eachother.
Why would we keep playing for the club? The LADS.
Why do so many ex players take issue with your treatment of players?
Why would you come on here and tell Aves to Fcuk off?
Why not take a look in the mirror, do some soul searching?;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Cainy et al.... You fcuking half wits make me sick. All those years, all those good times, all those wins and championships and you fcukers choose to pick on a few (really) trivial things.

I don't even know where to start. Perhaps by saying cainy we are an extremely deep team right now as you found out when we emptied the bench vs. you and still scored 2 more goals. Mr Habb has been in and out all year. Why is it now you decided to stick up for him? Why should it matter if he's your buddy and he didn't get to play against you? If he doesn't play this weekend will you still open your flap in his defence? I don't think so. Rusty is a truly great guy, but does that mean he should play every week? No.

I like you Cainy I really do, but your extremely petty!

Skip if you really believe that you guys were throw away because you no longer served a purpose? You must have your head farther up your ass than I thought. Did you think that you and some of your buddies would survive in the VMSL? Not a fcuking chance! New blood needed to be brought in. If you wish to call them superstars and cliquey go ahead, but you fcukers never had the balls to stick around and play with them or against them for your spots. You took the easy way out as most ass holes do.

Cainy I know the long hours you put into Surrey U and I know the dedication to the team you had, but you left after one miss hap. I know it all comes down to the PCSL and the time you got sat. It happens man. I just thought you had a stronger character than that. I can't tell you how many time I got benched or sat for no real reason. I think I do more for the club (volunteer wise) than any other player.
Why would you think you are Surrey United? did you ever score a goal or hang a leg out for a team mate, or come to the rescue of a team mate in trouble?
Are you serious? He's done more than for you personally than you've done for him on the field. The more I read your fcuking comments the more I wished I took a big chunk out of your leg when I had a chance. Let me ask you this. Did you ever wash a uni for Surrey U? Did you ever call 18 guys and see if they could make a game? Did you put up thousands of your dollars on the line for new uni's and track suits. Did you spend countless hours coaching and managing a team of ungrateful fcuking losers? No? Why not? Your comments are so fcuking petty it makes me sick to read.

I can't believe some of you guys would say this type of shite after a simple piss take. A piss take in which he completes you guys. Your really showing your true colours. I'm literally sick to my stomach that you would say this stuff.

I'm sure there is more I missed and could dispute. I would only hope that instead of classless reply and a half assed piss take you would at least phone me. I'll gladly talk to any of you as would MF.

You can go ahead and call me MF's puppet, bitch or whatever I don't care. I said none of this to defend MF's actions. I truly believe in what the man is trying to build and I will stand by him. You guys would be fcuking know where without him helping you along and I think you better realize it.

Aves you always say this site is all for fun, why don't you try and take some of his comments the same way.....:rolleyes:

The Judge

New Member
Oct 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Wow,there seems to be a few excited people on this subject.Me thinks six studs will be brought up to Kelwona for the possible rematch?


New Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
"theres no crying in soccer" quote TH

Bottom Line to all this talk about feelings. Play your best 11 players. There is no feelings in that. If you are not in the top 11 work your ass off to get there. Once you feel a club owes you something it is time to leave not the other way around. But as far as MF goes, he is all class.

Back to lurking!


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Once you feel a club owes you something it is time to leave not the other way around
If you've walked the walk... :eek:

But as far as MF goes,...
There's some sort of Freudian stuff going on in your post Smiles... I just can't put a finger on it :rolleyes:

Back to work,



New Member
Jan 14, 2002
Dirty Money


Wow, that was a good rant you just had, filled with emotion, passion, loyalty and courage. I'm just wondering how MF got his hand that far up your ass to move your hands while you typed :confused: . I've lurked silently reading this shite, but I feel that I must comment on Skip/Cainy and your posts.

First of all, you seem to have missed the whole fcuking point in Cainy's post.........it's not that the club owes you anything, it's called mutual respect. By doing the things that MF did (listed in Cainy's post, plus lots of other stuff), he showed great disrespect to many guys (now ex-players) who bled along with MF week in and week out to ensure that Surrey U was the most respected team in the FVSL/VMSL. For MF to then 1)talk behind players backs to their teamates 2) treat some guys like he didn't need them anymore, guys who bled Surrey U (ie. Bey, S. Barts, S. Macnicoll, Cainy, Aves, Joe wright etc etc etc). I can go on, but I think the topics have been covered so far.

Now, if you want to air dirty laundry, we can get into that. Do you not agree that waiting to let a guy like Markus (a great team guy) to show up to the changing room before you tell him in front of everyone that he's cut is classless? How would you feel? Yes we stick up for rusty all the time, but we've never bitched about it cause battling for a spot is fair game and if he doesn't win a spot on a regular basis then it's not a big deal. But this is not about that. On top of it all, he dresses Carson (hurt, no chance of playing) when he could have dressed a healthy rusty (if only for this one week). Go figure.

As for your comments that we couldn't stick around and battle for spots, once again you're missing the whole fcuking point. Are you trying to tell me that guys like Cainy couldn't walk on and play 90 for any other VMSL team? Get your head out your ass. How about Hos? How about Zoly? And the rest of us "lowly FVSL players" could walk on and play for (maybe not the top 5-6 teams) but the middle of the pack teams. The point though, dipshit, is that we CHOOSE to play with guys we respect, and who wouldn't talk shite about you the minute you turn your back. Fcuk, it was just ONE YEAR AGO that I was sitting with MF, having a pint, with him telling me " KNVB's a good guy, great team guy, brings the beer, but he'll never be a top VMSL player" Wow how things change in a year......but don't get too comfy, the minute he gets a "big name " guy to play, you're back on the bench......cause he knows you'll never leave cause you like your MATES. And that's why we stuck around for so long, CAUSE WE LIKED OUR MATES, even though some guys got screwed over repeatedly.



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Wow, that was a good rant you just had, filled with emotion, passion, loyalty and courage. I'm just wondering how MF got his hand that far up your ass to move your hands while you typed
That's actually funny.

So you've never talked about a player behind his back? Never said he's shite why do we play him? Why aren't you playing? Your better than him? Come on Sage be honest. You've done it hundreds of times, even with me. Don't hurt yourself jumping off your high horse.

Admittedly I wasn't around in the "good old days" and I wasn't apart of most of the stuff you speak of. I just can't believe you guys would bring this shite on to a public forum. Not informing Rusty of him not playing isn't classless what you guys are doing is classless.

I'm just trying to let you know I've never seen or been apart of all this back stabbing and behind the back trashing. Yes I've had my groans in the past, but ever since they invented "the substitute" there has been groans from the sidelines.

I'm going to stop arguing for someone else now, but I would like you guys to know that what ever has happen to you in the past is not going on now. I spend allot of time around the club. From the players to the management. Anything that is said about a player when he's not there would and has been said directly to his face. Perhaps that's why I'm trying to dispute your posts.

I jumped on to the MF bandwagon because he has never been anything but considerate to me. He has given me countless opportunities to play for a fantastic team. I'm almost sorry you couldn't be apart of it. Remember guys there is three sides to every story and just because your buddy said MF screwed him (not that way) doesn't necessarily mean it was so.

Cainy you'll find out in the years to come, I'm sure, if you want your little budding club to grow your going to have to say goodbye to some friends and believe it pal, your not going to do right every time. If you think you guys are going to party every weekend (all 14 of ya) and reach the kind of success that Surrey United has had with out hurting a few feeling and losing a few friends along the way your fooling yourself.

First round in the garden is on me. Tossers.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money

First round in the garden is on me. Tossers.
What if you're not a tosser??? Do I still get in on the round???

BTW, I'm not touching this subject matter, there is too much hostility for it to be a TTP matter!!! This is no longer "Taking the Piss", more like I hate you because... and you did this to me because... and you owe me because... and so on... listen, there are too many quality people involved here, so I will just sit here perched upon my fence... Besides, I suck!!!:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
BTW, I'm not touching this subject matter, there is too much hostility for it to be a TTP matter!!! This is no longer "Taking the Piss", more like I hate you because... and you did this to me because... and you owe me because... and so on... listen, there are too many quality people involved here
Very well said for a half tosser. You get one of them pink foofey drinks. ;)

I wish I thought of that.


New Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money

Originally posted by knvb
I just can't believe you guys would bring this shite on to a public forum.

We're not the one's who "broke the silence"

Marty wanted some questions answered, so we did. I'm sorry that this seems to be spilling over into a division amongst the SU, and PAU lads. At the end of the day, no one here loses any sleep over any of the things we talk about. Like I said, He asked, We answered. MF chose the forum, not us.

Here's hoping we can all still have a laugh together.


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

"First round in the garden on me", my arse. I'm still waiting on the six pack you promised me, you cheap, Dutch cnut. :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Is it my fault that you choose to lurk about in the wee hours of the morning when no regular human would ever possibly be at work? Your pints were sitting in my trunk up until a week ago. I think Guinness got into them. I've almost given up all hope of meeting you face to face.

Head to the Milk Bar and have as many Killkenny's as you want. Just say "CDK sent me" it works for Bronco . :rolleyes:


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Somewhere in that post is a height joke. Not sure where but IT IS there.....it always is.

In addition to Regs, I now hate you.:D




Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
There was a couple height jokes there I was hoping they would just go over your head.
In addition to Regs, I now hate you
I've heard that allot in lately.

All in a days work for the peoples moderator. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
A budding team


You are right when you say there are a 2 sides to every story, but what you don't mention is that the truth usually falls somewhere in between.

I have read the posts and I know MF is a dedicated soccer person, trying to move his club ahead to better things. But through all the years, there has been something about the man that bothers most people. No, it is not jealousy. It is a belief that he will walk over people when they are no longer needed; without taking their feelings into account. Some will ride his wave for different periods of time; some for a long while, some for a short while, a few forever. But eventually, it ends for the vast majority.

2 types of teams:
1.The players make the club
2.The club makes the players

Once you know what type of system you are in, you can, for the most part, determine the eventual outcome of yourself as a player and individual in the club.
I, along with a few other Sap boys, have been there.

Ride the wave for as long as you can, KNVB, but always keep your head clear and stay alert.



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
WAB thanks for the advise.... I think. I see Mr. Mummery has be whispering in your ear again. If you read a bit closer I did say there is 3 sides to every story.

TheRob, What?

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