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Burnaby Summer League

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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Standings as of June 8th

Sapperton B.........18 Pts GP=6
Bohemians............18 GP=7
Poco Rangers........15 GP=8
96ers..................9 GP=6
Poco Stallions..........9 GP=7
Poco United.............9 GP=6
Diggers....................6 GP=8
Surrey City...............3 GP=7
Alouette United........3 GP=5


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Correction to Standings

Dude is right, Surrey City has 2 wins and the league has issued new standings moving Surrey City from tied for last to tied for second to last. A brutal error!!!

Last night's score, Sapperton B 3 and the Poco Rangers 2.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money

Dude, how'd it go Monday night vs Alouette United?

Saw Poco Stallions blow their lead and end up in a 4-4 tie with Poco Rangers. The talented Stallions made a lot of changes that allowed Rangers to get back in the game late. It looked like it might be a rout in the second half but the changes seemed to take some of the steam out of their attack. Maybe they thought it was over cuz the fat guys were whining and Stallions got a bit complacent?

Sap. B plays 96ers tonight at Burn. Lake West at 8:30 not as shown in the schedule.

Anyone know next week's make up game schedule yet?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
They were a no show. Not one of their guys had shown up by 6:45, so Sean Sneddon called the game, and we paid him his $40.00. Five (only 5) showed up at 7:10, but by then we were chilling in the room with our boots off emptying the cooler.

I guess we get awarded the points. Apparently this is the 4th time they've pulled a no-show- 2nd time w/ Sean alone. Damn shame- I had the college kids out Monday night too.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Does Dude Get the Points

Hey Dude:

I spoke to Vince tonight as we have a make up game vs Alouette No-shows on Sunday night at Reeves Park to ensure that they actually show up for the game.

I mentioned that they didn't turn up for Surrey City this past Monday and he said they did but because a lot of them are so young they don't drive and it took the coach too long to pick them up. Oh yeah, that works for me.

In tonight's match between Sapperton B and the 96ers, it was Sapperton 2 - 96ers 0. The first half wasn't a well played half by either team but once Ian Sneddon arrived they stepped it up quite a few notches and it was an excellent half of end to end soccer by both sides. Sapperton's second goal by Shane Mummery (on loan from the A team) came off a rebound off the post by Kevin Nesbitt.

The opening goal in the first half was scored by newcomer Rob Cook who slotted it from 12 yards out after excellent work to get the ball in by Lester Pun, who took it down the side line and Chad August who beat a couple of guys on the goal line to get it across to Rob.

Final two games next for Sapperton vs Alouette United (if they can find rides to the game) and Bohemians on Thursday night.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I guess I'm less tolerant than most for that kind of stuff. A lot of them have less distance than some of our guys, believe it or not. A lot of our guys make the trek from deep Langley. All they have to do is call if they know there will be problems...we would have considered changing venues had it been a problem. Everyone is responsible for their own team, from advising the players, to confirming shows / no-shows, to providing directions for road games. Besides- I see the Stallions get around, and they are almost as young. The Stallions may be cokcy, but I do recall getting a call from one of them in advance when it appeared they couldn’t make a game. They belong in the league, maybe the Allouette don’t.

If it were any of the other teams, I'd give a re-match no problem...hell, we loaned the Rangers 4 good players on their trip so we could have a competitive match. But, they only showed w/ 5 players, and were 45 minutes late! Not worth my time.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Make Up Game Schedule

Anyone know when the make up games are being played.

Our games are:

Sunday - Sapperton B vs Alouette Will-They-Show?- United
at Reeves Park at 6:30.

Thursday - Sap B vs. Bohemians at Reeves at 6:45 pm.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Another Fcuking Alouette No-show

The Alouette United (we don't drive) Noshows did it again tonight! We were there 16 players and none of them.

They apparently left a message for Vince but the fcukers couldn't possibly call us and give us their feeble excuse for not turning up for what the 5th time out of 10 games!!!!??????

We wanted to play but we will take the points putting Sapperton B's record and 9 wins and no losses.

Is it true that Bohemians have two losses, one to the Poco Stallions and the other to the Rangers???


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
It is a fcuking disgrace. The league should consider giving the stiffed teams make-up games with each other, so we can get our monies worth. Example- in the two no-shows, Sap & Surrey could have arranged a friendly.

I don't really understand how "We can't drive" is an excuse. Suggestion: ask for a change of venue to your park, or better, fcuking pick up a phone and organise yourselves!


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
It Gets Worse

The Alouette No-shows told Joe McIntyre, the Ref Coordinator, that they were thinking of sending a U17 team but they had a meeting that night instead! Sounds like the right strategy to me, have a meeting and improve your skills.

The 96ers are supposed to play them but I think the League is likely to boot them from here on. This is fcuking ridiculous.

Yes, an exhibition would have been better than a training session as this is summer and we don't train.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Sapperton B vs Bohemians

Final league game of the year- Sap B 3 - Bohemians 2.

Sap B wins league with 10 wins, 0 losses and 0 ties for 30 pts
Bohemian is second with 21
96ers - 18 pts
Poco Stallions 15 pts
Poco United 13 pts
Surrey City 13
Burnaby Diggers 9
Alouette Noshows 3

Playoffs starting next week will be:

96ers vs Poco Rangers - Burn Lake Turf Tues. 8:30 pm

Sapperton B vs Diggers- Burn Lake Turf Wed. 6:45 pm

Poco United vs Poco Stallions -Reeves Pk. Thurs. 6:45 pm

Bohemians vs Surrey City -Pitt River Middle Frid. 6:45 pm


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Playoff Result- Sap B 4 - Diggers 3

It always gets harder in the BMSL play offs for any team that tries to play with skill and not just kicking guys!!!

Despite referee Alec Bell's best efforts to ensure a victory for the teams that he drinks with, Sapperton B persevered and beat Diggers 4 to 3 in the first overtime period.

Goals for Sap scored by Kevin Todd (2), Chris Todd on a header and Dan Nichols with the winner on a shot from 8 yards out. When Alex refs our games, there is open season on any player that gets close to the box and a throw down for no call if you manage to get inside.

How come when you are playing on a lighted field that overtime with a golden goal is 7.5 minutes each way? What a joke.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

I'm glad I'm not the only one noticing that. Alec Bell was beyond tragic in the one game we had him. In the winter, I'm usually composed with idiot refs, for the better good of the team. But in the summer...I kind of let some steam off.

After our game against Diggers (diabolic officiating, to say the least), I told Alec that he was shite when I last had to deal with him in Vancouver, and age hasn't helped him since then. That was the extent of my tirade, verbatim. I later find out from the league he issued me a red card for "abuse", and I had to sit a game. $10.00 fine.

I have had no problems with any other refs in the BBY Summer League. Sean Sneds has been very, very good with us, and even Joe (who took a ton of abuse one game) is consistent. Alec, however, is shocking in the same way Herb from Co-ed is shocking. Now that's pretty shocking!

Well done on getting the win. It will be interesting to see how many guys I get out tomorrow night, a Friday evening game in Poco. There is a good chance we could be fielding either a cracker line-up, or a skeleton crew...

Who came up with Friday evening games, anyhow? I though "No Fridays" was one of the league's selling points?


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Friday games

The Friday night slot is Sid's favourite time to play. That is his end of week happy time I guess.

You are right about Alec and the other refs. I will take Shaun Sneddon as a ref when we play the 96ers, his brother's team, any game! Joe is very good and fair but sometimes when he allocates refs to games he can't contemplate the kind of crap that Alec pulls off with the teams he drinks with. One of them is the Bohemians who you play! Hope you don't get Alec or it will be a long night.

Last night, Chad August was knocked down in the box with a tackle that would have stopped Als new running back Lawrence Phillips. No call at all. Everytime one of my talented players had a run at the goal they never made it into the box as those cheap fcuking Diggers would hack them down knowing full well that it is the BMSL playoffs and no calls would be made. Ok, some cards were given but never two to the same guy so no danger of losing a guy.

At the end of the game with the golden goal scored, there was no cheering on the part of our team as they fully expected Alec to find some fault on the play!!! All the players stood there looking and waiting as if there was a mysterious offside or jersey pull or something.

How many points did Diggers get in 10 games- 9. We (Sapperton) had 30 points and no losses. Should have been an easy game but not in the infamous BMSL playoffs.

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