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Canada's Election


Active Member
Aug 25, 2006
Dirty Money
On here? on in general?

Polls reporting: 68,482/69,632 Voter turnout: 13,572,637 of 23,401,064 registered electors (58.0%)
The number of registered electors shown in this table does not include electors who registered on election day.

Solid voter turn out, considering the status quo was a foregone conclusion, still with 1100 polls to report.

I suppose the clearest message from this election is that English Canada has no appetite for Stephan Dion. But the Liberals appear to have enough Canadians convinced Harper has a hidden agenda.

One Dart

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
This election had the lowest voter turnout in Canadian history. Not so solid when 4/10 Canadians don't vote.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I figure Canada suffered a bit of a blow tonite on a few fronts.

The Conservatives (My brand of politics) have no strong opposition.

1. They blew up (Harper did) on the abandonment of Quebec that blew up in their faces over the arts and culture thing over a measely 15 million or so after the countless cokc sucking the Tories did to those rat bastards.

2.Dion is a douchebag and the libs knew they had no shot at anything tangible in this elecetion so they sandbag Rae, Ignatieff, and McKenna and throw this dog to the wolves...No strong opposition (which is needed regardless of who is in power, majority or not) This set up the Communist party...err NDP to earn more seats, which is fine by me, because it seems that Layton has a soft spot for Harper and the Tories, but the rest of Canada that doesn't lean as Right and Westcoastish as me should be enraged by this. This move should set up a failure for many many elections to come for the liberals, but this is a social state after all, and what is Canada without Liberal scandal/Toronto Ivory Tower/ Entitlement right? ;)

3. How anyone that purports to be Canadian can vote Bloc Quebecois is beyond me. This is a party with a fundemental belief that Quebec is a nation, and not a part of Canada by rights...again, vote splitting

The goods: The politicians will have to again play nice in the sandbox, and this time more strategically, as the Tories have picked up more seats. With this quick approaching recession for the entire world, I hope like hell the Tories and Layton's "BC Team" can help protect some of the West's riches from funnelling back to Ont/PQ

The Bads: Again Urban centres in BC provide vote splits that harm the West. Not enough turnout by voters (speculation, but I figure a lot of Liberal supporters decided to not show instead of vote somewhere else/strategically, the winners in the end here are some Tories and the NDP/Commie party.

The Ugly: The campaign and act by Dion, and specifically Ujal Dosanjh here in Vancouver...The Liberals should be sent to Federal Politics hell for throwing a misfit to the wolves, they have ruined the Government by souring enough voters to have no real one minded group to hold the minority party's feet to the proverbial fire.

All in all, I was shocked the Tories didn't land the knockout blow, but these things happen when it is a one man show, and not a party pulling the strings. A few miscalculations by Harper cost them the Majority (Economy falling flat in the last 30 days and the Quebec reaction to the lack of support for the Arts and Culture topic by the Tories) But then they also were lucky that more Libs didn't head out to vote.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
3. How anyone that purports to be Canadian can vote Bloc Quebecois is beyond me. This is a party with a fundemental belief that Quebec is a nation, and not a part of Canada by rights...again, vote splitting

With the number of seats available in Quebec, you can pretty much always count on this result. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, and Quebecers have done what they think is best for their province. They may not all be seperatists, but- especially in a minority Government- they wield the most power and can pretty much whore themselves for whatever they want

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Next Liberal leader?:eek:
Nope. There won't be another Liberal leader from BC in my lifetime (nor has there ever been - remember, John Turner was a transplant).

The Blocheeds are crowing over an empty victory. What does 38% of 59% work out to? Only 22.4% of the whole electorate in Quebec voted for these tetes de merde, and the only reason it was as high as that was because a) there was no hockey game to watch, and b) Duceppe is the only party "leader" with any trace of charisma. They are a farce as a party because the only coherent agenda item they have in common is separation from the rest of the country. Remember, if these maudits were in the Excited States, they'd all be up for treason and subject to rendition and vacations at Guantanamo.

Watch for the wailing to start about "proportional representation" again. Yes, we need to reform our electoral system, but not with the kindergarten-style "everybody gets a gold star" approach. We need an elected (or at least representative) senate based on equal regional representation. We need to counteract the concentration of control into the PMO that's been happening since Turner became PM. This is the true definition of electile dysfunction...


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
The simplest solution that won't happen as it reduces each party's control over its members is to make all House of Commons votes free votes with the exception of non-confidence votes. This means that all MPs including those in the government party would vote on all matters as they chose. Voting down bad legislation as it is now means you are basically voting non-confidence in the government. Make confidence a separate vote.

If a government's bill goes down to defeat give the Opposition the immediate right to move non-confidence and get a vote on that motion where the MPs can then join ranks and vote the party line. This is vastly superior to an elected Senate. This means that MPs go back to their constituents and explain why they did what they did versus now, it is just all wrapped in party discipline.

This would give regions more power. For example if all the MPs in all parties in BC didn't like something they could work together to defeat the government without causing the government to fall.

You could enhance the ability of private members to create and get their own bills passed. Right now it is near impossible. These few changes would change the face of politics all across Canada. It would get MPs from all parties working together better and would the government (Cabinet) accountable to Parliament even moreso than it is now as their MPs vote just the party line.


Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
it wasnt for SFA. Now Harper knows people still dont trust him and Dion knows that noone really likes him. Money well spent.....


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Gotta say I'm pleased the Libs took a hit, but not pleased at the minority. Better than last go, but as pointed out, for the cost of the election, they could have waited longer while investing more party money into winning a few Quebec seats.

Now the door is open for the Libs to recruit a dynamic leader w/ charisma. I don't like that, would rather have had Mr. Bean sitting around bumbling for another two years, digging his party a grave.

Also disappointed that Elizabeth May couldn't win her riding, dipite the fact McKay won. I'd like to have seen Green win at least a couple, because their platform makes the most sense for a new economic climate that will surely place more and more emphasis on bio-fuels, and alternative energy.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money

The Tories had Quebec locked up (As best you can against Trece's "tetes de merde") but they bollocked it up by not committing to that Arts and Culture topic, a whopping $15-$20 mill :eek: as well as the Youth Crime issue that seemed to be a hot button in Quebec.

Harper pulled a lot of his focus off the Separtist State once the Americans decided to choke out the World's Economy.

Had they waited any longer, the Economy troubles worldwide would have forced his hand anyways (remember that the Crisis became news after the CDN Campaign had already started, which is why The Tories waited until the 11th hour to release their platform as it related to the Economy of Canada, conversely HArper came right out with a plan this morning, haven't had a chance to study it)

The greens should now lose their fed funding as they are clearly not a Political Party, they are an interest group. The Fact that Carr couldn't win a seat should show that they would be better off merging or yielding to/with the Liberals or Commies err... "NEW" Democrats Party, which isn't very new is it?

The NDP will have met their max in seats, they will never ever get this many seats ever again, at least not in this iteration of that movement. They won(read gained) seats in passive ridings where the Liberals Supporters stayed home and didn't vote

Funnily enough almost ALL of Greater Vancouver's Suburban ridings went Conservative...and Alberta and saskatchewan went the same way...What does that tell you about the way the "Working Families" of the Western World (Where Canada's economy and riches lie) feel about this country and the leadership?

Hedy Fry wins again...I'm enraged...I wonder how many crosses were burning in Prince George last night :rolleyes:

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