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Canucks biggest disappointment


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Canucks biggest disappointment/ next years team

What is the Canucks biggest disappointment?

Dan Cloutier

Markus Naslund

Todd Bertuzzi

Crow being outcoached by Lemaire

the amazing number of fans jumping on and off bandwagon.

Jovo's defensive play

the fact that this looked like the year everything was going there way.

I myself believe it is the fact that everything seemed to be goint hteir way and by losing it seems like such a disappointment.
If we had lost to the Avs would it have been disappointing?

Really, did the Canucks deserve to win 3 games in this series.
The Wild were the better TEAM over the 7 games. The canucks may have more talent but that doesn't win you games.
I think overall the year was succesful, they won a playoff round they had a home ice advantage for at least one round coming out of the chute. they came back from 3-1 down a series. They can take these as positves and build on them. they need to get at least one defencemen with a little more footspeed to replace Baron. Maybe they need to find a goalie, but i think Cloutier is till the way to go for at least next year, maybe have it open between him and Auld. They need a little better Depth of talent overall as a team. Is Klatt going ti Minny next year or what? Are they gonna sign be able to sign Bertuzzi? Do they want to give some of the moose a chance?

I don't know what do you think


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

The guy just didnt do what an MVP candidate is supposed to.

he was a defensive liability out there.

If he was scoring, I could over-look this liability...but when your not socring...you best be back-checking all night.

And before you say "well, look where Forsberg is."

MVP Peter got 8 points in seven games, and was a +3

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