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Champions League 2008/2009

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Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
No Huns in Europe........really nothing else to stay. More money for the Bhoys and what a disappointment for Rangers. :D :D

To the good Rangers supporters on the site, unlucky. To the others, GIRFUY.

Beaten by the better side. I watched the game and to be honest, the better side did win. Walter's tactics in the second half didn't work obviously.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Bound to happen, from the Beeb:
Rangers team news: Walter Smith has opted for a 4-1-4-1 formation. McGregor, Whittaker, Broadfoot, Weir, Papac, Dailly, Novo, Thomson, McCulloch, Adam and Miller.

Where is the quality in that side? No surprise really. :rolleyes:
Rangers are really going to struggle to finish second this year...rough days ahead :(


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Like we didn't see that coming, eh? Bring back PLG.

Never mind the embarrassment, this result sets back Ranges in oh, so many ways. Would like to hear the sales pitch to the new signings we've been holding out for now. "No Euro football, but we've Falkirk this weekend, likes. Then a biggun against Whitehill Welfare in the Cup". McCullough our star midfielder going forward? Class.

Thanks for the condolences, Captain.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I would like to shoot flaming arrows at Walter and Company, but fact is they are shopping at the Value Village of Footballers store.

They sell Hutton for a large sum and have a profitable run to the UEFA Cup finals, and then buy who? Lafferty, who could still prove to be a good buy, Kenny "I Can't score on a hooker" Mhiller, Veliucka...

PLG or Walter or Alex Fcuking Ferguson, you can't make Chicken Salad out of Chicken shite.

Not being able to opne the purse up a little to land a player of Davis' quality to spell Baz off while he is hurt had just cost the team all Euro money... If last years Hutton sale and run in the UEFA Cup brought the team close to balck ink, it will take years to get back to any sort of quality now.

Murray out now!


Aug 8, 2007
Dirty Money
Rangers deserve what they got. Obviously Cuellar is hurt pretty bad if he hasn't played this season. Without him and Ferguson this is the retirement home for ex EPL players living out their dream (why didn't they come here when it was beneficial to Rangers, they should be told to feck off when the likes of Dailly and Weir come crawling off the EPL retirement bus) NOT signing Davies from Fulham has cost them way more than the asking price they couldn't afford. Bloody Shocking!


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Fair dues. Minty's a cnut.

However, Wally World has spent 22m. 22 fcukin' million and that's the quality he can show for it. How much did Kaunas' manager spend this summer? Do you think he was shopping at Prada, Value Village or out of alley way dumpsters? This is isn't Murray's fault. This falls on Walter's shoulders. End of. Seriously, he buys three strikers without off loading any of the incumbents and plays one up front. Surely, he's up for Darwin of the Year?

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
You're right, Cloughie, Weir and Dailly were SHOCKING and it was Weir who chested the ball out of play to set up the corner.......it was Kenny Miller who turned his back on the man who scored the winning goal. It was shocking.

FC Barcelona and Glasgow Celtic have almost reached an agreement on the transfer of Marc Crosas for half a million euros fixed plus 900,000 in variables

The Barcelona club have almost come to an agreement with Glasgow Celtic for Marc Crosas transfer to the Scottish club. FC Barcelona will receive half a million euros fixed and 900,000 in variables depending on the players appearances, qualification for the Champions League and titles won.

On the other hand, FC Barcelona reserves 25% of the economic rights depending on a possible future transfer and an option to buy him back in 2009/10 for two million euros.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
100% Correct cloughie.

It isn't like Fulham was holding Davis for ransom, Rangers look like the donkeys trying to get Fulham to take Cosuin and Darcheville off their hands as part payment...

Bloody Shocking is an understatement.

At least I have an improved looking Spurs team to watch this year as quiet consolation.

With the state of affairs at Ibrox (Murray on down to the janitor at Murray Park) I wouldn't bat an eye at the prospect of a long time with no challenge to Septic for the league title.

Davies, if they can strike a deal, will not be all that happy to join up now will he!? No Europe!?
Cuellar will be none to pleased either...the club will have a tough time holding onto him too...With the way things are going they may just sell him too and buy another 6 stirkers off the scrap heap for 500,000 pounds each and call that "Squad investment"

The one flaming arrow I can shoot walters way is that he has spent in the region of Nine Mill. On three Strikers (Lafferty, Mhiller, and Velicka) and one defender (Bougherra) when the real need was at the engine of any team, the midfield.

Priority #1 should have been to purchase Davis or one other creative central midfield player...Barry is not 20 years old, and seems to get hurt a lot more frequently than before, and as team matters get worse, he plays through these injuries to stop gap the team through matches making the injuries worse than they probably were in the first fcuking place.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
100% Correct cloughie.

It isn't like Fulham was holding Davis for ransom, Rangers look like the donkeys trying to get Fulham to take Cosuin and Darcheville off their hands as part payment...

Bloody Shocking is an understatement.

At least I have an improved looking Spurs team to watch this year as quiet consolation.

With the state of affairs at Ibrox (Murray on down to the janitor at Murray Park) I wouldn't bat an eye at the prospect of a long time with no challenge to Septic for the league title.

Davies, if they can strike a deal, will not be all that happy to join up now will he!? No Europe!?
Cuellar will be none to pleased either...the club will have a tough time holding onto him too...With the way things are going they may just sell him too and buy another 6 stirkers off the scrap heap for 500,000 pounds each and call that "Squad investment"

The one flaming arrow I can shoot walters way is that he has spent in the region of Nine Mill. On three Strikers (Lafferty, Mhiller, and Velicka) and one defender (Bougherra) when the real need was at the engine of any team, the midfield.

Priority #1 should have been to purchase Davis or one other creative central midfield player...Barry is not 20 years old, and seems to get hurt a lot more frequently than before, and as team matters get worse, he plays through these injuries to stop gap the team through matches making the injuries worse than they probably were in the first fcuking place.


I don't normally correct grammar but I believe you spelled CELTIC incorrectly. They are the team which has won the SPL the last 3 years and are going directly to the group stages of the CL. Rangers are not and have not...........:D


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money

Why does Hemdani have a smile on his face!? Why was Hemdani on the fcuking bench!? The guy exists at Rangers for the sole purpose of holding the Midfield in european "anti football" campaigns for Rangers...

Maybe he knows he can get sold to a quality side now..;)

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

Why does Hemdani have a smile on his face!? Why was Hemdani on the fcuking bench!? The guy exists at Rangers for the sole purpose of holding the Midfield in european "anti football" campaigns for Rangers...

Maybe he knows he can get sold to a quality side now..;)

That has been pointed out, JBN.....but maybe he was just picking something from his teeth. :D

As for him being on the bench in place of Charlie "Have a doughnut" Adams, Lord only knows.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Written by Joseph Caron Dawe

on Tuesday, 05 August 2008

They say you shouldn’t kick a dog when it’s down, and I do not intend to rub salt into the wounds that will be gaping wide in the blue half of Glasgow this evening, but I cannot help but feel that Rangers’ exit from Champions League qualifying this evening is a victory for football.

A gloating Englishman is not what any Rangers fan will want to be encountering right now, and I can assure you that I am not that. Had it been an English, Italian, or Spanish side who had been dumped out I’d have been just as pleased to see them go – the proviso being that they’d have displayed the same traits Rangers have done for much of 2008.

Lionel Messi summed it up as ‘anti-football’, but it was more like non-football this evening as The Gers went down without too much of a fight in Lithuania.

Walter Smith’s choice of formation will be a sore sticking point for many a Rangers fan, but equally too will the performances of the players who showed little or no fight.

Playing a lone striker in the second leg of a tie when you’re going into it following a goalless first leg doesn’t bode well and Kenny Miller was starved up front by the lack of creativity that led to his lack of supply, and Christian Dailly’s midfield effort was hard to watch.

This wasn’t anything new though. Rangers got away with playing some none-too-imaginative football last season but, to their credit it must be said, it worked – all the way to the Uefa Cup final. They were found out this evening however, as indeed they were in Manchester back in May by Zenit St Petersburg's free-flowing, enterprising style that totally contradicted theirs.

Walter Smith summed it up when he said after this evening's defeat to Kaunas: “We didn’t deserve any better”.

That was the only thing I found myself agreeing with him on this evening. Football 1, Anti-football 0.
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