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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money

From 11th to 2nd in 5 short weeks on tour. It just goes to show that with the right focus and proper training regiment you can accomplish anything......:rolleyes:

Rookie of the year candidate Double In

Home Brew

New Member
Dec 6, 2001
Dirty Money
good jump

sidewinder is more than pleased with his 2 spot rise in the rankings. it made good reading while enjoying my morning bowl oe cokcaleekie soup.

One Dart

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
pleased to join the show

Captain you can no longer complain about my lurking, I thought I'd wait until I was an officially ranked member before becoming part of the ttp team. I can accept those rankings we'll see if I can break any more of scud's darts on wednesday.

the power

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
lurking days are over

I bit the bullet and joined up after peer pressure and threats from the Captain left me tossing and turning, unable to find rest. Looking forward to a good night's sleep.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Welcome aboard One Dart/The Power

There was an impromptu match tonight. After a grueling day, I still showed up. I won 3 and lost 3, well actually lost 2. Sidewinder decided he was going to finish a match from the 7'6" line, and did so. Of course, he claimed innocence, but to no avail. The match was wiped off the chart.

Double In played well except for the one match he lost. The two games that he beat me were evenly played. So Wednesday will be a very interesting evening. Hopefully, the Sweeney connection will be available. TotalDickheadPackage bailed again and is currently sitting at number 10 for next week's rankings. We are looking to arrive around 8:30 - 8:45.


Sidewinder, it's too bad the this fellow isn't alive anymore. You could have challenged him to a match, and played from the 7'6" line. Apparently, it is for people who are vertically challenged(dwarfs/midgets).

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Sorry, KNVB

I just realised that I put this in the wrong thread. Sorry.....

Executioner who is still getting used to the new flights that were purchased for him by Double In

Thanks for the flights. I will have them ready to go on Wednesday. I have a battle to keep my number one ranking this week like I predicted.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Only one change.......

1)The Executioner - a solid Wednesday night made up for Monday's debacle 8 - 3
2) Double In - had a chance to move up, after winning 2 - 1 on Monday but lost 2 matches on Wednesday to the Executioner Record for the week was 12 - 4 ( I think)
3) Hurricane Mulgrew - can't beat the number 2 ranked player and can't lose to anyone below him
4) El Nino -
Sidewinder - he beat El Nino twice I think so I had to move SW up
5 - 15 - Everyone else is the same EXCEPT the Total Package has been dropped right out of the rankings. He will stay there until he shows his face again. Disgraceful, considering he is representing the Commonwealth of Fiji.

Bravedart was playing tonight against Darts of Tin but they were playing a game of cricket. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
I think just showing up is not good enough for T.P. I think he should have to beat every player in the top ten just to get back into the rankings. Then he should be placed on the bottom for good measure no matter what the outcome of his matches.

I may have to be put on the I.R. this week my elbow has ballooned since yesterday and now I can't even bend it. For those who don't know I went into another tackle with intent to hurt and again it back fired on me. From now on I'll stick to goal scoring and leave the gooning to others.

Captain what happened to the colourful rankings you first came out with? I have to say I'm not impressed with your new format.

2)Double In-
3)Hurricane -
5)El Nino -
6)Scud Missile -
7)Double One -
8)One Dart-
10)The Power -
11)Bravedart -
12)Bulldog -
13)Triple One -
14)Sniper -
TP- deleted

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Double In,

When you're the number one player, formatting the rankings to make them look pretty every week, is the last of my concerns. I have to stay in tip-top shape and make sure my right arm steers clear of any possible injury. I even wank with my left hand now, consistently. You go into tackles with wreckless abandonment and I , well I just don't go into tackles. I have a ranking to try and maintain and I will never let a bush league sport like soccer get in the way.

If you want to do the rankings from now on, I will gladly accept this shift of 'power'. Since you are a moderator(something the Gestapo obviously doesn't trust me with), you can look after the rankings system. I just have to worry about trying to hold on to the number one spot.



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
What of a new format for rankings. One that's caters more to your house whipped (i.e.) Light drizzle and Total Putz even Brave Dart? What if we made our Wednesday meetings for points and have a bracket style tourney once a month. For each win you collect through out the month goes to your tournament rankings. For example. I beat the #1 seed twice so I get 5 points per win I beat the #3 seed 100 times so I get 3 points each. I also beat #5 El Nino so I get .5 points per. Make it so you have to beat the top 5 or 6 to get points.

So even if T.P. can drag himself off the couch and Yoko falls asleep for an hour they still have a shot to win it all, (all be it a small one) but they'll get ranked at the bottom with no points and would have to play the #1 seed first.

I haven't figured out how the #1 seed gets points yet. Maybe if he gets an automatic 15 for winning and just builds from there?

Thoughts? suggestions?

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

It looks like an interesting system but we can't make Wednesday mandatory until the Buck sponsors us. :rolleyes:

The whole rankings' system comes down to pride. If a player has enough pride, he will show up for the weekly beatings and hopefully knock off someone above him. Despite the fact I've been number one for longer than most Beatles' songs stayed on the charts, I still have the hunger and desire to stay number one. Of course, this will end soon but for now, it is a very special time in my life. :rolleyes:

If you want to begin and maintain a new system, I am more than willing to try something new, at least until I lose my number one ranking. :) Then, we will have to look at more changes to go back to the old Fidel Castro system. It is my decision and that is it. ;)



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
1608 posts and your still starting new threads instead of just replying.....:rolleyes:

I kind of thought you would be the only one to oppose this grand scheme. This will stop the 14 phone calls to the Captain residence asking when the rankings are coming out. It will also free up that much needed practice time you so wanted.

It can benefit the likes of sidewinder and El Nino, while still giving the "top" players competition. Who knows the next time Sidewinder throws a D9 from 7'6" it could be in the finials. :eek:

Shall I move this or would you like to add more to your title Hmmmmmmmmmmm?

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

I would like my 'hmmmmmmm' thread deleted please. I under a lot of stress right now. My groin is starting to act up again and I am starting to worry about this weekend's big game.

What about a handicapping system? For example, if someone is playing a player who is ranked a couple of spots higher, he would be spotted a certain amount of points.

Example: If you were playing Hurricane(Light Drizzle), you would spot him 50 points because he can't beat you anyway. :eek: Seriously, if you were playing Hurricane, it would be a straight up match. If I was playing Double One or the Total Package(if he ever shows up again), they might get to throw 3 or 6 darts extra before I start shooting. I know this is not official but it might make it more interesting. Kind of like the old NASL shootout. :)

There are obviously flaws with this too, but it might be interesting to experiment with. The higher or lower one drops or goes up, the fewer/more 'free arrows' they get to start with. Or you could just give someone a certain amount of points to take off their original 501 score. Thoughts, after you move this back to the proper thread........



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Is is not I'm under a lot of stress?

I don't think you could properly "handicap" in darts. We would probably have to go through the pains of writing down Sidewinders scores for the next month or until he finishes at regulation distance. Whatever come first. :rolleyes:

I think at best you could only give guys a chance for a reply. For instance. I finish on a T20, T20, Bull for 170 and I would give Light Drizzle three arrows or 13 to get down from 351 to tie. In the event that he does it :rolleyes: we would have to go to a 201 tie breaker. I like the Idea but my limited IQ keeps me from expanding on it. Sometimes I wish BallBaby played darts.(again :rolleyes: )

I do however like the point lead. (i.e.) 6 arrows. What about the lower seed gets to eliminate the higher seeds best two scores before he's done OR He must decide before each turn weather or not he wants to scratch his opponents last score (up to two times). Executioner throws a ton and Scud throws a 2 so Scud has the option to drop Executioner score.

Maybe some of the others will have some Idea's? All I want is for someone to actually give me a game for once. ;)

Screw You Captain

New Member
Nov 1, 2001
Dirty Money
go to hell the both of you

You ****y bastards, Ex and Double In. If I had any talent, I would knock you both down a few rungs off your high horses.

Alas, I don't. The tungsten-tipped arrows are on their own to seek the elusive double 2...

On another note, will the Executioner be able to maintain his form with the painful owie on his throwing finger he showed me today? Hopefully he can spend some time in the hyperbaric chamber with Olga;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Probably ever since Sidewinder had his litle spazz.....:rolleyes:
hey,el nino ,welcome aboard you ****-eyed ****-sucker!with my ****ney accent i.m headed down in my ****roach infested car to get a plate of ****les at the **** and bull before watching the big ****-fight oopps hockey game.s/w.
Thanks for the Idea's Scud, but I don't think the Buck will allow us to bring in horses to throw from. I've been feverishly working on my left hand technique(Darts Only :rolleyes: ) for Wednesday, but I don't think I'll be ready by then. Perhaps time with Olga will help me as well?

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
There is no cokciness here......

As the number one player, I am just trying to be cooperative. If Double In wants a new ranking system, that is fine with me. If Screw You wants a date with Olga, that is fine with me too. I know the losses will start mounting soon once everyone gets used to their new darts. My old school darts will not be able to handle the pace much more..................

For now, we will have to use the current system that is in place, until there is a better approach.

Sidewinder? El Nino? Any thoughts?



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Scud what do you think of the Monthly tourney idea? With Points for wins against higher ranked opponents. Which in turn gets you seeded. Captain maybe you could run (what am I saying) drive down the Buck and pull El Nino off of Dana and ask his opinion.

I think this new idea would bring a little more competitiveness to each match. I think Scud vs. Sidewinder matches should mean more.

Home Brew

New Member
Dec 6, 2001
Dirty Money
new standards

Lets not get too complicated. The present system is working just fine.Right now we have three distinct tiers of players. Tier 1 ;the exec.,double in and Yoko"s old man.Tier 2 ;El Nino,Scud,S/w.,T.P.{if ever we see him again] and tier 3;D.1.,T.1.,Bravedart,etc.Many of the tier 3 players could easily become tier 2 players simply by showing up.I would not feel good about beating the Ex.if he gave me a 9 dart start;much better to lose 5 games and then to have a brilliant t18,t18,d16 finish and win 1 game honestly.Lets leave things as they are.This wed. nite I have to attend a youth metro meeting in Burnaby but will leave at the earliest opportunity and join the crew at the Buck a.s.a.p. B.T.W. Hurricane has your head returned to nprmal after last nights excesses? Sidewinder.

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