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Div 1 Div 1 CAT results 2003/04

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Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money

WTF was that post about WAB? Was this the same game I was at?

One thing we forgot to mention WAB was the diving header by new striker, 38 year old rookie, Ed Fong. The brilliant header came off the keeper and as Ed tried to get up the defender held him down so he couldn't reach the loose ball before the GK could grab it. That and Ed's attempt at a bicycle of a ball that hit a deflected off head just as he was about to nail it into the back of the net were exciting moments from the new guy.

Chad August played pretty good despite being a minus 1 over the final 45 having come off the bench. Chad now a Sapperton premierdonna took some time to adjust to the disciplined nature of Div. 1 CAT soccer. It is getting tougher all the time for premier guys to find a spot in the now winning B side. :p


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2001
Dirty Money
weaving in


that is whataboutbobby does best

who has the best up & comers in the league?????????????:rolleyes: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

has any team invented a kevin hearne yet

Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money

Hey Sid , I heard that when AFC have a cat team , you will be their first signing, and that they will buy you a new liver as a signing bonus :D


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Sportstown 3- Sapperton B 2

Went down three goals despite a good Sapperton start to the game. With Sapperton carrying the play early they missed a sitter on a great cross from new striker Ed Fong that put the Sap player about ten yards from the open net only to shoot over the bar. Sportstown immediately got back down the park and potted a goal on a miscue between the GK and the last man.

Jason Carroll scored to start a Sap comeback and Ed Fong slid after a Chad August through ball to put it past the keeper from some distance out from the net.

Despite phone calls back to the dressing room including intimidating the new comer and other attempts by Chad to get witnesses to say that Ed actually didn't touch his through ball, the official scorer awarded the goal to Ed. Chad may call for a review of the tape but there will not be a change. Apparently after a night of not scoring at the Halloween party last night, Chad did not score today either.

Sap battled back and got two and were both unlucky and fcuking stupid when faced with good scoring opportunities. Right at the end of the first half, the unmarked striker Chris Todd was about to shoot when the ref whistled the half over. Unbelievable as most of us have never seen a ref do that when the player was in a position to score! The fcuking stupid was Sap with a Sap player down on the ground and the opportunity to pass about 10 feet to a guy with clear sailing to the net, decided to stop play! If the guy had had a broken leg a fire department crew was already there watching the game so time was hardly an issue. Play stopped without a goal and the game continued.

Halloween may have had some impact on Sapperton today as there definitely was some poor performances from some today.
Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money
RUFC 1 Westside 2

Not much to say , but the usual, RUFC can't finish , had shite load of chances, i think one of our players had 4 chances himself , one hit the post and one hit the crossbar,we even got the rebounds and put those wide as well. RUFC had most of the play created lots of oppertunites, a well played match, and the refree was great, a young ref that keeps up with the play ,except the one when their goalie reached back across the line to grab the ball, the ref was about 25 yards out, oh well, back to training.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Sapp CAT

I couldn't beleive the bad luck Sap had on the day. 4 game win streak snapped!

I don't get it, though, August is literally begging Reccos to give him the credit for one of the goals after we all decided it was Ed's. Chad's a good player with the Premier squad, but has to beg the CAT coach for credit for good play?

Side Note:

Saw Chad's 16 year-old girlfriend on the front page of the local print (Chad 27 years old).:confused:


As it has been a definite struggle for me to hit the back of the net...(scoring off the field has been a little easier thank god)
So undestandably when I was approched by several other players on the team giving me credit for the goal, I can only take it to get the ball rolling and start the scoring streak.
Besides a 40 yard goal would have been the longest in my career.
After all T.T even admitted without being under the watchful eye and pressure of Reccos I should have been credited.
Anyhow doesn`t matter since we still lost 3-2.

Wab, you should be backing me up so I can carry it over to the Premier games!!!!

PS, I was only tutoring this 16 year old, she needed some help with uhhhhh...Math and Science.

btw I am 24 not 27.


+ -

By the way don`t have to beg Reccos for credit the stats speak for themselves + 1 in 20 minutes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
I heard you were tutoring her in Anatomy in Braille, only she didn't take that course.

Yeah lilpun is right. Due to a 20 minute disaster, we went down by 3 goals and lost the game after a good run of 3 in a row.

Lets ask GK Mike Frank how the goal went in and it sure didn't go between his legs from a 40 yard through ball with Ed Fong sliding in behind it taking out the GK in the process.

Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money
RUFC vs Sportsfiremen

A good hard fought game, with sportstoon/firemen, going up 2 and the idiots making the come back complete with 20 seconds to go. The only unfortunate part of the match was when the Animal scored.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
RUFC 2 - Sapperton B 1

Despite a top notch ref job today (Bob Jett I believe), he made one bad error costing Sapperton a late tie.

The ball, off a Mike Eskildsen shot, roofed the back of the goal, hit the ground and the GK grabbed the bouncing ball and put it back in play as no whistle occurred. Even the unknown spectator standing in the end zone was giving the ref hell for that one and he was not part of the Sapperton fan club, just a passerby.

Both sides had some good opportunities and both GKs played very well. Sapperton's GK, Dennis Aere, made several outstanding saves including one where he was kicked in the face as he raced out to go down on the shot. Both sides missed virtual open goals.

New comer Benny Choi played great at the back as did former forward, now defender, Mike Eskildsen. Sapperton's 38 year old striker, Ed Fong ran like Premier player, Paul Favaro and created considerable havoc for Richmond's defenders.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
No Goal???!

The ref was really good today, but Reccos is right on the money. A real tough way to lose when the ref didn't see the ball clearly go in.

Mike roofed it and the ball actually twinckled the twine, but the goalie just played it out. We were all celebrating and the game played on. Next time we will loosen the netting so it doesn't bounce out so fast.

The RUFC second goal was against the run of play, but it was finished nicely.

Daryl Neufeld scored on a beautiful 30 yard shot off the crossbar and in. Denis was great in the pipes today, and I was impressed with Justin's skill.

A tough way to lose. But it looks like with some new faces, Sapp will get better over the next few months and make a serious run for any cup draw it enters.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
A bit of an oversight on my part not to mention Daryl Neufeld's terrific strike from 30 yards out.

Despite losing 2 - 1 to Richmond and not playing the full 90 minutes as we should have, there were some good individual performances including Chad August from Premier who played 90 minutes. If some of the new young players could read a clock he might not have played at all!!

The net where the goal was not called was too tight along the top and I have only myself to blame as I put that end up along with another player. The Eskildsen shot clearly was in and hit the roof of the net but as it was so tight it bounced immediately to the ground.

I don't know what the ref saw but he says he didn't see it. He didn't offer that he thought it hit the cross bar either. I think by the number of people who quietly shook his hand after and voiced their views on the goal, he got the message he blew it badly. The irony is that this guy was one of the best refs we have had this season and the only one that changed the game result for us!

This was a far different RUFC team than the headbutting/trash talking guys from the last game we won 4 - 0. These guys came to play a good clean game and did. A more typical Richmond game and team this time.
Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money
As far as the game went it was a good game, RUFC had more chances in the first half, and if we had finished them the game would have been over, but we got one , and then Sapp came right back and got their goal, second half was more Sapp, but RUFC did score against the run of play, but as far as the uncalled goal, I thought the Sapp player was offside, and the ball did hit the crossbar first, then the line, as I could not say it crossed the line for sure,because I could not see the whole ball. I can understand Sapp frustration, as the same thing happen to us against Westside a couple of weeks ago , and it cost us the game as well, but with out linesmen the ref will go on what he sees. The ref was good , but the game it self never seem to require him to do alot , it was good clean game.
Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money
Well another nail biter for the Idiots, we went up 2 in the first ,on goals by Revell ( a goalie to boot.), first one was a mistake by the peg keeper, the keeper lost control of the ball on the top of the eighteen and Revell pounced on it and finished it in clinical Revelling like fashion, and the second was a great header. The second half was RUFC holding on and getting a few breaks up front, but really just held on for the win against a good peg team.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Sapperton B had a nail biter too.

Nail biting that we could reach guys to cancel them from coming as far away as UBC and downtown to cnuting Cloverdale where Surrey and KNVB decided to have an intra-squad game instead of playing Sapperton A and B in a scheduled double header.:p
Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money
Richmond and Khalsa game was a good game , some chances by both teams ,but a few more for the Idiots, who where surprised to score on Khalsa's giant of a keeper, Richmonds first was from a free kick just inside the Khalsa half, ball was chipped in to the top of the eighteen and Gordo with a quick fick on and the ball was in the old onion bag, second was Tanner got in between the keeper and the sweeper, and just poked it by the on rushing keeper, Khalsa had a good chance near the end but shot right at the Idiots keeper.
Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money

The game was not the usual hard tackling affair that the Richmond boys and Deep Cove normally have,but being at 9 pm kickoff, i guess some guys didn't have same intensity. Richmond started the match with 9 including a Chad who still has cracked ribs and a bad ankle,with one man up front,young Dave chased down the defender and forced a turn over, from which his brother Danny pounced on the loose ball like Robbie T on a free beer and finished with venom, making the twine ripple. Deep Cove had most of the ball for most of the first half, there goal came from cross, which I thought our keeper should have had, but since I wouldn't want to be a keeper I really can't say much,Richmond got reinforcement with about 10 min to go in the first half,with Klaus, Normy and Ramsey showing up to make 12 players,using Klaus up front it took him awhile to ajust to the pace of the game , but he adjusted well, and had a header near the end , and the keeper made a good save, but bobbled the ball only to have his defender clear it before the Richmond player could get to it. But overall not a bad game, even though the Ref was not the greatest.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Great report, but Belfast Cowboy, but was there a reference to the 1 - 1 score in there? ;)

Sapperton B had another nail biter today to see if we could reach players to cancel them for today's match vs Metro Ford.

If those fcuks from Metro Ford aren't locking us out of the park so we have to climb the fence to get into Mundy Field, or locking us in the dressing room after the game, there are now telling us at half time of the Friday night Premier game that the fcuking game showing on the VMSL website as being "on", is fcuking now "off".
What the fcuk gives with these guys and us? ;)

As I was on my cell at the half of the Premier game last night reaching the last guy for today's supposed game, Willi Azzi and Peter Price, Jr. come over to tell me the game is off!

I thought all my problems with MF moved when Sid left MF. ;)
Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money
RUFC vs Clan

Both teams started the game with limited numbers , RUFC had eleven to start and Clan started with nine, and then had a player show up after 25 min, to make ten, then Clan went down to nine again after a hard tackle from a RUFC defender,RUFC had tweleve players after a late call to P Diddy . RUFC had a glorious chance to go one up early ,but Pipes put it over the bar from six yards, lucky for Pipes he got a beauty goal , from 20 yards . The second goal came from Ginger who went screaming down the right flank , lifted his head and crossed the ball , which was meant for Haddy, but unlucky for the Clan keeper , the ball never made it to Haddy, it drifted over the keeper and into the back of the net.The third goal, was late in the second half,just after the tropical monsoon , the ball started on the left with Haddy who passed it to Pipes who unselfishly pass to Gordo, who with the spinarama move potted it. Clan never really produced anything, they are a young talented team , who if they had a full team would have been a tougher opponent.
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