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Div 2 Div 2, 2002-03 Weekly Predictions & Results

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the manager

New Member
Sep 29, 2002
Dirty Money
CDK cruising div 2 threads?

manager wants to know where CDK is playing.....if he's playing.


PS you must have some big wrists!


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
Manager et al.

By the sounds of things you guys should change your team name to NK HrFATska. Could you let me know where you guys train as I have a business plan which I think I could make a freakin' mint. I'm going to open up a Tim Horton's next to your practice pitch. I know Iron Mike prefers eating children but I will do my best to provide a good baby-like product. If we play you guys I'll just line the sidelines w/ Boston Creme and Long Johns and free up some space in the middle of the park for breakaways. I can see it now: Yomama stuffing his face w/ Honey Crullers on the back line, arm raised (w/ an extra large double double, natch) appealling for the offside. "C'mmnn Rfff heeth offthysdes!


New Member
Sep 30, 2002
Dirty Money
...hilarious...I love how you utilized the Boston Cream as the sideline chalk. Classic. Just classic. However, that would never happen cause the NK Fatboys would not let such wonderful sweets be put to waste. By the way, you wouldn't see a bunch of tubs on the soccer pitch embracing a winning record....by that rationale, it is safe to assume that the 200 plus poundage earlier referred to must be composed mainly of muscle rather than the previously mistaken fat (ofcourse with the exception of Watcher). Oh, how's your record?

By the way, NK will win this weekend and further improve their record with a glorious 3-0 spanking of Point Grey A.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money

N Shore Primos - 2
Cliff Ave. United - 4
..Cliffs previous week's result spurs them to victory with a second half surge...

Elephant Walk “A” - 6
Pt. Grey Strikers “B” - 1
...Cool temperatures keep the P.G.S. Fillies at home and unable to run sideline interference...

Richmond Cougars - 1
Westside C-Men - 1
...The dirtpatch know as King George ruins what should be a good matchup. Cougars tie game with late tally...

City FC Blaze “A’ - 4
Champlain Hts. - 1
...Champlain is unable to put out the '4' Alarm Fire in Tsawwassen.

West Van Royals - 3
North Shore JB “s - 2
...NSU decides that spotting teams 2 goals in first 10 minutes of games does nothing for the win column. Legs Scores early and NSU hangs on for 3 points....



Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
Psst. Bonefish, You'd better look at your predicted scores for our game. You have West Van winning.

the manager

New Member
Sep 29, 2002
Dirty Money
no freudian slip...just a little self-fulfilling prophesy


Your obvious blunder may leave many wondering as to what it really was. Lets explore the options.

Option #1:
Freudian slip??? It possibly could be that this is a classic Freudian slip. However, given Your nature, we can safely say that it was not. The lack of freudian slips in your other posts would prevent me from beleiving this. Final analysis....no Freudian slip here!

Option #2
Dislexia??? It very well may be a possibility that this is classic dislexia. However, aside from the 'trade mark' dislexic pattern only evident with the backward spelling of (JB's, really spelled BJ's), we see no apparent patterns posted elsewhere. Final analysis...no lisdexia here!

Option #3
Subconsious self fulfilling prophesy??? This obvious blunder can be nothing other than a subconsious self fulfilling prophesy. We see an inherant desire to win, but the internal subconsious fears embedded within you are preventing this from ever being the case.....Yes boys, I am afraid you've lost the match before it has even begun. This is a classic case of self-sabotage. And this elaborate analysis of sport psychology is also my prediction.....the score remains as first predicted!


bonefish....are you also a sniper????

the manager

New Member
Sep 29, 2002
Dirty Money
saddened by display of div 3 hack soccer

Well, I might as well break the ice and take the piss out of our own team before everyone else does. We played the chippiest team on the crappiest field and conceeded a 1-0 defeat to a class lacking Point Greay Strikers 'A' squad. It was pathetic!:( The field was well equipped with plenty of ruffs and sand traps. the only thing that was lacking was a water hazard...and that we would have had, had there been rain. A disallowed goal by a Croat hating Russion ref sealed our fate....bum call.

Bright spots were:

Yomama...she picked up her skirt and hussled. It was her goal that was taken back.

Hoover...cleaning up in net as always.

A turn for the worst for this NK squad????


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
NSU 3 West Van 0

Well, the excellent site shows us winning 2-0 when it was actually 3-0. Doesn't surprise me as the ref was the short Colombian (I think) fellow who is shockingly bad, even for Div. 2 standards. Should we really have to pay money for that? Seriously. First, and I mean first, thing he says to us is "No insulting from bench, you can appeal to BC Soccer if you don't like refereeing". WTF? Had a few complaints before have we? Someone joked that maybe he'll hand out a pre-completed protest form for us to send to the BCSA. He handed out one yellow to a JB who wasn't even looking at him. He also called obstruction on our player who was running WITH the ball. Hunh? Then he called a foul AGAINST a JB who had the ball and was slide tackled. What the fcuk is really going on? How does he forget the third goal? It was a penalty kick! It's not like it took him by surprise. What an embarrassment. Anyway, having said that, the game was one-sided. We scored two right away, the second a Dapotayto header (that's how you do it Yomama!), the other two goals from our center midfielder. Nice to have the midfield contribute and take some pressure off the strikers. In the second half Mickster went airborne (shoulda seen the springs!!) and fired a header just over the bar. He also just barely misplayed a cross to him in the box for a sure goal (read 20 yard knee shank!). West Van seem like good lads but to be honest were quite poor. Someone mentioned they tied City FC earlier in the season. If that's true then City sure must have shite the bed that day.

Manager, too bad about your loss. Were you guys overconfident?


New Member
Sep 30, 2002
Dirty Money
Woooo! Slow down there Spud. Yomama doesn't need tips or advice from you on how to play soccer. In fact, Yomama's header was clean and clearly a goal (as the ball was entering the net when the whistle blew). Why did it blow you might ask? For the same reason you went on a diatribe during your last post about the referring so too shall I.

Golden Boy (of NK) from a free kick crosses the ball into the eighteen. Mass confusion and chaos ensues as both teams jockey for position. The tubby goalkeeper is way out of position. Out of the horde comes Yomama leaping into the air for the ball (which amazingly at the time resembled a Boston Creme Donut). The ball is redirected by Yomama's head and then Yomama feels 300 lbs. of cookie dough dynamo fall on top of him. The ref had the nerve to say that Yomama was not playing the ball and was putting his shoulder into the goalie. Yomama countered that the goalie was backpeddaling and beached himself onto Yomama, mere moments after Yomama giftedly placed the ball towards the net. Obvious goal to both teams as one defender on Point Grey remarked, "You were robbed." The ref was a tool!


Aug 15, 2001
Dirty Money
Back to normal

Beam is winning again and NKH is losing again so everything seems right in this world again. Still missing some starters but were easily able to handle a much weaker West Van team. Good bunch of guys though and just what we needed for our confidence.

Bandcamp, your boys look to be back on track!! Whats happening with Alemania this year, is it a whole new team or what?!?

Should be an interesting match up between Beam and Blaze next weekend....looking forward to extending our winning streak past 1 game!!!

Nice to finally meet Regs this weekend.


Sep 11, 2001
Dirty Money
Damn it you caught me! Mickster could be right, the Beam just may be back on track. Tough game next week. We might actually have to pull Mickster out of mid because we will need someone who can score. :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
on track???

maybe mickster...bit of a jeckyl & hyde act this year. out skill all the teams in our division but have had lapse problems where we disappear for stretches. it was a good effort against alemania as we played a very organized, focussed game. hopefully that continues.

alemania are the same team but have had problems with guys away and suspensions. they'll be all right as they are stronger than the other teams in our div.

hammer in the lineup this weekend?


New Member
Sep 30, 2002
Dirty Money
The absence of two natural strikers (one to injury, one at college) has probably ended our shot at promotion, unless the top teams somehow implode. But with the return next week of our striking paesano, NK will once again grace the win column. Had One-Eye, Paesano and a couple of others been available all season, there is no doubt in Yomama's eyes that NK would be atleast sharing first place. At any rate, I look forward to the increase of our goals for.

There has been murmurs of an exhibition between NK and JB....I fully endorse this event. Perhaps a field under some lights could be rented (every player put in some cash) and we could play on a Thursday night (our practice night
:) . Manager..get on that.


New Member
Jul 21, 2001
Dirty Money
City - 6
CH - 1

For once we actually came out of the blocks strong.
we got a PK within the first five minutes and were up 1 - 0
Our first half was strong but we were down 3 -1 at the half.
The ref was brutal, he had no idea what off-side was
I have never seen a ref not call hard fouls and then call little obstruction fouls.
The field was in prettty good condition but alittle small.
As for City, they are by far the most classless team we have played so far.
Alittle word of warning to the JB boys, put some body armour on before the game, these guys are cheap shots.
Especially, watch out for 21. As you will see he will be a target for one of you guys to take him out and please do.
As for skill, city has some good players, a fairly strong defence and one very good forward (number 4).
Their play is mostly straight up the mid and break aways.
Being one of the smallest teams in the league, we were basically beatup by the end of the first half.

Anyways, good luck to the JB next week.

Onto to CA, another top team and hard battle ahead, hopefully a new signing will help solidify the D.
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