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Downhill / Freeride

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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Very nice knvb. You look like an old pro. Notty must have had you doing some training drops before the video.

When are we going back up?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Indeed I have been bitten, but I think I was bitten right on the arse. My back side still feels like it’s my first month in prison, but I had awesome time none the less, like my first month in prison. I also picked up a ton of new lingo on Saturday, like huck , GLC, newb, case, holy fcuk I’m going to die, I want my mommy, bail etc… and have been talking like a confused - semi literate - flunked out of grade 9 – finished high school by mail - have never had a job Whistler downhiller biker dude burnout for the last day and a half. I feel a bit stupid when I catch myself, but being that it's the same feeling I usually get when I speak I seem to be carrying on with-out a hitch.

After sorting out some seriously stank’n armour we were off to the lift with my cool new red bike from John Henry Bikes, Located on the North Shore, with two covenant locations to serve you, parking in the rear, open Sundays, see them a www.johnhenrybikes.com they lent me with no strings attached, minus the rockets of course, so that was a bit of downer, but at least it was red. I remember my first ride on a lift while skiing. It wasn’t the smoothest of transitions and the crew actually had to pull the emergency stop so I wouldn’t be dragged up the hill by my long underwear while clutching on to the one ski I managed to keep on. Saturdays first go with a bike almost went as smooth, but a quick interjection by Notty saved any further embarrassment apart from me wearing the stinkiest exoskeleton imaginable…

I was a bit nervous going up looking down on all these runs and tracks and seeing the insane shite some of those riders were doing coupled with a dude being dragged off in an ambulance which didn’t particularly help the situation. Nor did it when Notty belts out “Ahhwww shite dude they closed it. That was the run I was going to take you on” Fcuking great :rolleyes:

I didn’t come into this a complete Virgin. (If you don’t swallow it doesn’t count right? ) I did know from my skiing days that a run marked with a Green Circle is nice and easy Blue Square means you can do it but it’ll hurt and the big black diamond is just a simple way off drawing a skull and cross bones. “Hey Notty here is a nice green and blue trail to start” "Naw he says...this one (Black Diamond) is easy. TRUST ME!" Hail Mary full of Grace off we went down the Dirt Merchant. Right off the bat I have to drop in and then manipulate some ladder ramp drop concoction... fcuk here we go time to die...I somehow (dumb luck) survived the first bit. The middle bit there where tons of jumps, seemed almost one right after another. I took a pretty good spill after the 40th jump in a row. I must have hit it wrong (obviously) because I found my bike just pulled out from underneath me and there was nothing I could do about it. I must have flown 10 or 15 feet and slid another 10 on my elbow and shin pads. The 10 year old behind me first asked if I was alright then told me "that was fcuking cool dude.” “I’ve never seen anyone fly like that before”… so you know, I had that going for me. The rest of that first run was pretty uneventful as far as entertaining 10 year old pot heads goes, but I got a good look at the “jump site” before I attempted it.

I have no idea where I was on the second run but I do know I had to jump off this little man made ramp before I headed out,again. Nothing is fcuking simple up there. A-Line I think Notty called it. I did see an Experts Only highlighted with a black diamond again so I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. Surprisingly I made it through undamaged. After the run I rode up and had a good look at the spot Dude is trying to have me killed at. I looked it over for a good 5 minutes before I told Notty to get the Camera. It’s a shite load steeper and higher than it looks on the video but I think I took it pretty well. The second time through I didn’t stop I just fired right off it. I was going to take the one to the left of it (if you’re facing the run) If Notty had let me order that second bucket of beer after lunch at Longhorns.

My favourite run was Shleyer which I think is a Double Black Diamond, it was more what I thought mountain biking was all about. Very steep hills, roots and rocks, sharp turns etc.. Awesome. Thanks again Notty for being my guide and sorting my out with my pretty red bike from John Henry Bikes on the North Shore, Open 7 days a week and thanks to Dude for opening his big fat yap, as only he can, and challenge me to go up.

Notty had a minor :rolleyes: spill that ended our day a bit earlier than I would have liked, but thought it best not to take off into the bushes with-out my guide and a someone with a cell phone to call 911 with.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Notty's "minor" spill has him at the doctor's office right now... something about a cracked vertebrae... :D



New Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Home form the doctor....slight concussion (no big surprise), severe whip lash and pending the results from the x-ray tonight, possible stress fracture in my spine. But other than that, my left baby toe feels great!!! :wa:

BTW…Coodoes to KNVB for his first days on the hill. You could definitely see the confidence building as the day went on. And second run….(yes Dude, the second run)…he proceeded to drop the middle GLC to claim his case of beer. Nice work!!!

TheRob…as for getting up anytime soon….not gonna happen for a while with this kid, I may take a few weeks off!!!


BTW...don't remember you taking any of those photos! I think I was still trying to piece together where I was and what happened. :confused:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Regs said:
Notty's "minor" spill has him at the doctor's office right now... something about a cracked vertebrae... :D


You're kidding right? I have to ask because TTP'ing has been confusing lately.

My son suffered another concussion two weeks ago, mountain biking, and I'm trying hard not to be a "mother hen" father. It is tough. At least his jump was higher than KNVB's but I want him to slow it down a little. I'll use Notty's fractured spine as a learning tool. I showed Matt knvb's video and he just shrugged his shoulders and said, "I thought you were going to show me something cool." I told him it was coach Dave, and he said, "Oh that's pretty good for him." Kids! :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money

I guess you were trying to put together the last 30 minutes of your life probably like I was trying to put together the last 30 piece of my camera. "Here Notty, maybe you should hold this. If anyone is going to bail hard it'll be me." :D :(

You were seriously out of it though. I don’t suppose you remember almost falling over after I scraped you off the bottom of next jump? You where heavier than a wet sack of towels. What about having to fix your handle bars and chain? Or your bloody nose? How about the marriage proposal? I thought I meant something to you? You said I was special...What a big fat load of concussed lies that was. I’m not giving back the ring you know? I don’t care whose dead Gramma’s it was.

I did get a nice shot of your busted helmet and all the new skid and mud marks.

Whahoooooo….then Oh… FCUK!!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Balls, he's not joking...

Pretty cool for him? All 30 of my years flashed befor my eyes and he can only say that was pretty cool for him? Tell little Matt to bring his track shoes to training this winter... then we'll see how pretty cool coach Dave is... Little bugger.


New Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
KNVB...All I really recall is heading over the handle bars...then ordering pints in the long horn. Other than that, everything else is a blur!!

As for the propsal...it still stands...just as long as you agree to get a hair cut.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Classic, classic stuff! Damn...I should have found a way to get up there, but you know, once in a while I have to let the Mrs. get out while I watch those little hellions...erm, I mean, those beautiful children of mine.

The location choice was derived from my desire for KNVB to crash in front of an appreciative audience. yes, I could have sent him down Lower Joyride, or up Garbonzo to fulfill the terms, where he would have to slug through tougher sections to get to the main drop point, but the carnage potential would have been in front of only Notty (and perhaps a 10 year old pot head). The way I see it, if he is to crash, why not in front of the entire lift?

Notty...you dumb ass. Trying to go big to impress your future fiancée, weren't you? Karma bit you hard, didn't it?

I'm up at Whistler this Saturday, and will be riding extended play between 4:00 & 8:00. KNVB: borrow Notty's bike and come on up for a little crash course, Dude style.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Notty said:
Home form the doctor....slight concussion (no big surprise), severe whip lash and pending the results from the x-ray tonight, possible stress fracture in my spine.
Did they give you a drug test? And what about the date? Are you sure you didn't tweek your spine later Sunday night? :confused:

Sorry to hear big-man, the ladies will still flock, even moreso if you are wearing a neck brace... :D

Don't forget to check your jeans for more of those magic pills you were taking to 'help' the pain ;) ...



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Notty, how did the spine check out? Did you fracture it or not? I need to know when my guide and fiancée can take me back up. Just so you know I haven’t been sitting idly(sp) by letting the rust set in. I’ve been training and riding ever chance I can get. Take yesterday for instance, I hucked the shite out of the curb. Now I know what you’re saying… “slow down cowboy, you’ll hurt yourself” but I had to Notty, it was calling me. I’m pretty proud too it wasn’t just any regular curb, it was a yellow one, in a parking lot. I had just come out of the IGA after picking up the missus some tampons when I saw the cheeky drop of in the distance. I had to ride around a bit while it cleared, there was a couple of old ladies blocking the wheel chair ramp with their scooters right next to it. I couldn’t take the chance.

Let me know.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
You're a wild man with a bad addiction. Look- you've already PROGRESSED :rolleyes: to the same level as TheRob (just kidding, TheRob ;) ).

I was up there Saturday, easily the hottest day I've ever experienced on the hill. The lines were about 2 minutes long, I kid you not. Just way to hot for most, I guess. I enjoyed having zero lines, and no traffic to run down in the trails. Don't know how, but lower A-Line was still a highway. Garbonzo was quiet and fast.

And, Notty...I hit that last table on A-Line pretty hard- you know, THE ONE- and I've come to the conclusion that you're a plonker. How the hell a 260 lb fat man overshoots that is beyond me. There was a Kryptonian style crater still there, though.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Don't anyone let Chapman, Pratt, or Taylor know, but Notty has a cracked vertabrae (sp?)!

KNVB, you could've killed him!!! :mad:




Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
It was just another step in my Master plan to screw over Burnaby. First I sent HOS to be their Keeper, now Notty and his crash. Millar and I are going "fishing" next week.

Notty, can I use you bike? :D


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
BIV Article

Good read for anyone who has a remote interest in our fledging sport:

Front page in Business In Vancouver.

Now, in these parts, I doubt this is true:
According to Travel Patterns of Destination Mountain Bikers, an online survey conducted for the International Mountain Biking Association, 86 per cent of mountain bikers are male, averaging 38 years old with household incomes of $75,000-plus.

I'm fairly certain that, due to the number of freeriders in these parts, the numbers are skewed to a lower average age, and lower income bracket. BUT...we see an awful lot of Yanks on the chairs at Whistler...either young / middle age professionals up for the weekend, or kids (we were talking w/ one from Connecticut) who's parents have bucked up for a week long camp.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Co-owner William Henry Cromack said government has invested little in mountain biking trails: " ... if you're going to handle the masses, the tourists and you're going to take the benefit of it, the government or agencies like that need to take a hand in keeping it growing properly."
Crobar must cringe everytime he sees his fullname in print like that :D


Have you ever heard of Nite Hawk? I implemented the e-commerce section of their new site this summer and so far, about 95% of the sales they do is strictly American (they are located in Langley)...

Maybe if the local rags picked up the KNVB breaking Notty's neck story would bring some more much needed international publicity?




Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
or kids (we were talking w/ one from Connecticut) who's parents have bucked up for a week long camp.
Probably the same little fcuker who had a good larf at me right after my bail...

Tell me this Regs, if a 250 pound man falls on his head in the woods does anyone really hear the vertebrae crack?
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