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Fcuk the NDP

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Would it be safe to say that that is based on working about 9 months a year or is that off? And to be a teacher one would need at least a B.Ed correct?

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
So based on my math, teachers are underpaid compared to other public service workers with similar education. The problem may be with their union president.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Coming to this late, but I'll chime in with my two cents...

I'm essentially a self-employed lawyer. Because I do criminal defense, I have a mix of privately funded clientele and publically funded, "legal aid", or public defender a la carte if you will...

I don't have a pension. Or benefits. Or paid holidays. At all. I'm on call 24/7, because my clients don't tip me off when they're about to do stupid shite. I'm constantly hustling because if I don't answer that phone, the client will move on to the next. People about to be interrogated aren't exactly the most loyal consumers of legal services. Oh, and the legal aid rates have stayed the exact same since 1991, which means for almost 25 years the referrals have been on a 0-0-0 basis. The hourly rate, when we're lucky enough to have a case that qualifies for it, is $82 an hour. A legal aid spousal assault file, start to finish, all phone calls, appearances, meetings, negotiations, etc, grosses me $500. I'll take home about $300. Before tax.

Put the teachers in that kind of environment, and how many of them survive? I really wonder about a system where the union is hell-bent on preventing any kind of assessment based on merit, and there argument essentially boils down to "spend a whole bunch more money on us because it's all for the kids after all", or something like that... From where I sit, when you factor in the hours worked (and by the way, that's a max of five teaching hours a day, thank you very much), holidays, benefits, etc, teachers have it pretty damn good.

But there's another harsh reality here. Our post-secondary institutions are turning out three teachers for every teaching spot that comes available. These young, eager teachers would love to work for the wages the government is currently offering. Supply and demand, frankly, is biting the legal aid system in my line of work, and is going to come home to roost on the teachers if they're not careful.

This union hasn't been able to settle amicably in 20 years, some of them (as said earlier) with a hugely pro-union government in power. It's about time to revisit the whole idea of public sector unions, because to the extent it exists it needs to be functional. The BCTF is actually making me think that Raegan's approach to the tin pushers might have had some merit...


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Ah, but you see, I'm dealing with it by rolling up my sleeves and getting to work... the teachers... not so much...

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Boys, I'll say it again.....I'm very content with what I'm making but also know that I put a lot of time into my job.........because I enjoy it. End of story. The kids and a good portion of teachers are caught in the middle of this 'struggle'. As mentioned before, it's an embarrassing time to be a teacher but I'm not willing on giving up on the career.........yet. Uniballer, are you around? ;)


Active Member
Sep 24, 2006
Dirty Money
Teachers do not work 5 hours. That is a myth. How long would it take you to mark 200 essays 5 to 8 pages each? Most of the teachers put in well over 40 hours a week.

Education should be priority no matter what you want to be. Investing into our children and having positive role models is a key to a better society. Most of us remember a teacher and not a lawyer who had some impact in our lives. How many of you have actually gone in a school to see what takes place or the learning conditions? I have two sons in high school and the underfunding that goes into schools is a joke. I had to pay well over 1000$ for extra resources that they needed. The govt is cutting out music program because of lack of funding. That is some bad news. Canada is one of the leading nations in the world and needs to treat its education with a lot more pride.
How many of you coach? Would you coach 30+ students/players by yourself or would you have help?

The only change that I would like to see is teacher evaluation. If you are not being able to teach you should not have a right to a job.

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Second mediator has said "fcuk it, the two sides are too far apart."

Summer school is supposed to start on Monday, and supposedly has been ruled an essential service. Best interests of kids at heart my arse. Lock the reps from both sides in a tin shed without any breaks until they actually acknowledge each other and don't let them out until we have something we can all live with. Enough of this bullshite.:mad:


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Teachers do not work 5 hours. That is a myth. How long would it take you to mark 200 essays 5 to 8 pages each? Most of the teachers put in well over 40 hours a week.

Education should be priority no matter what you want to be. Investing into our children and having positive role models is a key to a better society. Most of us remember a teacher and not a lawyer who had some impact in our lives. How many of you have actually gone in a school to see what takes place or the learning conditions? I have two sons in high school and the underfunding that goes into schools is a joke. I had to pay well over 1000$ for extra resources that they needed. The govt is cutting out music program because of lack of funding. That is some bad news. Canada is one of the leading nations in the world and needs to treat its education with a lot more pride.
How many of you coach? Would you coach 30+ students/players by yourself or would you have help?

The only change that I would like to see is teacher evaluation. If you are not being able to teach you should not have a right to a job.
How many teachers currently teach 30+ students by themselves?


New Member
Sep 14, 2005
Dirty Money
My source is my class rosters. Over the past 8 years at least 4 of my 7 classes per year have been 30 or over.
Not sure specifics at the elementary level.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Teachers do not work 5 hours. That is a myth. How long would it take you to mark 200 essays 5 to 8 pages each? Most of the teachers put in well over 40 hours a week.

Education should be priority no matter what you want to be. Investing into our children and having positive role models is a key to a better society. Most of us remember a teacher and not a lawyer who had some impact in our lives. How many of you have actually gone in a school to see what takes place or the learning conditions? I have two sons in high school and the underfunding that goes into schools is a joke. I had to pay well over 1000$ for extra resources that they needed. The govt is cutting out music program because of lack of funding. That is some bad news. Canada is one of the leading nations in the world and needs to treat its education with a lot more pride.
How many of you coach? Would you coach 30+ students/players by yourself or would you have help?

The only change that I would like to see is teacher evaluation. If you are not being able to teach you should not have a right to a job.

Never said they worked five hours. I said they had five teaching hours, and by that I meant and should have said "instructional", or "classroom" hours. So, if they're all doing 3.5 hours of lesson planning and marking every single day, well then, I'll take it back. I think you'll find they aren't.

As for the relative value of different professions, we could discuss that ad infinitum. Suffice it to say I have run into plenty of clients I previously helped dig out of an unfortunate spot, and they've happily turned their lives around. Not every lawyer bills $600 and hour including while they're sitting on the toilet. Some of us actually do some woefully underpaid and incredibly important work for the poor, mentally ill, and otherwise vulnerable members of society...


Active Member
Sep 21, 2005
Dirty Money
"Almost every high school class is at 30."

My source is my class rosters. Over the past 8 years at least 4 of my 7 classes per year have been 30 or over.
Not sure specifics at the elementary level.

Fcuk... Not sure where you draw the line at every but I hope you don't teach math.

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