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Ferry Dispute

How do you feel about the Ferry strike?

  • Disgusted. Union's are crap.

    Votes: 7 26.9%
  • Doesn't effect me

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • Legal action against the union needs to be taken

    Votes: 10 38.5%
  • John should buck up $35 and do this himself.

    Votes: 5 19.2%
  • Why is John on strike?

    Votes: 2 7.7%
  • Ballbaby is the all time greatest idiot.

    Votes: 1 3.8%

  • Total voters


Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Anyone have anything to say with regards to this ongoing ferry strike? Possibly a moderator would like to set up a pole to see what TTP'ers feel on this subject?????????

Personally I can't stand this union and there complete arrogance towards to the public. It has been rumoured that Campbell would fire the works of them..............ala Ronald Regan and the air traffic controllers back in the early 80's. I think that is bit harsh but harsh fines and jail times should be issued to those responsible. There are thousands of people losing tons of money because of this and someone has to pay.



Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money

If anyone has access to yesterday's province newspaper go the section in the middle were they post peoples letters.
There are some great ones in there on how much people hate the ferry workers right now and how greedy they are.

I can't beleive a bunch of people making $20/hr serving food at an overpriced cafeteria are complaining that they are not making enough money and are working too much.
I'm sure there are a few unemployed people out there that would take half that amount to do that work.

Just my 2 cents.

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Its over

Just in .....

Ferry Strike over!
Dec 12, 2003

VICTORIA(CKNW/AM980) -- The BC Ferry Strike is over.

Both sides in the dispute have agreed to binding arbitration.

It's expected the ferries will be running again by sometime this afternoon.

I guess you could keep this thread open for all you right wing "cry me a private river" yahoos to vent.

If it was so essential then maybe Gordo should have kept it in public hands and not as a Private corp.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Well said Big T.

You're not going to get a great level of debate on such an issue.

Union haters will post their anti-union sentiments no matter what the particular circumstances are. The rest of us hear enough of this uninformed point of view in Vancouver's right wing influenced newspapers, tv and radio to give a toss.

And Yoda, those people you would like to see in the poorhouse collectively bargained their wages. What they earn is none of your business, just as whatever you make pouring slurpees is none of their business either.;)

Gordon Campbell is a cnut.

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Cambell the Cnut

Originally posted by Jinky
Gordon Campbell is a cnut.

This is the best thing Jinky has ever said.

It is time that organized labour stands up to this goverment,that is trying to break unions. Look what they have allready done in the hospitals and with B.C. Rail. I am proud of the Ferry workers for standing up to management and this Pro-Big Private Corpuration government. Campbell wants to break the unions and have workers throughout this province making 12 bucks an hour with more profits going to the rich business owners.

It may be time for a General Strike.

Gordon Campbell is a fukcing cnut.


ps. Who do you think owns the major media outlets, the same people that are in bed with Cambell and who want to break labour in BC.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
Well said, Jinky and HOS. People need to have a look at the big picture and form some coherent opinions based on fact not on the fcuking crap we are served up by the media here.


Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

I would buck up if Regs would show up at my place to collect:eek:

As for the strike etc..........I just don't like how they handled themselves. I think they should have had the right to strike under essential services but to do as they have is unexcusable. They broke the law and should pay a penelty for doing so.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2002
Dirty Money
Nobody really gives a fukc what the ferry workers make. It is the governments fault that some guy that stands in a parking lot waving a flashlight makes over $20.00 an hour. Gordon Campbell is a cnut.

The issue is that they have frozen people from getting to places that they need to go.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Cambell the Cnut

Originally posted by Hands of Stone
Campbell wants to break the unions and have workers throughout this province making 12 bucks an hour

Actually I'd say 12 bucks an hour is too much for a sign holder, or a cashier, wouldn't you say Mr City of Burnaby!!:eek:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
I think the options of this poll don't allow one to accurately voice their opinion so I'm not voting.

I think the Ferry workers have made a serious PR blunder. I also believe that management are a serious bunch of assholes who have fostered the ferry worker's approach. They treat their workers like dirt.

All this talk about wages and paying what your worth is fruitless without a true understanding of the dynamics as to what got us into this mess.............union wages/non-union wages and such. Really what it amounts to is the employer(s) are inept and have been for a long time. The employer of old exploited an ethnic labour force to establish their empires in our province. They abused them. These employers shaped and molded the left-winged union monsters they complain about. These employers are the same employers who bargain and negotiate at the table and sign off some stupid contracts that will have some deferred consequences.

Have some of our unions abused their power that was handed to them by bad management? YES. These unions have to eventually make the sacrifice to correct the imbalance created by a lousy management force. You see, if management did their job properly, especially at the bargaining table, we wouldn't be in this mess. Public sector management does not have the vested interest that public sector employees have. These managers come and go. They don't hang around for 30 years. They do their little stint and off to the next job. Meanwhile, it's the workers and the public that have to pick up the pieces.

The progressive unions, who are still viable today, have foreseen the imbalances and prepared their members. Afterall, everyone wants to keep their job. Unfortunately, our entire BC economy has been established on these "inflated" union wages. When you cut a $20.00 an hour cashier's wages to $12.50, you better realize the economic effect that will have on all of us. Welfare, here we come. Oh yes, the Liberals have taken care of that as well haven't they?:rolleyes:

I agree that some of hese wages are out of line but understand why they are. You are blaming the wrong people if you pick on the workers. I am more management minded than union minded, but I also acknowledge that people need to respect one another. I will only be successful if my employees are taken care of. I want them to be able to buy what they produce. They need to be healthy mentally and physically to produce and ultimately spend and fuel the economy. When you treat your employees like shite, you will get shite.

Who the fcuk can raise a family on $10.00 an hour? Huh? So you work three jobs to make ends meet. Your kids never see their parents. They are shaped into some of the undesireables we read about on the news. They become a strain on society. I can go on and on.

The pendulum is trying to center itself, but remember why it goes out of wack in the first place. Number one, treat people with respect.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
I've updated the poll to better suit your requirements Balls.

I told you already, if John paid his $35 he could have asked his own damn questions. Questions, probably a little more hard hitting and relevant to the way he would want the 'intellectual's', such as yourself and the others of this site to take his query's. By leaving it up to a moderator like say... me, is a risky maneuver at the best of times.

Now, pardon me while I go wind Aves up some more.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money

You have way too much power. Scary! Very scary!:eek:

This is what can happen when you have bad management.:confused:



Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Sure it is

Originally posted by Jinky

And Yoda, those people you would like to see in the poorhouse collectively bargained their wages. What they earn is none of your business, just as whatever you make pouring slurpees is none of their business either.;)

Never said i wanted them in the poorhouse, just to be happy they are making $20+/hr holding a flashlight or picking up garbage.

I left a union job making $21+/hr after 11 years, but i wasn't sitting in at every union meeting saying i deserved $25/hr for pouring slurpees (actually it was stocking produce). I knew i was making more than in deserved. I knew to leave a good thing alone. On the other hand, there were people that thought they deserved more. Whatever. To each his own.

Union's great if you're in one i guess.
The letters were still funny though.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
You've voted now then? Gosh I hoped up would have waited, seems I had a little type-o in that last option. Left out the i-d-i-o-t. Sorry.

I've fixed it now.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money

When I see you the next time, (gettin megged by a 10 year old), you better get those ostrich legs pumpin, because you'll see that Ballbaby can still run and catch what he is seeking.

This kind of abuse of power needs to be dealt with.



Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
The unions took advantage over the years of management that wasn't thinking of trying to think of making money but was a part of the government were money didn't really matter to them. The Ferries now have to supply themselves with all their capital etc and aren't being run by the gov't. They are being run as a for profit business and that's when the contracts became a serious problem. The company would like to kill the union. thats obvious but they won't be able to. the union had delusions of power they never had and thought of the Ferry corp as their domain. It's not, there just employees. They need to remember that. MMy company is unionized in alberta and not in BC. It's alot easier dealing with the union than all the bc employees. The bc employees certified to unionize 7 years ago. the union lied to the employees and they were eventually decertified. If unions are forward thinking, they can be a great thing. Unions that are stuck in the past and big on the power they can wield just seem to cause problems for everyone else. I agree with what the Ferry Corp. has done.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Boy, I can really get going on this one. It may even be worth breaking my peace treaty with Jinky. I'll try and keep it short for now...

First, this method of negotiation is discussing, and 100% unethical. As far as I'm concerned, throw every one of these illegal strikers in jail. They have not been locked out, so now is not the time to walk out. Negotiate in good faith, then strike when the current deal runs out. This is a huge PR blunder, to say the least. I don't know anyone (with the exception of some union people) who actually are sympathetic to the Ferry workers "plight".

The corporation is negotiating. Yes, it may be hard ball, but big fcuking deal. At least it is within the boundaries of the law. The workers, in turn, decide they have the right to put the lives and well being of the public and small businesses on hold.

Everyone knows the corp. will not end up with some of the demands they have made, but if it is in an effort to get back some economies of scale, all the power. Can anyone tell me how it is fair (except for the fact that it is written in the current agreement) that a worker will be paid for a full hour of overtime even if they only work one minute of OT? How ludicrous is that? Whichever provincial negotiator allowed that to be written in to the last agreement is a freaking moron.

Besides Balls: even if the impossible happened, and the corp. was able to negotiate in a pay reduction from $20.00 an hour cashier's wages to $12.50, who's to say that's not in line with reality? For fcuks sakes...they are cashiers! It isn't a job that should command $20.00 / hour, in any circumstance. It is because these people earn $20.00 per hour ringing in ice cream cones and newspapers that they don't better themselves with post secondary schooling or trades training to get work that actually validates being paid $20.00 / hour.

Rant #1 over.

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