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FIFA WC 2018 & 2022 Hosts


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
I have been to Qatar and I can't imagine a worrld cup there. But they do have plenty of time and a shite load of cash so you never know.


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
what's a Qatar?

world cup ball will be made from dead goats.

wonder what the official noise maker will be?

Rajinikanth !


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Qatar makes no sense.

a few things:
1. The heat, how are you going to convince the best players in the world to go here and play in that heat and risk major health issues and put their $xxx,xxx.xx per week contracts in peril?
2. This country cannot possibly have the infrastructure in place to host this event. The Countries population is just over 1.5 million people ffs...
3. Alcohol, since this is an Islamist state... (from wikipedia)
The laws of Qatar tolerate alcohol to a certain extent. However, the few bars and nightclubs in Qatar operate only in expensive hotels and clubs, much Distribution Company, the only importer and retailer for alcohol in Qatar. Under Qatar's Sharia, it is illegal to show alcohol or be drunk in public.
How much was inBev/Budweiser's WC 2010 South Africa's "official beer sponsor of the World Cup" deal worth!??!
4. The Laws, Qatar is a "liberal" Islamic State, however Shari'a law exists...(again from wikipedia)
When contrasted with other Arab states such as Saudi Arabia, for instance, Qatar has comparatively liberal laws, but is still not as liberal as some other Arab states of the Persian Gulf like UAE or Bahrain. Qatar is a civil law jurisdiction. However, Shari'a or Islamic law is applied to aspects of family law, inheritance and certain criminal acts. Women can legally drive in Qatar and there is a strong emphasis in equality and human rights brought by Qatar's National Human Rights Committee. Qatar also has the largest fines in the world in terms of traffic violation as per the recent change in 2010.

The country has undergone a period of liberalization and modernisation during the reign of the current Emir, Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, who came to power in 1995.

Ok, great, they allow the ladies to drive... FFS. :rolleyes:

What knuckle-dragging state are FIFA going to!?

5. Fcuk knows the political climate come 2022... The country is surrounded by three sides by the Persian Gulf.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I don't understand it.

They are going to Russia that has a massive problem with crime, organized gangs and corruption and Qatar, who hosted the World Under 20's in 1995 but in April when the weather was a bit cooler. It's also a little too close to places like Iraq, Iran and Yemen for my liking. Apparently They'll have air conditioned stadiums that will cool the temperature to 28 degrees. Hopefully, Al qaeda is repelled by air conditioning!


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
Johnny you are saying the world cup has to be celebrated your way and it cannot be celebrated by other cultures in the way they like.

I agree it is not going to be a typical world cup and the English hooligans are going to have to stay home. Like I said earlier they have a tonne of money and I have never seen a place that had as much construction going on as Qatar. They do love soccer and they are freindly people. They have hosted some big events before and you can drink but it is a little more difficult to do. I am sure they will make some concession. To address the heat issues I am sure they will just air condition the country for the time.


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
Johnny you are saying the world cup has to be celebrated your way and it cannot be celebrated by other cultures in the way they like.

I agree it is not going to be a typical world cup and the English hooligans are going to have to stay home. Like I said earlier they have a tonne of money and I have never seen a place that had as much construction going on as Qatar. They do love soccer and they are freindly people. They have hosted some big events before and you can drink but it is a little more difficult to do. I am sure they will make some concession. To address the heat issues I am sure they will just air condition the country for the time.

Last week Qatar was a 100-1 long shot to get the WC after fifa officials voiced concerns over to many high risk problems with the bid.

Iran will send over a congratulatory missle in the near future..

Qatar's Target just got bigger.

shite . I liked the wrong post. was meant for dezza not STD


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Last week Qatar was a 100-1 long shot to get the WC after fifa officials voiced concerns over to many high risk problems with the bid.
Then Jack Warner and Sepp Blatter had their bank accounts stuffed and all is well again.
Iran will send over a congratulatory missle in the near future..
They are allies with Iran... that is very concerning!!
STD said:
Johnny you are saying the world cup has to be celebrated your way and it cannot be celebrated by other cultures in the way they like.
I realize a large population of the world lives in countries with Islamic religious law... they are also caveman societies rife with issues. just because they do it doesn't mean that we (the developed world that appreciates human (all people, genders, and religions)) should abide the atrocities committed by and in these lands.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Isn't the country like 20 miles wide x 80 miles long? Surrounded by water on 3 sides? Seriously... the whole country is a quarter the size of Vancouver Island FFS. They will have the venues, hotels, etc to host this event?

The border line-ups are going to be for days.

This will be an unmitigated disaster. Unless, of course, they dont want any fans attending. Then they will be fine.


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
Dirty Money
Then Jack Warner and Sepp Blatter had their bank accounts stuffed and all is well again.

They are allies with Iran... that is very concerning!!

I realize a large population of the world lives in countries with Islamic religious law... they are also caveman societies rife with issues. just because they do it doesn't mean that we (the developed world that appreciates human (all people, genders, and religions)) should abide the atrocities committed by and in these lands.

Russia should be interesting...who doesn't like a nice Svetlana or Irina to keep those summer nights hot? :wa:

As for Qatar...Fortunately as fans we have the ultimate power... B-O-Y-C-O-T-T!!!


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money

Does the religious tolerance include catholics and how they were treated by the English not long ago and still by some bigots today in Northern Ireland. Or for that matter how about the catholics that went on the crusades to the middle east, the Germans and the Jews. What about the Americans and their treatment of Africian Americans, go down south even today. Before we get on our high horses we should look at our own past and maybe learn a little bit more about peoples cultures before we pass judgement from afar. I felt safer in Qatar than I do in Vancouver and I bet you are more likely to get in a fight or mugged, stabbed or shot by someone in England or the US then you would in Qatar.
Of course there is a risk but there are different risks everywhere. Maybe it will be a good time for people to learn a little more before we pass judgement.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
Isn't the country like 20 miles wide x 80 miles long? Surrounded by water on 3 sides? Seriously... the whole country is a quarter the size of Vancouver Island FFS. They will have the venues, hotels, etc to host this event?

The border line-ups are going to be for days.

This will be an unmitigated disaster. Unless, of course, they dont want any fans attending. Then they will be fine.

Drove the country in a day and there is not much to see or do.

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