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Fraser Valley Knight League 2003


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Rangers - Sikh Temple

Absolute fcuking nightmare.

We start with 9 guys.
They're fully sided.
Can you guess how the game went?
Put it this way, I'm in the pipes......

They're up 4 fcuking nil after like a half hour and the result is not even in question.
Two of their goals are unbelievable crackers.
However, it gets way worse.
One of our guys tackles one of they're guys and snap - buhbye both bones in his leg.
They're pissed and it's not looking good to ensure the game gets finished before the lights go off.
Ref calls the match before even half time is reached.
It's always a pleasure to have a top class ref like Bob Sawtell in the middle and to have us not even show up and then have the 'incident' happen leaves a bitter taste in my mouth quite frankly.

What a waste on all counts.

Have a good weekend chaps and best wishes to the young lad on Temple,



Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: Rangers - Sikh Temple

Originally posted by Rangerforever
One of our guys tackles one of they're guys and snap - buhbye both bones in his leg.

Your team is down 4-0, and your guy does a tackle that breaks someones leg?:rolleyes:

I wonder why the game got called.:rolleyes:

hard ballz

Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2001
Dirty Money
Temple vs. Rangers....

Might we add the hit was a cheap one and from behind! Well played by your team with what you had but it seems to be the same guy playing left back that is playing dirty year after year. Last year the same guy took a run at one of our guys until our guys went after him when the ref didn't call anything. I think the ref made a very wise move by calling the game off at that point becuase it may have got ugly. I was just surprised the guy had the balls to yap back after what he did. I guess the second game should be a thriller especially if that cnut is playing.......I hate to say it but I'm sure our guys will take some dirty runs at him during the game.......hopefully he has the balls to show up to the game.....

p.s.....thanks to some of the Ranger players for the helping hand while our guy was down...it helped!......what kind of suspension is the cnut facing?

p.s...our guy is out of Surrey Memorial as of Sunday and will have to wait for 8-10 days to see if he will need a rod or not....he is 16 years old.

Hard Ballz:mad:


Active Member
Jul 26, 2001
Dirty Money
Post the fcukin moron's name who took out his frustrations on a 16 year old........That guy should have the book thrown at him.....If Mastro was supended for a high/swinging elbow, this putz should be tossed for a long time. Knowing the Temple brass......that guy should consider himself lucky (thanks to Sawtell) he was allowed to walk off the pitch



New Member
Sep 3, 2002
Dirty Money
the name

I believe the name was Ian. (don't know the last name)

I was at the game and will verify that it was definately a brutal tackle. I can understand a team down 4 bagel being a little frustrated and wanting to show the other squad that they might be down but are still to be reckoned with by a little physical play, but that was just disgusting!!!

To make things worse, he did his best impersonation of Jarko Ruuto with his mouth and hand chirping!!! In my opinion, that was classless and gutless! Here's a guy who just shattered some kid's leg and he's chirping away!!! It just lets you know about that the guy himself and his character.

Luckily Sawtell saw it all, including his antics after the hit as well. From what I hear Sawtell has bipassed the summer league brass and went directly to BCSA.

I do want to reckognize the two Ranger players, including Rangerforever who did their best to help the situation and help the young lad laying on the field. It shows that the team is not represented one individual's actions.

Hopefully BCSA will come down hard.

hard ballz

Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2001
Dirty Money
Temple vs. Surrey Peg.

Temple tied Surrey 3-3 and lost the extra points in the shootout. Surrey is a quick young team and played a very clean game. Well played at Kabbadi park.

p.s.......RE: Ian ( Rangers ).......I talked to JB and he says the CNUT is suspended indefinitely and will not get to play against Temple ever again....too bad:( .....We would rather have him play.

Hard Ballz


New Member
Mar 16, 2002
Dirty Money

I believe the name was Ian. (don't know the last name)

Don't ever throw names out when you have no idea who you are talking about man.

Luckily Sawtell saw it all, including his antics after the hit as well. From what I hear Sawtell has bipassed the summer league brass and went directly to BCSA.

I am positive he will follow the appropriate laws and regulations as he is a professional.

You really should keep heresay out of things and leave this issue alone man.

Good luck on the young fellows recovery. EVERYONE wishes him well.


New Member
Jan 18, 2002
Dirty Money
Good recovery

I just wanted to say I hope the lad recovers without any problems. The thought of a 16 year old getting wacked like that in a summer league makes me puke. Summer for me is co-ed soccer and beers and lots of them. Really this is too bad.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
I agree with Balsa, don't throw names around unless you know for sure who it was. From what I heard, it was not an Ian!

TTP is hardly the place to state what your future actions towards an individual will be. Not smart.

I also agree that there was no need for such a stupid act to occur whether the victim is 16 or not. Crap!

I hope he recovers fully! Best of luck!

hard ballz

Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2001
Dirty Money

I think it is wise for us to mention the name and yes it was an Ian.....this guy has taken runs at our guys for the last 4 years as long as we've been entering the league. Last year he took a run at one of our over 35 year olds when his team was winning and the game out of reach......that's uncalled for and now to see this happen! In this same game he took 3 runs at guys at our guys
.....one of our guys coming off a 5 month injury and that's when I subbed him off and put the 16 year old in......then he takes another run at another guy....luckily he jumped over his tackle and our guy told him to relax buddy that it was just a summer league and he was told to f-off! Personally, I hope this guy is punished hard.....it's just frustrating thinking about it.

p.s....any other results from the knight league?

Hard Ballz


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
and that's when I subbed him off and put the 16 year old in
So let's stop wanking off anymore then about this happening to a poor 16-year old, OK? If this supposed dirty player is known for doing this sort of stuff, who's really to blame? I'm not attempting to defend anyone's actions here but you can't have it both ways.

Let's also drop the naming names on TTP. Beside the point that I don't think it was anyone named "Ian", this is not the place for it and will not be tolerated any further. If names continue to be posted, TTP accounts will be banned.




Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
An olive branch extended....

OK - I'm going to speak briefly as I've been asked to.
I won't mention names except noted below.
I'm sure it will come out anyway sometime soon.
The "player in question" was not Ian McLean.
Ian was watching the game and his name may have been mentioned in the process as he also is a firefighter and could have been looked for to assist in the aftermath.

Shagoholic: Thank you for the compliment.
I was only trying to make the best out of a horrific situation.

First off, to the Temple lads, everyone understands how you feel.
You have every right to be choked and on behalf of my team no one enjoyed seeing what happened.

I will also not defend or try to justify what happened.
This is not an attempt to sway public opinion.
I do however want to say a few things about the "player in question".
I've known him for years and played with him for years.
Both in the summer and the VMSL.
I don't know why, but he's had a few run ins with your team in particular over the last few summers.
He is absolutely gutted right now.
I want the Temple guys to know he is actually a long standing member of the local soccer community.
We're talking about an ex-professional here and a guy who has been capped for his country at different stages of his playing days.
He is also a well respected coach too.
My sincerest opinion is as much as it was reckless, I don't think he thought the end result would have been as terrible as it was.
A possible momentary lapse of reason?
Human beings have a tendency to fcuk up sometimes.

At the end of the day, he apparently would like to talk to the coach of your side and formally apologize.
I also have been led to believe that he is man enough to admit his mistakes in front of your whole team knowing full well the rage you all feel at the moment.
I'm sure he will be in attendance at our next game at Kabbadi.

I'm not talking about it anymore on here and in fact I wanted to avoid it entirely.

Hardballz et al:
If you're interested in what he has to say, please PM me.

Best regards,


New Member
Mar 16, 2002
Dirty Money

Well said Ranger.

I think it is wise for us to mention the name and yes it was an Ian

Hard Ballz I am sure Ian will accept your apology for your unintentional slander. :)

hard ballz

Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2001
Dirty Money

The reason why I said it was Ian is because that's the name JB gave me at the game last night.....all in all, if it's the wrong guy it's the wrong guy....we know who we're talking about.

p.s...Rangerforever....thanks for that last reply and I will pm you....hopefully we could put most of this crap to an end on here anyway.

p.s....Balsa...Hard Ballz doesn't need a mediator...thanks anyways!

Hard Ballz

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