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[FVSL Masters Premier Division] Predictions, Results, & Banter 2016/2017

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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm not part of that sidelines, im friends with both these teams but regardless only "sheep" get intimidated. Need thick skin, a set of balls and competence to be a ref, he, unfortunately, has none of the above.

OK, again, LOL and whatever.

You can write whatever you want, but from your first post accusing Kyle of being racist, to the last one accusing him of being a sheep, your stance has been completely one-sided, and missing a huge element of the actual truth. No ref abandons a game without what they feel is good cause. Doesn't happen.

I can totally envision Kyle losing control of this game. As stated, I didn't think he was a great ref specifically because of that- he didn't seem to handle the heat under the collar well. Especially in Div. 1 or Masters (any level) where the players are frequently on the back side of their higher playing days. Premier? I can actually see him being fine, and that's mostly because at that level, the manager has such a tight reign on guys, they are following direction. At Langley, we had this coach. Nobody liked him, and he had bad hair, but every match we'd talk about the officiating crew, and their history, and what we needed to do to manage him. Kyle did some of our games them, wasn't a problem...mostly because we weren't a problem. Two years later, playing div. 1, and coach bad mullet wasn't on the reigns, the (largely) same group of now vets playing Div. 1 were our own worst enemies, and yes, I remember Kyle having some nightmares at that level, then Masters. But we, as players, certainly didn't help him or ourselves. Yes, I felt he was a terrible ref at those levels, because he couldn't take it. Pinter, for example, could. Do I believe Kyle had a mare? Yes. Do I believe he was his own worst enemy? Also yes. Do I believe you when you say the players or supporters didn't also inflame the situation? Not for a second.

So, when you spin a story telling us it wasn't a threatening environment, that the ST players were completely innocent in the matter, didn't inflame the situation, and your supporters didn't inflame it, I can see right through it. WB wouldn't have escorted him off if he wasn't concerned. Something was up.

In the meantime, yes, you've piled on this guy with accusations of being racist, to calling him - paraphrasing- a castrated sheep. He's not a bad dude. Bad ref? Yes, I don't mind saying that. In my experience, for the most part, he was. Oh well, my opinion. Not a bad guy, definitely not a racist, and frankly, that article that Polska brought up shows another side where he's actually a pretty good guy, with a spine, and passions outside this game that he happens to be quite talented at.

So, whatever.
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Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Big T, you know I have nothing but the utmost respect for you, but can you honestly say your sideline / supporters weren’t being intimidating? Honestly? And, in the course of the game, as Kyle made bad decision after bad decision, was he ever approached by a mob of players? Was he ever surrounded by Delta’s crew, for that matter? See, they don’t have to touch him, or even swear at him to be deemed as threatening.

Again, I’m not here defending Kyle's match- didn’t see it, but by all account, he had a nightmare. But it still doesn’t add up that he abandoned for no reason. Doesn’t make sense. Is it possible that after finally asking the supporters to leave the pitch, and they didn’t, he’d felt he’d had enough, and felt threatened enough by the situation to abandon?

Actually Dude, in this instance the supporters were not intimidating.
1) all Temple supporters were kicked off the field before the game started. ND supporters allowed to stay. He was already antongiizing the situation before the game.
2) all supporters stayed behind the fence outside of the field.
3) no supporter threatened him
4) no supporter went to the field after the game.... I have seen refs surrounded by another team to help him out. This was not the case. He stood in the middle of the pitch as the next two teams got warmed up for their game
5) our supporters can be rowdy and loud but this was not one of those instances where the supporters were out of control
6) players walked away after he abandoned the game
7) he felt intimidated by the shortest and smallest player on our team after he gave him a red for asking why was that a foul. The guy is literally 5 ft 2 and weighs 140 lbs.... Really? One guy on the entire squad.
8) he couldn't handle everyone saying are you kidding after every one of his bone head calls.
9) he wrote in his ref report that the sideline calling him urkel was abusive... Cmon grow some skin
10) he did not abandon for no reason... He lost control of the game due to his ego. Handing out 2 red cards, throwing a coach out of the game because he could not control spectators. He could not control the game any longer because every decision was bone headed. He wrote in his report he didn't want to continue the game prior to the red cards cuz of the loud supporters.. This is all premeditated on his part. This guy simply can't ref.

I'm sure everyone has a bad day but you try to focus on the game. Block out the noise. He overstepped his bounds and he got called out for it.

So dude enough with the intimidation talk... That's all bs. I've seen teams go ballistic over calls and still shake the ref hand afterwards. This is all made up shite to protect his ass from doing a shite job for both teams.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Come. On.

You guys can't see it in yourselves to take any blame for the situation? Not a bit? Because if you guys were as calm as you are selling, he would have never seen the need to abandon. He wouldn't have been intimidated into that decision.

Not defending his abilities (or, inability) to manage a game like this. Do you see me disputing any of his actual on-pitch performance?

But you know, it takes two-to-tango, and I don't believe for a minute you as supporters didn't do anything to escalate this.

Do I agree the match should have been given to a different official? Yes, absolutely. Do I believe you guys as supporters didn't contribute to an intimidating situation? Not for a second. You are asking this guy to man-up, and grow thick skin? Then you guys (and I mean you as supporters) need to be ready to man-up, and take responsibility for your part in escalating the debacle.

I don't see any ND guys on here, or their supporters, posting. Why? Because they are being smart about this.


New Member
Mar 29, 2017
Dirty Money
This will be my first and last post here so all you Thomas Mills fanboys can listen up, clearly you think he can do no wrong by reading these forums.

Has anyone checked out the schedule for this weekend? For those who haven't, let me fill you in:

ND vs SFC on Thurs at 9pm to finish the abandoned game. Winner to play in Masters Cup Final

Masters Cup Final Saturday at 5:30pm

SFC vs South Surrey Saturday at 6:00pm

SFC vs Surrey United Sunday at 12:00pm

Thomas, at least hide your favoritism just a tiny little bit and it won't make it so obvious to everyone ya cnut. Is the league predicting that SFC won't make the final so they scheduled them for a Saturday game? How can a league executive who does the scheduling be that disrespectful? I don't see ND scheduled at all during the weekend for any makeup games?

About the title race, talk about the integrity of a league. Coastal forfeits a game which could decide the title and league does nothing about it. Zero INTEGRITY regardless of what anyone of you think. I do understand that injuries, etc can play a part but that's something for a team to manage and there should be repercussions. Had you been in that same position, you would say the same.

So before any of you fanboys start crying to defend him, just wipe his jizz out of your eyes and take a look at it for yourself.

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Come. On.

You guys can't see it in yourselves to take any blame for the situation? Not a bit? Because if you guys were as calm as you are selling, he would have never seen the need to abandon. He wouldn't have been intimidated into that decision.

Not defending his abilities (or, inability) to manage a game like this. Do you see me disputing any of his actual on-pitch performance?

But you know, it takes two-to-tango, and I don't believe for a minute you as supporters didn't do anything to escalate this.

Do I agree the match should have been given to a different official? Yes, absolutely. Do I believe you guys as supporters didn't contribute to an intimidating situation? Not for a second. You are asking this guy to man-up, and grow thick skin? Then you guys (and I mean you as supporters) need to be ready to man-up, and take responsibility for your part in escalating the debacle.

I don't see any ND guys on here, or their supporters, posting. Why? Because they are being smart about this.

Yes we should not have said that was a bad cal... Yes we should not have said what the hell when our guy gets taken down by last man and doesn't get a red..... Yes we should have smelled the roses and yelled jolly good ref everytime he tried to bend us over.... Yes we are to blame.

Why would ND say anything .... 2 man advantage, 30 min OT, fvsl scheduling SFC for a game at the same time as the cup final. ST to play 2 games in 16 hours. The fix is in. Why would we say anything? We are to blame. Right. Carry on.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
BTW, not to get too serious about this...but..

Thursday night, 9:00, same officiating crew going back to finish the match. Kyle, back in the middle.

It's the way it needs to be, in all fairness, but fcuk me, this is better than reality TV.

Any chance of a batch of Samosas being whipped up, and some dancing girls in saris? Let's go, T, make that happen and I'll join you in the throng yelling "Urkel". Better, some signs with this guy's face stapled on, and a big red line drawn through. Money.


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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Clearly I'm just here for my own amusement now.

Even Kyle would laugh.


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Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2011
Dirty Money
Clearly I'm just here for my own amusement now.

Even Kyle would laugh.

I doubt Kyle would laugh. He would cry.

He tried raping SFC but they fought back and he couldn't handle it and ran back home with ball in hand. But in your eyes, they should have just bent over for him like @Big T said right?

You keep saying he's a good ref if no one says anything so then why did he kick SFCs 2 supporters off the sideline but let ND's stay before kickoff? Why did he give a yellow to someone coming onto the field at the advice of his linesman? Why did he then decide to give a PK due to that? This is all prior to anyone saying a word. What was he intimidated by? Please explain @Dude since there HAS to be another side to it


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
LOL, you are losing the plot.

Let me summarize:

You open with accusing him of being racist. You use his full name, open forum on the internet, and volley a completely baseless accusation of this man being racist. A good guy, teacher, youth coach, father to a young kid, a guy contributing to his community, and you are accusing him of being racist, when in reality, his worst sin is he is a bad referee. Please, step outside your world, and use a bit of perspective. You went STRAIGHT to the race card just because Kyle had a bad match.

This is Master's Men's amateur soccer, not life or death...yet you using his name in association with the Racist accusation does make it more life or death than soccer for him. Not for you, not for me, not for any of the players or supporters at the game, but for him it does.

That is the point you totally lost any credibility in this conversation. Ignore everything else, you baselessly accused a good man of being racist, then tried to push it aside as if it was nothing serious. I don't care if Kyle is the worst ref on the planet, he didn't deserve that.

The Urkle stuff, the stuff about him having thin skin, whether he should have abandoned or not...all debatable, and not so serious. Accusing a man of being racist, you don't seem to feel is serious. So...it doesn't matter what you say or write on this, credibility is not there.

Free Urkle.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Am I in the EPL thread here? Whitecaps? Or is this just FVSL Masters soccer? fcuk me, so bent out of shape. Temple so hard done by this season! Racist ref screwed them over, All Star Team selection didn't go well, intentional scheduling screw over. Wow! You guys have it tough!!

Christ sake, there's how many divisions in the FVSL?, do you think they have time to sit down and plot ways to screw just you over? You give yourselves too much credit, nobody gives that much of a shite about you to put the time in!
Any thoughts on actually contacting the league and mentioning the scheduling error? Or just moan about it and try to go for 2 games at once? Then moan again.

What is trying to be "fixed"? That an ethnic team can't win the league or cup? Is the Executive racist now too? Seriously?

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Am I in the EPL thread here? Whitecaps? Or is this just FVSL Masters soccer? fcuk me, so bent out of shape. Temple so hard done by this season! Racist ref screwed them over, All Star Team selection didn't go well, intentional scheduling screw over. Wow! You guys have it tough!!

Christ sake, there's how many divisions in the FVSL?, do you think they have time to sit down and plot ways to screw just you over? You give yourselves too much credit, nobody gives that much of a shite about you to put the time in!
Any thoughts on actually contacting the league and mentioning the scheduling error? Or just moan about it and try to go for 2 games at once? Then moan again.

What is trying to be "fixed"? That an ethnic team can't win the league or cup? Is the Executive racist now too? Seriously?
Yoda - Let's stop the racist crap. Thats all bs ttp chat stuff..... ST is not calling him a racist. A bad ref yes, a biased ref yes, a perceived antagonist yes.

As for the league.... Thr fix is this.... Why schedule ST for 6 pm sat nite game? the semi final hasn't been played and the cup final is at 530 pm sat nite? Is there an assumption that we won't make the cup final? Hmmm I don't know but it seems like that. Then sending the same idiot out to finish the game when he had given 4 bogus reds. Hmmmm I don't know seems dumb to me.

I think the whole cup game should be replayed. It was 2 to 2. We had the momentum with 10 men. We scored with 10 men. Would have won it in injury time if the ref hadn't decided to give the game to ND.

If the league wants us to play 2 games in 16 hours we will... As long as you make ND do that as well...... This is for the the title. Don't favour one team over another.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Gezus H riding a seatless bloody tricycle ... If any of you had any real information you would be a danger to the public.

Kyle is not a racist. You're disgusting for even implying so. Hiding behind screen names. I dare you to say this to anyone in person. Give us your names so we can google you...

Schedules are a nightmare and have been since snowmageddon ... EVERY SINGLE WEEK at least half a dozen teams in all divisions get scheduled multiple times in multiple games to suit multiple scenarios based on the teams available to play... I'm shocked you can't see that. Actually I'm not really now. Straight to accusations and conspiracy. If Temple don't beat ND Thursday then they need to make up games. If they do, then they play in the cup finals. Provincial cut spots have a drop dead date. The season was supposed to be over this weekend, you know that right? That about all I'm willing to address... the rest is pure shite and some of you should take a break from being pricks for a while.

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