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Premier FVSL Premier 2019/20

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Active Member
Aug 1, 2019
Dirty Money
Sounds like this Azad guy is a bit of a cokc pump and not a club guy if he would back door the current Langley United premier team who are doing everything in their ability to work in the youth from his division 1 squad. Not a great look for the “united” club. Seems like it makes more sense for a club the size of Langley united to have teams in both prem and div 1 but sounds like the current prem squad has done everything in their ability to do so but when you have a major ego and untrustworthiness of the division 1 coach it all makes sense. Shady business, horrible look for the club.

I know azad personally from being around Willoughby and playing against him. He is a prideful guy. He has the right connections and he’s fizzling out of the premier peg team as a player in the next few years. I see him taking coaching his Langley squad serious. Yous got to think the league has to award teams with there ability to preform. Otherwise yous will have Vancouver Uniteds playing in premier every season.


Active Member
Aug 24, 2019
Dirty Money
I know azad personally from being around Willoughby and playing against him. He is a prideful guy. He has the right connections and he’s fizzling out of the premier peg team as a player in the next few years. I see him taking coaching his Langley squad serious. Yous got to think the league has to award teams with there ability to preform. Otherwise yous will have Vancouver Uniteds playing in premier every season.

Ok so counter point if he is the technical director of the men’s program in Langley united (which he is) why doesn’t he let it be known that he intends to coach the men’s premier team at Langley united and begin to instil his philosophy within the program as a whole. Obviously it would ruffle some feathers and I am sure guys would leave but isn’t your club better as a whole with one team at the top of the pyramid, instead of two teams fighting for the same bodies. Personal Pride is what continues to hurt soccer in the lower mainland (especially in the Fraser Valley), BC and Canada as a whole. This is minuscule in the scheme of things but people cannot step back and see the bigger picture.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
BOD for being out of touch, but still posting a bunch of nonsense.

So it seems whenever I make any sort of post that is either inaccurate or not of an opinion others agree with I get flamed both publicly from people who post (LFC1,2,3,4), or privately from lurkers. Today my two biggest grievances appear to be that I did not know there were two Azads, and that I was writing nice things about the league.

The lurker line has been firing big time today. Wow.

I guess it’s one thing to post something negative about the league, but post something positive? Text box lights up.

Gents, if you want to post, post. Come up with a handle and post, don’t be a pussy.

Today I’ve been privately accused of wearing pom poms for the FVSL. Yeah, truth hurts. I am a fan, I’d love for it to succeed, but I can’t see a light at the end of the tunnel if I’m being honest.

The turnover of the clubs is massive. I see that Dave guy doing his best to plug the dam, but he doesn’t have enough fingers, and it hurts when the guy poking holes in the dam is his own ED. Surrey United should never, ever be a have-not team in any Premier division, it’s a talent factory. Dave H having to suit up. Fcuk me man, I hope it was in the pipes! I get a jammer just thinking about actually trying to run with these kids. The fact players aren’t returning to the Surrey United men’s Premier team says more about the league than the club. The post above about players being poached off of Chilliwack to go to Port Moody, we’ll…that’s damning. I know it’s been stated here before, so it’s not new news. It seems that the ED is resoundingly disliked by many, who knows if all, but I’d suspect most. The optics of conflict of interest are bad, and if even some of those optics are true, well….

Today I learned that there are at least two entities in the FVSL named Azad. All this time I thought it was the player, I seem to remember him playing for Guilford not too long ago, I guess now playing for Peg, but a paid coach in Langley system, and looking to get his team up. I still don’t see the pathway being clear, but I suppose if LUYSA wants a team in Men’s then there is a way. I dunno. Still involves switching clubs, but whatever. All this talk w/ Langley United all of a sudden making a run towards the top of the table hardly screams of a club hurting for talent at the moment. Seems very weird and convoluted to me, but hey, I’m out of touch.

The whole promotion discussion is fun, but frankly, who the eff actually knows who will be left next year. Eventually top clubs are going to get sick of the shenanigans and take the first ticket out of the league. I can’t imagine the VMSL wouldn’t love to poach one or two clubs over.

@dezza , I suppose my choices are to either post inaccuracies, or to post what your, ahem, “Coach” wanted me to post two years ago when he called me to tell me none of your players ever received compensation (in an obvious attempt to drag Mill’s name through the mud), or last year when he PMed me to tell me Wagner owed Langley’s run in the 2018 Provincials to him phoning Wagner to warn about some ITC crackdown? And to tell me had Rino’s had the chance to play Langley in that quarter final it would have been Rino’s in the final and not Langley? Yeah, I thought that was a classy message, too. Out of the blue, messaging me to say Langley didn’t deserve to be in the finals. Nice. Never did answer the question as to how Rino’s was able to attract Gindo over from Langley, did he? Never a question answered as to how an “amateur” men’s club that has been accused by even it’s own member clubs of paying players didn’t deserve to have success, right? A very serous and sincere fcuk right off to you, dezza, and your “coach”. Maybe if you don’t like what I post, try not to influence it by calling me and messaging me with bold-face lies. Cool? Cool.

So here is my real opinion: I don’t see a light at the end of this tunnel, or the dam ever being plugged. I think the only way forward, literally, is for the best teams to leave and force one, solid, Tier III league to emerge from both leagues. I think you have a bunch of well intentioned, really good guys doing their best to run a FVSL league yet seem to be in constant disarray, and the turmoil seems to all come from one place. I wish my friend Dave would retire and enjoy watching his two gifted children just play the game. Walk away, and come up to see me for some skiing. I’ll even treat you to one (1) full pint of beer.

The rest of you assholes can get on TTP and type up your own shite, FFS.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Sure, whatever you'd like to believe. I could go right ahead and post the messages if that'd make you feel better.

Eat a dick.


New Member
Nov 17, 2019
Dirty Money
{they have}
17 of them that are 18-19yr old. My under standing is a lot of those guys will be 19-20yr by the end off the season. Based on their birth year.

7 of them are 20+ yrs old. With some of those being their key players.

it’s always something to be noteworthy of however if yous look at the rest of the league their players are 20-25 aswell. SAFC, Coastal, Vancouver United, Abbotsford all has a relatively young squad as well. not a soul closing in on 30 yet. Maybe one or twos on each team but not like their playing against dinosaurs.
9 out of 11 starters against safc just turned 18 this year


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
The fact players aren’t returning to the Surrey United men’s Premier team says more about the league than the club.

Agree. The proof is somewhat in the pudding here. It is not necessarily the location as, with the exception of Abbotsford, the two leagues essentially overlap. Clearly it is a question of player preference for the league. While you can argue "money" for some of the teams if you want, there are others that don't pay and have no problem enticing players away from the Valley. I personally think it is league structure. Three games against the same seven teams, plus two cups, should breed great rivalries in theory. But when those games including multiple freebies against teams that cannot compete, it becomes tedious.

The whole promotion discussion is fun, but frankly, who the eff actually knows who will be left next year. Eventually top clubs are going to get sick of the shenanigans and take the first ticket out of the league. I can’t imagine the VMSL wouldn’t love to poach one or two clubs over.

Doubt it. Not that the VMSL would not take them, just that they will not blow holes into their current system which already has healthy promotion/relegation. With the exception of Masters Premier, where I am sure the league would welcome Pomo with open arms, all other teams would have to start at the bottom. There is, of course, the option of "merging" into the league the way North Delta did, but the VMSL is not going to hand out Premier or even Division 1 spots even if it is Coastal/Langley/Surrey knocking on their door. Would it make the top tier "better" to include those teams? Probably, but that would undermine a very competitive Div. 1/Div. 2/Div. 3 promotion contest.

Again, for me, this is where the FVSL's problem is. Nobody in Division 1 wants to play Premier. Nobody in Division 2 wants to play Division 1 because (a) they also don't have any interest in perhaps one day climbing into Premier; and (b) because they want to play in the Provincial Cup, which is ironic given that the B Cup is pretty much an afterthought for the VMSL teams and, despite clearly placing some sort of value on it, has only ever been won once by an FVSL side (ACBC in 2010). The only real promotion races worth watching are in Division 3 and 4 of the FVSL where the teams at the top look like they actually want to go up.

I suppose my choices are to either post inaccuracies, or to post what your, ahem, “Coach” wanted me to post two years ago when he called me to tell me none of your players ever received compensation (in an obvious attempt to drag Mill’s name through the mud), or last year when he PMed me to tell me Wagner owed Langley’s run in the 2018 Provincials to him phoning Wagner to warn about some ITC crackdown? And to tell me had Rino’s had the chance to play Langley in that quarter final it would have been Rino’s in the final and not Langley? Yeah, I thought that was a classy message, too. Out of the blue, messaging me to say Langley didn’t deserve to be in the finals. Nice.

I totally believe this happened, I just doubt it was the coach. No chance Blaise could put that many cohesive sentences together unless you guys were conversing in french! :D

So here is my real opinion: I don’t see a light at the end of this tunnel, or the dam ever being plugged. I think the only way forward, literally, is for the best teams to leave and force one, solid, Tier III league to emerge from both leagues. I think you have a bunch of well intentioned, really good guys doing their best to run a FVSL league yet seem to be in constant disarray, and the turmoil seems to all come from one place.

I am not sure things are quite this bleak. Again, I think it just requires a little, shall we say, heavy handedness on the part of the league to precipitate a better competitive environment. Look at Masters this year. They were faced with a crisis because nobody wanted to play Masters Premier against the established clubs and it forced their hand. Sure there have been some lopsided results, and the usual suspects have risen to the top, but it appears that they will be able to form two competent divisions moving forward. I don't think it needs to be quite so drastic in Open, but there is no reason the league cannot say that they are having two leagues of 10 (instead of the 8 and 12 they have now) with strict promotion and relegation and force a handful of teams "up." Sure, maybe it turns out one or two of those teams cannot compete at the higher level, but maybe one or two other can.

Point is there is no way it would make things somehow worse off than they are now.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
Today my two biggest grievances appear to be that I did not know there were two Azads, and that I was writing nice things about the league.

Today I learned that there are at least two entities in the FVSL named Azad. All this time I thought it was the player, I seem to remember him playing for Guilford not too long ago, I guess now playing for Peg, but a paid coach in Langley system, and looking to get his team up. I still don’t see the pathway being clear, but I suppose if LUYSA wants a team in Men’s then there is a way. I dunno. Still involves switching clubs, but whatever. All this talk w/ Langley United all of a sudden making a run towards the top of the table hardly screams of a club hurting for talent at the moment. Seems very weird and convoluted to me, but hey, I’m out of touch.

So you didn't know that there were two Azads, but you did know Azad the player... And you obviously knew about the team CCB Azad because they're clearly listed on the FVSL Umbro League site you linked.

So what the fuk are you on about? The fact that Azad the team and Azad the player/coach are two different things was also mentioned in this thread earlier in the year... specifically by me. The kid who was @Soccer99 and got banned and re-appeared as @Ronaldo. 07 even replied that he didn't know who Azad the person was and that he had nothing to do with the team.

I'm not sure if your reading comprehension is dogshite or you are just senile, perhaps both. Regardless you can fcuk off back to Squamish or wherever you are hiding out these days.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2019
Dirty Money
9 out of 11 starters against safc just turned 18 this year

we have ANOTHER CCB employee! I mean player {slip of the tongue per say} so we’re counting how many hairs are on the sack now are we mate. Well well. Join men’s league yous play with men. Next time maybes yous will register as a U21 team then and not have your best players be the ones who are 20+. Stop with this non sense and just play. Yous don’t see coastal or PMO on here saying how theys got this guy whos 30 years old being able to run circles around 18 year olds. Just play footy mate.

Mbappe is 20, when he was 18 no one was saying he needs to do this and this to be better then them. He was already better then them. Sid from Coastal is one of the best players in the league. Possibly the province and he’s 19.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2019
Dirty Money
Actually BC Soccer announced earlier this month that Talisuna is the best player in the province

how much do yous think he’ll cost to pry away from Millsy. Also “one of” was a main part yous must of misread it’s ok you’re Uste to dealing with finances not sentences I get it mate.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
How many guys out there in one league actually named Azad? Yeah I thought it was the same guy. It’s not like the team is named CCB Mike.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
how much do yous think he’ll cost to pry away from Millsy. Also “one of” was a main part yous must of misread it’s ok you’re Uste to dealing with finances not sentences I get it mate.

Did "yous" have ethnicity re-assignment recently? Before you were Indo-Canadian, but now you are... Italian-American?


Active Member
Aug 1, 2019
Dirty Money
Did "yous" have ethnicity re-assignment recently? Before you were Indo-Canadian, but now you are... Italian-American?

Love how “yous” had nothing to say about a financial statement. Weird thought “yous” were good with financials. “Yous” only picked up on my back ground.


New Member
Nov 17, 2019
Dirty Money
we have ANOTHER CCB employee! I mean player {slip of the tongue per say} so we’re counting how many hairs are on the sack now are we mate. Well well. Join men’s league yous play with men. Next time maybes yous will register as a U21 team then and not have your best players be the ones who are 20+. Stop with this non sense and just play. Yous don’t see coastal or PMO on here saying how theys got this guy whos 30 years old being able to run circles around 18 year olds. Just play footy mate.

Mbappe is 20, when he was 18 no one was saying he needs to do this and this to be better then them. He was already better then them. Sid from Coastal is one of the best players in the league. Possibly the province and he’s 19.
I was just telling you... I wasn’t praising them for it
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