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Premier [FVSL Premier] - Results & Banter - Nov. 04'

Who will hand Langley their first loss of the season?

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New Member
Sep 22, 2004
Dirty Money
Weather forcast from the Wack:They are keeping the fields closed until at least Thursday...the forecast is to dry up Thurs. then rain a bit on Friday...then Sun for the rest of the weekend. The fields usually dry up over a few dry days so the game should be on...as for the "turf" fields..I know that they are looking at getting one for Chwk in the next 1 - 2 years.
In the meantime, if the game is cancelled or we can't find a field somewhere, I guess the ski season has started - so head to the hills!.. not a bad substitute!


New Member
Oct 8, 2002
Dirty Money
First off, the nationality of a referee should not be a factor in your piss-taking. Does it really matter if the referee is from here, States, Asia or England? Does it matter if the referee has minimal comprehension of the english language?

Soccer is a universal sport. As an example, you have a referee from Italy and officiates an international friendly match between Russia and Canada. The Italian referee does not speak a word of english, french or russian. And the players on both teams do not speak italian. Will there be communication problems in that match? Will FIFA put a referee that can speak russian, french AND english in that match just so the players on both teams can "ask questions" about the calls? :rolleyes:

An offside in the Fraser Valley is an offside in Italy. A yellow card in the Fraser Valley is a yellow card in China. A red card in the Fraser Valley is a red card in the USA. Soccer in all countries at all levels are played in accordance to the FIFA Laws.

A referee does his/her talking with a whistle. No where in the FIFA Laws does it require a referee to explain his/her call verbally. Everytime a referee makes a call, there will always be a team that disagrees with the call. Referees are human, we make mistakes. When a referee makes a mistake, he/she is on their own. But if a player makes a mistake, that player has 10 others on the field to cover his/her ass.

This is local AMATEUR soccer for god sake.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2003
Dirty Money
It should only matter if a referee has minimal comprehension of the english language if he has been taught to be a ref in english.


New Member
Dec 24, 2001
Dirty Money
Hey Referee, shyte is shyte in every country, and i'm pretty sure it stinks all over the globe aswell. Every player who's been around the Valley long enuff knows this "wing" is someones pet project. Sad thing is, he is a class one ref, and a instructor aswell.
I'm not gonna take anything away from Deltas win, because they wanted it more than we did period.
When a player on my team does something stupid on the field, or has a reputation for dirty tactics, I don't defend him, i'll admitt he can be a nasty piece of work, or that the tackle was reckless. For example Aves is a moany twat, Studs up is an angry twat, Guiness is a poser ;) Skip is a diplomatic ass licker, Sage is brown enuff said, Red Dragon was a virgin till a few months ago, Lions a stud, Knees United is the ugliest naked man i've ever seen, but i can't stop looking, Hibee is just plain cheap.It is called credibility mate, and as far as i'm concerned, (there has been alot off referees posting as of late, you guys opened the door) you just don't have any. :eek:


New Member
Oct 5, 2001
Dirty Money
MILLSY said:
Are you fcuking kidding train if your going to spout like that use your real name.This time I'm pretty sure your wrong.

Apparently I need to re-evaluate the way I play the game, it seems I'm known around the league as the "two-footed" goalie :confused: Funny how in my last season of premier, before masters, this nasty unrespectable style play has come to light. I thought for sure someone might have mentioned it before :rolleyes:, talk about having the wool pulled over my eyes.

I have an idea next time your on a breakaway, train, I'll just run out and punch you right in the chops then there won't be any confusion over my style of play. :(

The worst part of all is I'm on this fukcing website trying to defend myself to some chumps who are pissed at losing to 10 men on Sunday.

So you wanted to know, I am the other fat guy that plays up front for the Storm... so you'll probably get your wish.

Well it is nice to hear that you might think of re-evaluting your play. Cause definitely at the very least get that top foot down, and not at knee height. It makes it that much more difficult to get out of the way, and breaks that much more legs.

And to clarify, its not the loss on Sunday, it's the broken leg you gave my friend and teammate, and what you did to his ability to provide for his four boys and his wife that pissed me off. And of course the close calls to my teammates of having the same issue in two of the six games that I have played against you.


New Member
Nov 2, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: Studs up

Thanks Guiness for your caring remarks. I'm sure that you have changed many fellow players thoughts of me and my "hacking, wacking, slashing not overley skilled style of play. Sorry you feel this way. Should get to know me better?



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
and what you did to his ability to provide for his four boys and his wife that pissed me off
What, did he lose his job and is now living under a bridge? Fcuk me, get a grip :rolleyes:



Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money
Uh Oh Guiness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me thinks Eddie is going to give you a good old fashion Wacking the next time you two meet!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

Yeah, i used to know Guiness, he was a good guy way back then.

(Psssssss, J C, I think you might of pissed off Eddie from Chilliwack. Good luck and R I P brother. You just awoke a sleeping giant......Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!)


New Member
Sep 14, 2001
Dirty Money
Train said:
it's the broken leg you gave my friend and teammate, and what you did to his ability to provide for his four boys and his wife that pissed me off.

What's the problem, my leg is broken and I'm still providing for his wife.

Birds love English Sausage


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Train said:
And to clarify, its not the loss on Sunday, it's the broken leg you gave my friend and teammate, and what you did to his ability to provide for his four boys and his wife that pissed me off. And of course the close calls to my teammates of having the same issue in two of the six games that I have played against you.

Odd that nobody else has been on here to complain about Millsy's "style of play". Maybe it's your style of play that causes him to play that way against you?

Just a thought.

PS: Every weekend I play i go out and hope that when the game is over i can go home and "provide" for my family. But i know that there's always a risk of injury every Sunday. It's part of playing the game of soccer.

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Oh this Millsy thing is just stupid....the Whalley boys should get over it.....everyone except them agrees that if you are stupid enough to go at The Big Show then you have to bear the consequences. :p :D You know for 7 ft tall 550 lb giant he can still move....but he got no brakes.

Come on, Millsy posted on here that he didn't go in with intent and from the sounds of it neither party was innocent, both went in hard and with some studs showing....so let it RIP.


New Member
Oct 14, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: Studs up

Guinness said:
A couple of names mentioned in earlier posts bring back memories of what I would consider "dirty players"... Eddie (Chilli) and Mario (Whalley) are two guys I consider to be whackers and not overly skilled... Both are effective if allowed to get away with elbows and rugby tackles, but both also cost their teams by their hot temper and stupid tackes...

Just a note: Eddie is not a "dirty" player. On the field, he plays hard, and doesn't give an inch or back down to anyone. In his earlier days, he might have been goaded into retaliation type fouls, but which lad in his early 20's isn't prone to that type of foul? Eddie is a fierce competitor, that takes the game seriously, and I've never known him to deliberately try to hurt anyone. That's not to say that people haven't been hurt in their interactions with Eddie but, once again, who hasn't had some injury playing soccer? I've seen Cam Willmets lay a guy completely out on the field, literally and CLEANLY, with the end result being that the guy left sprawled on the field probably had injuries that lasted for some time afterwards, and Cam certainly does not have a reputation as being "dirty".

Off the field, Eddie is a stellar human being: He's a good friend to his pals, and I'm certain that he's a good Dad to his kids (much like this "Mario" of whom you all speak).

Just because guys can't tackle Eddie and get hurt trying, doesn't mean that Eddie's a "dirty" player.

Just thought I'de make that point.


New Member
Sep 22, 2004
Dirty Money
Rivermouth, I agree. Ed tackles hard but it is usually a clean hit...I would rather get tackled by him than slid from behind cleats up, like I have had in the past. Keep your heads up!


Sep 16, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: Studs up

Rivermouth said:
Cam certainly does not have a reputation as being "dirty".

I dont know about that, I know he is known to be easily one of the better players in the league. However, I have also seen him on a few occasions to take out a play with no intent on getting the ball.

Red Dragon

New Member
Oct 23, 2002
Dirty Money
JBergen said:
Rivermouth, I agree. Ed tackles hard but it is usually a clean hit...I would rather get tackled by him than slid from behind cleats up, like I have had in the past. Keep your heads up!

You are dumb...

I've been booted by Eddie and it hurts. I wouldn't want to be tackled by him ever. His tackles can hurt way more than cleats from behind...that said...I think he brings more to the table than people are willing to give him credit for. I've played with the likes of Hearns, the Donalds,whataboutbob and a guy that yells "ripper", and the hardest hit I think I've ever seen was Eddie in a summer match(sorry Eddie...I'm dating us a few years) . Anyways, he and a another guy went in for a 50/50 ball standing up. Clean tackle all the way. Eddie was left standing and the other guy was woozy and had to be subbed off. No injury, other than possibly a mild concussion...still able to provide for his mrs. and her friends probably.

Wouldn't want to piss him off....If you know what I mean GUINNESS :D


New Member
Sep 14, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Studs up

Rivermouth said:
Just a note:

Just because guys can't tackle Eddie and get hurt trying, doesn't mean that Eddie's a "dirty" player.

Just thought I'de make that point.

I know, everytime i've tackled eddie I've hurt myself :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Muppet


New Member
Jan 14, 2002
Dirty Money
cainy said:
For example Aves is a moany twat, Studs up is an angry twat, Guiness is a poser ;) Skip is a diplomatic ass licker, Sage is brown enuff said, Red Dragon was a virgin till a few months ago, Lions a stud, Knees United is the ugliest naked man i've ever seen, but i can't stop looking, Hibee is just plain cheap.It is called credibility mate

you forgot to mention that you're small, you're red and you suck :D Just thought I'd say it before Superfoxes does!!

Where are ya Ronaldinho :eek:

Knees United

Aug 27, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: Studs up

Guinness said:
I have went into tackles showing studs on numerous occasions...
you run the risk of not going to work on Monday...
I'm not a particularily hardman unless the games calls for it....

0-3 on these comments Guinness.

I'II give you " showing studs on one occasion" and thats to the ref prior to kickoff.

"Risk of not going to work on Monday"....congrats on the new job, unless you're talking about walking down to your local E.I. office.

And the third quote.....come on....really...."hardman"???
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