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Gain Muscle / Lose Weight Process


Active Member
Jan 25, 2019
Dirty Money
I dropped from 190 to 155 after an appendectomy. Sadly that MSP covered procedure can be done only once and I wasted my chance at being skinny. - if you still have your appendix you can perhaps take advantage.


Active Member
Oct 20, 2009
Dirty Money
What I found that works for me was cutting out booze, sugar and carbs.

I would also add 3 main exercise to your routine. Squats, deadlift and bench press and the reason why is those 3 exercises boost your natural testosterone especially if you do heavy sets. Diet is one of the biggest components to loosing weight you can have the best work out routine but if your diet isn't good you won't see any results. What worked for me is eating 2000 calories with 0 carbs and high protein intake and I would have cheat days on Saturday and Sunday and would load up on carbs on those days 2 days. The reason why is because I found out that if I dont have any carbs at all then my work outs usually suck and I'll have no energy and no pump during work out so therfore I would load up on carbs during the weekend. I have tried fasting during morning and afternoon and only eat in the evening but I found that was very difficult for me, it made me super grumpy and unmotivated.

Keep in mind that everyone is different and if something worked out for me does not necessarily mean that it would work for you. Just keep adjusting and playing around with your diet until you see results.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
Okay, my 2 cents worth . . .

If your goal is to shed some pounds and fast, the no carb thing/Keto will achieve this always. However, it isn't sustainable and lacks balance. I don't believe in cheat days as you are then on a roller coaster that your system doesn't understand.

If your goal is to shed weight, be healthy for the long run, then it is really about diet change and habit modifications, but the real secret is listening to your body. It always talks to you, but we are notoriously bad at listening.

Example - I have loved dairy in every form all of my life - gluten too, but for this story, let's just talk about dairy. Growing up, I was always the snottiest, fartiest kid in school and all my teams. I would blow a gallon of snot out during a soccer/hockey game. In baseball, I could hang a loogey down 4 diamonds of the wired fence (more than any other kid). Literally every day of my life I consumed a huge amount of dairy. I did notice that after going to Moderne Burger, eating the cheeseburger, fries, chocolate ice cream milkshake that my sinuses would be even more stuffed up than usual, and my stomach was bloated. Though it tasted wonderful, I honestly felt like shyt afterwords. Then, one day after my wife had a lot of health related issues, her ND put her on an elimination diet (knocking out pretty much everything that people have issues with). Since I do the cooking, I joined her which left us eating organic meat, most vegetables and some fruit, certainly avoiding anything that was high in sugars. Within 10 days, Mrs. Freddy says, "We've been sleeping in the same bed for over a decade and you have snored like a train going up a steep hill every night. You haven't been snoring these last 2 nights". Also, I could breathe through my left nostril which is something I hadn't done since I was a small kid. And, I had been very allergic to cut grass, cats, cigarette smoke and most every perfume. Those allergies all went away in about 1-2 months.

I also gave up gluten - a tough one, but I have learned how to still enjoy life without it. And, I went from 180 down to 150 pretty quickly. What I could never figure out was on a long weekend away with my friends, we would drink a ton of beer Friday, Saturday and then on Sunday, the guys would crack open a beer. I wouldn't really feel like having one, but I would anyway. Immediately, I would get super bloated, as though I had consumed 8+ beers (without the buzz). Turns out, that is your gut screaming at you.

A lot of things that aren't good for us, taste great, but then leave us feeling worse off, but we mostly remember the tastes great part.

It's been more than 5 years on this way of eating, and I have kept the weight off, I can breathe normally.

One last suggestion for dropping weight is to eat a lot of small portions, keeping your metabolism rocking vs. peaks and valleys. Your body stores fat when it doesn't receive nutrition on a frequent schedule. The key to that is prepping things you can munch on ahead of time in volume.

I could write a lot more, but there you have it.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

Slowly progressing, down to 196 range and body recomposition in full effect. Awesome.

Joe Manganiello Bed GIF


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Can't argue with abs like that :)

Current strength training routine (M|W|F):

Bench DB Press 4 sets REPS 6,6,10,10 @ 38LBs
DB Row 4 sets REPS 7,7,10,10 @ 38LBs
ALT DB Curls 2 sets REPS 10,10 @ 33LBs
DB Shrugs 3 sets REPS 8,8,8 @ 38LBs
SEATED OVERHEAD DB Press 4 sets REPS 8,8,12,12 @ 33LBs

6 weeks ago was working with 23LBs

Slowed down a bit on the cardio portion. Still daily but only average 25 minutes on strength days (fast walk / hike pace) and longer sessions at faster paces 3 other days.

Sundays reserved for Our Lord.

I Will Survive Jesus GIF by hoppip


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Can't argue with abs like that :)

Current strength training routine (M|W|F):

Bench DB Press 4 sets REPS 6,6,10,10 @ 38LBs
DB Row 4 sets REPS 7,7,10,10 @ 38LBs
ALT DB Curls 2 sets REPS 10,10 @ 33LBs
DB Shrugs 3 sets REPS 8,8,8 @ 38LBs
SEATED OVERHEAD DB Press 4 sets REPS 8,8,12,12 @ 33LBs

6 weeks ago was working with 23LBs

Slowed down a bit on the cardio portion. Still daily but only average 25 minutes on strength days (fast walk / hike pace) and longer sessions at faster paces 3 other days.

Sundays reserved for Our Lord.

I Will Survive Jesus GIF by hoppip

Getting legit skinny now. Closing in on 40 lbs lost?

Curious, besides obvious health and fitness recapture, what's the end game here? Planning a midlife crisis and just getting yourself ready? Or, something less complicated, like an event?


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
That’s impressive @Regs. Almost there!!

Are you supplementing with anything? Or just Au Natural? Fat burner etc?


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Honestly probably the stress of selling our house that has caused the biggest change over the last 2 weeks or so :)

Stopped protein shakes, weight lifting and running about 2 weeks ago... just doing hiking programs on the tread for about 25 minutes 2-3 times a week :eek: And eating lots of crap as order in / quick burger runs during this time too. Go figure? Must be a shock to the body and it's confused :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
They actually say that after a long period of dieting that your body leptin levels drop and fat burn slows right down.

Eating bad for a bit increases the leptin level again and fires up the fat burining process again.

Think about it like a taking a break from overtraining soccer then coming back fresh.

Just dont do it for too long!!!

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