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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Rumors / In The FVSL

You have to love guys who go through life shirking responsibility and refusing to look in the mirror. Not exactly great character traits for success in any sport, field, career, or relationship.

People who blame coaches for their lack of success are losers, full stop.


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: Rumors / In The FVSL

Dude said:
You have to love guys who go through life shirking responsibility and refusing to look in the mirror. Not exactly great character traits for success in any sport, field, career, or relationship.

People who blame coaches for their lack of success are losers, full stop.

oh shut the fukc up.
i've never blamed a teammate, ever, a teammate single handely cant be blamed for a teams failure.
coaches on the other hand are the opposite.
one again, all you fukcing idiots listen up, a coach can make or break ateam.
choose next years coach wisely.
if he walks around like a bitch with a smile and a pink water bottle,,,, this is usually a bad sign.
if he runs aboot camp,,,, better.


Jul 18, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: Rumors / In The FVSL

Why is everyone so focused on the Knights playing premier? Its not going to be the Knights, it’s hopefully going to be a totally different team! As I see it only 5 Knights could play premier & be successful, maybe 5, the rest I’m sure would play Cat or Div 1 again! The guys who are playing prem right now are playing at that level for a reason & I’m sure most will continue playing at that level with the Knights filling the void.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Rumors / In The FVSL


Those who point the finger to a coach to explain a lack of success are either:

a) Losers
b) Cowards
c) Both

Have a nice day.


New Member
Sep 22, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: Rumors / In The FVSL

Really the biggest job that next years coach is going to have is selecting the First Team! The politics within the club next year will be Fcuking rediculous!


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: Rumors / In The FVSL

Jock said:
Why is everyone so focused on the Knights playing premier? Its not going to be the Knights, it’s hopefully going to be a totally different team! As I see it only 5 Knights could play premier & be successful, maybe 5, the rest I’m sure would play Cat or Div 1 again! The guys who are playing prem right now are playing at that level for a reason & I’m sure most will continue playing at that level with the Knights filling the void.

I think that jock is spot on, this aint going to be a team overhaul and if it is thats just a joke. As long as we can get a team picked and get some practices and a month of exhibitions at least a month, we should be alright. Hopefully we will actually have functional practices this year thou, for last years practicing was sub-par.

Get On With It

New Member
Sep 20, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: Rumors / In The FVSL

You guys have lost your focus here on what good may come of soccer in the Ridge next year. Your egos about who won what and when, is a joke.

Last year GEU Ultra and the Black Knights had great years in their respective divisions than had mediocre or at best not bad seasons this year. Many things come into play each year to have a team successful. Peach Arch crapped the bed last year and used that as motivation to pull their sucks up and get what needed to be done on the field this year. Bottom line who cares what you’ve done in the past it's what you are doing now that counts.

GEU needs a change for many reasons.

1) Some very good players playing well below their level and would continue to do so with Al at the helm. I am sorry but good players want to play not watch older guys who use to be good play when they should sit.
2) Some very good veterans who have earned the right to play Premier play more time than they really should. If you are killing your team than any coach with some gonads would put you where you belong, on the bench.
3) The cat system was/is not being utilized to its fullest potential. Players constantly working hard in games AND practices should see a reward at the end of the tunnel not a wall that they can't get over no matter what.
4) Practices are almost non-existent from what you guys write on this site. Good teams show up at the park on game day and do what they can. Great teams put in the work away from game day. How do you expect to get better if you don't train on the things that kill you week after week?
5) A little more competition would do wonders for getting those lazy but skilled players to earn the right to be on the park. The way you train is the way you play.

Coaching is going to be your biggest hurdle. Egos must be checked at the door. What you brought to the table last year means nothing, what do you have now and are you willing to give it all year. You need someone who has the confidence to tell anyone to shut it and this is the way it is going to go. You also need your players to buy in from the start of tryouts. Back room talks will only kill this program quicker than it started. Agree on what you want to achieve and what you are willing to give up achieving it. You also need a coach who is willing to be professional, dedicated and most importantly willing to work away from the field to improve their coaching abilities. Simply playing the game in the past doesn't mean you can coach a team. Have the players find someone who is willing to learn the art of coaching than support him by bucking up for some of his costs for courses and equipment. If you have the proper gear you can train anywhere. You also need to get your club on board with your program. Talk to them about your needs and offer solutions not problems. Nobody wants to hear someone else's problems but everybody likes to work on solutions.

Personally I coach youth because I am supported by my club they provide funding for my education, they help with equipment needs and most importantly the players are willing to learn. Anybody who thinks they are too old to learn might as well leave the game. There isn't anybody playing in the world that couldn't learn something from someone else.

I know many of the GEU players at all the levels and there is a lot of talent in the Ridge. The minute you guys sit down and agree on a long term plan the quicker you will become a power house club. Take a look at what Cam has done this year in Chilliwack.

Good luck boys!


New Member
Dec 13, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: Rumors / In The FVSL

i think mixing the knight and ultra is a bad idea. ultra WAS a great team but over the last couple of seasons have slowly dropped down in the standings. could be coaching habits, could be players just getting older and slower. Either way they are dieing for a change. They see a black knights team that have started at the bottom and over the past few years have grown into a good team. Good enough for preimer? maybe not next year, but with solid coaching, and a starting keeper day in and day out (Sam1). knights will be ready for preimer. the knights have been together for three, four years now with little change. i think the knights have good chemistry. and to split that up and start all over because the ultra are deing and looking for a jumpstart. I think the the knights should stay together focus on next year in div 1 and rollercoaster into priemer the following year as planned for years.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: Rumors / In The FVSL


I dont know why all the talk in this forum is so negative. We are digging ourselves a bigger hole before weve even started. Everyone has agreed that changes have to be made in GEU, and im sure everyones goal is to have the best players be playing premier. We cant go into next year saying, "Im an Ultra", or "Im a black knight"....if we want to be a successful club next year we have to be on the same page.

I think before anythin happens there should be a meeting for anyone that wants to be involved with the premier team next season, there like 'get on with it' said we have to go over what the premier teams short and long term goals are.

If somehow we can get the best 6 defenders, the best 6 midfielders, the best 4 fowards and the best 2 goalies that GEU has to offer on the same page, I really dont see us losing too many games.

I think we should get started sooner than later!!


New Member
Dec 13, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: Rumors / In The FVSL

If changing things is inevedable they better get on it. or else its just going to be a joke. Way to have faith in your team suckit I mean Outkast.


New Member
Mar 17, 2005
Dirty Money
Re: Rumors / In The FVSL

there has got to be a lot of talking going on in the back ground and sorting stuff out im sure it will all play out soon and we will all find out what the hell is going to happen i agree with most of what has been said in the last couple of threads especially mixing the two teams or is it three into two i cant see the bk's just going in block i think some ultra , cat and bk's are going to be dissapointed when they dont get selected


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: Rumors / In The FVSL

I think that could be the biggest problem if players who make the team from the knights are unhappy about some guys that don't make it their could be a problem. this will be the same for the Ultra players. If they start out the season poorly I think their will be alot of fingers pointed and probably a total meltdown. Although on the other hand they could form a pretty awesome team but it will definitly take a few years too gel. I think in the end the knights may be better off sticking together because they are getting better every year and in 2 or 3 years with a few pick ups (maybe ultra players, youth etc.) they could be premier quality. if their is this much controversy already i can't see too much good coming out of it.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: Rumors / In The FVSL

defence said:
If changing things is inevedable they better get on it. or else its just going to be a joke. Way to have faith in your team suckit I mean Outkast.

Its not that i dont have faith in our team. I just think the "premier" team should be the best players in our club. Enough of all this our team is doing it our way. I just think there is way to much bickering thoughout GEU as a hole.

Defence, you know just as well as i do....the black knights dont take it serious enough to be a premier team, at least this year we didnt. A lot of us had different thoughts in why we were playing and what we were playing for. Im looking forward to 16 guys on the same page, whether that be in div.1, cat or premier.


New Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: Rumors / In The FVSL

I'm not even sure why I continue checking out the latest drivel in this thread. :confused:

If you lot are going to continue with this silly pissing match, how'bout some of you become Premium Members, and get yourself avatars. That way, at least viewing pictures could be a reason for the rest of us to check you out........




Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Rumors / In The FVSL

suckit said:
you may be right but once again good coaching is the key.
so NO, im not in for a bigger surprise than i think.
i'll know when the coach is selected.
and if anyone disagrees that the coach isn't the determinating factor between a good and bad team then its unfortunate that you've learnt nothing in all your years of playing sports.

I'm guessing you'll find very few people who agree with you, if any.
So it doesn't matter how good or bad a team plays, it's always the coaches fault?

So i'm guessing the BK's layed into thier coach after their 4 losses.

Dont' think the coach knows what he's in for when playes won't be taking any responsiblity for their own performance.



New Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Talk all you want about how Lucy and his mates will join with the Old Ultra boys to form the next Provincial Champions...... :D




Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
TheRob recieved some inside info about who was coaching the new GEU Super Team, and to be honest, I can't believe it, but considering the alternative..... I see a few of the older guys not wanting to play for these induviduals. In the end it will be the Knights who form the majority of the team and I predict they will be in Div. 1 the year after next. Unless they convince some key guys to stay. Nate, Chris, Hampton. Do not underestimate what H-Dog means to the centre of the park for GEU. He's the glue that holds that team together. Get some of these guys and you will be alright. It may be a tough task though, and I'm not sure I see it happening.

I wonder what the new GEU Div. 1 team will look like with the old Prem. coach coaching it.


New Member
May 21, 2003
Dirty Money
Seeing as there will most likely be some issues between the existing Ultra players and the new coaching staff, I would like to extend an invitation to those who are right pissed about this, to come out to the DFC tryouts for next year. I can guarantee no politics within our club! We are looking for some new faces to add to the mix next year and help the lot of youth players coming in to our program. Pm myself or Rex for details! :D

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