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Nov 21, 2002
Dirty Money
Jock said:
Simmer the fukc down; not one Knight player is under the impression that the prem team is now the Knights team. Its people like you that are going to make this transitions shti. Just shut up and let who ever coaches actually coach for once!

Let who ever coaches do the coaching? You mean let your coach do the coaching.

You know what "jock" thanks for biting and getting all riled up but just put yourselves in our shoes. As far as myself and the rest of the premier guys are concerned our "team" is done an idea that doesn't sit well with most of us. We really enjoy playing and hanging together as a team, a comment I've often heard said of the BK's, so who wouldn't be annoyed. Especially when it seems as the players on the premier team we have no say in what's happening.

I can picture the dressing room now with the Bk's showing up in there kit so they don't have to undress in front of the hairy "old guys". After the games they rush off home to put some dippety-do in their hair and beat the line up at Tommy's.

I hope this thing all turns out for the best otherwise it will be a long/short season next year, that's if I make the team.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
MILLSY said:
Let who ever coaches do the coaching? You mean let your coach do the coaching.

You know what "jock" thanks for biting and getting all riled up but just put yourselves in our shoes. As far as myself and the rest of the premier guys are concerned our "team" is done an idea that doesn't sit well with most of us. We really enjoy playing and hanging together as a team, a comment I've often heard said of the BK's, so who wouldn't be annoyed. Especially when it seems as the players on the premier team we have no say in what's happening.

I can picture the dressing room now with the Bk's showing up in there kit so they don't have to undress in front of the hairy "old guys". After the games they rush off home to put some dippety-do in their hair and beat the line up at Tommy's.

I hope this thing all turns out for the best otherwise it will be a long/short season next year, that's if I make the team.

I could be wrong but wasn't it you guys that drove Alan to leave :confused: saying you guys couldn't play his system.

It seems to me that the only crew whining on here is the premier sqaud....Pavel plays no favorites and only the best team will be picked....and yes there are guys better on the Knights then on the Premier team.....so I don't think everyone in the end will have friends sticking together.


New Member
Mar 22, 2005
Dirty Money
"Let who ever coaches do the coaching? You mean let your coach do the coaching"
well you guys wouldnt let your coach , coach , wasnt that half the prob

"Especially when it seems as the players on the premier team we have no say in what's happening"
sounds like the tail wants to wag the dog

"I can picture the dressing room now with the Bk's showing up in there kit so they don't have to undress in front of the hairy "old guys". After the games they rush off home to put some dippety-do in their hair and beat the line up at Tommy's."
nice to know the mature players have an open mind and are going to extend a warm welcome to the young guys

."I hope this thing all turns out for the best otherwise it will be a long/short season next year, that's if I make the team."
if you mean this then stop firing bullets and show the young guys what it takes to be a good prem player as YOU have been for many years

nobody expects this transition to gel as easy as dipperty-do we all know it will take time
as has been said a few times on here PAV holds no favours he will put what he thinks is the best 11 players on the pitch without a question as to who they played for in 04/05 season


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
The Franchise,
We DID NOT drive Al to leave. He left on his own. We never asked him to leave and we gave our full effort every game for him even when we didn't agree with who was playing when and where. We let him do what he wanted to do, as you should with a coach.
It was however the BK's players who said no to Al every year that he asked them to come and play premier Don't try to pass it off they you were willing to play for him and we aren't. The reason none of the BK's play premier is because of Al.
At least we played his system for the past however many years and gave it a chance. The BK's wouldn't even give it a go, for 1 whole season.

Let's not forget Al coached this team to a League Title last year. We haven't forgotten that.

That was not the problem. Al made all decisions on lineups etc. The problem was that he wasn't always putting the best lineup out there. He was however afraid to pull players off when they should be pulled, or sit guys when it would be more beneficial to play someone else instead.
We have extended a welcome every year i believe, and the BK's who were asked said no, they wanted to stay with their own team and earn thier premier spot.

The common assumption here is that we never listened to Al and told him what to do. We did not. There were definately disagreeances on his decisions, and we did on occasions offer suggestions, but we never overruled Al and said, no.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
I hope the two teams can merge successfully, no matter who the coach is. I know my time is done with the premier squad if this happens.
I was just one of the few guys who was willing to play the "CAT" part and dress just in case as every year we strugled for subs and this is where i hope things change. Hopefully CAT players will be willing to step up this year


New Member
Mar 22, 2005
Dirty Money

:The common assumption here is that we never listened to Al and told him what to do. We did not. There were definately disagreeances on his decisions, and we did on occasions offer suggestions, but we never overruled Al and said, no."[/QUOTE]

i was at a game this year at the albion when alan told a player to get changed he was going on at half time
players shouted alan down in front of other players and spectators and the player never went on til about 10 min from the end that IS the tail wagging the dog

i shouldnt comment on who would and who wouldnt play up / down because i dont have all the facts i just know it got to be a mess and in the end both sides where as bad as each other maybe now is a good time to put things right and all work together and yoda dont put yourself down theirs still a bit of milage in those legs yet

how the hell do you get the quote to work


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
What were they saying?

I was at pretty much every game this year and don't recall that situation "unless it was me and i was warming up and missed the conversation".

You were obviously closer to the huddle than i was.

PS: Look for that blue Quote button at the bottom of this post.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
The writing is on the wall Millsy. I wouldn't take that crap if I were you.

In fact I know a number of quality teams that would jump at the chance to sign a keeper of your ability. You could practically take your pick.



New Member
Mar 22, 2005
Dirty Money
Yoda said:
What were they saying?

I was at pretty much every game this year and don't recall that situation "unless it was me and i was warming up and missed the conversation".

You were obviously closer to the huddle than i was.

PS: Look for that blue Quote button at the bottom of this post.

this is not the place to name names but it was a young guy playing up from cat and certain players diddnt want him on the pitch
maybe he was one who when asked next time said no thanks

i know of a couple of similar situations but i also know when asked some people have said will i be playing 90 min then no thanks
thats what i meant by both sides ended up as bad as each other

we need to go into this with a good attitude i can think of about 6 guys and i include millsey in this with their class and experience and the right attitude they would be worth a million $$$$ to this club and help set it up for the next 10 years or we could all fight and bitch with each other and let it go to rat sh1t then all the other clubs can say told you so

when players reach a certain age they know they dont have long left at this level 1 maybe 2 years what the ultra have achieved over the last 5 years is a good platform to build from, 1st last year and only 2 wins off the prov's this year,33 pts puts them level and they beat whack head to head
would it not be good for the experienced guys to help build a strong future for the club and show these young gun's what it takes to be a winner at this level
im excited about next year its an awsome opportunity for geu prem what ever name it get's i just hope every one calms down and can pull in the same direction

ok so how do i quote 1 line only instaed of the whole post


Sep 17, 2004
Dirty Money
MILLSY said:
If all you black knights cnuts think we're going to just roll over and let you take over the Premier spot you fcuking mistaken! It's our team, at last I checked we had plenty of players actually to field quite a decent squad. Our real problem this year was injuries myself included. If such a "coup" happens all you will end up with is the BK's playing Premier with no help from the "old guys" and finding yourselves back in Div. 1 next year.

wow :eek: nice attitude...


New Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
esstee said:
ok so how do i quote 1 line only instaed of the whole post

That information was given in the PM I sent you on how to quote. You do know how to get your PMs, don't you? :D


Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
i just think the older guys cant take the fact of there spot being taken by some young guy with more talent.if the two teams work together and try to do the best thing for geu next year will be a good one. i dont understand why the prem team is getting mad i thought you were leaders and teachers to younger players not winers about spitting your team up. its not supost to be about us it's about geu and whats best for it and if thats means splitting up both teams then so be it.


New Member
Jun 3, 2003
Dirty Money
clubbin said:
i just think the older guys cant take the fact .
GEU will be good with the help of some vets and the knights, you included Millsy (aka... leg manglor...SP?). I hope your lot gets it straight, could be a team to deal with in the near future!


Jul 18, 2003
Dirty Money
As far as Al goes yes I said no to him in the past & for good reason, he wasn’t interested in giving me a chance so I moved on! Nobody doubts the current prem player’s ability to compete, as I’ve said they’re playing premier for a reason. With Pav taking over it gives the team a chance to rebuild for the long term future & don’t kid your self the team should be made up with the majority of current prem player! If you think your team is the only team with players unhappy about the merge then you’re crazy, I know a few Knights might not be happy with the out come of tryouts. I get on well with the prem lads & look forward to winning with them…..


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
clubbin said:
i just think the older guys cant take the fact of there spot being taken by some young guy with more talent.

The guys posting on here about it I don't think have to worry about losing their spots, except me of course, and you're right, I can't take it you bunch of bastards!!! Stay away!!! It's OK, i highly doubt there's anyone who can suit up and look as good as me on the sidelines anyways so i'm not that worried.


Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
two years i tryout for al, but never got on the team. i asked him what the deal was after the second year, because i was capable of being on the team he said "i never really look at you" so that was it for me. he asked me this year but i said no, he never gave me respect so i could never play for him.

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